"Id consider myself lucky, another minute or two I could've uh.. lost my arm," Draco bragged to his friend on the Slytherin table about his bandaged arm. Y/n looks over her shoulder from in between Fred and George before turning over at Hermione, Ron and Harry also glaring at the spoiled brat. She stutted over to the teens and sat down by the empty seat next to Ron, her knees faced to Malfoy, but her upper body faced into the table, leaning her elbows against the wood.
"Have you heard what he's coming out with?" Y/n asked as they watched her sit down.
"He's really laying it on thick isn't he?" Ron added and they all turned to Draco again.
"Yeah but at least Hagrid didn't get fired," Harry added as he flicked another page on his divination book, looking back up at the blond haired boy.
"Yeah but I heard Draco farthest furious," Hermione sighed, turning to the group, they all copied. "We haven't heard the end of this," she shook her head to them.
"He's been sighted! He's been sighted!" Seamus came pegging into the great hall with a daily prophet clutched in his hands.
"Who?" Ron asked loudly, Seamus slammed the prophet on the table.
"Sirius Black!" He cried and the room erupted with gasps and whispers, the small group charged over to the newspaper and Hermione pulled it towards her.
"Dufftown?" She asked and y/n stood over the bench next Dean and Ron. "That's not far from here," she added as y/n moved over the where the twins sat.
"Do you think he's coming to hogwarts? Do you?" Neville questioned frantically, Fred turned around and took hold of y/n's hand, George turned around and mirrored jokingly.
"There's dementors at every entrance!" A random boy spoke.
"Dementors, he's slipped past them once, who's to say he won't slip past them again?" Seamus argued.
"That's right," the black boy in Gryffindor robes pipped up. "Black could be anywhere. It's like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands," he said and y/n looked towards the paper nervously, watching the picture shift, guards thrashing under his unstable actions, eventually bringing a hand towards his neck to stop him.
Y/n and Fred sat alone in the Gryffindor common room, still dressed in their Gryffindor uniform, y/n's head against his lap, his long fingers combed through her blonde locks whilst he scribbled on the rest of his charms homework that y/n thankfully helped him with.
"Can some grab me miss Potter-" McGonagall walked in with her usual strut along with her iconic green robes, scanning the room until catching Fred and y/n sitting together. "Oh you're there, do you mind if we have a talk?" She asked and y/n sat up from Fred lap and they exchanged looks before separating. The professor and student climbed out of the fat lady's portrait hole.
"What do you need me for professor?" She asked McGonagall as they headed down the moving staircase of the Gryffindor tower.
"Dumbledore told me to come and get you, nothing to worry about dear, you're not in trouble," she told and gave her a reasurring smile, her eyes said different however, almost like she was hiding something. Y/n shrugged it off though.
They stopped at the Phoenix statue that spun in spirals to leading next level in the castle which was Dumbledores office and together walked up to the long wooden door. McGonagall knocked gently against it before opening before her.
"Professor," she spoke, Dumbledore sat beside his Phoenix, Fawkes.
"Ah! Hear she is, come we have a seat for you," he said and she felt her chest tighten suddenly. Mcgonagall passed over two wooden chairs, one for her and y/n whilst Dumbledore sat on his leather seat. "Okay where do I begin?" He started and locked his hand together placing them on his chest. "y/n Potter," He said and she furrowed her brows quickly.
"Yes?" She replied, sitting up a bit more straight.
" dear you last name isn't the same family you've come from," he looked over his half-moon shaped glasses, she glared at him oddly, glancing towards McGonagall who offered the girl a look of sympathy, y/n looked back to dumbledore, a look of worry washed over her face.
"Sorry? What?" She asked and Mcgonagall place her wrinkled cold hand on y/n's knee.
"You're not a potter y/n," the professor told her straightforwardly as y/n sucked her breath. "You was adopted by the potters," mcgongall continued, y/n stared at the woman through her oval glasses, utterly aghast.
"We wanted to bring you to my office to tell you who your real parents are as recent circumstances have given us no choice," Dumbledore announced and y/n began to fiddle with her thumbs. "Your mother was an extraordinary woman, specifically brilliant with herbology and defence against the dark arts, her name was Glinda Delacour," he said and held up a photo of the stranger, she wore a beautiful warming smile, her hair was the same tone of colour as y/n's and so was the majority of her face, beautiful princess like eyes holding the eyes she passed down to y/n and she wore a green jumper with maternity overalls, she was pregnant in the photo, the photo shifted, looking as if she was getting a kiss on the cheek.
