"Can't believe they're going to kill buckbeak," Hermione briefed taking the lead through the wonky bridge.
She wore her pink spaghetti strap shirt top and a pink cardigan zipped just at her chest with her low blue jeans, her hair seemed extra bushy and long that day. Harry walked behind wearing his dark blue zip-up jacket, two white stripes trailed down the sides of his arms and a pale blue top underneath, also wearing blue jeans. Ron wore a multi-coloured brown jumper over a orange long sleeved top, wearing blue loose jeans. Y/n stood wearing a large purple jumper and baggy black jeans, her hair tied up in a ponytail, displaying her blonde hair.
"It just got worst," Ron remarked, the group of four stopping at the end of the bridge, all glaring at three boys hidden and chuckling behind tall rocks that looked down on hagrids hut, aswell as buckbeak laying peacefully with pumpkins and crows.
Draco Malfoy held his binoculars, staring down at Hagrids hut, obviously there for the execution. Hermione left the group in a storming rage.
"Look who's here!" Crabbe told Malfoy watching Hermione march down the hill.
"Ah! Come to see the show!" He joked, letting go of the binoculars standing behind a rock, laughing with his Slytherin mates.
"You! You foul and loathsome evil little coackroach!" She insulted, pointing her wand tip just underneath his chin and pointed it towards his neck.
"Hermione no!" Ron squealed, y/n watched with a smirk, easily satisfied. "He's not worth it," he reminded and watched the platnium haired boy uneasily breath, squeezing his eyes shut.
"go on Hermione, hes taken the piss all year," y/n shrugged earning a smack on the arm from Ron, hermiones wand still remained at the Slytherins neck, Crabbe and Goyle watched wairily, both as shocked at the three standing behind the bushy haired girl.
Hermione's tense shoulders shoulders relaxed, her outstretched arm lowered down to the side of her hip, Malfoy peeked through his eyes, spotting her wand pointing away from him. he let out a quick chuckle, jokingly nudging his mates in a way to mock the Gryffindor.
He didnt expect Hermione small hand to collide with the right side of his face, a loud SMACK rung in his eyes as he stumbled back, his pale face already growing red raw from the hard slap coming from Hermione.
"Malfoy, are you alright?" Crabbe asked his friend frantically, Goyle dragged him up, the two dragging him away, glaring at the four teens.
"Not one word about this! Filthy mudblood!" Draco said as the all ran away.
"what did you say?" y/n barked, the three boys, tripping as they stumbled up the hill. "oi!" she yelled, turning on her hill as she sprinted towards the large boys managing to keep up with Draco, drawing her wand and aimed to his legs. "locomotor wibbly!" she chanted and atched in amusements as Malfoy collapsed to the ground, Harry, Ron and Hermione howled with laughter.
"good luck getting him back to normal with your thick heads!" Ron growled in return, clutching his stomach, the three dragging Malfoy down the bridge with his useless legs, as if his bones turned into jelly.
"That felt good," Hermione said, her wand sat to her side, a smirk hanging on her face.
"Not good, brilliant!" Ron said and she grinned more. "Come on," he told and took the lead down the steps leading to Hagrid house. They all watched the blue Hippogriff raise its head as the teens walked past and placed it back down sadly.
"Poor thing." Y/n mumbled as they knocked on the door Hagrid letting them inside, and laid ou his large mugs, setting a fire to boil his small kettle, and gave them their teas just how they prefferred it. Hermione was btterly strong and didnt include any sugars, meanwhile both y/n and ron had three sugars mixed in there teas, harry sat contently with two.
"Aw look at 'im," Hagrid said looking outside his window. "Loves the smell of trees and when the wind blows through," he announced, Harry stood behind him.
"Why don't you just let him go?" He suggested, Hagrid let in a sharp inhale and shook his head.
"They'd know it was me, Dumbledore would get in trouble," he told, this time he sounded a bit acceptive about letting Buckbeak go since the past couple of weeks Hagrids been doing nothing but sob with his animal. "he's coming down here Dumbledore, he said he wanted to be with me when he know," Hagrid paused. "Great man Dumbledore!" He cried, moving away from the window.
"We'll stay with you too Hagrid," Hermione told him, the man buldged his eyes.
"You'll do no such thing!" He advised."I don't want you seeing something like that!" He said waving his hand to the window, indicating to the Hippogriff. "You'll be drinking your teas and be off, oh an before you do Ron," Hagrid directed and waddled over to a shelf, opening up and box and a rat popping its head out.
