Chapter 10 Tournament part 4
Fauna was returning with her temporary assistants to the infirmary, which served as a place where they helped not only the competitors, but also the guests who came to the tournament.
— I've never seen anyone heal such wounds so easily. — One of the clerics who accompanied Fauna spoke up.
— It's nothing special. — She replied. — The wounds weren't too deep, you could have dealt with them yourself. — She decided that what she had done wasn't anything unusual, she had simply done what she knew.
— On the contrary, Miss Fauna — the other one interjected. — We're just starting our training, and for you it's like a snap of a finger, and the wounds healed in the blink of an eye.
— I told Mateo that you were to call me by my first name. — She replied, slightly outraged, but quickly regained her composure. Both clerics were 17 years old, and she was almost 890 years old, and she looked like someone their age. *Such is the fate of an elf.* She thought, she knew that most elven women resembled young girls in appearance, but they were usually much older than their human interlocutors.
— I'm sorry. — Mateo replied embarrassed, lowering his gaze.
— I'm not angry, it's just that I'm not used to being called ma'am in informal conversations, after all we do the same thing, and secondly, the two of you have the makings of decent healers, which makes us de facto colleagues in the profession.
— You're too polite, Fauna. — We, on the other hand, believe that your skills are equal to, or maybe even exceed, those of Bishop Heiter.
— It's hard to compare yourself to a legend. — Fauna laughed quietly, because she had heard many stories about heroes who defeated the demon king from various sources. Such achievements very often make the people who achieved them gain a lot in the eyes of others, even if they previously considered them average, but who was she to judge? Ever since she had been assigned to the healers who served the tournament, the clerics and people who dealt with healing had been repeating Heiter's name all too often, telling of his deeds and how he inspired those whose faith in their own strength was wavering, but no one had mentioned his greatest weakness, alcohol. Himmel had told her about this "passion" and amusedly recalled how many times the priest woke up hungover or was too drunk to function normally, but despite everything, he could always be counted on. * Legends have no flaws * she thought, amused.
— The two who won now are your friends, right? — Meteo asked, changing the subject.
— Yes. — She replied shortly, although Menno is not her friend and will never be, but the clerics do not need to know about it, after all, it is a matter between her and him and no one else.
— In that case, you have a chance to get to the ball, I envy you. — Mateo continued, who was heading towards some specific topic, but earlier he was testing Fauna's reactions, whether he should mention it.
— It's too early to celebrate, they won the first fight, let's remember that they still have two more ahead of them.
— Despite everything, they have a better chance of getting to the ball than me. — Mateo muttered, who was a bit disgusted by this fact.
— Stop complaining. — The second cleric, quiet as ever, butted in. — You want to go there because you have a crush on that maid who works at the castle, and there's no way they'll let you in until you achieve something, or meet someone influential who'll let you in.
— Ho, ho, ho. — Fauna perked up, because topics of the heart were very interesting to her, even before her death, how much she had listened to this type of heartache, but the vast majority resulted from one of the parties being shy to tell the other person how they felt about them. — Maybe, instead of thinking about getting into the castle, try meeting her somewhere in the city, I don't believe that despite her profession she spends whole days there, so this might be your chance.
— Oh, he knows about it. — The cleric laughed. — Only the problem is that she doesn't go alone, I mean, whenever he sees her, she's in a group of her friends, and I don't know if you know it's hard to break through such a group, especially if you're someone like Mateo.
— Aaa, so he's afraid they won't let him in, is that right?
— Exactly, and I — The cleric looked at his companion. — I suggested that he finally pull himself together and talk to her, but he doesn't listen to me, so maybe you can talk some sense into him, after all you're a woman yourself.
— Screw you Jorge. — Mateo snapped, who was starting to get annoyed by his companion's teasing. — I'm sorry Fauna, but Jorge has a nasty habit of getting involved in other people's business.
— Maybe so, but there's a lot of truth in what he says. Approach her, start a conversation, invite her somewhere and either she agrees or she doesn't, in both cases you're in a winning position because you'll know where you stand and whether it's worth wasting your time for her.