This woman was her mother who had appeared in the mirror of Erised, the naturally striking one.
Dumbledores wrinkled hand covered the other half of the photograph but y/n saw a hand against her mothers stomach and around her shoulders like a embrace, they were manly hands too.
"Your father however, in school was mischevious and was really close friends with you adoptive father, James Potter," he said and looked at Professor McGonagall. "Now the man is known to be the reason for James' death, and that's Sirius Black," he said sliding his hand away from the photo showing the familiar man with shoulder-length black hair with a purple and black faded trench coat on his shoulders, wearing black jeans and a white button up untucked, the exact same man she saw in the mirror of Erised two years previously.
Y/n had felt her eyes well up already, she couldn't believe what they were saying, a mother an father, was her mother alive? why didnt she live with them? why did James and Lily adopt her? She reached out to the photo in a gesture to ask for it, dumbledore patted it inside of her palm, pulling it close to her eyes.
she didnt have to look too hard to understand none of this converstion was false and overall facts of her real family. just looking at sirius it was clear where he had gained her nose from, she looked a spitting image to her mother who was being pampered with kisses from her father. glinda looked identical to her, and it only made y/n come to term with how much she looked nothing like Lily and James, glinda and y/n could pull off as twins...wait, twins.
"What about Harry?" She looked up to her headmaster, McGonagall had removed her hand from her knee not too long ago but they gave her another sad smile.
"He's your god-brother / adoptive brother," Dumbledore told as she looked back down at the moving picture re-watching her parents treat each other so preciously.
"Is there any other photos of them?" She asked and Dumbledore nodded passing over the landscape photo of a group of adults, his overgrown nails pointed towards Lily and James, standing next to them was Glinda and Sirius, hand in hand. "I don't get it, something doesn't add up," she said and looked back and forth the two photos. "Where's Glinda now? And why is it Sirius wants to hurt me and Harry?" She asked, the two professor exchanged a loong before McGonagall opened her mouth to speak.
"Glinda, she's gone, an ex-professor at this school tried to help her birth you but she was in so much pain that she passed away, they had tried healing spells and potions but unfortunately none worked," Mcgonagall told her as she held her breath. "Before she passed she ordered the man to take you to the Potters, lily was pregnant with at the time and is the reason why you and Harry have a wide difference between your birthdays" she explained, the information setting in place within her mind.
"And Sirius?" She asked, tears threatening to fall.
"No-one knows why he purposely wants to supposedly kill you or Harry however the man has never met you in his lifetime, he only believes that you died along with your mother," Dumbledore told her, he watched tears escape her eye sockets and slip down her face.
"What?" She asked, her voice cracking.
"Glinda and Sirius had gotten into a pretty rough argument the day you was born, Glinda didn't want your dad seeing you at all, every time he'd come to visit James and Lily he had no clue you was there because they hid you from him, going by Glindas last words," Dumbledore replied again, by now y/n was practically sobbing. McGonagall rubbed the poor girls back and allowed her to let it all out.
"James and Sirius were best friends and so was Glinda and Lily," the deputy headmistress said. "James and Sirius had these weird nicknames for each other, what was it professor, padfeet and pogo?" She asked before the headmaster chuckled slightly.
"Padfoot and Prongs, and the other two, Moony and Wormtail, such strange names I wonder how they came up with them," he beamed meanwhile y/n continued to cry. padfoot? as in a dog?
"Miss I've been meaning to tell you," the blonde girl sniffed in an attempt to change the subject. "I've been working on my transfiguration over the s-summer," she told and forcing back her tears. "I've been working on animagi, and transforming animagi" she said and McGonagall raised her brows.
"That's some tricky magic y/n,have you attempted it?" She questioned and the teenager who was still crying but managed to sloppily shrug.
"Do you want me to show you?" She asked and McGonagall nodded, both teachers stood up and watched the girl get up onto her feet, she closed her eyes and twitched before leaping into a fluffy black dog, y/n was extremely proud of herself, apart from the fact she didn't have a tail hadn't formed just yet.
"That's brilliant y/n! Can you come out of it?" The professor asked as the dogs ears flicked forward and she ran forward back into her normal self. "Well done! 20 points to Gryffindor!" She cheered which made y/n mouth curl at the corners. "I need to report this to the ministry, to register you as a legal animagi," she said and y/n nodded wiping her wet eyes.
