"how could you just put us behind you?"
EDEN found herself in charge of renovating the Mikaelson Mansion.
She wasn't entirely sure how she'd been roped into it all, but with the help of Elijah, the pair slowly brought life and love into the home.
There had been no word from Klaus, except a text he'd sent to Rebekah with an apology for leaving.
He hadn't spoken to Elijah.
Draco had moved into her former flat, promising to floo to work and back, and swearing to never leave her alone.
And unless she was with Elijah, he lived up to his word.
He oversaw the house renovations as well, having grown accustomed to it all when he had his mother's cottage built the previous year.
Eden liked having Draco around.
He brewed wolfsbane for her too, and extra pain potions for her headaches and mood swings. Surprisingly, he got on better with Rebekah than Elijah — but that wasn't to say he didn't like Elijah, he just preferred Rebekah — and the pair were often seen together.
Stefan and Rebekah continued seeing one another, thought it was awkward around Elena.
(Not that Eden had been privy to those conversations or moments, but if Stefan grumbling into her pillow was anything to go by — they were brutal.)
The full moon came sooner than Eden was prepared for, and she prepared Tyler Lockwood's cellar, grateful that he'd let her borrow it.
The pair had actually become fairly close, despite his sire bond to Klaus, and she asked him tips and tricks about the full moon.
If Klaus hadn't turned him into the first successful hybrid, Eden would have asked him to be in her pack.
She didn't technically have one anymore with Klaus gone.
Eden tried not to think about Klaus. She tried not to dwell on his painting that resided in her living room — which she'd promptly blown up with her first Bombarda since the war — or the way she and Elijah decorated a room for him in hopes he'd come home.
Rebekah and Eden grew closer, and Eden loved having another girl around. Hermione often visited — seeing her and Draco in action was like watching two hyenas. The longer they argued, the higher pitched they became until they just started kissing.
Stefan said it was similar to how Eden and Klaus were, and Rebekah slapped the back of his head for such a stupid remark.
"Good morning, Mikaelsons," Draco greeted as he entered the manor, giving Rebekah a friendly peck on the cheek in greeting as he passed her. "Eden, darling," he leaned against the wall, offering her a pepper-up potion upon seeing her exhausted face. "Potter said to call him. He wants to visit when this place is all up and running."
"I miss Harry," Eden smiled, knocking back the potion, then taking the wolfsbane and grimacing at the burn in her throat. "Ginny planning anything for his birthday?"
Draco shrugged. "Fuck would I know?" He asked, rolling his eyes. "But you're all invited," he looked around the room. "I am however, planning Granger's surprise party in September," he rolled his eyes at Eden's squeal. "If you'd all like to come, it'll be in Italy on the nineteenth. I'll send invites via phone, Elijah, if you don't answer the text, you can't come."
"Does no on use email anymore?" Elijah sighed, tracing figures over Eden's thigh.
"Not all of us are a thousand years old," Eden countered. "Literally."
"Watch it," Elijah's eyes narrowed playfully and he squeezed her thigh softly, pulling her to him on the sofa. "Draco, have you made arrangements for the extension?"
Draco nodded and at Eden's confused frown, Elijah shook his head, silently asking her not to worry.
Eden shrugged and glanced to her phone, then jumped up, grabbing her shoes and sliding into them. "Forgot I had breakfast with Jenna," she explained to the confused group. "Stef, drive me!"
"Why do I—" Stefan sighed, kissing Rebekah softly, leaving the two Originals and Draco in the home alone as he walked to his car. "I hate driving you everywhere, you need to apparate."
"Yeah, because apparating's a great idea when it'll only alert people I'm around."
"You could still do it," he countered, grumbling. "I hate going to the Grill. Damon always gives me this horrible look and Elena's always sad. I feel terrible."
"They'll get over it," Eden shrugged. "Elena hasn't spoken to me at all."
"Still?" Stefan asked as they got into his car. "Do we need more bread?"
"Yes," Eden answered immediately before continuing with her story as he pulled out of the driveway. "At least Jeremy and Jenna are talking to me," Eden sighed. "I don't have all my memories of last year back, but with Occlumency lessons, I'm getting them slowly. Elena and I weren't close, but she didn't hate me."
"She hates me," Stefan argued. "And Klaus, so, by extension; you. Even if it's not your fault." He sent her an apologetic look. "I'm sorry."