"Scabbers! You're alive!" Ron rejoiced and picked up the garden rat with a smile, y/n turned to a furious Hermione.
"Closer eye on you pets Ron," Hagrid told him whilst Ron stroked Scabbers back.
"Think that means you owe someone an apology," Hermione stood up, walking over to him.
"Right, next time I see Crookshanks, I'll let him know," Ron told her, with a obvious tone in his voice.
"I meant me!" Hermione argued back when suddenly the vase of sand broke in half, just beside Hermione, spilling its shattered pieces of clay and sand across the table, the bushy haired girl analysed the pebble sitting over the dry substance, harry and y/n got up to look.
"Blimey! What was that?" Hagrid said and y/n stood up looking at the rock that came flying through unexpectadely.
"Ow!" Harry wined, holding the back of his head, rubbing it seeing as somebody had thrown another rock thrrew the window, y/n almost leaned out of the window, both herself and Harry spotted Dumbledore in his blue robes, the Minister of Magic and the executioner trailing behind covered in soully black.
"Hagrid," Harry said and indicated him toward the window, seeing the three men marching towards his house.
"Crikey, its late, its nearly dark," he muttered and turned to the teenagers. "You shouldn't be here," Hagrid said "someone sees you outside of the castle, this time of night, you'd be in trouble big trouble, especially you two y/n and Harry," he said and pointed at them. The door banged loudly. "With you in a moment!" He cried and covered a animal wriggling from inside of a pumpkin with a knitted blanket. "Go!" He shooed to them and they went to the other side of the hut, running to the back door, hovering outside.
They watched as Hagrid offered them all inside and they all ran away towards the pumpkin patch, hiding behind several gigantic pumpkins, watching the mens conversations from behind the fruits. Hermione abruptly jerked her head around, alarming the other three teens.
"What?" Y/n quizzed her.
"I thought I just saw... nevermind," she dismissed the end of her sentence meanwhile they looked away.
"Come on lets go," Ron ordered and they all started to peg up the steps leading to where Malfoy was slapped across the face not too long ago.
They stopped once they reached it and looked down to the hut and watched the executioner stand outside, Dumbledore had headed back inside the hut along with Hagrid as the minister watched the man raise his large axe high into the air, the whole world stopped around them once they watched it fall back down and crows fly away rapidly.
Hermione began to cry and leaned into Ron, the ginger boy releasing one of his hands from Scabbers to offer a rub on her back gently, harry reached over to copy, y/n stood alone and twiddled with her thumbs, shocked for words.
"Ow!" Ron squealed dropping his rat, they all watched the pet scurried away and blood trickle off Rons finger. "The bloody thing bit me!" He cried, letting go of Hermione as the began to chase after the rat.
"Ron!" The three yelled, beginning to sprint after him.
"Scabbers! Come back!" He continued to yell after his pet and they pegged through the hills of the Hogwarts grounds, leaning away from the forbidden forest as well as the wonky bridge.
"Ron! Wait!" They screamed after him, they watched as he leaped forward on his front and later sat up, his pet in his hands, a large tree towered over Rons lanky body, sitting on the grass, watching the willow trees branches and leaves shift sweetly in the wind.
"Oh no," y/n sat looking up at the tree, not the best place to be.
"That's not good," Harry said also noticing the tree, the same one they came crashing into last year, The Whomping Willow. "Ron! Run!" Harry alerted him, he lifted him head and squeezed Scabbers in his hand.
"Guys run! It's the Grim!" He screamed, pointing just behind them. They turned around coming in eye-contact with a Scottish Deerhound that growled at them. It barked and started pouncing towards them, y/n stood in front, in her attempt to protect them only for the dog prance over their heads, running towards Ron, it jumped over and bit down his leg dragging him backwards into a small hole beside the Whomping Willow.
"Harry, help!" He yelled, Scabbers still secured tightly in his hands.
"Ron!" They yelled after him. Harry vaulted onto his stomach trying to grab his best friends hand but failed miserably.
"Harry!" He screamed and sailed as he went down into a hole. "Ahhh!" He screamed more, Hermione and y/n helped Harry up before getting knocked back by a twisted branch from the tree, sending them flying back and falling hard on the ground. Groaning, y/n was the first on her feet, an idea quickly sparked in her mind.