"Y/n dear, your still in someways a potter, they're your god and adoptive parents, but if you want you can change your name to Delacour or Black," Dumbledore told her as she nodded.
"Who knows about this?" She asked as Mcgonagall put the chairs away.
"Not really anyone in your years or above, people who know your parents would know, but you can tell your friends, its up to you when you'd like to inform them," Dumbledore notified and y/n nodded, McGonagall smiled at her reassuringly, holding onto her shoulder until the Headmaster paused them. "Take this, its worth looking at," he said, handing her the moving photo of Sirius and Glinda. y/n felt her mouth twitch and held it on her hand.
Professor McGonagall chaperoned y/n back to the Gryffindor tower and through the portrait hole, she walked inside seeing Fred had his shoes kicked off and all his homework spread across desk, George was sat down there too, the twins snoring loudly, y/n couldn't help but giggle at the sight, she walked over beginning to pack their homework away in their bags, neatly putting aside their shoes to the coach with the genius idea flashed i her mind of tying up their shoelaces for when they wake up in the morning.
Before y/n turned up the stairs, brushed her teeth, changed into her pyjamas and eventually fall asleep, y/n leaned over the couch to wear Fred slept and pushed his ginger hair out of his face kissing his forehead lightly and headed upstairs for bed.
"Entriging isn't it? Would anyone like to tell me what's inside." Lupin announced as the french burned out wardrobe thrussled directly opposite the cluster of students, jerking back watching as itviolently shook, their professor feared none of it. the tables and chairs were pushed to the sides inside of the DADA classrom, prepared for the practical lesson Lupin had planned for them.
"That's a boggart that is," Dean Thomas answered afterwards, the wardrobe continuing to shake vigorously.
"Anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?" Lupin then asked as the students stood there clueless, circling to the front of the classroom,
"No-one knows," Hermione suddenly spoke up from in between Ron and y/n, the girls hair brushed back into a low ponytail, rons hair was untidy as usual as y/ns was put up in a loose bun with the held of her wand.
"When did she get here?" Y/n and Ron asked to each other quickly.
"Boggarts are shape shifters, they change into the person greatest fear that's what makes them so te-" Hermione announced before being interrupted by Lupin.
"So terrifying yes," Lupin concluded as he stood beside the wardrobe it shook deliactely meanwhile he shoved his hands inside his pockets. "luckily, a very special charm exsists to repel a boggart," he smiled to the glass, the scars on his face bending at the smile lines. "Lets practise that now please, uh, without wands please, after me, riddikulus!" He ordered the class.
"Riddikulus!" The class chanted back, the wardrobe shook again making everyone step back.
"Very good, loud and clear for me, riddikulus!" He yelled back to the class, making the pronunciation clearer.
"Riddikulus!" The class said louder.
"This class is ridiculous," y/n heard Draco mutter from the corner of the room, she huffed and continued listening along with the rest of the class.
"Very good, so much for the easier part, very good for the incantation, what really finishes a boggart is laughter," he told his class along with another rattle of the wardrobe. "You form it into a shape you find truly amusing," he said and the class nodded in agreement. "Uh, Neville, why don't you join me please? Come on don't be shy," he instructed the Gryffindor boy
he looked to dean then ron at both his shoulders eventually ushering himself towards the professor, his head hung low, y/n felt herself step forward to face him more, she just hoped Lupin was nothing like snape in their potions lessons just before, where he threatened his toad trevor with nevilles failed potion which could potentially kill him.
"Now what frightens you most of all?" He asked as the tall boy mumbled under his breath with his head hanging low. "Sorry?" He asked again.
"Professor Snape," he replied loud enough for the class to hear hear and giggle, hermione and y/n stood unamused.
"Ah yes he frightens all professor Snape," Lupin said with a giggle. "And I believe you live with your grandmother," he asked with a smirk.
"Yes, but I don't want that boggart turning into her either," Neville quickly replied to the professor the class to erupt with giggles again.
"Oh no it won't, picture her clothes and only her clothes in your mind," the professor said with another rattle of the wardrobe causing the classrooom to jerk once more.
"She carries a red handbag-" he started.
"We don't need to hear it as long as you see it, we see it," Lupin said and Neville nodded timidly. "Now when I open up that wardrobe I want you to imagine this..."he moved over to Nevilles ear and whispered something that made him turn to his professor in shock. "Got it?" He asked and Neville nodded. "Wand at the ready, 1,2...3," he said and waved his wand towards the wardrobe.
