Y/n woke up just before everyone else in her dorm (which included herself, hermione, the Patil twins and a mixed raced girl with almost bleach blonde hair called lavender brown). Her eyes fluttered open as she sat up groaning, looking at the window that had bright light beaming through it. She looked to the side seeing her uniform neatly folded ready for her to change into them. She turned back to the window and her eyes narrowed.
She pushed the poofy bedsheets off her shins as swung her legs off the bed and stood up grabbing her tie alongside her jumper, she placed them on her bed and grabbed her school shirt.
She quickly got dressed into her jumper and tie, a skirt with shin high socks and black school shoes. She went over to the mirror and brushed her hair, putting on her Gryffindor robe, picked up her bag with her equipment inside and walked out, managing to wake no one up in the process of her changing.
She went into the common room seeing a few Gryffinodrs dressed and climbing out of the portrait hole. Y/n copied the students around her as she was to eager to eat a whole plate of food and not share leftovers with her twin brother, her minds swirled with imagination so much that she didn't noticed she bumped into someone.
"Oh, sorry!" She said as she stepped back seeing Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan having a chat. She met the boys at dinner last night and they got along quite well.
"Y/n, are you going to breakfast?" Seamus asked in thick Irish accent. She nodded, grasping the strap of her bag. "Brilliant we can walk altogether," he said and walked off slightly down the stairs that constantly moved around.
Their shoes clattered against the concrete floor as they all walked down to the great hall, often asking prefects and older students directions to their destination and they eventually got there after a solid fifteen minutes.
Y/n sat opposite them as she grabbed the cereal and milk, grabbing a slice of toast cause she was a bit more hungry than she thought. Not too long after eating and y/n having a discussion with Dean about muggle songs until the school day began and the small group all headed towards their first class, transfiguration.
It had been a couple minutes into the lesson, the students were quiet as their quills scratched against their parchment, scribbling notes from their lesson.
"Hey hermione," y/n whispered in front of her, hermione turned over her shoulder slightly. "Have you seen Ron and Harry?" She questioned, Hermione just shook her head, turning back around.
Y/n went back to writing what an animagas can do before the door was bursted open, she turned around, half of the class copied as they saw Ron and Harry huffing as they jogged inside. Both hermione and y/n shook their heads in disbelief.
"Phew we made it," Ron spoke, beginning to slow down next to Harry. "Could you imagine the look on McGonagalls face if we were late," Ron told his friend holding his book to his chest, Harry copied.
The tabby cat that was sitting patiently on the desk got to its feet and leaped off, its body quickly morphed into the tall woman that was Professor McGonagall. Ron and Harry looked at her their mouths agape.
"That was bloody brilliant," Ron announced, still in shock.
"Well thank you for that assessment mr Weasley, perhaps It would be useful I were to transfigure you and Mr. Potter into a pocket watch, that way one of you might be on time," She told the pair, almost everyone's heads were up watching the scene.
"We got lost," Harry said.
"Perhaps a map," She said and looked at the two. "I trust you don't need one to find your seats," she said and walked away as the two boys gulped sitting down at their desk and opened up their books.
The next class was potions, both Harry and y/n sat next to each other with hermione and Ron on the other end of the table. The teacher hadn't arrived just yet and the classroom was already filled with chatter.
The door burst open, the chatter to immidately pause as everyone's head to jolt in that direction.
"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class," the man with greasy black hair, tall crooked nose and a long black cloak strutted towards the front of the classroom as he suddenly turned to the class. "As such I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art for potion making however," the Professor spoke in his draining voice, leaning against his desk. "For those select few, who possess the pre disposition," he paused and grabbed the side of his cloak wrapping them over one an other. "I can teach you how to bewitch the mind, and insnare the senses, I can tell you how to bottle fame, groom glory and even to stop it in death," he paused as many students stopped to glance at each other.
"Then again, maybe some of you have come to hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough, to not pay attention," his voice ring through everyone's ears as he looked at Harry who was writing in his book, both hermione and y/n nudged him slightly and he quickly put his quill away.
"Mr. Potter, our new celebrity," he said and looked directly at him. "Tell me what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood," he spoke and Hermione hand was the only one to rise up as she eagerly wanted to answer. Harry shook his head. "You don't know? Well what about you sister, where Miss. Potter would you look if I asked you to find a beezle," he questioned.
