"I'm going to drown myself in a kiddie pool."
ELENA avoided Eden for a day or two after that, having short conversations with her aunt.
She couldn't believe Eden.
But Eden didn't need to explain herself. She'd lost enough friends to witches and wizards who believed they knew better, she wasn't losing another.
Instead, she spent the majority of her time with Ric and Damon. Not that she minded. Elena was her niece, of course she loved her, but she didn't have to be her friend.
Eden spent the rest of her time with Jenna or Jeremy, or talking to Harry on the phone.
She missed him.
She hoped he'd visit soon.
"Thanks for coming Ric," Damon greeted her sister's boyfriend and he entered the Boarding House.
Eden was propped on a sofa with a drink in her hands, nursing it patiently as the pair chatted. Stefan glanced at her every once in awhile, but said nothing.
She got the feeling he didn't like her.
She couldn't find it in herself to care.
"Elena mentioned you needed my help?" Ric asked, smiling at Eden. "Hey, Eden, I didn't see you. How's your day going?"
"I've been with Damon all day, what do you think?"
"Oh, how you wound me," Damon said sarcastically. "I'm so hurt I could simply die."
"A girl can dream," Eden smirked over at him. "How're you Ric?"
"I'm good," he smiled kindly at her. "Hey, did you—"
"—and this conversation is already boring me, let's get back to the good stuff," Damon rolled his eyes. "Talk. Now."
"He means to say," Stefan glanced at his brother, shaking his head. "That he hopes you can shed some light on the Lockwood family."
"Yes, exactly."
"So close, Damon," Eden took a sip of her bourbon. "So close and yet, so far off base."
"Why would I know anything about the Lockwoods?"
"Well, you wouldn't," Damon's eyes widened and his signature smirk crossed his expression. "But your dead not-dead vampire wife might."
"You should really file for divorce," Eden suggested. "I'll tell Jenna at some point. I can't control my drunk self."
"It's true," Stefan remarked with wide eyes. "If a ten minute conversation in excruciating detail about her first kiss is something to go by, you should probably tell Jenna."
Alaric shook his head. "Not yet." He made eye contact with Eden, who face him a warning glance. "Soon, I promise."
"I don't take promises lightly, Ric."
"I swear."
"Ric," Elena spoke up from next to Stefan. "Isobel's research from Duke, it could help. And no one is telling Jenna anything."
Eden raised an eyebrow, ready to argue, but Stefan — sensing an argument between the two — cut her off.
"You said that she had spent years researching this town."
"Isobel's research here in Mystic Falls rooted in folklores and legends but at the time I thought much of which was fiction."
"Like that amazing vampire story," Damon snarked.
"Tell us again how fictional that is, Ric?" Eden raised an eyebrow.
"Aside from vampires," Elena rolled her eyes. "What else?"
"The lycanthrope," Alaric answered simply.
"Wait," Elena looked at Alaric with wide eyes. "Like werewolves?"
"That's what a lycanthrope is," Eden said firmly, rolling her eyes at her niece.
"No way," Damon shook his head. "Impossible. Way too Lon Chaney."
"Didn't you know a werewolf?" Stefan asked Eden. "That's what you said."
"Yep," she nodded. "And when this all comes to light that I'm right, I'm expecting a round of applause."
"I've been on this planet one hundred and sixty some odd years, never came across one. If werewolves exist, where the hell are they?"
Eden rolled her eyes. "You didn't know I existed until five minutes ago, Damon, be realistic. They're all over. They get ostracized by pretty much every community, so they hide away and pretend they don't exist. But they do. Remus was one of my closest friends. He was bitten by a wolf, who was honestly the worst guy ever, except maybe..." she trailed off, flashes of Dolohov crossing her mind.
"Point is, he used to run with werewolves when he was undercover on missions. There are tons of packs in Europe, I'm sure there are some here who strategically blend in except once a month. I don't know how MACUSA's guidelines are, in Europe you have to make it known you're a werewolf, but that may not be the case here. Stop thinking the world revolves around you, Damon."
Her lengthy rant left them all with wide eyes.
"Love you though," she added with a wink in her friend's direction.
He nodded, but it was Alaric who regained awareness first.
"Why do you suspect the Lockwoods?"
"Because vervain didn't affect the mayor at Founders' Day but the Gilbert device did and it affected his son Tyler."
"It affected Eden too," Alaric acknowledged. "She's not a werewolf."
