"I'd let you take me upstairs right now and rail me on Jenna's bed."
EDEN hadn't gone shopping by herself again. It had been a week or so since The Grocery Store Flop Incident of 2010 (as she'd taken to calling it in her head) and she'd hardly left the Gilbert house.
The sinking feeling of Harry's phone call from weeks prior was enough to make her sick. She was on edge all the time, reverting back into herself.
Eden cracked less jokes, spent less time outside, and overall was just fucking depressed.
But when Damon texted her to ask Jenna to have a barbecue with "the ugliest posible werewolf Mason" she immediately accepted, spirits lifted slightly.
She and Jenna planned the whole event, though Eden cooked the side dishes when Alaric made the main dishes.
Deciding to braid her hair — she looked cute in braids — and wear her favorite jeans and crop top, she bounded downstairs to the kitchen here Jenna was pointing at things.
"Barbecue sauce?"
"Check," Jenna responded.
"Potato salad?"
"Burger buns?"
"Your mom?"
"Eden!" Jenna slapped her shoulder lightly. "That joke isn't even funny."
"It's always funny," Eden shrugged in disagreement. "I love your mom jokes."
"Hey Jenna," Elena greeted, entering the room. "Thanks for letting me invite Caroline. She could use a day of distraction."
"Well, she's not the plus one I'm worried about," Jenna said pointedly. "Why is Damon coming?"
"I love Damon," Eden pouted. "I invited him. Alaric said yes because we're all best friends."
"I'll be nice when Damon takes his paws off Elena," Jenna raised an eyebrow at her sister. "And Elena, tell him off once in a while."
"Believe me, I'm trying," Elena nodded.
"Good news!" Mason entered the room with a grin. Eden's stomach did a somersault and she smirked up at him. "I found the shot glasses!"
"That would be my exit," Elena muttered to Eden.
"And my very exciting entrance," Eden joked, taking a glass from Mason.
"How old are you?" He asks her with a small smile.
"Full adult in England, Mason, you're welcome to pour me a glass."
He chuckled, opening the bottle.
"You're here for 10 minutes and I'm already back under the bleachers at the pep rally," Jenna joked.
Mason grinned at her, eyes softening and Eden's own widened. Oh, the plot thickens...he was still into her sister.
"Like old times, huh? Only I didn't swipe this bottle from my old man."
"Oh, the expensive stuff," Alaric grinned when he entered the kitchen. Mason poured them all a shot. "I like you already."
"Just happy to be invited," Mason smiled kindly, stepping away from Jenna a fraction.
Oh, he was fully into Jenna.
"Thank Eden, it was her idea."
"Really?" Mason glanced down at her, eyes scanning her face.
"Yeah, you know, I always wanted to meet Jenna's high school friends. She always knew mine."
"Plus, I asked her," Alaric winked at the younger woman. "Dig up a little dirt on Jenna."
"I've got dirt," Mason grinned. "I've got dirt."
"I have no secrets," Jenna shook her head. "Only dirty shame."
"To dirty shame," Alaric raised his glass and they all followed in suit, clinking them against each other.
Damon walked in then, his face brightening at Eden's smile, though he smirked at her sister.
"Hey," he said, a flirtatious tone overtaking his voice.
"Damon." She replied plainly.
"We were just doing shots," Alaric informed him. "Let me give you a shot glass, buddy."
"Here," Jenna handed her his. "Use mine."
She walked off abruptly, Alaric shooting Eden an apologetic look before he followed her.
"Gosh, Damon, you ruin everything,"Eden teased her friend.
He shrugged. "She doesn't like me very much," he told Mason. "Eden does, so do with that what you will."
"Like's a strong word," Eden replied. "More like tolerate."
"That's a stretch," Damon shook his head. "You love me. We're practically soulmates."
Eden snorted. "In your dreams. You'll never be my soulmate."
Mason gave them a strange look, watching Eden for a moment as if contemplating her. She winked.
"We haven't met," Mason offered his hand for Damon. "Mason Lockwood."
"Oh, sure," Damon replied with a smirk, not liking the way Mason looked at Eden. "Damon Salvatore."
"I know," Mason said. "I heard great things about you."
"Really?" Damon's eyes widened a fraction. "That's weird. I'm a dick!"
"It's true," Eden agreed.
"Food's ready!" Alaric called to them before they could get another word in.
Damon left first, heading to his friend, but Mason tugged on Eden's arm gently.
"You smell different," he said quietly. "I know a witch when I see one, but you — you don't smell like a normal one. There's a bit wolf on you."
Eden frowned. "I knew a wolf, but he's been dead for a few months."
"No," Mason shook his head. "I don't..." his eyes scanned hers. "It's hard to explain. You mentioned a soulmate?"
Eden shrugged. "People have them. It was a joke, I don't have one."
Mason looked away for a moment, choosing his words. "I don't think that's true. I think yours has found you but you haven't found them."
"Is that possible?" She asked quietly.
Mason shrugged. "I don't know. Just what it smells like. But listen," a sheepish smile tugged at his lips. "You're cute, seriously, but I'm not interested. I've got a girl and I think...there's something dangerous about you, too. I don't trust it. I don't want to mess with that."
