I was once again letting myself into the pack house in the middle of the night; creeping back before the sun had risen. As soon as the guy had fallen asleep I had collected my stuff and crept out, making my way back here. My stomach grumbled and I strolled to the kitchen, collecting a slice of pizza from the pantry.
I chewed the cheesy slice as I headed out of the kitchen, back into the dark entranceway. Just by the front door was that guy again. He was fumbling with the lock, trying to turn and lock it quietly so that he didn't wake anyone up. If you ask me, he was being overly cautious. Nobody really cared if you were sneaking out late, anyways. We broke the curfew all the time.
"Another party?" I asked, knowing I would make him jump once again.
I was right, of course. The kid leapt, startled by the sudden appearance of a person. Let alone a ranking pack member.
"Uh, yeah. Just got back." He mumbled, shuffling his feet.
"I can see that." I laughed, "Sweet dreams."
He gawked at me and I smiled, shaking my head. What can I say? I was in a pretty good mood. Whenever I saw him, I had just gotten laid, so he tended to see the most cheerful side to me. What a fortunate guy.
"Sweet dreams, Xan." He whispered back, which was quite cute.
It was probably the first time a pack member had said that to me.
I jogged up the stairs stealthily and headed for my new room on the top floor, ready for a long sleep after an eventful evening. Of course, the universe had other plans as I neared the top floor, spotting Xavier just leaving his office. He eyed me for a second before pulling the office door closed behind him, gliding towards me.
"It's good that you just got back, not that you should have been out in the first place." Xavier sighed, "They've moved the pack meeting forward, to tonight. They just sent me to collect you ."
"At this hour?" I was surprised.
"Get used to it, kid." Xavier laughed, "This will be the story of your life from now on."
"I'm just going to grab my papers... And freshen up." I smiled sheepishly.
"Probably for the best, but hurry up."
Whisking past Mila and N.J's rooms, I headed for my own door and flung it open. I pulled off the shirt and jeans I was wearing and changed at a lightening speed into something more appropriate; some plaid trousers, a cardigan and a white linen button down seemed okay to me. I spritzed myself with cologne and grabbed the papers stacked neatly on my new desk, glad I had gone over them early.
As I strode past the rooms once again, a pang of guilt hit me. I hadn't had a chance to talk to them about my pending promotion yet because I thought we still had some time before I had to go to the pack meeting. I'm sure they'd understand, but I did want to tell them beforehand. I pushed it down and tried to channel Icarus' innate confidence before I walked in there.
He was sharp brained and focused on the task ahead, per usual, but I was a little muggier. I hadn't slept and had spent the last five hours clubbing and what not. Icarus wasn't happy that I was letting the team down and I wasn't either. I needed to cut down on these escapades, maybe even cut them out altogether. What if I had been needed while I was out, and I was gallivanting around the neighbouring city? I was lucky to have come back in the nick of time.
Icarus and I both agreed: work came first.
I first knocked on the great wooden door before Xavier pulled it open and held it for me as I entered the room. I shook the elders' hands first, going around the room after and respectfully shaking others hands, despite knowing them all pretty informally. I knew it was the appropriate thing to do.
"Thank you for joining us an unexpected house so promptly, Alexandros." One of the elders greeted me, taking a seat at the large conference table and gesturing for me to follow suit.
I sat down across from him and set down my papers, which were being eyed by everyone present. My father was especially relieved that I had showed up, and sent me a silent approving look. Thank god he didn't know where I had been, or what I had been up to, a mere hour or so ago.
"Thank you for having me." I responded, purely because it felt appropriate.
A lot of how I was behaving at this meeting was guessing work. I didn't really know how I was expected to behave, or how often they wanted me to give my input. It felt like a sort of interview, especially since everyone was silently observing me. Xavier, Cameron and Gracie were to the left of me, my father to the right and the elders across.
The rain had started up again outside, and was hammering against the thin panes of the studies windows, creating a soft pattering sound that complimented the sound of the crackling fireplace nicely. Cameron always complained that this room was too cold in winter, so Xavier made sure to have it lit whenever they had to spend time in here.
"Apologies for moving the pack meeting up to tonight, but unfortunately the original scheduled time collided with necessary drill slots." The elder explained, "I'm sure we're all tired, so let's begin."