— Hmpf. — Mateo muttered, irritated, not liking that Fauna had taken Jorg's side, and the worst thing was that he subconsciously knew that they were both right. — It sounds so easy in your mouth...
— Because it's easy, at least this stage. Some women like shy men, but none of the ones I've met, at least, likes guys who wait and hope that their chosen one will make the first move, unless that shyness is due to some trauma or something else, but that's a different matter. Sometimes you just have to make the first move and hope that somehow it will work out.
— First, she would have to know that she exists. — Jorge chuckled again maliciously. — Whenever he sees her, he stares at her, and she doesn't even look in his direction.
— In that case, the two of you go. Jorge will distract the friends, and you, Mateo, will talk to your chosen one, but first buy her something nice, or something she likes.
— Is that really your advice? — Mateo asked, not believing what he was hearing.
— I like her. — Jorge commented. — Actually, her friends are also pretty good, so maybe I can pick up one of them or maybe all of them.
Fauna burst out laughing at these words.
— You really have a lot of self-confidence Jorge, maybe a bit too much, but that's okay. If you stick together with Mateo, everything will be fine.
— You're right. Jorge annoys me like hell, but he also knows me like no one else, so as soon as the tournament is over, we'll think about what could be suitable as a gift.
— Maybe I can help, tell me about her.
— So...
At the same time, Menno, Himmel met with Flamme and Milten, a 30-minute break was called before the next round, so there was a chance to talk.
— You did well. — Milten spoke up. — The sisters really turned out to be tough, just like the rumors said.
— Strong women. — Flamme laughed. — But you were better, too bad, but what can we do, we needed this victory. — She shrugged helplessly.
— Did you find out anything interesting? — Himmel asked.
— Practically nothing. — Milten sighed and rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. — If someone knows something, they hide it well, or they don't want to say it. Generally, it's been a long time since anyone knew anything. Someone really wants to keep the secret.
— Same with me. — Flamme interjected. — Although I didn't spend much time gathering information, because a few magicians got interested in me and watch my every move.
— So we have no choice but to keep winning, otherwise we'll get stuck in a dead end. — Menno concluded disappointed.
— Perhaps not necessarily. — Sir Kristoff interrupted.
— Hello Kristoff. — Milten greeted.
— I see Milten, that since you stopped being a knight, you have become terribly nosy, just like those women at the market who have to know everything about everyone. — He laughed, but it was not a mocking laugh, but a cheerful one, and Kristoff himself seemed amused by his words.
— I had to do something, my friend, and thanks to my charisma and the fact that I switched to trade, it is easy for me to learn many interesting things. You know, people like to chat while shopping, or when you ask a proper question. Although I do not deny it, I miss the thrill of my service. — Milten ignored the verbal attack and crossed his hands over his chest, he was proud that even though he could not fight like in the old days, he was still useful and could learn many things, it was then that he learned how valuable information can be.
— In that case, I will have some information for you. — Kristoff, smiled conciliatory. — Those warriors or those we are to face... I saw them talking to the queen this morning. Here on the tournament grounds, and what's more interesting, the queen was here incognito, no guards, no formal clothes.
— How do you know it was her? — Milten asked, surprised.
— You forget, Milten, that I spent most of my life serving the king, for over 35 years, and I know everyone, the inhabitants of the castle, perfectly well, especially if they wear a crown on their head. — Kristoff puffed out his chest with pride. — It was her, I have no doubt about it.
— And what does that tell us? — Menno spoke up, intrigued by Kristoff's words.
— Queen Lucretia is considered to have had a lot to say for a long time, and her husband takes her opinion very seriously, sometimes maybe too much, and if that wasn't enough, even before becoming queen, she had an affair with his brother, which is why he would probably do anything for her.
— An affair? — Menno opened his eyes wide with astonishment. — And just like that, she became his brother's wife?