The knob turned and the door pushed itself open, revealing the veining plae hand that belonged to snape, glaring down at Neville, the shadow of the door left his dark unform as he pushed the door back and stepped away from the wardrobe, an evile smirk against his face as he stutted towards the tall Gryffindor. "Think Neville, think," Lupin whispered when Neville aime his wand at their Potions professor.
"Riddikulus!" He chanted.
the classroom watched Snape stumble backwards - his regular black robes shifting into a body sculpting green scaly dress, a fox wrapped around his neck, a red handbag hung on his arm along with large hat on his head with a dead ferret spread across it, also wearing purple heels, the boggart-professor stumbled around, overcomed by the roaring laughter.
"Excellent Neville! Everyone form a line!" Lupin yelled at the room, turning his back on his students that eagerly formed a jaggered line, ron leading as neville headed to the back of the class.
y/n wondered to neville, offering the boy a high five only for Malfoy to propel the Gryffindor into her. y/n had managed to prevent him from tumbling towards the ground, her eyes on the group of Slytherins as they scuttled to the back of the classroom. "watch it you twat!" y/n yelled, neville pulling her away from malfoys sight, so she wouldnt cause more trouble. "you shouldve hit him, it aint fair nev," y/n told the boy as Hermione pulled y/n into the line, he glued his eyes to the ground his face burning red.
"i know,"
"I want everyone to picture the thing they fear the very most," Lupin commanded and walked over to a stereo whilst the line shuffled back and fourth. "Then turn it into something funny," he stopped and looked up the music beginning to play. "Next, Ron," he said as the Ginger boy walked forwards, afraid of what's could be his greatest fear.
He stepped forward watching the boggart-Snape straighten up and suddenly morph into a bundle of fears. He grabbed his wand from inside his robe just as a large black spider landed, Ron whimpered a little before he flicked his wand. "Riddikulus!" He chanted. the class howled when the spiders feet turned into roller skates, it constantly loosing balance and tumbled to the floor.
"Well done! Brilliant! You see it's enjoyable! Parvati you next!" Lupin announce with Ron heading to the back of the classroom high fiving Harry and y/n on the way. The boggart going from a terrible balanced spider morphing into one large rattlesnake, hissing at the small girl at the below it.
"riddikulus!" she called, the boggart changing from the large snake to a large jack in the box moving back and fourth.
"Y/n you next!" Lupin yelled as she stepped forward, drawing her wand that placed her hair in shape, causing her blonde locks to drop. She watched it spin into spirals of fear until landing on what Sirius Black looked like, not in Azkaban but in the photo Dumbledore showed her last night. She held her breath and graspedher wand.
"riddikulus!" she chanted and saw the prisoner suddenly begin to tap dance across the floor along to the music. The room cried out in laughter as the prisoner dancing while she shifted to the back where Ron stood.
"That was brilliant y/n!" Ron said and she smiled.
"So was yours Ronald!" She agreed, the two turning to Harry's boggart, black hooded cloaked creature flying in the air, a dementor. Lupin sprung in front of the boy to protect him, morphing from Harry's boggart into a full moon just peeking from the thunder clouds.
"riddikulus!" He chanted and the full moon bursted into a white balloon flying across the room and he send it back inside the wardrobe. "Okay that's it for today if everyone would like to collect your books and reset the class thats it for today sorry," he vocalised listening to the class groan. "Sorry!" He repeated looking over at Harry who was staring at the wardrobe, afraid.
"These hogsmede trips are a privilege, should your behaviour effect the school in anyway, your privilege shall not be extended again," she announced, Y/n and Harry ran up to McGonagall with their two unsigned permission slips. "No sign, no trip, Potters," she told beginning to walk down the stairs.
"All those with permission slips follow me all those without stay put," Argus filch called with his greying, greasy hair down to his collarbones and shaggy robes.
"Well I thought professor, if you signed it we both could go," Harry suggested.
"I can't, only a parent or a guardian can sign, and since I am neither it would be inappropriate," the woman spoke and left them standing there saddened. "I'm sorry Potters that's my final word," she said patting each of their shoulders and leaving, Ron and Hermione standing there, hopefully.
"Go on, we'll be alright," Y/n said and waved goodbye, Hermione copied, ron not too long later joined, the two then followed after filch.
Harry and y/n had to try and figure out some way to entertainment themselves for that weekend and the future weekends ahead seeing as all the friends headed to Hogsmeade. Ron's sister Ginny Weasley couldnt go as she was in second year but neither of the teens talked to the ginger girl, and harry had always said that the 12 year old had an obsession over him. y/n suggested Hagrids for a chat and tea only to find out that he was working in the forest so they stumbled with Professor Lupin.
