y/n met with fred and george just outside the clock tower, the cluster of third years and above being lead towards hogmeade with some balls of snow chucked aiming for their backs from fred and george, they were mostly aimed at ron and hermione, the ginger boys competing as y/n sat howling with laughter, knee slapping meanwhle hermione ripped ron attention from his brothers.
they were out in the layered snow, constructing spheres of snow, piling them up collectivly and later removing y/n's scarf to wrap around he snowmans neck, his face naked, not a smile or eye was sighted just yet. george turned to his right where the frozen over fountain stood, spotting footsteps form into the white sheet, without a body visible to mark them.
"Oi, do you two lovebirds fancy a drink?" George suggested, jerking his head ttowards the imprints of steps. y/n quickly knew that it was harry hidden under his dads invisiblity cloak and watched the weasley twins grinned to ech other and before she knew it they had already pounced at the boy locking theit arms with his, his body still invisible.
"Guys get off of me!" Harry barked from the twins grip, y/n saw his feet drag in parallel rows.
"Clever Harry," George started, y/n stood opposite Harry with her arms crossed, smirking at the boy.
"But not clever enough," Fred added and they continued to drag him along the snow.
"Guys I'm trying to get to hogsmeade," Harry argued.
"We know," all three of them retaliated. "We've got a better way," Fred and George remarked. They stepped up to the small staircase and continued to drag harry around the corner and up to a smaller secretive staircase nobody really marched on.
"We'll show you a quicker way," George told him still struggling. "If you pipe down," he said and took them to the stair well placing Harry on stairs.
"Now Harry, come join the big boys," Fred and George announced, y/n standing alongside Harry, her feet on the same level as fred and georges. Harry whipped the invisibility cloak away from himself and dropped it to his ankles.
"What are you doing-!" He whisper-yelled at the gingers, quickly hushed by them,Fred passed a scrap piece of parchment over, the same one used last night. "What this rubbish?" He quizzed and the twins scoffed.
"What's this rubbish he says? That there is the secret to our success," Fred said leaning against the wall, Harry flipping over the parchment.
"It's a reach giving it to you believe me," George added.
"But we figured your needs are greater than ours," Fred told and smiled, y/n looked over the banister, scanning the object. "George if you will," Fred offered and George pulled out his wand.
"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," he announce and flicked towards the parchment the four teens watched as ink splattered into the page.
"Missers, Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs present the marauders map," Harry announced, suddenly a bell rung in y/n's head as he spoke the names out, her brows furrowing in thought, Harry glanced up at the twins.
"We owe them so much," George told Harry with a smirk whilst Harry lifted up a page.
"Hang on, this is hogwarts," Harry realised, they watched names float across the pages of the map. "Is that really-?" Harry asked before the twins filled in for him.
"Dumbledore," Fred started.
"In his study," George added.
"Pacing," Fred continued.
"He does that a lot," George added.
"So you mean this map shows?" Harry asked, waiting for their reply.
"Everyone," George filled in.
"Everyone?" Harry and y/n asked afterwards.
"Everyone," George said.
"Where they are," Fred said.
"What they're doing,"
"Of every minute,"
"Of every day," George finished.
"Brilliant!" Y/n and Harry announced. "Where'd you get it?" Harry asked, y/n looking at the map herself, turning over another piece of parchment as more words moved across the page.
"Nicked it from Filch's suffice of course, first year," Fred told with his arms crossed.
"Now listen there are seven secret passageways out of the castle, we'd recommend," George said and the twins leaned forward over the map.
"This one," they told together.
"The one eyed witch passegway," George told him. "It leads you straight to honeydukes cellar," he finished.
"But you better be quick filch is heading this way," Fred told them pointing at them map in y/n's grip.
"Oh and don't forget when ya done give it a tap and say," he paused getting his wand out again pointing it towards the map.
"Mischief managed," they said together the brownishred ink falling away into the map, as i had been washed off of any evidence of the names and rooms in hgwarts. "Otherwise anyone could read it," hey finished and Harry nodded, pleasefully.
"Thank you," he said and turned to y/n. "You coming?" He asked and she quickly shook her head.
"Nah I'm gonna stay here, will it be alright if you get me something from honeydukes?" She asked and smiled, handing over the map as he nodded running off.
"Why didn't you go?" They both asked. She shrugged.
"Ron said it was boring," she responded quickly and slowly began to finish the snowman they created.
"HARRY! IT WAS HIM! I SAW HIM! SIRIUS BLACK! HE HAD A KNIFE! HE WAS GOING M TO KILL ME!" Ron booming cries clearly had woke y/n and Hermione in their dorm, the two sleepily exchanged odd looks, it hadnt woken up lavender and pavarti just yet.
