"because if that's what you actually said, human or not, I will tear you apart."
"PLEASE come with me," Elena begged her aunt over the phone. "I don't want Stefan or Damon to know but I don't really trust Rose either."
Eden exchanged a look with Elijah, who sat next to her on the sofa. They were watching a rerun of one of her favorite shows — one he'd never seen, much to her disbelief — when Elena called.
"What's in it for me, niece?" Eden asked, taking another bite of her cookie.
Elena was quiet for a moment. "What do you want?"
"I don't know," Eden chewed thoughtfully, leaning her head on Elijah's shoulder. He reached his hand to her hair and gently ran his hand through it. "You owe me something."
"Fine," Elena sighed. "Sure, whatever. We'll pick you up in ten."
"It's cool," Eden shrugged. "I'll be at the Salvatore's in twenty, I need to pick up the clothes I left there anyway."
"How're you liking your new place?" Elena asked curiously.
Eden smiled at Elijah and his eyebrow twitched up.
"I like it a lot," she said with a small smile, meeting his eyes. "It's new, but good. Makes me happy."
"I'm glad to hear it." Elena replied. "Okay, see you in a few."
The phone call ended and Elijah ran his hand gently down her cheek. "I'm not fond of you returning to Richmond with Dolohov still on the loose. And unprotected with a vampire who has already attempted to give you to him."
Eden nodded. "Yeah," she sighed. "It's not exactly ideal, but Elena's family. I'm not letting her go alone."
"Alright," Elijah pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I'm only a call away, Elskan."
"I know," Eden smiled softly, standing and grabbing her car keys. "Think this is an inappropriate outfit to wear?"
He looked over her sweats and t-shirt, eyes settled on her cat slippers. "You look beautiful."
Eden snorted. "You're too nice, I hate it." She rolled her eyes at his chuckle and disappeared into the bedroom. When she returned fully dressed a few minutes later, she found him standing.
"You're leaving too?"
He nodded, grabbing his suit jacket from the coat rack at the door. (A purchase he insisted upon. "I will not be frequenting your residence, Eden, if my suits will always be wrinkled. Have some respect, darling.")
"I have matters to attend to."
Eden nodded in understanding and walked up to him, slowly grabbing his hand.
"I had fun this weekend," she smiled up at him. "Want to do it again sometime?"
"Desperately," he agreed, smiling softly at her. He leaned down and kissed her cheek gently, before pulling back. "Feel free to call me as you please, Elskan."
"See you, 'Lijah."
His smile widened at her nickname and he cupped her face for a second, eyes looking her over, before he was gone in a flash.
Eden sighed.
"So fucking hot," she mumbled, grabbing her car keys and heading out.
The drive to Richmond was spent with Eden gushing to her "whores only" group chat with Ginny, Luna, Pansy, Hermione, and Blaise. She told them all about Elijah and they responded in similar excited fashions.
Upon arrival, Eden leaned against the stairs of the building, watching Elena's worried expression as Rose knocked against large brown doors.
Eden wasn't entirely looking forward to seeing Slater again. He knew too much about her last they met and while she liked Rose, she didn't exactly want her knowing her personal life either.
"Slater!" Rose shouted. "Slater, it's Rose. Open up!
There was no answer.
"He's not home, sorry," Rose shrugged, looking to Elena.
Eden snorted at Rose's attempt to get out of the situation.
"Mm-mm, no," Elena held up a hand. "We didn't come all the way out here for nothing."
"There's a great ice cream place down the way a bit, we could get some of that and pretend none of this is happening."
Rose gave her a look and Eden grimaced. "Oh, sorry, forgot about the bad skin bit. Never mind, I think it's open 'till nine, we could go after the sun sets."
"Ha, ha," Rose deadpanned.
Elena sighed. "Rose," she pleaded, looking to the door and back.
Rose sighed, pushing open the doors with her vampiric strength and they flung open ominously.
"Nice place," Eden commented, going in first and looking around. "I really like the — and that's a dead man." She blinked, looking to her right.
Rose rushed to her side, face falling at the sight of her deceased friend. He laid in the middle of the ground with a stake through his heart.