Eden sighed, rolling her eyes. "It's fine, she'll get over it eventually."
They were quiet for a moment until Stefan glanced over to her. "How've you been?" He asked gently. "About Klaus?"
Stefan was the only one who asked about her feelings regarding the hybrid.
Elijah didn't bring it up, he knew it was painful and bless him, he never wanted to cause her pain.
Rebekah was in pain thinking of him, so she never asked Eden.
And Draco only ranted about how much he wanted to kill him when he saw him. Hermione asked once but didn't truly understand his viewpoint so Eden got a feminist earful about choosing her own destiny.
"I keep checking my phone," Eden admitted. "I'll just look at it and expect him to call. I found a picture from the road trip yesterday," she confessed, tearing up and looking outside. "We'd taken it in this stupid diner in Tennessee. But he was sweet and he kissed my cheek and I just..." Eden wiped her eyes, swallowing back the tears. "I don't know how I'm supposed to do it tonight."
"The full moon?"
Eden nodded. "He promised he'd always be there but...it's a one and done? He's my...he's my Alpha, you know," she bit her lip. "I'm his Valinn, and it feels better when he's around. When I've got a pack. But he's not," her voice cracked. "And I just...I love Elijah, and being with him makes everything easier, but I need Nik too and he's gone. He just left me." Eden rolled her eyes at her tears.
She hated it.
"He's an asshole," Stefan shook his head. "I'm serious. I know Draco has dibs on him, and he'll do more damage, definitely, but...I'm gonna get a punch in." He sent her a half-smile. "As your brother."
Eden laughed softly. "Harry would love you," she declared. "I can't wait for you two to meet. You didn't meet him before aside from that first time, right?"
"No," Stefan shook his head. "When you were...indisposed, I was doing Klaus' stuff for the hybrids. They were the ones who went to Europe to find you."
"He'll like you since Elijah can't be daggered anymore."
"Sorry about that, again," he glanced to her. "I didn't understand, but I get it now. I'd do anything for Rebekah."
"Are you happy?" Eden asked as they neared the Grill.
Stefan was quiet for a moment, a small smile tugging at his face. "She doesn't expect anything from me," he confessed softly. "Just for me to be myself. She makes me laugh and she's soft...everywhere," Eden gagged at his words and he chuckled before continuing. "And she's forever. I don't have to worry about a future with me because she'll drink blood bags, but she'll drink an entire city, too. I didn't know I needed her."
Eden met his smile with her own. "Look at us," she grinned.
He offered his hand for a fist bump, and she tapped it with her own, opening the passenger door. "Jenna will drop me off, see you at home."
Stefan nodded and pulled out after she entered the grill. Spotting Jenna, Ric, and Jeremy; Eden walked quickly towards the three, only to be stopped by Damon.
"Oh," Eden blinked. "Hey, Damon."
"What's your game?" He asked.
"I like quidditch," Eden shrugged. "And cricket."
Damon's eyes narrowed. "Where's Klaus?"
"I don't know," Eden shrank a little. "But if I knew, I wouldn't tell you."
Damon crossed his arms. "What're you doing? The Mikaelsons? Really? And you've somehow convinced Stefan to join your crusade and —"
"—Damon, I don't have time for this." Eden moved to walk past him, but he gripped her bicep.
"How could you just put us behind you?" He asked quietly. "Our friendship?"
Eden met his gaze, somewhat sympathetic. "I don't remember you," she whispered. "But even if I did, you're not exactly making an effort to be friendly."
"Hey, hey," Ric cleared his throat, looking between with a tense smile. "Damon, why don't you, uh, go find something to do, yeah? Eden, come on, kid."
Eden glanced between the two as Damon dropped her arm, following Ric to Jenna's table and pulling her sister into a hug, then ruffled Jeremy's hair.
She still couldn't remember everything, and Jeremy wasn't privy to the details of her torture like Jenna, but he knew she'd suffered memory loss, and was very accommodating. It felt good to be with family again.
"Hey, Remy," Eden smiled at her nephew. "Jenny; how're things?"
"Elena's been sleeping at the Salvatore house," Jenna gossiped, taking a sip of her coffee. "I want to punish her for being out all the time — she never apologized for lying to me, not without coming up with an excuse — but she's eighteen now, so I technically don't have a choice."