"I-I don't know sir," she said his face don't change.
"Mr. Potter what is the difference with munkswood and wolfbain?" He asked y/n's brother. Hermione hand still high up in the air.
"I don't know sir," he told the man.
"Pity, clearly fame isn't everything, is it? Potters?" He told them and they they felt anger bubble up.
"Clearly? Hermione knows, it would be a pity not to ask her," Harry mocked, Hermione's hand still up as everyone began to chuckle.
"Silence," He announced, he moved over to where they sat and grabbed an unused chair. "Put your hand down you silly girl," he ordered the bushy haired girl.
"Pfft silly," y/n muttered under her breath.
"For your information Potters, asphodel and wormwood made a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the draft of the living dead," he told the two with an evil tone. "A beezle is a stone that is taken from the stomach of a goat and it'll save you from most poisons, as for munkswood and wolfbain they are the same plant which also hobby the name of acinator," he told the twins with disgust, y/n looked over to Malfoy who had a grin on his face. There was quite a long pause.
"Well...why aren't you all copying this down?" Snape questioned his classroom loudly as everyone scribbled at their scratchy paper. Y/n and Harry did not.
Snape eventually left after eyeing the two down as they gave him a dirty look and eventually grabbed their quills.
"Gryffindors, note that 10 points will be taken from your house," Snape told the house team as he dabbed his quip in some ink. "For your classmates cheek," Snape told his classroom and began to write. Malfoy and his little goons turned around as y/n looked at them.
"What are you staring at?" She told them as they turned back around giggling, she could really feel the anger bubbling up inside of her.
"Blimey that teachers got my gears grinding," y/n said as she packed her belongings and grabbed her bag, leaving before everyone else.
"I know, he literally just picked on you guys, like Hermione knew the answer why didn't he just let her answer them?" Ron replied, y/n nodded as they discussed how terrible their lessons was, Harry followed behind as they all walked to the great hall for lunch finally.
"Eye of rabbit, heart string hum, turn this water into rum," Seamus flicked his wand as his goblet.
"What's seamus trying to do?" Harry asked Ron, who sat beside him and y/n sat at the opposite side of them.
"Turn his water into rum, he actually managed to make a weak tea yesterday before..." Ron was immediately cut off by a loud boom that came from Seamus' direction.
The Hall began to errupt with laughter when everyone saw smoke float away from Seamus revealing his smoked up face and hair that stuck up.
When the laughter died down an owls screech was heard causing the hall looked up to the ceiling, watching multiple owls of different feathers with different sized parcels hovering above themselves. Of course Harry and Y/n didn't see their owls since the Durselys would never give them gifts or presents.
The two watched as their friends unwrapped gifts off their family. Neville opened up a box and revealed a ball with gold around it.
"Look everyone, Nevilles got a rememberal!" Seamus announce as Neville rolled the ball in his hands.
"I've read about those, it said when the smoke turns red, it means you forgotten something," hermione announced as they all watched the ball turn into a red smoke.
"Thing is I can't remember what I've forgotten," Neville told the small group at the table. Y/n giggled, shaking her head as she peeled the skin away from her orange.
"Good afternoon class," Madame hooch announced as she walked in between the broom sticks that laid on the grass with student at the end of it.
"Good afternoon Madame hooch," they all said altogether.
"Good afternoon Madame, good afternoon," the woman said as she slid on her brown leather gloves and turned around showing off her yellow cat-like eyes and pixie cut grey hair. "Welcome to your first flying lesson, well what you waiting for?" She questioned her students "everyone step up to the left side of their broomstick, cmon hurry up," She told them impatiently. "Stick your right hand over the broom and say 'up'" she told them, everyone's hands stuck out as they all began to yell 'up'.
Harry's broom was the first to come up as soon as he said up, hermione looked over and tried again but her broom just merely rolled against the grass. Draco Malfoys broom came up and y/n's did right after his broom did, rons broom rolled against the floor but abruptly smacked him at the nose causing y/n and Harry to giggle at him. But eventually everyone's broom was in the right side of their hands.
"Now once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it," she announced as everyone followed her instuctions. "and grip it tight, don't want to be sliding off the end," She told the class as everyone did so. "When in low my whistle I want each of you, to kick off from the ground hard, keep your brooms steady, hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly and touch back down," she instructed. "On my whistle, 3,2-" and she blew her whistle.