Eden placed a hand on Rose's arm. As much as she didn't particularly care for Slater, and had mixed feelings for Rose — no one deserved to see their friend dead. This she knew quite well.
"I don't think he's gonna be much help," Rose commented.
As Rose carried Slater away, Elena checked out documents lying on the table. Eden glanced at her phone, a small smile pulling to her lips at a text from Elijah: Elskan, would you agree to dinner this Friday? I have plans to make my presence known in Mystic Falls shortly, and I'd hate to keep you a secret, lest your friends decide you're better off without me.
Eden responded quickly and tucked her phone away again, crossing her arms and trying to keep a straight face. Channel Draco Malfoy. He'd never let them see past his poker face and neither would she.
"Looks like whoever blew up the coffee shop..." Elena trailed off, sighing. "Found him and killed him for his information."
"Yeah," Rose chipped in. "Probably to stop him from helping people like us. The guy was a vampire almanac. Knowing too much information just bit him in the ass."
Eden's thoughts drifted to Hermione at Rose's words. She pictured the night of the trio's capture at Malfoy Manor, the escape she and Draco were able to manage because of it. But it didn't come freely — Hermione was tortured for information and while she'd recovered emotionally, physically, her friend would always be horribly scarred on her arm.
Rose walked over to the blinds and pulled them open. Elena jumped. "What're you—"
"Tempered glass," Rose cut her off. "UV rays can't penetrate." She stood outside, looking down at the bustling streets of the city. "I used to just come here and watch the day," she recalled softly.
"I'm sorry about Slater," Elena said after a moment.
Rose turned, changing subjects. "Any luck?"
"Um," Elena put down a picture frame she was looking at and leaned to the computer. "It's password protected. I can't get in."
"Try zero, zero, zero, zero," Eden suggested. "Or zero, zero, zero, one. Or zero, zero, zero, two. Or zero, zero, zero, three. Or—"
"Eden," Elena snapped, annoyance on her face. Rose looked mildly amused at Eden's words. "Focus, please. This is important."
"I still don't fully understand what you're hoping to achieve, 'Lena."
A door opened and Elena jumped, shifting a bit closer to Eden. Eden took a step in front of her niece, and Rose glanced at the pair.
"Stay here," she told them before walking further into the apartment. She pushed open a pair of double doors and softened in surprise. "Alice?" She asked.
"Rose." A girl's voice whimpered as she rushed to Rose, pulling her into a hug, sobbing.
Eden pushed back the memories of Fred, her fingers fiddling with each other nervously. She remembered the heartbreak she felt for months after him. Even with Elijah, she still felt that pain, that loss now. She probably always would.
That was something she was glad for.
Fred's memory wasn't any less important to her now, even with a soulmate. She still missed him. She still loved him, deeply. It hadn't changed anything in that respect, just allowed someone else to come in and help her slowly put the pieces back that his death had broken.
"He's dead," Alice sobbed against Rose.
Eden's hand clenched into a fist, and she looked down. Elena's eyes flickered to Eden, and she grabbed her hand, holding it tightly with a sympathetic look. Eden smiled gratefully at her niece.
"She found him a few minutes before we did," Rose sat down next to Eden as Elena made them all tea.
"How is she?" Elena asked softly.
"Overreacting. Big-time."
"Her boyfriend just died," Elena defended. "There's no such thing as overreacting."
It's true. When Fred died, Eden cried for days straight, refused to eat or shower. She and George just laid in this depressive state of existence, clinging to one another. They were the only ones who loved Fred more than Molly.
"Those tears are for her," Rose replied with a small smirk. "She didn't care about Slater. She was only dating him long enough to see if he'd turn her."
Eden snorted. "'Lena, that's the complete opposite of you. Half your problems would be solved if you became a vampire."
Elena shot her aunt a look. She didn't say anything else, grabbing the cups of tea and walking them to Alice, handing her one and taking a seat. Eden remained next to Rose, leaning her head on her hand.
"I'm bored," she whispered to Rose.
Rose smiled in amusement. "You're like a seven-year-old who's been dragged on a shopping spree with her mother."
