11: Accidental Addition
There are days when you wake up feeling extremely giddy for no reason and others where you feel downcast, anxious or terrified. Today was one of such days.
Being it a weekend I went out for early morning soccer and returned almost immediately. Soccer was supposed to take your mind off things but it added to my anxiousness.
I grabbed my phone from where it's plugged and there were 3 missed calls and an sms. I dialled the number back.
Honey na.
The voice from the other side exclaimed and I could swore my heart jumped out.
I inhaled.
Nayi tunanin ka mance dani ai.
(I thought you have forgotten me)
Samiha chatted.
Have you ever seen a person without his heartbeat? Sammy you're my heartbeat. I can't ever forget you.
Nayi missing naka. (I've missed you)
To reply with same is an understatement honey.
I beamed
I thought marriage changes people.
She declared.
I can only be married to one person and that's you. Maybe then ill change.
She chuckled.
So yaya amarya?
(How's the bride)
You're fine I guess.
I teased.
I'm not talking about me.
Shsshh Sammy can we not talk about anything and treasure this moment. And let it be about you and you alone.
I've missed you.
I heared her sigh from the other side.
The feeling is mutual Honey.
I croaked.
I know everything has changed between us. But....
Shssh Samiha nothing has changed. I'm still the same person. Maybe even better. (The wirter doesn't agree tho)
Let's just give our parents some space.
Do you still love me.
She asked.
I will always love you Hameeda.
Hamida ko? Omar kenan.
Ya Ladeef. Sammy I swear it's a slip of the tongue. I love you and only you and you know that.
My voice begged.
Sai anjima.
And she dropped the call.
Knowing Samiha too well. Me arguing or calling back will anger her more. So I'd wait till she calms down then I call back.
I wanted to make those happy dances because believe me I felt like the most happiest person on earth. Sammy is back. Well until I win her back after the error I just made.
I dashed into the bathroom to perform ablution and do Sujoodul Shukr. I had to thank Allah for being on my side on this one. My happiness has been restored.
I performed two raka'ats in gratitude and completed it with Salatul Dhuhr which was called earlier. I even read two chapters from the Holy Book. I was happy.
I sat down in the living room upstairs browsing through Sammys instagram page. It was something I hadn't done for a while. She looked more beautiful with every picture. I scrolled and liked and even went up to stalk all the guys that left comments on her pics. I wanted to message them to Keep off from her because she was mine. Maybe when we're married.
We married. I smiled.
I can't wait for it to happen.
The door moved and a sour looking Hameeda emerged from the bedroom. I was used to the sight these days. She walked downstairs quietly.
Then it hit me
I will always love you Hameedah
I had said but it felt like nothing. Even though it was a slip of tongue. I still owe her an apology for my monstrous behaviour. But she is hell bent ignoring me so I figured out the best apology is to stay out of her way. And stop being a reminder of that faithful night. That night I thought.
I dialled Sammy again.
Hey honey.
Honey kuma ba Hameeda ba? (Honey and not Hameeda?)
I said I'm sorry
I aplogised my voice really low.
You know you must pay huge for this right?
She smirked.
How about we get married soon? Is that enough payment.? Will you be my wife Sammy? Make me the happiest....
And the sound of Hameeda chocking on a soda can paused me for a moment.
Samiha hold on a second .
I muted the call and reached for her as she coughed intensely. I tried to help her onto the nearest chair and hit her back gently. The cough ceased as she gasped for air. I quickly got a cup of water from the dispenser nearby and handed it to her. She mumbled a thank you and dissapeared into her room. And for the first time in more than a month, there was a moment between us.
I sat down with a thud. She said thank you. She let me help her. Does that mean my aplogy has been accepted.
What apology?
My mind reminded. An apology you didn't utter.
I tried getting up to follow her into her room. Make sure she's all right when my eyes fell on my phone.
Call connected to Honey. I sighed
Sorry Samiha .
Ina kaje (where did you go to)
She enquired.
Something came up and I need to attend to it. Text me before you sleep.
And I ended the call.
I strode to her door as quick as possible but as I pushed the doorknob, I felt it was bolted.
During the days, I decided I wouldn't play prisoner anymore so I left the house to stretch my legs. I visited the other 3 occupied houses on the Estate. One was occupied by Mr Tunde who also worked with Omar and his wife Judith. She was a very bubbly woman with three beautiful daughters. She gave me a heartwarming welcome. I liked her from that moment on. The other housed Mr & Mrs Prashan from India. They had two kids Aryaan & Akilan I was also welcomed and the kids loved the chocolate muffins I carried along. The last house which was the farthest and overlooked the little orchard and playground was home to Mr & Mrs Taylor Wyatt. They were English and had a daughter Samantha (Sam) who also loved my muffins and promised to come over and learn. I was socialising all by myself and proud.
Today I woke up with the excruciating stomach ache I had been having 2 weeks ago. It slowed me down a lot. From house chores I used to enjoy to cooking and writing. Adriana was of much help but she's called to let me know she'd be travelling back to Spain for her youngest daughters wedding. I dialled Judith instantly when I ran out of ideas and tried every other pain relief.