Xavier stood up from his chair, passing out images of something on the ground around the table. Looking at the photo, it was clear that they were larger than normal paw prints. This was odd because it was on the exterior of our property; pack members only shift inside pack walls.
"This paw print was found on the pack perimeter a week ago. We've ruled out rogues, thankfully, since the print had a pack-odour. However, this is still a concern because, as we all know, it is not safe to shift out there. It is a real safety concern for the wellbeing of our pack and our secret." Xavier was using his Alpha voice, "I personally think we need to be monitoring new shifters more than we already do."
Everyone nodded in agreement, murmuring amongst themselves about how dangerous that could be.
"In some of the friendship groups around N.J's age it's like an initiation thing to run a lap of the border when you learn to shift. They're all doing it." I spoke up, "It's some kind of boys club thing."
Xavier quirked an eyebrow and picked up a pen, scribbling that down in his notes.
"How would you recommend we approach it?" Xavier queried me, "Obviously you'll know better than us, being closer in age."
"Well, they don't really see the security issue in it. To them, it's just a bit of lighthearted fun. A thrill. I'm not saying to crack down hard, but I'd reiterate how important the rule is and remind them of the implications of breaking rules. If it persists, home visits. Kids in the pack house hate when their parents have to get involved; it proves they're not ready to live alone, and they'll avoid that whenever possible."
Xavier nodded, scribbling everything down as I spoke.
My father sent me a nod, showing me that he approved and I was pretty damn happy with myself. Icarus was over the moon that we had been listened to and that our points had been appreciated, so his ego was pretty inflamed. All in all, that wasn't as bad as I thought it could be.
The next few issues were things I knew less about, but I had done my research into the reports and could give my two pence on the subjects as much as anyone else around the table. I had spent hours in Xavier's library over the last week preparing and reading related documents, so it was like a well-rehearsed walk in the park.
Everything on the itinerary for the meeting was pretty tame topics, so it wasn't like I was thrown in at the deep end. My answers were well-researched, practical and confident and I was absolutely buzzing that we had performed so well for our first meeting. Icarus was proud of me too, which was a nice feeling. It wasn't too often that that happened.
The last topic for the meeting was, of course, my impending promotion. When we got round to it, I was feeling pretty good about my ability to step into the role and I was almost looking forward to the summer when I took on full responsibility. The workload from the last week was, in a weird way, enjoyable to me and I liked studying reports. It felt like the studying I was doing was for a reason, rather than just because I was told to for school. The reports were being applied to real situations that impact pack life, and that was more interesting than any University course sounded to me.
"I'd like to begin by, once again, extending my own congratulations towards Alexandros for his early promotion to head of security. You'll be taking on the role at a younger age than I ascended to Alpha, and goddess knows I found that hard. As my mate, Cameron, knows: it is a hard thing to step into a role fresh out of education, but you have demonstrated time and time again that you are mature enough to take on such a position."
Xavier's words were touching and reaffirming. Everyone at the table was nodding along, which was a good sign, eliminating any worries that the elders would give me a hard time or make me wait until I was twenty-one to step into my position.
"The precise date in which your official takeover will obviously be subject to how fast training comes along, but is expected to be when your exams finish in June." Xavier continued, "In the meantime, there a few expectations that are going to be placed on you. As the first title-holding Omega in our pack, you are going to have a lot of eyes on you over the coming months and must be presenting the best version of yourself. I know you are a teenager, but being prepared for this role will rest entirely on the amount of hard-work you put in, which I'm sure you will."
Xavier's words settled heavily on my shoulders, resonating with me. Icarus and I had already decided that this was the most important thing, so his words did not add much more pressure, but rather reaffirmed what I already knew. I needed to stay in line with pack rules from now on, which meant no sneaking out. Mila will be disappointed.
"I understand, Alpha."
My father looked pleased and the elders nodded, accepting my word as promise to abide.
"Alexandros, it's been a pleasure." The elders took their turns shaking my hands before departing the room, letting my breath properly for the first time since entering.
"Hon, you did amazing." Gracie cooed, "You're like a pro already."
Embarrassed by the cooing, I swatted her hand away half-heartedly.
"She's right, son." My dad shook my hand, "Your mother will be so pleased."