"That's how I feel. I'm hoping you will all lose me and I can escape."
Rose laughed quietly at her words, before sobering, watching Eden for a moment.
"I am truly sorry," she said softly. "For kidnapping you. For how everything went with Elijah. You're a good person, Eden. I was desperate but that's no excuse. I'm sorry."
Eden was silent for a moment. "Just know if you ever try again, Harry Potter will destroy you."
Rose stiffened, nodding. "You two are close, then? I've only read about him in the prophet on occasion. Never actually met anyone who's met him. Slater knew loads, but none of it was factual."
"Harry's been my best friend since we were kids. Before Hogwarts," she explained. "He's not a killer, not like you or me or Damon. He always finds another option. With Voldemort, there wasn't one. But I can tell you with genuine honesty that he was very close to killing Dolohov the last they spoke. I think if I'd been taken back to him, he would've destroyed every person who put me there."
"I don't want to be on Harry Potter's bad side," Rose said tentatively. "Maybe you can put in a good word?"
Eden looked at Rose, a soft smile on her lips. "I haven't told him your name. For all he knows, the kidnapper's dead. You're in the clear, I promise."
Relief flooded Rose's face. "Thank you. I didn't want to be hunted for another century."
"You're safe when it comes to Harry, I promise."
Eden couldn't say the same for Elijah. Rose didn't know that Elijah was alive, and Eden didn't know how he'd react seeing her again. He didn't particularly care for Rose and he spared her once regarding the Katherine debacle. If he changed his mind about her hurting Eden?
She didn't want to guarantee anything.
Being the sneaky little human she was, Elena managed to convince Alice to log into the computer systems.
"Someone's been here," Alice explained. "The hard drive's completely wiped out."
"Yeah, probably whoever killed him," Rose remarked.
"Lucky for you," Alice added. "Slater was paranoid. "Everything's backed up on our remote server."
Eden wondered what it was Elijah didn't want them all seeing. What he'd destroyed and why he'd killed Slater. (It wasn't difficult to connect the dots. He'd spoken with her before the coffee shop explosion, and he didn't seem inclined to let Elena be given to Klaus, for whatever reason.)
"Kristen Stewart," Alice typed in, scoffing. "God, was he obvious?"
"She's very hot," Eden shrugged. "I don't blame him. Most of my passwords are related to Doctor Who."
Rose looked at her with furrowed brows. "The science-fiction show? Really?"
"It's great," Eden nodded. "And from the UK, of course I enjoy it. I'm pretty sure it's in my blood."
Elena looked over a list of files and names and dates. "There all leads to vampires?"
Alice nodded. "Slater was obsessed. Almost as much as me."
"What about that one?" Rose asked, nodding to the sixth one down. "Cody Webber." Alice clicked the file open and the four read them over. "They exchanged dozens of e-mails about Elijah."
"I could call him," Alice suggested with a shrug.
Elena nodded, clicking on the contact. "Tell him that we're trying to send a message to Klaus." Eden's eyes snapped to her niece. "The doppelganger's alive, and she's ready to surrender."
"Are you nuts?" Eden shouted, shoving her niece back. "Absolutely not. You send that message, you'll have bigger problems than a dead boyfriend," she told Alice, who grimaced. "What are you thinking?" Eden asked Elena.
"I have to protect my family. Jenna, Jeremy. Bonnie, Caroline, Matt, Stefan, Damon. All of the people I love, Eden. You."
"Don't worry about me," Eden shook her head. "And if you think I won't start another war to save our family from Original Vampires, you're mad."
Elena sighed, resting her hands on Eden's arms. "I brought you here because if anyone will understand this, it's you. You'd do anything for me, right? For Jenna and Jeremy? Harry?" Elena gave Eden a look. "I need you to take care of them. I'll do whatever Klaus wants, but you need to keep them safe. They'll move on."
"Don't talk like that," Eden pulled her niece into a hug, cradling her head. "Don't you dare, Elena. I will apparate you to the Wizarding World and lock you in Grimmauld Place. You are not sacrificing yourself, understand me?"