Are you sure you're not pregnant.
Judith quaked.
My heart skipped a beat.
I'm sure.
I stated.
I reassured myself. We were only intimate once. I pondered. How else would I be pregnant.
Okay I still think we should still see a Dr. I'll make an appointment.
She stated.
Today I called Judith and reminded her about the Dr's appointment 3 days ago. It was at 5pm. The drive to the hospital was chatty as Judith explained to me that we were seeing a Obs & Gyne Dr. I had protested as I was just having abdominal cramps which could have a million causes but she persuaded me and insisted we rule out pregnancy first. I wanted to laugh at her later so I agreed.
he told me how the Dr had seen her through all the births of her daughters. We arrived the reception and signed in our names as we waited to be called. After several minutes, a young petit nurse held a card and read
Hameeda Mohammed Edrees
I scrambled to my feet and Judith followed suit.
She motioned us to an office which read
Dr Susan Hussam Kofti
MBBS Edinburgh University
The Dr a young lady in her mid twenties welcomed us as she scribbled on a piece of paper. She gestured with her hand behind some curtains and I walked over to the examination bed.
There was a sign that says:
Please Undress
And I took it as a cue. I opened the buttons of the Abaya I wore and lifted the shirt inside over to my chest. I heared as the exchanged pleasantries with Judith.
Dr Susan drew the curtains and smiled.
So Hameeda
she read from a file.
Let's see what we have here.
She beamed as she scooped a gel and applied it on my tummy. I felt a cold shiver.
This is a 4D ultrasound so you'd be able to see everything clearly.
She continued.
she cheered as she increased the volume and pointed at the screen.
Listen to the faint heartbeat.
She beamed.
I let out a whimper as I closed my mouth and sobbed.
Those are the formation of the limbs, the head is at this side but it'll grow bigger don't worry.....
I didn't hear what she went on to blabber as I was lost in a pool of water works. I? Hameeda? Carrying a child.
I think I should let you cry a little more. It's a thing of joy.
She interrupted as she pulled my top back. I couldn't sat down as I lay motionless. I wanted to die on that table.
Like a corpse I slowly got up and dress. I met her scribbling on a note pad as she spoke to Judith.
Hameeda you look umhh underweight. Your body needs to be nourished well in order to accommodate the little angel.
I've written down some supplements and vitamins and i'd love if you see our Nutritionist on your way out.
Judith please help her get the drugs in the pharmacy.
And you'll see me in 3 months in sha Allah.
I'm sure she'll be seeing you often before 3 months.
Judith chuckled.
Especially if Omar hears the news.
Omar? Why?
The Dr asked trying to decipher everything Judith had said.
She's Omar's wife.
Judith announced.
Oh my Good God. Wait what?
Omg you could have told me when you entered. Or called and i'd come over.
Did you have to wait in line
How long have you been waiting for an appointment.
I'm so sorry she apologised
Did you come with him?
Where's my......
Where's Omar?
She asked suspiciously looking at us like we were hiding him.
We came alone.
Judith spoke.
And Hameeda this is Dr Susan. She's Mr Kofti's eldest daughter.
I forced a smile wiping my tear stained face.
Please try and eat well Hameeda. We don't want you starving our little Angel.
Dr Susan giggled.
Our Angel? How dare she names my baby. My baby I pondered. Have I accepted this Qadr yet?
Before Ummu and Abbi sees you and think Omar is starving you.
They laughed in unison.
I'll see you again next month this date. I can come home to see you if you want though.
But I'll want to see changes in your weight by next week please.
The family can't wait to see you.
I'm glad to be the first person to see the baby.
She seerched like a kid as she held my hand.
She's totally gone coco
I thought.
It's been two days after the hospital encounter and I woke up every single day praying it was a dream only to be reminded by a piercing pain in my stomach. Today I woke up and vomited the whole contents of my stomach till I couldn't move no more. I dragged my self downstairs to get a glass of water because everything makes me nauseous.
I gulped down the second cup when my phone vibrated from the working table. I picked it up and the ID showed Umma. I dragged my feet tiredly to the kitchen back door leading to a mini balcony-like-porch and sat down on the floor to call her back.
The doorbell chimed and my phone rang indicating the arrival of my food delivery. It was a halal Chinese restaurant I had discovered earlier. I tipped the young lad and went to the kitchen to get a plate before retiring back to my room.
I walked to the kitchen counter trying to get the plate and there was a low voice coming from the porch outside the kitchen back door. It was Hameeda. I concluded that she was either talking to herself or on the phone.
I couldn't eat anything for two days Umma and I've been throwing up.
I cried. My stomach hurts badly
No he doesn't know.
I declared admist sobs.
Umma the Dr thinks I'M PREGNANT
Phew this is for the #UpdateQadrChallenge.
3 updates & le sweet inlaw will update Qadr.
1 more to go.
PS: Please scold me. I have Surgery test on Sunday. But I'm silently praying that Sunday turns out to be a National Holiday.
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