Chapter 2
Mooncloud, Joyleap and Oakfoot had successfully kept their vigil. They were coming into camp now, Mooncloud heading for the warriors' den, Oakfoot and Joyleap going to the fresh-kill pile. Duskkit watched as the two of them took the same shrew, laughed, and Joyleap tugging at it, pulling it into two pieces.
Will that be me someday? Duskkit thought. Will I have a mate someday? Someone I know I'm destined to spend my life with?
"Hey, Duskkit!" Duskkit turned around to see Nightkkit bounding towards him. Instantly the memory came back in his mind.
"Hey Duskkit!" Nightkit called. "I was just wondering - Duskkit? Are you okay?"
"Of course I'm okay!" Duskkit answered, confused. "What where you wondering?"
"What were you saying? Something about dusk, night and dawn?"
"What are you talking about?"
Duskkit shook his head, clearing away the thought.
"Duskkit?" Nightkit said. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah..." Duskkit answered. "I just... I was just remembering yesterday."
"What happened?" Nightkit was never one for being subtle.
"Well, for me, you said 'I was wondering - Duskkit, are you okay?"
"So you don't remember what you said at all?"
"No. Sorry."
"It's okay."
Duskkit glanced over at Dawnkit. She was sitting alone next to the apprentices' den, staring up at it.
"I have to go," Nightkit stated. "I want to talk to Frostcloud about what you said. She's a Medicine Cat. She might understand it."
"Okay," Duskkit replied, unsure of what to say. "Bye." Nightkit nodded and bounded away. Duskkit looked around again and saw Dawnkit slinking into the Nursery.
Duskkit raced after her.
Nightkit walked away from Duskkit, not any closer to finding out what he had meant. She paused and looked around. Duskkit was following Dawnkit into the Nursery. She sighed. Why had she felt so distant to her siblings lately? She knew that it should be Dawnkit feeling alone, but why did she feel so... alone? It was as if there was more of a connection between Duskkit and Dawnkit than herself and them.
Nightkit sighed. She was overreacting. She walked over to he Medicine Cat's den.
"Just eat this watermint, and your stomach ache will feel better, Badgerclaw." Nightkit heard Frostcloud's calm voice taling to her patient.
"Thanks, Frostcloud," came a muffled reply from Badgerclaw. She heard some chewing and stood aside as he walked out of the Medicine Cat's den. Nightkit waited a bit, and slowly walked into her den.
"Hello, Nightkit," Frostcloud said, not looking up from her herbs.
"H-hi, Frostcloud," Nightkit replied. "I'd like to talk to you about something."
"What is it?" Frostcloud said, turning her head.
"Well, yesterday, Duskkit came to me, and started saying something like, 'From Dusk to Night, the prophecy will come. From Night to Dawn, a journey will be done. And Dusk to Dawn will save the Clans.' I think that's how it went. Then he went back to normal and started acting as if it never happened. I confirmed just now that he doesn't know it ever happened."
"From Dusk to Night the prophecy will come..." Frostcloud murmured. "It must have been nothing." Frostcloud's voice was firm.
"But he doesn't remember it! It has to be something! Can't you talk to StarClan and, I don't know, ask them about it? Maybe it's a prophecy that was meant for you, but it accidentally went to me!"
"Duskkit must have been playing a trick on you," Frostcloud replied even more firmly.
"You must know about it!" Nightkit said, her voice growing higher. "It has our names in it! Why else would you stare at me, Duskkit and Dawnkit every time we're around?!" Frostcloud looked a bit shocked at the last statement, but she shook it off.
"Get out," she growled.
"No! Not until you explain what's going on!"
"Nothing is happening, for StarClan's sake! JUST GET OUT!" Frostcloud yowled. Nightkit had never seen her so angry. She shrank back and ran out of the den. She panted, and once she realised she was in the nursery, she looked around for her siblings. She saw, right outside the entrance, Duskkit give Dawnkit a playful lick. Nightkit sighed. Fernseed was grooming herself.
"Fernseed?" she said. Fernseed stopped grooming herself. "Can I go play with Duskkit and Dawnkit?"
"Why do you need to ask me?" Fernseed said, pushing Nightkit to the entrance. Fernseed sat, watching Dawnkit and Duskkit play as Nightkit joined them.
"Hi, guys!" Nightkit said.
"Nightkit!" Dawnkit ran and jumped onto Nightkit. "I win, Duskkit."
"What?" Nightkit asked, confused.
"We were going to make a game who could jump on you first, but then you came, and DAWNKIT CHEATED!" Duskkit said, glaring at Dawnkit.
"Well, then, let's play something else!" Nightkit said. She started chasing Duskkit. "I'm Nightstar of ThunderClan!"
"And I'm Dawnleaf, deputy of ThunderClan!" Dawnkit announced, jumping to her sister's side.
"Well then I'm Duskstar, leader of ShadowClan!" Duskkit yowled. "I'm gonna kill you all!"
The kits started play fighting, claws sheathed, acting as if fangs didn't exist, except for when they snarled. In the end, they stopped when they herd a yowl from the nursery. Fernseed ran out.
"Help! Sorrelflight is having her kits!" she screeched.
Okay, people, please tell me if you want longer chapters. Also, I REALLY DON'T CARE IF JOY CAN'T BE A PREFIX! Please do not spam me with messages telling me that joy can't be a prefix cause I really don't care! I think it fits Joyleap's personality. Obviously. Thanks for reading, though!
- mAjesTiC_mArkHoR
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