Todoroki sat on the floor in Kirishima's dorm room. Midoriya was sitting on the bed next to Kirishima, and Bakugo was sitting in the desk chair.
None of them knew where to start.
How did I go from being in the closet, to having three boyfriends in the span of thirty minutes? Todoroki wonders.
They were sitting in silence. It was a slightly awkward silence, but not entirely uncomfortable. They had decided that they should probably all get to know one another better, what each other liked, and anything else that happened to come up. Bakugo had also suggested that they might be able to get the ball rolling a bit better away from prying eyes, since they had a no judgement rule in place between the four of them. So far, however, nobody had said anything.
“This is weird. Maybe we should just call the whole thing off.” Todoroki grumbled.
Kirishima looked as though he was going to say something, then decided against it. Several seconds later, his face lit up, and he leaned over, pulling Midoriya against his chest as he rested his back against the headboard. Midoriya let out a small squeal, face flushing so deep that it blended in with Kirishima's hair, though he didn't complain.
“Is, uh… Is this okay, Mid-Izuku?” Kirishima asked, a soft blush dusting his cheeks as well. Midoriya nodded, slowly allowing himself to relax against the other boy.
“We should just get comfortable with each other. Act without thinking almost?” Kirishima voiced. Izuku nodded in agreement, settling closer to the other boy.
“Tch. Whatever. Fucking- okay fine. C'mere, Icyhot.” Bakugo huffed from where he was seated in the chair. Todoroki looked up at him, cocking an eyebrow in silent question.
“Don't fucking sit on the floor. There's a perfectly good chair here…” Bakugo trailed off, motioning towards his lap. Todoroki's face remained motionless, though his cheeks turned a slight pink that was noticeable to the other three boys.
“I am not sitting in your lap, Bakugo.”
“Katsuki,” The blond corrected, “And please don't make this harder than it is. We have to make this believable, which means for the next two months, we are dating dating. We can't have the mindset that it's fake or we'll never get anywhere. So just.. please, Shoto? For fucks sake.” Everybody was silent for a second, then Shoto got up slowly, and went to stand in front of Katsuki, hesitantly. Katsuki grabbed him by the waist, pulling him down so that he was seated in his lap, Shoto's back to his chest. Katsuki seemed to hold his arms for a second, not knowing quite where to place them, ultimately deciding to wrap them around Shoto's waist.
The room went silent again.
Izuku suddenly sat up, shuffling in his pocket for his phone, before unlocking it. The rate at which he was typing was amazing. Eijiro was reading over his shoulder.
“Ah.. that might work. But I would let them know…” Eijiro trailed off, right as Izuku hit send.
“Okay, don't kill me, but I had an idea.” Izuku spoke up, looking at the other two boys.
“Kacchan, don't look at me suspiciously like that. Anyway, Shinso has that quirk that makes you do whatever he wants. And if he were to use his quirk on us, he could will us all to tell the truth and open up to one another. It would definitely get the ball rolling…”
“Absolutely fucking not, Deku.”
“Katsuki, this might work..” Shoto hummed, thoughtfully.
There was a knock on the door. shoto jumped out of Katsuki's lap, but he grabbed him, holding him in place.
“Come in?” Eijiro answered. The doorknob clicked, and in walked a very tired looking Shinso, clutching a mug of coffee as though he wished it were an IV drip.
“You wanted me?” He asked, his voice more emotionless than Shoto's usually was.
“No, the fuck we didn-” Katsuki's voice was cut off by Shoto's hand over his mouth. He shot daggers from his eyes at the two toned boy.
“We need you to brainwash us to all tell the truth and act naturally around each other. You can leave the room after you activate it..If your quirk allows that, anyway.” Izuku spoke. Shinso only shrugged.
“Can't leave the room, I have to be able to see you. I can put headphones in and get on my phone though.”
“Yeah, that should work!” Eijiro said, excitedly.
“I'll need you all to answer me. As you do, I'll activate my quirk. Midoriya?”
“Yeah?” As soon as he spoke, his eyes glazed over.