"You're right," Damon said slowly, as if talking to a child. "But she's a different kind of witch than the ones that made the device."
"I know that," Alaric snapped. "Are you sure they're not witches?"
Eden snorted. "They don't have a magical bone in their body, I can promise you that. Beside, they'd be wizards, not witches."
"Oh, my bad," Alaric held his hand up in mock surrender. "Sorry for not knowing."
"You're forgiven," Eden smiled up at him cheekily.
"And at the school carnival," Stefan started. "Tyler's uncle Mason exhibited inhuman behavior when he fought with one of the carnival's workers. It suggests some sort of supernatural entity."
"We were hoping that Isobel's research could help us figure it out what it is," Elena said hopefully.
"Well, all her things are still at Duke. I mean her office is still there. She's technically still missing."
"So can we get access to it?" Damon asked.
"You bitches do what you want," Eden downed the rest of her bourbon. "I got plans. Jenna and I are gonna watch Disney sing-alongs all day with Jeremy and make him sing the highest parts."
"Why?" Elena asked with furrowed brows.
"Do you ever...like have fun, Elena?" Eden snarked.
Elena didn't respond but as Eden passed, her she gave her a look. "Don't tell me what to do about my sister. She already knows about me, she'll know about all of this too. It's safer that way."
"No, it isn't—"
"—I really don't want to hear it from the high schooler, thanks for trying, come back when you've graduated."
"Just because I'm—"
"—Oh, I'm sorry, is there a fly in here?" Eden looked around, exchanging and amused look with Damon. "It's just like this buzzing."
"You're so childish," Elena said.
"Buzz, buzz? Buzz, buzz? Weird," Eden shrugged, flicking Elena's forehead. "Love you, niece, see you later!"
She walked past Damon and Alaric, patting them both on the shoulder before heading out of the house altogether.
"Hey, bubs," Eden greeted as she fell back on her and Jenna's shared bed, her phone to her ear. "How's everyone?"
"Ginny's pregnant."
Eden shot up with wide eyes.
"Like, properly, actually, really pregnant. With a child. Like a human being."
"As opposed to a frog."
"I don't know," Harry moaned. "Is that possible?"
"You did not just ask me that."
"Sorry, bon, I just — how can — I know that's not possible, frogs can't come from humans, oh god, oh fucking fuck fuck fuck, Eden!"
Eden's eyes widened in alarm at the drastic change of voice.
"What if dying twice has an effect on the baby? Or my connection to Voldemort? What if it comes out with three heads or, fuck, what if it has no nose?"
"That'd be a blessing, Harry, have you looked in the mirror?"
"I don't want a noseless baby!"
"And I don't want a noseless godchild, but you know, life happens. If you'd learned the birds and the bees a bit sooner...alas, I've failed you dear brother."
"Fuck off, Eden."
It was quiet for a moment.
"My baby will have a nose, right?"
"Of course it will, you idiot. If not, you'll love it regardless. Though I can't say that George and I will refrain from calling it Voldemort just for fun."
"You're a terrible human being."
"Ah, well, what can ya do."
They remained in comfortable silence for a moment. That's how it always was with Harry. Playful banter and comfortable silence. He was her home.
Eden leaned to the phone in her ear when his voice grew serious.
"I'm happy you're there," he said gently. "You seem better. Happier. I missed you."
Eden smiled into the line. "I missed you too. I don't know," she cuddled he teddy bear Damon got her at the carnival. "It's different here. There's vampires and werewolves and it's dramatic, but it's different. It's not all life and death. There's no war. I feel like I can breathe again."
She could hear Harry's smile though the phone.
"Do you — shit, ah, fuck," Harry swore. "I cut my hand on this stupid dull knife."
Eden snorted. "You're an idiot."
"You're an idiot," he mocked her. "Says the clumsiest person I know."
"I'm not clumsy," Eden denied. "I fall with adorably with grace, there's a difference."
"Okay, you flailing duckling."
"Fuck off, Potty, and clean your hand."
"Okay, one sec, I'll be right back."
The line was quiet for a moment before a knock sounded at the door. It was Stefan, who smiled apologetically.
"Hey, I'm taking Bonnie to Caroline's to get a daywalking ring. Did you want to come with?"
Eden blinked. "Think about that question and debate my answer."
"So that's a no?"
"Tell Caroline I'll see her after. Is Jenna still downstairs?"
"Yeah, she said she's ordering you pizza."