— Not exactly. From the beginning, she was promised to the king as a seal of the pact between the two families, old history. The most important thing is that Klaus, the king's brother, was not the firstborn and was not particularly stable in his views, and in fact, he still is. I would compare him to a little flag that changes its position depending on the direction the wind is blowing from, but whatever you say, he has a good mouth, which is why he is able to gain obedience, but if you show him your strength, he quickly becomes very ingratiating. That is why it is said that the whole affair with Queen Lucretia had a hidden meaning, namely, bending both brothers to the will of one woman. Well, whatever one may say, everything has been going well so far, the country is strong, the government is as fair as possible, nothing extraordinary.
— Interesting... — Menno muttered, who had a very suspicious nature. — Maybe it was her idea to involve them, but why?
— I have a theory. Maybe she wants to introduce them to the castle? — Kristoff replied. — These two serve the king, but they are not officially part of the royal guard. You could say that they are closer to bodyguards than knights, so they are not allowed to enter such balls, even if the queen wanted it, there is such a tradition that nobles love, and breaking it, even in such a trivial matter, there will immediately be those who will use it as an argument to change the king, or at least limit his power.
— I had no idea that there was a place for democracy in absolute governments. — Said Menno, who did not understand how politics worked in the past, and today's seemed even more complicated to him.
— In fact, there is none, but you have to know that everyone would rather be a small but independent prince than a great vassal, but no one would cut themselves off from the king without a reason.
— And would they really disobey for such a trivial reason?
— You would be surprised, Mr. Menno. History knows a lot of cases where wars have broken out for trivial reasons than the one in question. Fortunately for us, our king, like his father and grandfather, rule with a strong but usually fair hand, so no one would dare to question his authority without a reason.
— All this is just speculation and conjecture for now, but the fact that Queen Lucretia was here in secret is strange, but at the moment we will do nothing about it, because the second battle is about to begin.
— That's true.— Kristoff laughed.— Time flies when we have a good conversation, and now it's my turn to show what this old knight can do. Gentlemen, madam.— He nodded and headed towards the entrance to the arena, where Christian was already waiting for him.
— We should go too.— Flamme suggested.— Let's watch this fight and see what happens.
Himmel and Menno nodded in agreement, while Milten seemed lost in thought.
— Is something troubling you, Milten?— Himmel asked.
— Nothing.— He answered without thinking.— I'm just thinking about what Kristoff said and something doesn't seem right here, I don't know what but I have this strange feeling that we're in the middle of some grand conspiracy.
— Try not to think about it for now. — Flamme, she put her hand on his shoulder. — We'll see how the fight goes and then we'll think about it.
Milten sighed and moved with the others, after which the four of them took their places in the audience almost at the arena.
— Gentlemen and ladies! — the Herald's voice rang out, and when it happened the commotion in the stands fell silent in an instant, every pair of eyes focused on him and what was about to come. — Ahead of us is the second fight! Sir Christian the Dragonslayer is entering the fight, and his companion will be Sir Kristoff from the Falcon clan, let's welcome them with warm applause!
— Christian doesn't have a family name? — Himmel asked.
— No. — Milten shook his head. — Christian, was once an ordinary peasant, but damn ambitious, and he probably would have been one to this day, if the coincidence of Kristoff's appearance in his village, and Christian's sister, Alesia, had so turned his head that he had begun to seek her hand, which is quite a funny story, but this is not the time and place for it. Suffice it to say that it paved the way for Christian to become a knight, but it was only after he helped slay the red dragon that he was given this title, you know most knights use the surnames of the family they come from, but there are those who create them by performing some heroic deed, but it is quite rare.
— I understand. — Himmel looked at Christian and Kristoff entering the arena. — Do you think they will win.
— Kristoff is in the prime of life, but he knows how to wield a sword, which he has proven more than once, and Christian is no worse than him. Their considerable experience speaks in their favor, but we do not know what these two are capable of.
It was then that the herald spoke again.
— Queen Lucretia's guards will stand against them, but they value their privacy very much, which is why they asked to be called the Scarlet Blades! Let's welcome them with a thunderous applause
Menno's mouth dropped open in astonishment.
— You look like you've seen a ghost. — Himmel noticed, slightly worried by his companion's reaction.
— That name... Maybe it's a coincidence, but if it's true...
— You said they called you the Bloody Blades. — Flamme noticed.