Tears gathered in Eden's eyes. She remembered a similar situation when Harry sacrificed himself to Voldemort. She'd never, not with Fred or Remus or Tonks or anyone, felt as hopeless and empty as she had in that moment.
He was willing to sacrifice himself for the world but she would have rather everyone else died than him.
It was the same for Elena. She'd rather her young, innocent, beautiful niece live a long, happy life, than become a pawn in some old vampire's creepy sacrifice.
"It's sent."
Eden's head snapped to Alice and she let go of Elena, grabbing Alice by the hair and tugged her head back.
"Tell me I heard you wrong, sweetheart, you did not just call someone to pick up Elena for a psychopathic vampire. Because if that's what you actually said, human or not," she leaned down to Alice's face. "I will tear you apart."
"Eden!" Elena grabbed Eden's arm, pulling her back. "Stop, what're you — what're you doing?"
Eden's face was dark with fury. She wouldn't lose Elena. She wouldn't lose anyone else. And she didn't care who had to die to ensure that happened.
"I'm sorry," Alice said tearfully, grabbing her hair. "I-I didn't...I just..."
"Save it," Eden scowled, grabbing her phone. "Rose, get her to the car. Get her out of here. I'll keep whoever is sent for pick-up off and call Damon for a ride."
In reality, she was going to call Elijah. But she couldn't exactly let them know that.
"I'm not going anywhere," Elena cut in, shaking off Rose's hand. "I'm doing this, Eden. You can't stop me."
"Elena, stop being petulant and go with Rose. This isn't up for discussion."
"Stop being — I'm being petulant?" Elena exclaimed. "I didn't attack someone for sending an email."
"An email that will get you killed!" Eden rounded on Elena. "An email that could mean you die and I have to explain to Jenna what happened. I have to live with the knowledge that Miranda would've wanted anything but this. I have to live with Jeremy's pain." Tears fell down Eden's cheeks and she shook her head. "You're going to abandon your family for some sacrificial play to stop us potentially getting killed because, what? That's what the other psychotic vampire said? What makes you think Klaus won't kill them anyway?"
She grabbed Elena's face in her hands, cupping her cheeks softly. "You are family, Elena. I know I wasn't there for you when we were younger, and I'm sorry for that. But you are. I am not letting you die. I'm not losing anyone else and certainly not someone my sister loved more than anything."
"I should be dead anyway," Elena's voice cracked, her own eyes watering. "I survived on the bridge and they — they didn't, and this is just paying it forward. Keeping everyone else safe. I can't live without them."
Eden's heart shattered for Elena's survivor's guilt. She knew the feeling all too well.
"The reason we all are trying to protect you, sweetheart, is because we can't live without you. Just like you can't live without them."
Tears fell down Elena's cheeks and she pulled Eden into a hug, crying softly. Eden ran a hand through her hair, exchanging a worried look with Rose.
"Call Damon," Eden mouthed to the vampire, who nodded, stepping into another room. Eden's grip tightened on Elena and a feeling of resolution hit her.
She would fix her feelings with her wand. She would use it again. And she would do anything to save Elena.
And when Klaus came running — she would kill him.
Eden sent a hurried text to Elijah once Elena calmed down. Fury coursed through Eden's veins. She hated this situation. Hated Klaus for putting Elena through what Harry had endured for his life.
Elena should be allowed to be happy. She should be able to enjoy her life and live it freely. She shouldn't have dead parents, a vampire boyfriend, a witch aunt, and a deranged original vampire hunting her.
Eden glanced up at Elena's gasp, demeanor softening at Damon's angry expression.
"What are you doing here?" He asked Elena.
"What are you doing here?" Elena countered.
"What are any of us doing here," Eden spoke up. "That's a philosophical question for you."
Ignoring her, the pair turned to Rose, who walked through with a sheepish grimace.
"You called him?" Elena gasped.
"I'm sorry, Elena," Rose told the younger girl.
"You said that you understood," Elena started.
Damon spoke up, "she lied."
"Damon Salvatore," Alice walked into the room with a grin.
"Get rid of here," Damon's face contorted with disgust and his eyes flickered to Rose.