"Brilliant," Eden perked up. "Thanks Stefania, laters gaters."
Stefan stood awkwardly before waving once and walking away. Weirdo.
"I'm back," Harry breathed heavily into the other line.
Eden pulled the phone from her ear. "What, did you run a marathon?"
"No, but I had to outrun Ron just now. He's not exactly taking the news well. Thinks Ginny's too young. I haven't even told Bill yet."
Eden laughed loudly. "Good luck, mate, not even Merlin could help you there."
"I hate you."
"Talk tomorrow?"
"'Course, bon."
It was quiet again. Eden thought about ending the call, but he startled her before she could.
"Oh!" Harry exclaimed before she could end the call. "Malfoy said to call him, he's got important business in the States coming up soon and he wanted to plan a meeting with you."
"Oh, I love that little ferret."
"Bye, bon."
"See ya chump."
Eden pressed the end button and breathed out heavily through her mouth.
"I miss those goons," she muttered, standing up and heading downstairs.
"Jenna!" She called as she walked down the steps. "Hey, I need to go apartment hunting soon, any ideas where to look?"
"You're leaving?" Jeremy asked quietly from the living room, still wearing the feathered boa and pink sunglasses she and Jenna had forced him into. "When?"
"I'll still be in town," Eden said hurriedly. "I just can't sleep next to my sister forever. A girl has needs. What if Mason decides I'm unironically the hottest bitch in town?"
Jeremy's face contorted into one of mild disgust. "Tyler's uncle?"
"That's the one."
"Mason's not hot," Jenna entered the room with a shake of her head. "At least, I never thought so."
"Your opinions irrelevant," Eden objected. "He's your Harry, you'll never find him attractive."
Jenna considered her words for a moment. "Fair enough."
Jeremy sat on the couch again, looking up at Eden, pink glasses in his hand. "You're still gonna...come over and stuff, right?"
Eden nodded, heart breaking for Jeremy. It hadn't occurred to her how desperately he needed normalcy.
Elena's entire world was wrapped up in the supernatural and Jenna, despite not knowing it, was wrapped up in it too.
And Eden, with her dark past and affliction for dark magic, was trying to keep her life somewhat afloat, if it only meant avoiding and running from everything that happened to her.
But poor Jeremy had only fallen in love. He didn't ask to lose anyone, to have vampires in his life. He didn't want magic or darkness. He just wanted to mourn his parents and be happy.
"Jeremy," Eden walked to the sofa and grabbed his hands, holding them tightly in his own. "I will practically live here. I won't even buy groceries so I'll be forced to cook for you idiots. I just want to sleep and fuck in my own bed."
"Gross, did you have to say the last part?" Jeremy asked.
Eden shrugged unapologetically. "Just the truth, Remy, don't act like a virgin."
"How do you — what if I'm—" At Eden's look, Jeremy shrugged. "Yeah, okay, I'm not a virgin. I still don't want to hear about your sex life."
"And if I ever have to hear about yours again, I'm going to drown myself in a kiddie pool."
"Thanks, I've been trying." Eden glanced back up at her sister. "I think it's time to show him A Cinderella Story."
Jenna's eyes widened. "You think he's ready?"
Eden looked over Jeremy's face before nodding once.
"Jeremy, this movie is both of your aunts favorite movie of all time. We're going to quote it—"
"—Like crazy," Jenna cut in, sitting excitedly next to her sister, placing the box of pizza on the table in front of them.
"And it's going to be cringe-worthy," Eden added.
"But if you say anything against it, you won't see your phone for a week," Jenna threatened.
"And if you lock Hilary Duff's Oscar-worthy performance, I will follow you to every single one of your classes," Eden warned him as his eyes grew wider.
"And if you dare insult Jennifer Coolidge in this movie, so help me, Jeremy, your hair will be pink in the morning."
"Got it?" They asked together.
Jeremy nodded, swallowing. "Am I ready?"
Jenna and Eden exchanged a look.
"You're never going to be the same again."
Jeremy fell asleep halfway through the movie.
Appalled, Eden and Jenna immediately made good word on their threats, Eden offering to go shopping for hair dye while Jenna tucked his phone away in their room.
"We warned him," Eden shrugged. "He brought this on himself."
"He'll never learn."
They exchanged a sigh before Eden headed out to Jenna's car and drove to the grocery store, feeling strange in the vast openness.
She didn't bother grabbing a cart, instead heading through the aisles in search of a hair/body section.