"Everyone likes danger," Eden raised an eyebrow. "What's danger to the man who becomes a wolf?"
"That's the thing, Eden," he stepped away from her. "I'm not scared of anything. But something about you...it's a gut feeling. I'm not taking any chances."
And then he left her in the kitchen with her thoughts, following after Alaric.
What the hell did that mean?
"Dress!" Jenna exclaimed. "Ballerina!"
Eden shook her head, exchanging a look with Mason. Damon was the least subtle person to ever walk the planet.
They were playing Pictionary — a game Eden vehemently despised due to her atrocious artistic abilities — and Damon was up, drawing something that could possibly resemble a dog.
Or a glob of mud.
She couldn't be sure.
"Puppy!" Caroline guessed. "Puppy with a tutu!"
"No, no," Damon shook his head.
"A dog!" Jenna tried. "A hound-dog!"
"Ain't nothing but a hound dog," Eden sung to herself. "Great song."
"Dances with wolves," Mason said flatly.
Everyone looked at him in surprise and Jenna sighed in irritation.
"Mason wins!" Damon exclaimed with a grin. "Again."
"How is that a wolf?"
Jenna and Elena stood, heading to the kitchen, Damon following closely behind.
Alaric plopped next to Eden, resting his head on her shoulder.
"Good afternoon," he greeted with a smile.
Eden snorted. "Are you drunk, Alaric?"
"I'm merely tipsy," he shook his head. "Nothing can keep me down."
"Of course not," Eden patted his head lightly. "Will you accidentally light yourself on fire if I request another burger?"
"There's a high possibility," Alaric nodded. "Good chance I'll die. And I wouldn't come back. How sad."
"I'd miss you," Eden said quietly. "Don't die, Ric, I'm getting attached."
"That's the nicest thing you've said to me since we met," he said quietly, toying with her hair. "I think I'm in love with Jenna."
Eden smiled, leaning her head against his. "I know, bud," she patted his leg gently. "I know."
Four more drinks later, Jenna called them over for dessert, a pie she'd grabbed from the store, and laid it on the table.
"Mason," Damon smiled at the wolf. "Why don't you start us off?"
Eden noticed the silver dinnerware and rolled her eyes. That wasn't a thing, but when had Damon ever listened to her?
"Sure," Mason nodded, reaching with his hands and pulling up a slice.
Eden's mouth fell open and she exchanged a wide-eyed look with Alaric.
"I apologize," Mason said after taking a bite. "I'm an animal."
At his words, Alaric and Eden burst into giggles, leaning on each other for support.
"Eden, are you tipsy?" Damon asked her with a raised eyebrow.
"Absolutely not," she shook her head. "I'm so sober I could run a marathon." Her nose crinkled. "I will not run a marathon, that sounds awful."
"Running can be catardick," Alaric frowned. "That's not the right word."
"Catastrophic?" Eden tried.
"No," he shook his head. "Commanding? No. Not right."
"Cage-match!" Eden tried with a grin.
"I love cage matches," Alaric nodded. "We should put Mason and Damon in one and see who wins," he added lowly, causing them both to burst into another round of laughter.
"Wait, I want pie!" Eden exclaimed, brushing past Alaric, who stumbled a fraction. "Jenny, can you cut me some pieeee?"
Jenna shook her head fondly, slicing Eden a piece. "Be good, Eden, drink some water."
"Pah!" Eden stuck her fork out at Jenna. "I am strong like a Lion. My liver is built like a dam. Keep the water in, alcohol out."
"You're so drunk," Jenna shook her head. "Why do we keep letting you get drunk?"
"Because I'm adorable," Eden smiled up at Mason, who was eyeing her in amusement. "Right, McDreamy?"
"He is not McDreamy," Damon rolled his eyes.
"You're McStupid, what do you know?"
"So, Mason," Alaric asked, nursing his second cup of water, seeming a bit more sober than he was a few minutes prior. "You and Jenna never dated?"
"She was always lost in Logan Fell land."
"Bleh," Eden stuck out her tongue. "That guy is the worst."
"You knew him?" Mason asked curiously.
"I met him once during my fifth year. He hit on me and I knew it was weird even then. My boyfriend lost it when I told him."
Eden smiled at the memory, recalling how Fred's face turned red at the thought of a grown man hitting on a fifteen-year-old girl. His fifteen-year-old girl.
"I didn't know you had a boyfriend," Alaric raised his eyebrows. "You still together?"
Hurt tugged at her heartstrings as she thought of Fred Weasley's freckled, smiling face.
"No," Eden said in a small voice, her eyes meeting Damon. He was the only one who knew what happened to Fred, Jenna only thought they'd broken up. "No, he, uh, he's not around anymore."
"Sorry to hear that," Mason said quietly. He watched her in that strange way again, as though he could see right through her. Maybe he knew of the war, of who she really was, of Fred's death.
The werewolf was a wild card and she wasn't sure where he stood.
"My first mistake," Jenna grimaced. "Mason was a catch; he had girls lining up."