"What on earth is he screaming about?" Hermione questioned and scooped up crookshanks. Y/n sat up and slid on her pastel blue dressing gown. They left the dormitories and saw Harry's, Rons, Nevilles, Deans and Seamus' door closed.
"Blimey what's going on in there?" Y/n asked her friend and watched the door burst open with the whole of harrys roomates followed after Ron, trying to comfort him and calm his nerves.
"IM TELLING YOU HARRY HE WAS STANDING OVER ME ME WITH A KNIFE HE ALMOST KILLED ME!" Ron continued to scream. Y/n strided over to the boys and held the ginger boys exposed, freckled shoulders.
"hey, hey, hey, what's going on?" Y/n asked him, Hermione stood behind her with crookshanks in her arms.
"sirius black! It was him! He had a knife! He was going to kill me!" He said his hands shaking underneath her grip, she furrowed her brows in disbelief.
"What?" She said and his eyes widened.
"Why does no one believe me? He was standing! Hovering over me with a knife!" He told a sudden wave of panic washed over her like a bucket of bitter water.
"He was?" She asked and he nodded frantically.
"Yes he was!" He said. She gulped and turned to Harry who also had the same look.
"Whatgoing on?" percy cried, more gryyfindors leaving their rooms. the small cluster of third years snapped their heads to the head boy witha complletely muddled expression written across his face.
"Perc! You need to get McGonagall! We saw him! He had a knife, Sirius black!" Ron told and Percy immediately turned on his heel ordering for every Gryffindor to be in the common room meanwhile he grabbed their head of house. They all watched him trudge down the stairs and a couple minutes later McGonagall had turned up, every Gryffindor was awoken from their slumber and stood inside the common room, relatively quiet due to how tired they seemed to be. Harry sat by the fireplace and y/n did too, to give him company.
Fred and George stood with both Lee Jordon and Angelina Johnson, y/n close by by she stood alongside Hermione and Ron, Dean and Seamus leaned against the red sofa as Neville stood opposite y/n. harry sat alone beside the fireplace, his attention drawn to the flickering fire rather than his head of house.
"I mean how did Black possibly get through the portrait hole?" McGonagall asked Ron after explaining his whole story of him waking up to the man hovering over him with a dagger in his hand.
"I don't know how he got in! I was too busy dodging his knife!" He replied, still in fright.
"Percy, have you seen sir cadagon?" Mcgonagall asked the head boy, standing inside his blue striped pyjamas.
"I-I-I-um," he stammered. looking at the painting on the red and gold tapestry. "Oh he's there Professor," he told and pointed at a painting behind him. She strode over in her green and black dress in gown and directed to it.
"Sir cadagon? Sir cadagon?" She repeated as he abruptly turned in his heavy load of knight uniform, his eyes barely shown through his helmet and responded to the professor.
"Ah, yes ma'am!" He said with sheer pride in his voice.
"Sorry but is it possible that you let a mysterious man into the Gryffindor tower tonight?" McGonagall quizzed, watching the knight glide past three different paintings. he paused in a certain one where a game of chess was being played inside of it.
"Certainly good lady! He had the password! Checkmate," he announced and scrambled up the pieces from the board, knocking them over of the table and caused multiple to roll off the ends of the table. "He had the whole weeks in fact, on the little piece of paper," he told opening his arms out, knocking back two witches, one witch stumbled off her hill and rolled out the wide open window, few Gryffindors gasped at.
"Which foolish person wrote down the answers then proceeded to lose them?" She questioned and looked to the talk boy with brunnette curls, his head lowered ashamfully. "Is it always going to be you?" She asked and y/n felt a sudden guilt for Neville, he was looking at the ground as if he was begging it to swallow him whole.
"It's not my fault Professor. H-he kept changing them, I couldn't keep up!" He defended himself and McGonagall sighed.
"Very well, Sirius Black is gone tonight I think that you can all assume that he will at some time attempt to return, know I'll speak to the entire staff when I say we will take every precaution to ensure your safety on yourselves to act responsibly, understood?" She announced.
"yes professor," the room mumbled together, y/n looked over to her boyfriend, he turned to y/n with a worried smile, but managed to shrug it off.
"And that cat ate my rat!" Ron argued after McGonagall left. Y/n watched Ron suddenly target the bushy haired girl.
"That's a lie!" Hermione defended herself, hugging her ginger cat close to her chest.