"Come on," Damon nodded. "We're leaving."
"No," Elena shook her head.
"I said we're leaving," Damon said again.
"I'm not going with you," Elena told him firmly.
"Yes, you are," Eden spoke up, looking between the pair. "You're going, Elena, this isn't a discussion."
"She's right," Damon nodded. "You," he looked to Elena. "Do not get to make decisions anymore."
"When have I ever made a decision?" Elena asked, glaring up at Damon. "You and Stefan do that for me. Now, this, this is my decision."
"Given that it's a stupid ass decision," Eden pointed out, "we've elected to ignore it. Majority rules, sorry."
"Who's going to save your life now that you're out making decisions?" Damon asked.
"You're not listening to me, either of you," Elena countered loudly. "I don't want to be saved."
Damon's eyes narrowed in confusion.
"Not if it means that," Elena continued. "Klaus is gonna kill every single person that I love."
"Not if I can help it," Eden spoke in a low voice. "That fucking vampire has no idea the torture I will torture him with. I'm going to destroy him if he comes near you, 'Lena, I fucking promise you that."
"And that's why we're best friends," Damon offered a high-five to Eden, not moving his eyes from Elena. Eden high-fived him quickly. "Now get your ass out the door before I throw you over my shoulder and carry you out myself," he ordered Elena.
Damon grabbed Elena's arm and Elena fought back, but his strength was too much for her.
"No," Elena tried pulling herself from his grasp. She reached a hand up to try and punch Damon, but he caught her fist with a look. He moved his face closer to Elena and Eden looked away, feeling like she was intruding on something.
She glanced at her phone, relief flooding her at the message:
On the way, darling, no need to fret. Keep an eye on your niece.
Eden texted Harry back and forth, replying to cute baby pictures of Teddy for the next ten minutes until Damon finished compelling Alice.
"Time to go," he pulled the doors open. "Alice is soundly sleeping and won't remember a moment of this horribly, stupid day."
Before any of them could move, the doors burst open and three people stormed in.
Eden's heart sank.
Please, she begged silently. Elijah, I can't lose Damon or Elena. Please come save them.
"We're here to meet the doppelganger," one of them spoke up, sauntering inside.
"Thank you for coming," Elena moved past Damon, but he grabbed her arm, mumbling something to her under his breath.
Eden glared at the three men. "I have a better idea, we kill you, and send your heads back to Klaus for fun. Sound good?"
"There's nothing here for you," Damon told the trio.
Suddenly, the one in the back shifted, body lurching forward with a gasp. His body collapsed and Eden nearly cried in relief at the sight of her soulmate, standing at the entrance, looking as attractive as when she'd seen him that morning.
Rolled-up grey sleeves, black slacks — he was missing the suit jacket, but she found him to be equally as attractive without it — and his hair lightly tousled to the side.
Both men turned to stare at them, and Eden fought the smile threatening to cover her face. He sped between the two men and looked between them. Rose sped off, but no one bothered to chase after her or say anything otherwise.
"I killed you," Damon spoke up in confusion. "You were dead."
"For centuries now," Elijah countered, his voice level.
Eden smirked a bit at the comment. There's the sass she adored.
"Who are you?" Elijah looked to one of the men.
"Who are you?" He countered aggressively.
"I'm Elijah."
Eden shifted in her position, crossing her arms to hide the feeling of pins and needles up and down her back. Her heart was racing. They could all hear it. Oh, fuck, that's embarrassing.
"We were gonna bring her to you...for Klaus," the man said slowly, swallowing. Elijah's stare moved to Elena, slowly. "She's the doppelganger."
Eden should not be finding this as attractive as she was.
She was beginning to understand why he was her soulmate. This was way, way too hot. She needed air. She needed to leave the room. Take a cold shower.
"I don't know how she exists, but she does," the man continued. "Klaus would wanna see her."
"Does anyone else know that you're here?" Elijah asked the men.
A smirk climbed Elijah's face and Eden felt herself blushing at the sight of it. Merlin, get it together. What was wrong with her?
"Well, then, you have been incredibly helpful," Elijah told the men.