"The little git!" She yelled and pounced forwards to her animagi form, her paws patting on the grass as she skidded through the hole and tumbled into and tunnel transforming back into her humanly form. "Ow!" She vocalised and got up, looking down at her now torn clothes, only at where her seams sat, busted with frail stitches swaying in the empty wind.
"Help!" Ron cried again, y/n looked up and transformed back to her dog form, running after the shouting and screaming of her friend. She felt like she was about to throw up due to her lack of breathe but managed to find the place where Ron's screams were the loudest. She skidded into a room and looked around.
"Not another one!" Ron yelped, holding his leg and pet in his hand, tears begging to leave. She moved forward and morphed back into her human form. "Y/n?" He questioned as she got down to his leg, moving the trousers up which was bleeding heavily.
"Oh god that's bad," she said and picked out her wand, scattering charms and spells through her head to heal it a little. "Do you know-" she asked and his hand pointed behind her.
"It's him y/n! He's an animagi!" He yelled.
She looked behind her shoulder, seeing the man she hated all this year, the man she desperate did not want to see at all, seeing as it was her mothers dying wish.
Sirius black.
She stood up rapidly and aimed her wand at him, her feet planted and her eyes stared straight at him, fear hidden in her eyes but courage covered it up.
"You stay away from him you hear me! Stay away!" She bellowed and looked at his eyes, they weren't looking like he wanted to kill, well not that much, but he looked sad when he sared back at y/n.
"Ron, y/n," Harry's panted and looked the way he saw his sister pointing her wand at.
"It's a trap, he's the dog! He's an animagas!" Ron yelled pointing at him. Y/n could feel her heart thumping in her chest. They're going to die tonight. They looked at the man in Azkaban clothes with a pale dusty brown robes on him, his face sunken in and his midnight black hair travelled down to his waist, much longer than it was in the papers.
"If you want to kill Harry or y/n you'll have to kill us too," Ron yelled, standing up onto his injured leg, forcing himself just in front of y/n and Harry but Sirius shook his hand at the ginger boy.
"Sit down on the leg, your only going to make it worse," Sirius ordered Ron, as he looked to the animal placed tightly in the ginger boys hands, Hermione helped the boy sit back onto his bottom . "only one with die tonight," he announced as Harry abruptly barged past his god-sister.
"Then it'll be you!" He yelled and enveloped his hands around his throat, shoving him to the floor, he pulled his wand as y/n copied pointing their wands towards his black, rotting teeth.
"Are you going to kill me, kids?" He laughed at them and y/n pushed her wand forward. Another man came bursting through the door and pulled his wand out.
"EXPLELLIARMUS!" He yelled, disarming y/n's wand. The teens looked up to see Professor Lupin standing in the door way, he jerked ed his head, indicating them to move and they did so, running towards Hermione. "Well well well Sirius looking rather ragged aren't we?" He told the man, his wand aiming towards him. "Finally the flesh reflects the madness within," he said when Sirius laughed.
"Well you would know all about the madness within wouldn't you, Remus?" He questioned him, Lupin smirked, putting away his wand before helping the man up and giving him a tight embrace. "I found him!" He said. Y/n ook the gathering to her advantage as she snatched her wand back from the ground.
"I understand!" Lupin replied, Sirius tugged on his robes.
"Lets kill him!" He squealed. All of the teens mouths hung open.
"No!" Hermione yelled, Lupin looking over at the girl. "I trusted you!" She claimed, Sirius turned over as well. "And all this time, you've been his friend!" She said, the men let go of each other. "He's a werewolf! That's why he's been missing classes!" She announced and Lupin furrowed his brows.
"How long have you known?" He asked and she stood there strong.
"Since professor Snape sent the essay," she said and lupin smirked.
"Well, Well, Well, Hermione you really are the brightest witch of your age," he said and Sirius started fidgeting.
"I'm not," she said "if I had been cleverer I'd had told everyone who you really are!" She told him, y/n snapped her wand towards the older man.
"You've been helping him, all this time!" Y/n screamed, her wand shaking with fury. Lupin sighed, shaking his head.
"If you'll give me a chance to explain," he told and put down his wand, onto the dusty floor.
"If you haven't been helping him," Harry began. "How did you know he was here?" He asked.
"The marauders map, I was in my office examining it-" Lupin began before Harry looked at him weirdly, along with y/n. Hermione and Ron didn't have a clue what they was talking about.