— True, but Scarlet Blades sound less sinister and are less controversial, but in both cases the meaning of the name is the same, and if it turns out that these two have something to do with my clan, I'll have a few questions for them after the fight. — Menno clenched his hands tightly on the sides of the railing he was leaning against at the last words. — While the name may be coincidental, what they have on their faces is probably not. I also have such a mask, each of us had one and it only differed in the pattern, and sometimes it was even the case that some had identical ones.
When the herald gave the signal, one of the Blades stepped forward and drew his swords, and when it did, Menno had no doubt that the two had some connection to his clan, the name, the masks, the color of the swords - too many things in common for a coincidence.The Scarlet Blade nodded to his companion, who crossed his arms over his chest, a clear message that he would deal with the two opponents himself.
Kristoff, as a knight with many years of experience, could not stand such an insult, he raised his sword above his head and swung at his opponent, but he only waited until suddenly, as fast as lightning, he deflected Kristoff's blow and with another quick cut cut off his hand, in which he held the sword.At this sight, some in the stands even rose from their seats, Kriftoff, who was looking in disbelief at the stump, in which his hand had been a moment ago, was shocked and after a moment he fell to the ground.
Without a moment's hesitation, Christian threw himself at his opponent with a scream, but he was unwavering and fast, Christian did not even notice when his opponent's blade reached him, cutting the area around his abdomen so much that he began to bleed profusely.
— Call the medics, otherwise these two will die and the fight is over — He replied indifferently, shaking the blood from the blade and standing next to his companion.
— The Scarlet Blades have won. — The herald stammered, who, like the others, couldn't believe what had happened. The two best knights were almost killed in less than 30 seconds.
When Fauna ran into the arena accompanied by Mateo and Jorg, the Scarlet Blades were already gone.
— Will you be able to heal them? — Mateo asked, looking at the severed hand.
— If you help me, then maybe, and now give me your hand while I can still restore circulation, and you, Jorge, stabilize Sir Christian until I'm done here.
Both novices began to follow Fauna's instructions without saying a word, as she took the severed hand and placed it on the spot where it had been cut off. She knew how to regenerate damaged organs and limbs, but time played a key role in this. The bright glow that came out of her hand while casting the spell, and when she finished, the hand was back in place, as if nothing had happened.
— Keep an eye on him Mateo, the situation is under control, but you never know. — Fuana said and focused on Christian, where fortunately no organs left his body, the only thing was that he lost a lot of blood. Here too, Fauna closed the wound and told Jorg to keep an eye on him, and she sighed from exhaustion, the regeneration spells were strong, but they required a lot of concentration and strength to work, but she managed.
After a while, both knights recovered and slowly rose from the ground, and at this sight a loud sigh of relief escaped from the stands, because everyone knew Christian and Kristoff, and their deaths would be a great loss, but fortunately that day had not come yet.
— You did great, boss. — Jorge commented.
— You also managed and did not faint at the sight of blood, I was not wrong about you.
— Thank you, Fauna. — Christian spoke up, who was the first to recover enough to say something.
— I only did my duty, which is to save lives. Nothing extraordinary.
— Despite everything, you saved me and Kristoff, for which you have our eternal gratitude, you and your assistants can be sure that we will not forget you.
Fauna smiled warmly and then the first timid applause rang out, which after a moment carried everyone in the stands, people shouted the names of the two knights and those who saved them.
— This is the first time someone is cheering for me. — Mateo whispered, waving his hand towards the crowd.
— Don't get used to it, we both know who did the dirty work, but it's still nice that we can bask in this glow, and who knows, maybe your chances with this maid have just increased thanks to this.
Mateo just smiled, and Fauna felt relief and joy, all these applauses and cheers reminded her of her old life where her mother and father did the same thing she did now, helping others, it was a very nice feeling. Such moments made you feel the sense of your calling, and who knows, maybe her two assistants also learned something, because even though she knew them for a very short time, she was responsible for them. It was then that she understood what she wanted to do, when they completed their mission and survived, she would pass on her knowledge to people like Jorge and Mateo, who, just like her, felt the calling to help others.
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