She glanced around, frowning, when she spotted no one she knew.
She glanced around again.
No one she knew. And no one appeared to have heard anything either.
Feeling decidedly unsettled, Eden grabbed the pink hair dye and bleach, rushing through the long aisles quickly.
Pop music played quietly around her, blaring through the grocery store speakers. Middle-aged women walked around in nursing uniforms or with multiple kids, and a couple of stoned teenagers hung out by the chip aisle.
"My little pet..."
Eden stopped, eyes wide, heart thumping heavily in her chest. She glanced around, finding no one.
Her breathing quickened and she felt someone grab her arm. Whipping around, she saw an elderly woman in a grocer's uniform, asking if she was alright.
At least, that's what Eden thought she was asking. She couldn't hear over the sound of her own heartbeat.
Her eyes filled with tears and she glanced around, searching for him. He was here. He'd followed her.
She'd been reckless using magic. It was traceable. He'd find her. It didn't matter if MACUSA approved her use of Magic, anyone could access the trace records. Public evidence.
He was here.
Where was he? Eden couldn't breath, the room felt too big. Too open. Too much space. Dammit, there was too much space.
He could be anywhere.
Those lights were too bright, had they always been that bright? The music — someone shut that music off, she couldn't hear herself think — it was too loud. She couldn't hear him over it.
Everything was too loud.
"Let go of me!" She screamed at the elderly woman, dropping the dye on the floor, the bleach along with it.
"Fuck, fuck," She swore, gripping the keys of the car in her hand as she raced from the store. "It's not real," She muttered as memories hit her in waves.
Her skin was on fire, twitching and trembling, she could barely keep hold of the keys, it was just like before, nothing had changed.
Was any of this real? Was this actually happening?
She was losing her mind.
Oh, fuck, none of it was real. She was still at the manor. He was still there. He was going to come for her any moment.
"I'm coming, my pet..."
Eden found the car, surprisingly, in her hurried state, and rushed inside, trying to steady her breathing.
She couldn't drive. Not like this. She didn't even know if this was real. Where was she? She needed Harry.
Quickly pressing the speed dial, he answered on the second ring
"Hey, bon, now's not the best—"
"—Harry, help, help me, I need to make sure this is real. Am I real? Where am I? What's the date. Tell me something real, Harry please, I can't—"
"—It's okay," Harry cut her off soothingly. "It's alright, bon, it's okay. I'm here. You're safe. You're okay. We won. Voldemort's dead. You're in Mystic Falls. You've escaped the Manor. You're not there anymore, Bon. Do you want to talk to Teddy?"
Teddy was real. She didn't know about Teddy prior to the manor. He wasn't real to her then.
She let out a deep breath. "Can I—can I hear his voice?"
"Of course, love," he supplied, and the phone was shuffling.
Eden wiped the tears from her cheeks, a light laugh falling from her lips when she heard a l baby's gurgle.
"Can you say 'Auntie Eden'?" Harry was cooing. Teddy laughed.
That giggle. Oh, that sweet baby giggle.
"Thank you, Harry," Eden cried out, wiping her face but more tears came. "I went to the store and I just — I don't know I had an attack and I just — I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry."
"I've ruined your night."
"You haven't, bon. I'd say if you did. You want me to stay on the line with you?"
"No," Eden said quickly. "It's okay. I'll just drive. I'll be okay. I'll call you later."
"Alright. Be safe, Eden. Let me know when you're home."
"I will. Thanks again, bubs."
"Anytime, love you."
"Back at you."
Eden hung up the phone, taking a deep breath, resting her head on the steering wheel.
Fuck everything.
Jenna understood upon seeing Eden's face when she arrived home why the dye and bleach wasn't bought.
She didn't say anything, or ask any questions. Jenna simply pulled Eden into her arms and snuggled into her as they cuddled in bed.
"I'm fucked in the head," Eden said quietly after a long pause.
Jenna snorted. "So am I."
"I mean, like, properly fucked. Actually mental."
"You've always been like that," Jenna pat Eden's head, cuddling into her. "That's nothing new. Try to sleep, kid. I'll see you tomorrow."
And then Jenna was out like a light, and Eden was alone with her thoughts.
as you can see, Eden doesn't fit in a ton of the major plotlines, but she's still relevant.
Memory Lane is being split into two parts, the next chapter is the barbecue:)
only a few more chapters and we meet Elijah UGH we're so close gang.
comment if you enjoyed:)
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