Daddy and Mommy
I hate those 'father and daughter' talks that we always have he's so.....menacing. Oh did I mention that he's the Shredder, ya i guess it would make sense that he treats me like that but I'm still here I may not be safe from him but at least I'm safe from those turtles that my fa- Shredder keeps talking about. But, I always wish that he wasn't my father and that I was never in the Foot Clan but that's not possible I mean come on he could care less if I was his daughter or not why won't he just let me be free or put me out of my misery like he always threatens to. But, of course he says that I'll be great use to him one day and I guess that day is today why can't he just send my 'sister' the princess of the Foot Clan or at least that's what every Foot soldier says and Shredder at one point. Everybody hates me and I know that but why? Nobody will tell me they just call me worthless and a waste of space Shredder says I'm a mistake and and so does everyone else, I really miss my mom she was so nice the only person that was nice to me but Shredder kept blaming her that because of her I was born, till one day he just snapped and he killed her and I was there I saw everything from every stab to every slash and she was gone just like that. I remember like it was just a while ago.
"DADDY NO!! MOMMY MOMMY!!!" Daddy was beating up mommy again and I couldn't do anything "You Ungrateful Wife I Gave You Everything And You Do This *punch,kick* You Worthless PIECE OF SH*T!!!" He kept hitting her till I saw Karai come out of the shadows holding her sword "KAWAI , HELP MOMMY PWEASE!"she just smiled and nodded. She walked over to her and looked at her "would you like the honors"? Daddy asked her "I would love to" she looked up at me and grinned evilly then stabbed mommy along with daddy. I couldn't believe what was happening
I couldn't take It anymore "MOMMY MOMMY NOOOO"!!!!! Daddy walked up to me and pinned me to the floor with my arms behind my back and his blade on my back I started crying and struggling "Stay.Still"!! I did what he said "Good now I'm sorry to tell you well actually I'm not that sorry*chuckles* but your Mother is gone for good and it's just us now so I suggest to not mention this to anybody Understood"! I nodded because I couldn't speak with all the pressure on my back "I said DO YOU UNDERSTAND"! "Y-yes" I croaked "Karai come here for a bit" she started walking to me "yes dad" "hold her good don't let her escape. I looked at her and into her eyes and there's shock and worry "KARAI"! She snaps out of her thoughts and does what he said. I struggle but I can't take her off " now now little one rest assure you will not join your mother....this time, but you need to be punished for being a bad girl and not listening to your father" he lifts up the blade then slashes a big cut on my face I cry out in pain and fall to the ground holding my face the blood flowing fast I couldn't stand up so I fell and passed out.
~Flashback Over~
And all I remember from that point was that I woke up on the floor in my bedroom that used to belong to me and my mom I was patched up from my face but as the time went on the cut became a scar and a big one at that it starts from the top middle of my forehead and goes over my left eye down to my cheek and stops at my jaw. Sadly it's very noticeable and I always try to hide it with my hair but it's hard do so while it's windy. Sometimes I think that there's no way out of this hell that I'm living that I will always be stuck here and that I may never find love, but of course I'll stay stuck here if I don't do something about it now. This mission may be my only chance to be free....and I'm taking it.
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