A beat, a glance between them, and then his hands were digging in their chests, pulling their hearts out. Their bodies fell to the floor and Elijah dropped the hearts; his hands covered in blood.
Eden's eyes darkened, but there was no fury in her gaze. She swallowed, taking a shaky breath, trying to center herself. Elena and Damon jumped back at Elijah's actions, but Eden found herself wanting to run to him.
She didn't want to think about how his hands covered in the blood of their enemies made her feel. Don't think about it, don't think about it, don't —
The world moved from around her and everything sped too quickly for her liking.
Panic filled her until she felt a grip around her waist and softened against the touch. They arrived sooner rather than later, at a small hotel room in Richmond.
Elijah pulled away from her, walking to the bathroom.
"Wait," Eden blurted, blinking back the disorientation from moving spots so quickly. "What—I'm—don't wipe off the blood," she managed.
Elijah leaned against the doorway of the bathroom, watching her with a smirk. "No?" He asked amusedly.
"I mean," Eden's blush was back and deeper than ever. "Oh, Merlin's sake, I'm very — oh, I am feeling a lot of things right now."
Elijah walked towards her, pressing a kiss to her head. "Please do not follow your niece into any other self-sacrificing excursions. I dread to think what Klaus would do to you if he found you."
Knowing she was stepping on thin ice, Eden met his eyes slowly. "He's your brother, right? Niklaus?"
Elijah tensed, looking away from her. He was silent for so long Eden didn't think he'd answer.
"Yes," he confirmed finally. "But there is no love there, not anymore. He would do terrible things to you if he knew of our connection." He reached his hands to her face and they both ignored the blood on them. Well, he ignored it. She pretended she didn't sort of like it.
"I cannot lose you," he told her softly. "Promise me, under no circumstances, will you involve yourself in the game he's setting up with Elena. I will handle this."
"I can't lose her," Eden responded gently. "She's my family. Her, Jenna, Jeremy. I can't, Elijah."
His hand found her neck and he pulled her closer, looking down at her with a soft expression. "Eden Sommers, you have my word that no harm will befall you or your family, so long as I can help it."
A smile tugged at Eden's lips and she nodded. "Thank you," she whispered.
His thumb gently traced her cheek, and his other hand buried itself in her hair. His eyes were pleading, tinged with longing and desire.
She felt her own desire, her own longing and nodded minutely, heart racing.
A smile quirked at his lips and he leaned down, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Not yet," he told her softly, holding her tenderly, like she was all that mattered to him. She didn't know why he hadn't kissed her more than once, but a part of her was relieved by it.
As much as she adored Elijah, cared for him, appreciated their bond, she didn't understand those feelings. The romantic feelings. She didn't want to push away her mourning for Fred, and she knew that he knew this. And she was grateful he was waiting.
As annoying as it felt in the moment, she knew the feelings of guilt and shame that would claim her after would only hinder their relationship. And he knew this, too.
"I'm going to wash up," he told her gently, lips still at her head. "You rest. I'll bring you home tomorrow, alright?"
Eden nodded, breathing him in again before he let her go, disappearing into the bathroom.
She looked around the room for a moment, eyes widening.
There was only one bed.
Eden fell asleep before she could argue with Elijah about who fell asleep where. When she awoke, he was sitting next to her; one hand holding a book, the other gently stroking her hair.
He looked down at her as she blinked her eyes awake, smiling softly. "Sleep well, Elskan?" He asked softly.
Eden nodded, too tired to care about the embarrassment that would flush her later. She moved closer to him, burying her face on his chest and nestling against him.
A deep chuckle erupted from his chest, and he pulled her closer, kissing her head softly. "Rest, sweetheart. I'm here."
Eden nodded, eyes closing again as sleep took control once more.
merry christmas to any who celebrate!!! enjoy this cute little chapter. lots of bonding with elena + eden and ofc elijah content. i hate books that have only main plot points and no side development with elijah before they "fall in love" i'm like ?? when ??
also a few sneaky references hehee
this chatper I think we get a different side to eden and y'all can kind of see WHY klaus is her soulmate too. we'll get more into that later. anyways love yaaaa thanks for reading:)
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