Chapter 14.2
"It amazes me you've all survived this long. Your observation skills are truly astounding," Hisato said, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Flickering her gaze back to the mysteriously downed guard, she noted the small blade between his helmet and chest plating. "Godkiller throwing knives," Vatra observed. She drew her gaze back to Hisato and Spyro with a growing feeling of relief in her chest.
Hisato nodded. He planted a boot firmly on the guard's stomach and bent down to pull free his weapon. "I figured you all were the type who would go for the close combat." A childish grin parted his lips. "Predictable."
"Speaking of predictable," Vatra started, "I wouldn't have expected you all to have kept such secret abilities from me." She slapped a hand to Spyro's shoulder, and he wavered from her hit.
"I do not think now is the time for such banter," Spyro said. "Surely our positions have been noticed by now. I am not familiar with their security systems, but I am certain they must have some type that we should be concerned about."
"Yeah, yeah," Vatra dismissed with a wave of her hand.
"If I had known the plan was to phase through the walls, I would have joined it," Nat said. "It would have been better than standing around scratching my head."
An equal look of confusion crossed the faces of everyone else in the group.
"What are you again, love?" Enyalius asked with an almost comical level of bluntness.
Nat sighed. "A loa. I get it, I'm not a very interesting spirit to you guys. You all must be used to the very exciting gods and spirits. I can see as much in the limited time I've been stuck with you."
"Feel free to use your abilities next time and grab a weapon. Take advantage of the time you have to strike down an enemy," Enyalius said.
She must think we're assholes, Vatra thought.
The six of them moved away from the fallen guards with no real sense of direction. They pressed along the right wall and moved in a single line, Vatra being pushed to the front. She disliked the fact she was leading the pack.
It was odd how a group always found its own natural leader. Even though every single person in the group might have been equally unprepared, or unwilling, for the situation at hand.
Vatra had absolutely no idea where they were going. She only wanted to find Ares at that point, but she had to pretend that wasn't a goal of hers. No, she had to make it appear that she wanted them to leave the vessel. To escape.
Of course I want to escape, she thought with a scowl. Vatra was allowing her idea of revenge to poison her own logical thought processes. She held a hand to her chest and kept her other wrapped around her godkiller at her side.
But if I couldn't get my revenge with Enyalius, maybe I could finally find some peace by killing Ares. I won't get another chance. Assuming these damned weapons work.
Her thoughts wheeled. They controlled Vatra's feet. She found herself lost in a maze of halls, lost from the trail of people that followed her loyally and unassuming.
A rough hand pulled Vatra back into the moment before she turned a corner without looking. Vatra's back slammed against the wall and she felt someone slip past her before the hollow steps of four other people went by. The hand never moved from her forearm.
Blinking a few times, Vatra steadied her vision blinded by rage and confusion and desperation. Spyro settled into her line of sight.
"I do not think you were leading us to the Agkistrodon. Are you all right? Your heartbeat is normal, but you do not appear to be in the correct state of mind," Spyro said. His voice was low, dropped so only she could hear him.
Embarrassingly, Vatra looked over to the others. She noted Nat in front, but they had all stopped only a few strides away in wait for them to catch up.
"I don't know where we are in the ship," Vatra admitted.
"Nat believes she remembers the way to the docking bay from where the guards brought her to her cell. From here, she believes she can get us there. Let us stay in the back," Spyro said.
Vatra gave a small nod in agreement.
Quietly, they navigated the halls. Vatra's focus remained on the back of Hisato's head. She didn't want her mind to wander again. How could she be so foolish? In a time as critical as the one they found themselves in?
The twists and turns of the halls were the same one after another. Barren. Cold and empty halls that looked like grand archways leading into a theater. Vatra half-expected to walk through a curtain and into a performance.
If only it was all a show.
"We should have run into another guard by now," Hisato murmured. He gripped his own godkiller with a level of preparedness that made Vatra's hair stand on end.
She fluttered her gaze up to the flammable pipe running above their heads. Without intending to, they'd maintained the same direction as the pipe. It piqued Vatra's interest as much as the lack of guards.
"I must admit something," Spyro said.
Vatra peered over her shoulder at him, and she noticed his darkened expression darting behind them. "What is it?" she pressed.
"I do not think Nat is leading us to the docking bay. I, too, vaguely remember the direction to the Agkistrodon, and I believe she is taking us away from it," Spyro answered.
"Then why didn't you take us there?" Vatra asked.
"She sounded much more confident," he said pointedly.
The suspicious pit in Vatra's stomach that had formed the moment she'd met Nat swarmed in her belly again. It weighed her down until her feet dragged to a halt. Hisato noted her lack in movement and curiously looked behind him.
Vatra didn't want to announce to the others she was suspicious of Nat. Or, did she? What was the point of keeping it a secret, anyway? There were no guards around.
Why are there no guards, and why are we following the pipe?
"Can you get to the ship from here? Throw caution to the wind and run through all the walls you want," Vatra directed her words to Spyro.
He nodded. "Eventually," he said. "I will have to retrace our steps for some time, but I will get there."
"What the hell is going on?" Enyalius turned from where he was near the front of the line. "You broke under the pressure of leading this group the last time, remember?"
"Nat's not taking us to the Agkistrodon," Vatra stated.
"That's a bold accusa-"
The god's defense of Nat was cut off when the very person he was standing up for turned and ran through the wall to their left. Enyalius' jaw slacked as he watched her disappear.
"Anyway, as you were saying?" Enyalius continued without skipping a beat. "Where is the docking bay?"
"I do not know for certain. It will be quicker if I go ahead and find it, then circle back to find you all again. Perhaps you could all find a safe place to hide until I can get back to you again," Spyro replied.
"There is no safe place here," Vatra said. "Nat is going to bring more guards to our location."
"I can't believe she turned on us, and after saving me, too." Hisato sighed.
Revna nodded down the hall ahead of them. "There's no time to think about how we were just betrayed. I can hear someone approaching from ahead. We need to decide on something, and now."
Seems like the little mouse is a little more courageous, now, Vatra thought with a grin.
"Ah, well, I can only think of one good plan on the spot," Vatra mused. She pulled out her other godkiller and held out both knives in front of her. "Anyone that can run through walls better get going. Go with Spyro and get to the Agkistrodon. We'll buy you at least ten minutes. Don't forget to come back for us after."
"We?" Enyalius choked out the question. "I'm all for a bit of fun, but I can't fight,."
"I'll do the fighting, don't worry about it." Vatra shrugged.
"Can't you phase us through the walls with you?" Enyalius asked Revna.
Revna held her axe up. "We can only bring inorganic matter through objects with us. Trust in her, Enyalius. We will get to the ship."
A tightness swelled in Vatra's throat. She cut her gaze to Enyalius at Revna's words.
Trust in... me?
The god looked back over at her just as Spyro, Hisato and Revna all took the order without another moment to lose. They knew what was at stake. But, the tension was palpable between the two remaining.
"Can you trust in me?" Vatra inquired.
The usual smug look on Enyalius' face faded instantly. He looked down at his boots with an almost ashamed expression. The curls on his head covered his eyes. "Yes, I do," he said.
But do I trust him?
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