"That's awful," Eden frowned. "Is she seeing Damon?"
"Don't look at me," Jeremy shook his head. "I'm still seeing dead people; I can't focus on anything else."
"Draco's looking into that," Eden smiled gratefully to Matt, who dropped her coffee in front of her. "Anna's still around?"
Jeremy nodded, subtly glancing to the left, then adjusting his eyes back to Eden. Eden offered a sympathetic smile but wondered briefly how it felt. While she'd moved on from Fred as memories filled her and she lost herself in the relationship with Elijah — she sometimes wished she could see him.
"Eden, can I, uh, ask you something?" Alaric spoke up, meeting her gaze nervously. At her nod, he leaned forward a bit. "What do you know about Mikael?"
Eden froze, face hardening a bit. "What do you know about him?"
Ric sighed, glancing around. "I can't, I'm sorry. Damon's my friend."
"Ric," Jenna elbowed her boyfriend, and Ric gave her an apologetic look.
"He's not a good guy," Eden settled on. "The worst person I've ever heard of, save Dolohov. He's an absolute monster and if you let him do anything in this town, everyone you love is dead."
"Really?" Jeremy asked, eyes flickering from Alaric to Jenna. "Why?"
"It's not my place to tell," Eden shook her head, thinking of Nik's words. Her heart tugged at the thought of him, but she pushed it away. "Just...whatever Damon's planning...don't do it."
The three looked at Eden, exchanged a look, and then nodded begrudgingly. Worry filled Eden and she glanced around. Not for the first time, she wished she could talk to Niklaus.
Eden and Rebekah paneled the wall slowly, chatting casually as Twilight played in the background. Despite being a vampire, Rebekah enjoyed the romance. At first, she thought it was too similar to Stefan and Elena, but after she discovered Jacob was also in love with Bella, she only laughed and found the entire thing incredibly ironic.
"Ric asked me about your father today," Eden spoke up softly.
Rebekah froze, staring at the wall. "What did you say?" She asked cautiously, face blank of emotions.
Eden rested a hand on her arm gently. "Bex, you're my family now," she whispered. "As much as Jenna or Harry. I told him to leave it be, don't do anything with him."
Rebekah nodded, slowly meeting Eden's eyes. "You don't know what he's like," she whispered. "He's awful."
"Nik mentioned him," Eden said softly. "Elijah too, but less emotionally."
"He chased us for a millennium," Rebekah explained. "And he hates no one more than Nik. Eden, what he would do to you..." she moved her hand to Eden's on her arm and squeezed it softly. "It would make Dolohov look like child's play."
A shiver ran down Eden's spine, and she felt a surge of pity and sympathy for Rebekah. She pulled the Original into a hug and held her close.
"I won't let him touch you," Eden promised. "Draco and I have been working on my magic, and when he comes, I'll kill him before anything happens to you."
Rebekah squeezed her softly. "I'm so happy my brothers have you," she whispered.
Eden placed her head in Hermione's lap, looking up at her friend.
"Do you think Minnie will show up to Harry's birthday?"
"That's hard to say for sure," Hermione thought aloud. "I hope so. I have a bill I'm trying to pass in regard to the extension of land for centaurs in the Scottish Highlands. People are so prejudiced. I'd love to speak to her more about it and get a signature."
Eden laughed softly, reaching a hand up and booping her friend's nose. "I'm thinking about inviting Caroline," she sighed. "Technically, she's seeing Tyler Lockwood, and I like him, but he's Klaus' sire and not exactly involved in his relationship with her. It would be good for George and her, I think, if they could meet without one being inebriated."
Hermione sighed. "It's not your place, Eden," she pointed out. "They have forever, and George is just starting to stop drinking every bloody weekend. He's got time to figure it all out and she's a vampire. Let them go at their own pace."
"I suppose," Eden frowned. "I just want to see George happy."
"And he will be," Hermione glanced up as Draco entered the flat. "Hey, Malfoy."
"Granger," he pressed a kiss to her head and flicked Eden's forehead playfully. "Eden. Mother's called, apparently, Katherine's gone missing."
Eden sat up worriedly. "What?" She asked worriedly. "What do you mean? I thought that place was protected and—"
"—It is," Draco nodded. "It doesn't appear as a kidnapping, but Potter's already there, I'll be with Mother for the evening. If you hear anything..."