"It is not and you bloody well know it!" Ron squabbled and strode away, percy noticed this glaring at his younger brother, watching as his siblings headed upstairs, hermione turned on her heel and sat beside harry on he red sofa.
y/n turned to gain a glimpse of where your god-brother sat. she knew she shouldve chatted with him, seeing as her mass murderer father had managed to sneak back inside the school, and had gotten closer to his targets than before. she knew it would be most sensible to tell someone about her new found family tree although there seemed to never be the right time to come clean and admit whose family she genuinely belonged in.
"gorgeous," a slender hand wrapped around y/n's wrist. she turned ahead of her to notice fred standing behind his twin bother and he talked with both Angelina and Aee. "you alright?" he quizzed as y/n nodded up to him, the couple drowsily heading up the stairs, pausing at the division between girls and boys dormitories. "hey get a good sleep, make sure to lock your bedroom door okay?" he reminded her as the girl nodded at her boyfriend once more.
when noticing not too many Gryffindors were mostly inside their rooms and still heading up to their rooms that Fred leaned down to where y/n stood, pecking gently against her lips. y/n glanced up to the ginger boy with a gentle smile on her face, he finally removed his hand and watched as y/n leave to wonder off back to her dorm, catching the shocked looks on Gryffindors when reaching her room, to be greeted with Lavender and Pavarti tucking themselves back into bed.
"Beautiful day!" Hermione exclaimed, staring at the bright blue, saturday sky with a smile on her face. Y/n nodded in agreement, ron wondering alongside the bushy haired girl.
"Gorgeous, unless you're being ripped to pieces," Ron spat, throwing Hermiones smile away and knitted eyebrows on Harry's face.
"Ripped to pieces?" the raven haired boy asked, Hermione sighed.
"Ronald has lost his cat," she told factfully and Ron scrunched his face.
"I haven't lost anything! Your cat killed him!" He bickered back as Hermione shook her head.
"Rubbish," she insisted and they headed towards the bridge, off to meet hagrid to wonder how the hearing for the hippogriff buckbeak went.
"Harry, y/n you've seen how that bloodthirsty beast of hers looks at Scabbers, now he's gone," Ron told them upset, her eyes burning on the back of hermiones neck, she whipped her head round instantly.
"Well maybe you should take more care of your pet!" Hermione argued back.
"Your cat killed him!" He yelled down the bridge.
"Did not!" She yelled back.
"Did," he replied in an obvious tone.
"Didn't," she copied meanwhile Harry and y/n giggled at the teens arguement.
"How'd it go Hagrid?" Hermione asked the man, he wore a large fluffy brown jacket with a tie he'd made from scraps of yellow and orange fabrics and his trousers pulled up to his knees as he stood in the water, skipping pebbles along the black lake. "The hearing?" She added, watching Hagrid skim another pebble.
"Well first of the committee members took turns asking us why we were there," Hagrid said, shaking his head, playing with the pebble in his hand then threw it. "Then I got up in my peace said how buckbeak was a good hippogriff, always cleaned his feathers," he paused and dropped his arms to his sides. "And then Lucius Malfoy got up, well you can imagine what he said," he told the teens. "Buckbeak was a deadly and dangerous creature who would kill yer as soon as it looks at yer," Hagrid said flicked another stone.
"And then?" Hermione said, her hands on her hips.
"Then he asked for the worst, good ol' Lucius," he said turning his body and little.
"They're not sacking you?" Ron said in an upset voice.
"No, I'm not sacked," Hagrid said with a small chuckle the tall large man paused as he fiddled with the pebble. "Buckbeaks been sentenced to death," he yelled, and threw the last pebble aggressively into the lake.
All of the teens gave each other looks, even Ron and Hermione who'd argued just before meeting Hagrid by the deserted lake. They couldn't believe it, how could Malfoy do that? He'd been milking the whole lot the accident!
"Surely, there's something we can do about it Hagrid? Have another hearing? Bring witnesses?" Y/n suggested, Hagrid shook his head.
"He's being killed tomorrow, there's no turning back anymore, it's happening," he told and y/n could hear him cry. Y/n removed her coat and started to walk into the water, removing her shoes and rolled her jeans up and shifted through the murky dark green water, she only got to waist level before reaching up to Hagrid and offering him a big hug.
Throughout the whole hug he cried, it was odd to seeing him cry, so foreign for him to express these types of emotions. Hagrid picked her y/n and held her like a teddy bear, water dripping off her shoes and jeans, she didn't mind, as long as hagrid had a shoulder to cry on that was better than she could ask for.
OH and yall may be interested in draco malfoy right??? well good news cos my bezzie mate abbey aka -LUUPINS, has a draco x reader and its WORTH the read lemme tell you that for fucking free. its her only published book so far and im very proud of her managing to write the whole of first year already so go give it some views and votes its would be grateful xx
stay safe girliess xx
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