Hehe, I guess once a cat saved your life, it's yours." I chuckled. "So, what will I name you?" I smirked, scratching the kitten behind the ear. "How about..." I was about to say when the kitten jumped out of my lap and onto a wasp that was on the ground not to far from me. I was terribly terrified of wasps, not to mention allergic to them. "Wow, you saved my kitty." I chuckled and pulled the kitten back into my lap. "You saved me... save... save..." I repeated. "Saver! I will name you Saver!" I cheered and hugged my new kitten. I could feel Saver purr a purr of joy and comfort. I knew my kitten knew his name now. Saver. For saving my life. Not once, but twice. And maybe more times to come. I looked around the forest. The sun was barely peeking over the trees now. The forest was bright with activity. The birds chirping, they way the light danced on the leaves. All was calm the the sea of trees that went on for 5 miles from where I stand, well, sit. I realized that I am a wolf, I do not live in a house. The forest was my home. So that ment my home, the forest, was Saver's home now. I leaned down and kissed the kitten on the forehead. "Welcome home Saver." I whispered. "Welcome home."
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