Past to Present
Idk what the hell this story is okay?!
Max's pov:
"Jess what do you want to drink?" I asked, at this point it was almost sunset and we'd each had a few beers. "Sanpellegrino" she said, I tossed it to her and took my seat beside her. "Dinner!" Ross yelled from outside. "ADAM!" Jess yelled agressivly. "I'm in the other room you don't have to yell like your being murdered" he said, they laughed at eachother.
We walked outside, Ross was taking burgers off the bqq. "Need help babe?" Jess asks hugging Ross from behind. (For all you Rossmau lovers) "want to put this on the table?" He said handing her the tray of burgers. "Sure" she said and he gave her a kiss on the back of the neck when she turned. "Ross" I said. "Yeah?" He replied siting down. "Drink?" I asked. "Coors light" he said. I tossed it to him and Adam sat down next to Jess. "Jess what happened? No more drinking?" He asked, she rolled her eyes. "Taking a Sanpellegrino break" she says as if she was in a commercial. We all laugh....
She was laughing so hard, she spat her drink all over herself. Ross was killing himself laughing at her. Adam had just taken the first sip of his beer and got a mouth full of sand. "Adam were on a beach" I said, Jess was calming down now, repositioning her head on my lap and laying on Ross. "The sunset is really pretty" Jess pointed out, we all looked over.
She seemed to be our ground in this group, when she lost control, we all lost control. Know, calmly we sit watching the sunset. Jess was something else, she was almost like a goddess to us...somehow. How she was able to come back from her past im not sure, a rape when she was a teenager sent her into a dark place but little Koby was growing up now, i cant beleive hes 4 already. I think shes help us all grow as people. She was in charge but she didn't use it, I honestly don't think she knows the effect she has on us.
"I wonder how cold the water is" Adam says, he walks over to the lake. "How is it?" Ross asks. "Kinda cold but not to bad" he says. "How about a swim?" He suggests.
And Adam, he's like the silly one. We're all pretty stupid, goofy etc. But he's more so. He always has something to do when we're bored and always has a bad joke to tell. Always down for a drink and always kind and happy even with his past of depression.
"I'm in" Ross said, Jess got up with him. She pulled me up even though I didn't want to. "It will be fun max" Ross says. Then we all realized something... we weren't in swimsuits. "Fuck it" Jess says and pulls of her shirt. "I like this idea" Ross says, she gives him a look. "Adam cmon" she says, they walk into the water. "Holy shit it's cold" she says, Ross comes up behind her and throws her in the water.
Ross, something about him was so strange. He didn't have much of a past, he's young but he did drop out of school. But look at him now, beautiful girlfriend, good job and one that makes so many other people happy.
"Ross!" She screeched wiping her face. Myself standing beside him shoved him into the lake. She high fived me. Adam dove and Jess gave me a hug.
And me, who am I. A idiot, mad max, mithzan sure. But I'm the guy who tells the story's. My past isn't the greatest either, anger management but I belong here.
"Group hug!" Adam yelled and we all got squished together. Past to present, I still love these idiots to death. My goddess, the goofy one, the strange one and me, the story teller.
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