"Goddess knows I can't wait to retire. I wish my Noah would grow up a little quicker so I could step down and take up crocheting or something." Gracie joked, although I knew it wasn't true.
"It'll be a while before that happens, Gracie." I smiled, seeing the secret relief behind her eyes.
Xavier simply shook my hand, having said enough already. We shared a look and I could tell he was thinking about what happened earlier; finding me creeping up the stairs in the dark. Afterwards, Cameron wrapped me in a tight, reassuring hug. He attempted to kiss the side of my head, but was unable to reach, and gave up with a laugh.
"God you kids are too tall."
Everyone parted ways and I headed back to my room, exhausted. I was glad that it was so close, and now I finally understood what they had meant when they said it would come in handy being so close to Xavier's office. As I crossed Mila's room, however, I could hear the two of them inside chattering away.
I headed to my room and changed into pjs before walking to her room and letting myself in. As I entered, they both looked up at me and wiggled their eyebrows expectantly. I shook my head with a smile, sitting down.
It feels like heading to the club together happened a thousand years ago as so much had happened since then. To them, though, it was just a regular night. I collapsed onto Mila's bed, laying my head in her lap as her fingers instinctively went to my hair, playing with the strands as she stared down at me expectantly.
"Who did you go home with? Were they cute?" Mila cooed.
"It's actually a pretty funny story" I smiled, "Do you remember that kid that was playing in the rain that time? The maths class one?"
"Nicolai?" Mila gasped with incredulousness.
"Is that his name?" I asked with a sheepish smile, ducking when Mila swatted me in disbelief.
"You didn't even know his name?" N.J's eyes were wide.
"It just didn't come up." I shrugged, "Things moved a bit... fast."
"They always do with you." Mila giggled, "Was it good?"
"Fucking amazing." I nodded, "One of the best. Probably the best."
"Damn, I think that deserves a badge of honour." Mila laughed, "The rest of them can just get participation trophies."
"I think his poor neck serves as a badge of honour." I cringed, remembering that I perhaps went a little rough.
"I have maths with him tomorrow. I'm definitely going to be keeping an eye out." Mila giggled.
"Hey, that's not fair!" N.J complained, "I want to see it too."
"No." I shook my head, "We're all avoiding him now."
"I've actually decided Nico is my new best friend, just to inconvenience you." Mila teased.
"I thought I was your best friend." I feigned hurt.
"It's definitely me." N.J interjected.
"It's definitely not you, N.J." Mila shook her head, "You play the annoying little brother role. Not the best friend."
N.J pouted, but seemed pleased that he ranked at all.
"Something else actually happened on the way home, too." I decided to finally tell them, "I was invited to attend the pack meeting. It was supposed to be in a couple of days but was brought forward to tonight... I'm going to be stepping into my role, like officially, in summer."
They both seemed shocked, to say the least. I suppose I had sort of sprung it on them, but in a way it was better to get it off my chest than to keep sulking around, waiting for the moment I could break it to them.
"They're making you do it early?" Mila frowned, "Do you want that?"
I nodded, which was the truth. As nervous as it made me at times, it was a welcome kind of nervous. The kind of nervous that was the right amount outside of your comfort zone that it was exciting, but not too far that it was uncomfortable.
"Then, congratulations." Mila sighed and hugged me, "I'm a little disappointed we wont get to do it together, but if you're happy then I'm happy."
I glanced across her face, looking for any sign that she was putting on a front, but she seemed serious about what she was saying.
"Thanks, Mila." I nodded, "That's really selfless of you."
"Xavier also repeatedly reminded me that he expects more of me now, so tonight may have been our last night out for at least a while."
N.J pouted at that, groaning into a pillow dramatically as he flopped down onto them. Mila was also disappointed, but understood the reasons why. I'm sure they'd still try and rope me into coming out, but at least they were aware of why I couldn't, or at least shouldn't.
"How about we do more sleepovers in future? Movies and junk food, or whatever?" I proposed as a compromise.
"Starting with tonight!" N.J cheered, tackling me to the bed.
I hit the pillows, luckily, but he was starting to weigh a tonne. He definitely wasn't a runt of a pup anymore, and I was scared to admit that that had actually hurt me a little. The kid was going to be pure muscle.
"Night, Xan!" Mila giggled, switching off the light and pulling the duvet over the three of us.
"Sweet dreams."
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