Eden and Hermione nodded, exchanging a look. Draco nodded before grabbing his coat and heading into the floo.
"Katherine and Mikael?" Eden questioned softly. "Something's wrong."
"Have you spoken to Elijah?" Hermione asked. "He may know more."
Eden shook her head. "He doesn't," she frowned. "Or, he said he doesn't. I wish I could call Nik."
"The idiot who grabbed your hair and made you cry?" Hermione scoffed. "You're far better off with Elijah. He's good for you."
Eden sighed, standing, exhaustion suddenly flooding her. "'Mione, I should go. Head to the Lockwoods early and —"
Hermione cut her off with a hug, running her hand up and down Eden's back. "You'll be alright," she assured her. "I'll be here in the morning. Draco and I will patch you up."
Eden nodded, smiling gratefully before leaving the flat and heading downstairs. Pulling out her phone, she tapped the speed dial and leaned against it at Elijah's greeting.
"I'm heading to the Lockwoods," Eden explained. "I'm...a bit nervous, really. To not have him here."
Elijah was quiet for a moment. "I've tried to call him," he admitted. "I'm sorry you'll be alone tonight. I can come if you'd like—"
"—No," Eden blurted out. "Please don't, I—I hate you seeing me like that."
Elijah sighed. "You're being stubborn, Eden, it's better you're with someone than—"
"—Elijah, no," Eden snapped. "I'm sorry," she sighed. "It's the full moon, makes me angry. I...I'll see you tomorrow."
"Eden, I didn't—"
Eden hung up before he could say another word and stuffed her hands in her pockets, smiling softly when she spotted Tyler outside the apartment building.
"Hey," Tyler greeted, offering a wave. "Klaus said he's—"
"—I don't care," Eden snapped. "Let's just go."
Tyler nodded, quieting as Eden entered the car. Eden's nerves twisted as Tyler drove them to his estate. She leaned her head against the window, trying not to lose her breathing, steadying herself. She didn't want to do this alone. She didn't want to do this at all.
A burst of anger surged through her, and she clenched her jaw, narrowing her eyes at the trees in outside. Stupid Klaus Mikaelson and his stupid promises.
"He asks about you, you know," Tyler spoke through the silence, "every time he calls."
"I don't care," Eden rolled her eyes. "He's not in my life anymore. You can tell him that."
Tyler was quiet for a moment, glancing at her. "He's your Alpha, Eden," he reminded her quietly. "You're his Valinn—"
"—I'm his nothing," Eden glared outside. "And he's not in my life anymore. Can we just...not talk?"
"Sure," Tyler nodded. He reached a hand to hers and placed it gently overtop of it. "I'll be there tonight. I'll shift and keep you safe. I know it's not the same, but..."
Eden met his gaze, tearful. "You don't have to do that," she whispered.
"I want to," Tyler admitted. "You didn't ask for this. I-I killed someone to become this, but you...you didn't ask for this. I'll be here with you. Wolf to wolf."
"Thank you," Eden whispered.
Agony clawed through Eden's limbs as her bones broke and shifted and bent to the new form her body took to shape. Whimpers and sobs left her mouth, and she dug her nails into the concrete, letting out a tearful scream.
Her heart ached for Niklaus, his presence, his voice. Last month was terrible, the worst pain she'd ever felt.
She thought it would be better this time — but it was worse.
It was so much worse to not have him here.
Tyler paced before her, already shifted, his golden eyes watching her worriedly.
Eden clenched her hands into fists, clawing at herself as they became paws, curling into her side and whining in pain. She covered her face and sobbed, howling softly for Niklaus.
Why wasn't he here? Where was he?
Something nuzzled her fur and Eden looked up as Tyler cuddled her, resting his head atop hers, but it wasn't the same. Eden stared at the cellar door, wishing all night that Niklaus would walk through.
That he'd tell her he loved her, and he was sorry, and he'd never leave her again.
But he never came.
I'M SORRY OKAY I'M SORRY PLEASE DON'T WISH FOR ME TO STEP ON LEGO'S. next chapter is back to the main plot, but just wanted you guys to see where everyone's at. and, yes, draco will beat the shit out of klaus when he sees him dw gang.
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