Y/n went to hover that was until a shadow hooded over her and she looked to it, seeing Neville floating higher and he definitely wasn't hovering.
"Neville, get down," a kid said from the opposite side of him.
"Neville!" y/n said as she went to reach to him and pull him down but pulled her hand away when she realised that wouldn't be any help for the broom.
"M-m-m-m mister longbottom," Madame hooch said as she held her whistle between her fingers, not able to pull him safely to the ground.
"Down, Down!" He yelled at the broom but held on tightly seeing himself floating away from the class.
"Come back down this instant!" She bellowed but soon realised Neville had no control over his broom.
His broom swiveled and swerved, crashing into the castle wall and zoomed suddenly towards the class.
"Mr. Longbottom!" Madame Hooch told and pulled out her wand, she soon realised that would be no help as she saw his broom rapidly zoom towards them so she ducked over, the classroom copying.
Soon enough his robe got caught on a statue of the castle that made him let go of the broom and dangle from a really high drop. The students scattered over to watch, y/n was more out of the crowd, his robe slit in half and he fell, y/n sucked her breath as Neville dangled on a lantern from the wall, dangling from a thread until it tore once again, causing him to descend to the grass.
"Neville!" Y/n yelled as she quickly ran over ditching her broom as Neville laid on his side.
"Everyone out of the way!" Madame hooch yelled, as y/n sat by him. She looked as his wrist - noticing it was swollen.
"Is it your wrist Neville?" She asked and Madame Hooch, went to hold it but he winced and cried out in pain.
"Oh dear it's a broken wrist," she said and tutted. "Boy, cmon now, up you get," she said and y/n helped him up too, he stood up, holding his wrist. "Everyone must keep their feet firmly on the ground whilst I take Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing, understand?" She announced as she walked away from y/n and through the swarm of students. "If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will find themselves out of hogwarts before they could say 'quidditch," she said and walked away.
Y/n began to walk over to the group of kids again and picked up her broom, budging past people.
"-maybe if the fat lump would give this a squeeze, he'd remember to fall in his fat ass," Malfoy told his friends, y/n looked to see nevilles rememberal.
"Malfoy that's Neville property," y/n told him. He looked at her with raised brows but Malfoy ignored her.
"Give it here Malfoy," Harry told him and he furrowed his brows.
"No, I think I'll leave it somewhere for Neville to find," he said and chucked the ball up catching it, y/n could quickly feel anger. He lifted his foot on his broom and floating away mounting on the stick. "How about on the roof," he told the twins and flew away. "What's the matter potters? Bit behind your reach?" He joked still playing with the ball.
"That's it," y/n said and mounted her broom, Harry copied.
"You two, no way, you heard what Madame Hooch said, besides you don't even know how to fly!" Hermione told the twins but they ignored her and flew up. "What a pair of idiots," Hermione mumbled seeing the three in the air.
"Give it here Malfoy or I'll knock you off your broom!" Harry yelled at the platinum haired boy.
"Is that so?" He asked and Harry charged at him, y/n did too once Malfoy swung back onto his broomstick. "Have it you way then," Malfoy told the two and threw the ball out far.
"Harry go get it!" Y/n told her brother as he zoomed to go fetch it. Malfoy held onto his broom quite steadily but y/n kicked the back of it, leading him to stumble slightly and he gave her a death glare.
"You'll pay for this Potter!" He said and flew back down defeated. Harry zoomed to grab to ball as y/n noticed that he'd caught it.
"I got it!" Harry yelled to his sister and they began to fly down. He held it up in the air proudly as they both smiled. The crowd began to cheer and congratulate him.
"That was wicked you two!" A boy from hufflepuff told them.
"I can't believe you stood up to Malfoy like that y/n!" A girl said which made y/n feel slightly proud.
"Harry Potter!" A woman called stopping the celebration, the classroom grew still as they noticed Professor McGonagall. "follow me," she said sternly, Harry began to follow her meanwhile y/n shook her head and looked over to Malfoy who gave her a smug look and she folded her lip.
They both knew at that point that they were going to be the biggest enemies.
bit shit scared if there's any mistakes in this but I really wanted to update cos the series is so bloody long omfg
hoped you enjoyed.
- dolly, FIC AUTHOR.
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