“Yeah, dude.” His eyes were soon glazed over as well.
“Yes! Fine! What the fuck ever!” As soon as Bakugo's eyes were glazed over, Shinso seated himself on the floor in the corner of the room, pulling out a pair of headphones to untangle from his pocket. He didn't seem to be paying any attention to the other four boys.
“This is nerve wracking.” Shoto was the first to speak.
“Hey, man, I just came out this morning as well. I get it. It's also a bit strange because neither Kat or Izu have made it clear which way they swing, or if they're doing this as a favor for you or what.”
“Did you just call me Kat, Ei?” Katsuki asked, though it didn't have any anger.
“You just called me Ei, so,” Eijiro shrugged.
“I've never really kissed or dated anybody so I'm not sure what I like. I know that I like attractive people, in general, but I don't think I'll know what I like until I try it…” Izuku's face was red.
“I've wanted to kiss you for several months now.” Shoto offered in reply. Izuku's face turned several shades more red than should be possible at his friends admission.
“Kiss me, then.” Shoto was out of Katsuki's lap and across the room before Izuku could finish his sentence. He slowly knelt beside him on the bed, cupping Izuku's cheek in his hand. He slowly leaned forward until their lips were gently pressed together in a soft kiss. They stayed like that for several seconds, before they broke apart, Shoto searching Izuku's face as though needing an answer.
“Oh,” Izuku breathed out, “I'm definitely gay.” Shoto chuckled, moving back to sit in Katsuki's lap. He wrapped his arms around the explosive boys neck.
“What about you, Lord Explosion Murder?” Katsuki leaned in and kissed him, a little rougher than the way Shoto had kissed Izuku.
“I know what I like.” He said, in a low voice. It sent a chill up Shoto's spine, but now was not the time for that.
“Hey, no fair. I'm feeling way underloved and left out, babes.” Eijiro whined. Izuku leaned up and kissed Eijiro. It was deep, but quick, leaving Eijiro looking pleased.
There was another moment of quiet between the boys, but it wasn't as uncomfortable as before.
“Do you guys want to have a movie night? I can set up a futon and we can just all crash here?” Eijiro asked, looking excited.
“Asking your three new boyfriends to stay the night on the first date? Manly.” Katsuki smirked, in a somewhat teasing voice.
“I think that's a great idea!” Izuku chirped excitedly, bouncing up to sit on his knees.
“I suppose it would be a decent way to be as comfortable as possible in each others presence. We only have two months to get our acts together.” Shoto shrugged.
Katsuki stood up, careful not to dump Shoto out of his lap unceremoniously.
“Ei, where's the futon? I'll set it up for you, if you wanna grab the movies?” Katsuki offered.
“Yeah babe! It's folded up over there-” he pointed to a corner in his room, suddenly remembering Shinso was there.
“Are you guys good? Can I snap you out of it? I'm exhausted and you guys are sickeningly sweet to each other.”
“Yes, I believe we're good.” Shoto replied. Shinso blinked, and all of the dazed looks in the other boys eyes disappeared. Shinso got up and left without a word, though he left his dirty coffee mug in the corner of the room.
Katsuki set up the futon, then looked at the other three boys from across the room. They were all on Eijiro's bed, snuggled up to each other, though it looked like Izuku had forced Shoto into the snuggles. Katsuki stood awkwardly beside the bed. They would have to get really close to one another in order to all fitx and now that he wasn't being brainwashed, he didn't feel as confident.
“Babe, just c'mere,” it was Eijiro that spoke softly into the quiet room. The light was off, and the TV was casting light across the faces of the boys on the bed. None of them turned to look at him, but Izuku reached his hand out in his direction. Katsuki felt his heart flutter, and he froze.
Am I already catching feelings for these idiots? Fuck.
He crawled onto the bed, forcing the other three to mildly shift. They shifted until they were all comfortable, and Eijiro pulled the blanket up over them, as they focused in on the TV.
None of them were truly paying attention though. They were all too focused on how fast they had moved, and how comfortable it all felt.
They would never admit it to one another, but they were scared of what might become of this
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