Chapter 20.1
Year: Unknown calendar date, 70 years post-Earth
Location: Corrcon
The crashed vessel had ripped apart the land, gouging boulders and trees out of its path like tossing crumpled paper to the side. Fire raged in its wake. The flames and smoke billowed from beneath the thick canopies of vegetation long overdue for a rain. The draping vines and swooping leaves were tinder, and it wouldn't be long for the forests of Corrcon to be set ablaze.
Vatra and Spyro left behind their crashed ship. Following the uneven path their ship had carved into the infamous yellow dirt of the planet, Vatra held a finger to the blood dripping down her forehead.
"I almost wish I'd died in the crash," Vatra groaned. She coughed and gagged. The smell of fire wasn't an unfamiliar scent, but the vegetation burning around them gave off a particularly rotten smell. It reeked like carnage.
Spyro glanced over at her, appearing more concerned about the wound on her head. "I do not think it was wise of us to travel so close to Corrcon. You knew about the active military unrest between the inhabitants of this planet and the neighboring worlds."
"I don't appreciate the 'I told you so'," Vatra shot. "Besides, the gambol near Corrcon is the quickest shortcut to Pocarro from this galaxy."
"I do not recall ever agreeing to a shortcut, and now we do not have a ship. Nor do we have a safe route off this planet." Spyro adjusted the pack he'd managed to salvage from the vessel before it was consumed in flames. Safely tucked inside the pack were their limited belongings, and a probably very pissed off Aspi sloshing around a container of water.
"I can sweet talk our way off any planet. Corrcon shot us down, but I don't think they were really aiming for us."
One of Spyro's eyebrows flicked upwards, almost unintentionally, at Vatra's words.
"There was a Pareus warship not far behind us," Vatra explained.
"It was well beyond their weapon's range," Spyro stated.
Vatra hopped over a crater where a boulder had been pushed out of place. She ignored the creatures that scurried out of sight from their disturbed home. "Go with me on this. Let's pretend they didn't mean to shoot us down. We're not their enemy, so let's talk our way out of this one. Okay? We've done this a thousand times. Playing dumb is my go to."
"I do not know about this," Spyro said. "We ignored their warnings to leave their atmosphere. Was that accidental, as well?"
"Yes!" Vatra shouted, a smile bursting to her face. "See, now you get it. We were just two, unfortunate fools who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Stuck between their attempt at firing on the real enemy just beyond our own vessel."
Spyro fell silent. He navigated the uneven path with a diligence and grace that Vatra envied.
The forest around them was unnervingly quiet. Behind them, the wreckage and fire grew more and more distant. There were no calling animals, and as the crackling flames dissipated, Vatra was left with their own steps crunching over the packed, yellow dirt.
Staring down at her boots, Vatra watched the yellow dust cling to her jumpsuit and shoes. She wasn't so sure they would ever wash clean.
The lack of wildlife and poor weather on this planet reminds me of Earth, Vatra thought. She slapped a hand to her thigh and watched a cloud of yellow dust float away behind her. At least Earth hadn't been covered in yellow dirt.
They walked for some time, until the trail of their vessel disappeared and the broken trees turned to upright and sturdy canopies above them. Together, they passed into the dry undergrowth of the forest.
In their descent toward the ground, though out of control and on fire for most of the time, Vatra had caught sight of a nearby city. She hoped the walk was as short as it appeared from above.
The inhabitants of Corrcon were not human, but they did remarkably resemble them. One of the few differences was that the people of Corrcon were cold-blooded and had scaled skin, like that of a lizard or snake. All had golden eyes with slitted irises. Their world was perfectly suited for them. Warm and tropical. Though, it was partially in flames.
Oops, Vatra thought, glancing back over her shoulder. I hope they forgive me for accidentally setting that fire.
The humidity clung to Vatra's skin like a heavy blanket. It weighed on her already swimming head and mixed sweat with her blood. She swiped her forehead with the back of her glove and groaned.
"This is your plan, remember that," Spyro said quietly.
"Gods, you're annoying right now," Vatra muttered. She kicked aside a broad leafed plant and stepped out into a clearing.
Thick forest and brush turned to a sprawling metropolis. The towering spires and sparkling skyscrapers were bright and golden. Each building appeared constructed of scales, pieced together in layers from some type of metal.
What surprised Vatra the most, though, was how suddenly they happened upon the city. She realized why as they approached the outermost wall. The place was completely abandoned.
Spyro and Vatra walked the length of the wall, eyeing the top of it warily. It spanned well beyond a ten story building, and it was impossible to see anything at the top. However, no one fired down upon them.
"There's no guards and no automatic security system. They didn't shoot us down from here, at least. But where is everyone?" Vatra spoke aloud.
Both of them stopped when they reached a gate in the wall. Most curiously, it was already open.
"I do believe they evacuated this city. They are in a war here on Corrcon. It would make sense for them to get their civilians to more controlled locations," Spyro said.
"This city seems pretty controlled to me. Good defenses, strong structures... why leave?" Vatra stepped to the gate and placed a hand to the cool metal of the structure.
The emptiness and lingering, distant war felt familiar. The itching memory scratched at the back of her mind, begging for her to remember. Vatra closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, taking in the smell of smoke, burnt food, and blood. Her eyes snapped open.
"Hel," Vatra growled.
"How can you be so sure?" Spyro questioned.
"Call it a hunch. But, I think she's here. We can assume Garmr is, too. Maybe she's the one that encouraged the wars around here. It's pretty much the same thing that happened on Earth," Vatra explained.
Spyro glanced around. "As I recall, Ares was with her as well."
"This war isn't as bloody. Definitely doesn't have his touch to it," Vatra said. She withdrew her godkillers and started off into the city, trusting her instincts to lead her in the right direction.
They followed the scuffle of foot traffic until they reached a point where the yellow, packed dirt turned orange. Blood had spilled on the road.
Vatra lifted her gaze from the center of the road and examined the towering structures around them. Much like on Earth, scorch marks covered the buildings. Windows were shattered, and blood painted the scaled facades in broad strokes. Businesses, homes and shops alike were all torn apart.
The city was decent in size, and it was difficult to tell how many were able to escape. But by the amount of blood in just the small section of the city they were in, Vatra could tell at least a few hundred of the inhabitants had been slaughtered.
"Garmr was in a well last time," Vatra said. "But I doubt we'll get that lucky a second time. Should we split up?"
"No," Spyro replied. "We should stick together. Hel likes to play games. She probably already knows we are here. Give her some time. Meanwhile, I do think it best we try to find a ship. We can do two tasks at once."
"Yeah, yeah. When it comes to it, though, I get to kill her. Okay? You can get her dog."
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