Harry and the Professor paced across the wonky bridge multiple times but y/n seated herself at the end of the bridge. she decided to do that when the topic shifted to parents, and couldn't handle the fact her only family was a mass-murder on the looks to kill her felt odd to call harry that too, but after while of y/n listening into their conversation her heart skipped a beat realising Lupin knew James and Lily, there must be a possible chance that he knows her real parents.
At the end of the bridge the teacher and two students watched a cluster of teenagers hike up the hill, faces recognisable since they had been to Hogsmede all day, Harry ran off to the end of the bridge obviously eager to see Hermione and Ron, meanwhile y/n stayed put , Lupin mentioned it as he headed back to his office.
"What's wrong y/n you feeling under the weather?" Lupin asked standing next to her in the bridge, she shrugged to the man.
"Oh I'm okay, it's just, theres a lot on my mind" she paused and looked to Harry in his black jumper down the end of the bridge, she glanced back to her Professor "May I talk to you?" She asked politely and he agreed, she moved away from the bridge and started making their way to the courtyard.
"What is it you'd like to talk about?" He asked when suddenly her mind scattered with thoughts and memories from Dumbledores office, specifically the photo of her parents as well as her jumping into anmagi form.
"over the summer I've been working on transfiguration because I found it more fascinating back in second year," she said and noticed how their walking pace was quite rapid. "Well, I've been working on animagi, and transforming myself," she said with a smile. "it's worked and I showed it to Professor McGonagall last night, she told me that she was going to inform the ministry so I'm registered as a legal animagi but I can't stop to wonder," she said and stopped walking, Lupin mimicked.
She held out her arm and flipped it showing off her fluffy black paw, she turned over again to back to her regular hand. "Harry's tea leaves in divination foreshadowed the grim, and the grim is shown as a black dog, my animagi form is a black dog. The grim i also shown as an omen of death," she said and looked up at man who stood greatly stunned, but shifted her shoulder in a gesture for them to move on their conversation.
"I wouldn't worry as much, plenty of rumours says she's odd and sometimes say anything to her students which don't usually come true," he told her with a pat on the shoulder, she nodded. "And the transfiguration work is quite difficult magic, especially at your age, I remember some boys in my year at Hogwarts tried it out," he chuckled, causing y/n to beam up at him.
"I found it rather easy to do? Is that normal?" She asked and he just gave her the same old comforting smile he'd worn since turning up to Hogwarts.
"Maybe you just found it easier then others did," he said and she nodded, she went to walk away before she stopped again and sucked her breath ready to say something. "Yes?" He asked and she turned around.
"What do you know about my dad?" She asked, her thumbs rotating over another, he furrowed his brows but opened up his mouth.
"Well James, like I was saying-" he stated before she cut him off quickly.
"Not James," she told, watching as he paused, lips parting, furrowing his long, light brunette brows. She watched his chest suddenly go down and stuff his hands into the pocket of his shabby robe, she waited patiently for his response.
"Sirius," he began and huffed. "He was a good friend, he loved James and Lily to bits, there wouldn't be a moment Sirius was without James, unless one was off sick- that's a lie, thus both go off sick," he said and she furrowed her brows, Lupin knew.
"You knew my father?" She asked and he nodded sadly.
"Not just your father, your mother too. Just as brilliant as Lily those two, not to mention they were the best of friends too," he said and began to walk, y/n joined after him intrigued on what he had to say about her deceased mother. "Brilliant at Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, unbelievably gifted in Potions which i've noticed shes passed onto you," he said looking up at the large clock. "Oh and don't get me started on her passion for Herbology, talked about it non-stop," he chuckled whilst they stepped inside the Hogwarts castle and marched over to the great hall.
"How did you meet?" She questioned.
"In potions, I needed a lot of help on one of the shrinking potions, she was a lot of help," he said, the two walking past second year Ravenclaws. "Such a shame you never met your mother," he stopped outside of the open doors next of the great hall, his hands locked in front of him the front. "You look just how I remembered her back in potions, although she had these braids in her hair, looked terrible if you asked me," lupin chuckled along with y/n.
"Thank you sir," she said, tying her hair in a low ponytail with her black scrunchie, heading inside the Great Hall.
um plot twist??? next chapters quite funzies so be excited,
stay safe and wear your masks!! x
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