"Myself included," Eden raised her hand. "I'd let you take me upstairs right now and rail me on Jenna's bed."
Mason choked on his pie, coughing out a laugh.
Eden shrugged. "Ah, I said that aloud. Sorry, Mason, my filter's gone when I drink."
"Really?" Damon asked Mason. "I always pegged you for a lone wolf."
"I didn't know you were into pegging," Eden raised her eyebrows. "Nice, Damon."
"Oh, man," Alaric shook his head. "That's an image I didn't need. Here," he handed Eden a bottle of water. "Please drink that for all our sakes."
"You got it, Ric-y-dicky-doo-dah."
"Don't talk until it's gone," he grimaced.
Shrugging, Eden chugged the water down.
"I'm sure I wasn't half the lady-killer you were, Damon," Mason held up his glass. "How about a toast? To new friends." He glanced at Eden. "And Eden's sobriety."
Eden held up her bottle of water. "Yay, drinking!"
Eden was half asleep at the dinner table, plates cleared away in the sink. Damon leaned against the counter, the pair chatting lightly when Mason walked in.
Perking up, Eden smiled up at the man, who glanced in her direction, nose twitching.
"Jenna just brought out "Guitar Hero". Might be time to mutiny!"
"Aw, no, I'm so good at that game!" Eden gushed. "I beat her every time, don't let her say otherwise."
"Noted," Mason grinned lazily in her direction.
"Well, I just happen to like "Guitar Hero,"" Damon smirked. "So you, my friend, are barking up the wrong tree."
"Okay. Enough with the innuendos, you win, you're hilarious."
"He's really not."
"Thank you," Damon quipped. "Shut up, Eden. Drink your water, the grown-ups are talking."
Eden poured into her water bottle, wishing the world would stop spinning so she could properly stand.
"Come on, man. You don't think I know what this barbecue is about?"
"How do you know about me?" Damon asked. "Your brother was completely clueless. Also, how do you know about Eden?"
"Doesn't matter," Mason shook his head. "I'm not your enemy, Damon."
"You tried to kill my brother."
"That was a mistake."
"He can't help it," Eden pitched in. "Full moons take over, he has no control. Wrong place, wrong time."
"Thanks, Eden," Mason shot her a grateful look. "Damon, there was confusion; I couldn't chain myself up in time. I have no control once I shift."
"What, no obedience school?"
"Shut up, Damon," Eden cut in harshly.
She may have a slight grudge against vampires until proven otherwise, but werewolves were another story. Like Remus, Mason had no control and didn't ask for what happened to him. To make jokes about something horrible that happened to him...fury chilled down Eden's spine.
"I'm serious. Let's not spark some age-old feud that doesn't apply to us."
"You expect me to believe that you are in Mystic Falls planting peach trees?"
"He could plant my peach tree," Eden mumbled against her water, eyes growing wide when they both turned to look at her. "I'm sorry, I can't stop my mouth. It has a mind of its own."
"I lost my brother, my nephew lost his father. I'm here for my family. Let's be above this."
Mason offered his hand. Damon stared for a moment before clutching it and shaking it.
"I'll see you around, Eden," Mason smiled over at her. "Maybe in another life."
"God, I hope so," she sighed longingly as he walked away.
"No more takers for drinks at the grill?" Mason asks around as Jenna and Alaric head back into the kitchen.
Eden raises her hand but Alaric immediately puts it back down.
"No," he said firmly. "Don't even think about it."
"Okay, dad," Eden rolled her eyes.
"It's like I'm with a bunch of adults here!"
"I prefer the term role-model," Jenna smiled.
"Okay. Well, thanks for having me, it was awesome. Alaric, catch that game next week?"
"Yeah," Alaric nodded over at him. "I look forward to it."
"You know, I should probably head out too," Damon shrugs as Mason walks past Eden, patting her head once.
She swoons as he leaves the house, throwing her head into her hands.
"I'm in love and he doesn't even want me!"
"Okay," Jenna pat her back gently. "Time for bed, sissy, come on."
"No," Eden cried out. "Leave me here to whither away and become the shriveled old maid of my future."
"She is so dramatic," Damon rolled his eyes. "Jenna, you're a wonderful hostess."
He kissed her hand and Eden made a face.
"That's gross, don't do that again."
"Shut up, Eden."
"Shut up, Eden," Eden mocked him.
"And you are a terrible artist," Jenna raised her eyebrows.
"Is that the only thing that makes me terrible?"
"I'm still deciding."
"I'm not," Eden shook her head. "You suck, Damon. Literally," she burst into a fit of giggles when Jenna gave her a confused look.
Damon sighed at Eden, looking back to Jenna and Alaric.
"Good enough for me," he nodded to Alaric. "Alaric, let's not catch that game next week. Eden, see you whenever you stumble back into my house."
"I don't stumble."
"You're not exactly graceful."
"Get out of here, jerkface."
short chapter but I wanted the barbecue to be it's own thing. Eden is so cute with her lil crush.
what do you guys think about what mason was saying 👀👀
lmk your thoughts and hope you enjoyed!
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