"You know how to work it?" Harry asked as Lupin huffed, flailing his hand impatiently.
"Of course I know how to work it, I helped write it, I'm Moony!" He cried. "That was my nickname for me in school-" he spoke but again was interrupted.
"You wrote-" y/n started.
"The important thing is I had a feeling you was going to Hagrid before his Hippogriff was about I be executed and I was right weren't I? Anyways twenty minutes later you were accompanied by another person-" he begun, the teens all scrunched their faces.
"What! No we wasn't!" Hermione yelled.
"I couldn't believe my eyes! I thought the map was lying, or malfunctioning, how could he be with you?" He questioned himself, beginning to pace, Sirius stood behind him, fidgeting.
"No one was with us!" Harry yelled.
"Then I saw another name labelled Sirius Black collide with you, I watched as he pulled the two of you into the whomping willow-," he started again.
"The one of us!" Ron yelled, directing to his leg.
"No Ron," said Lupin. "The two of you," he had stopped what he was doing and looked over to Ron's hands, clinging onto Scabbers. "Can I have a look at your rat?" He asked.
"What! What's Scabbers got to to do with this?" He bellowed and clung onto his rat tightly.
"Everything, please can I see him?" He asked and watched as Ron hesitated for a moment.
"Give him the rat Ron," y/n ordered meanwhile Ron gulped thickly, handing the pet to Lupin, he watched carefully, holding his breath.
"What?" Ron said. "What's my rat got to do with anything?" He asked the Professor.
"That's not a rat!" Sirius spike from the corner of the room. Ron furrowed his brows.
"What d'you mean its not a rat? Of cours-" he was cut off.
"No, he's not," lupin said in a hushed tone. "He's a wizard," he declared and turned to Ron, who looked shocked as ever, as if he was struck by the confundus charm.
"He's an animagas! By the name of...Peter Pettigrew!" Sirius yelled, everyone turned to the rat, being passed back to Ron.
"That's insane!" They all practically yelled.
"That can't be true! He killed him tweleve years ago!" Harry yelled pointing over at Sirius who gritted his teeth.
"I was meant to, but little Peter got the best of me... not this time though!" He stated and lunged forward at the rat, Ron screamed in pain as Sirius was putting his weight in his broken leg.
"Sirius NO!" He yelled, pulling Sirius off of him, Ron was in tears by this point his leg throbbing in pain. "They've got a right to know everything! Ron kept him as a pet! And Harry owes the truth, not to mention y/n too! Your own daughter!" He yelled and the room went quiet, eyes flickered to where y/n stood in the centre of the room with her wand to her hip.
"Daughter?" Hermione repeated and y/n's heart began to race more. "You're his daughter? And you didn't tell us?" She yelled at her friend, y/n turned to her friend with her arms thrown around the room in anger.
"Hermione, what if you was told you fathers in Azkaban for killing your supposed parents? what if all of a sudden you was told you dont actually have a brother and your father was a mass murder on the loose from breaking out of azkaban to kill both you and you god-brother? You'd be petrified to tell anyone!" She screamed back to the bushy hared girl, watching as her face grew ho.
"But we're you friend y/n! You could tell us everything!" She said and y/n moved forwards, Hermione stepped back.
"OH also the fact I though I was the grim? Seeing as I'm a black dog animagas? Or how my mum died giving birth, my dads literally escaped from Azkaban! Imagine me telling yo that mid term Hermione! Or Ron or Harry! You'd all think I was loosing my mind, its not something you'd easily be allowed to tell your mates, why'd you think-" she continued, stepping forward her friend her fists clenched but then was interrupted by Lupin, grabbing her arm.
"That's beside the point girls! Pettigrews death was witnessed by a whole street of muggles-" Lupin began, y/n's hands shook with utter rage.
"Thy didn't see what they thought they saw!" Black interrupted.
"They though Sirius killed Peter, I believed it myself before seeing the marauders map, Peters alive...Rons holding him," lupin said and they all turned to Ron who was holding Scabbers.
"But that can't be true, we were working on animagas in class the other day, on seven of them were registered-" Hermione announced.
"James, Peter and Sirius are illegal animagas, y/n would know as she's registered as one, no-one knows about their animagi forms, Hermione," Lupin told her. He looked outside and noticed no one. "No-ones here okay good," he started.
"The place is haunted!" Ron shrieked.
"It's not, the howls and whines we're from me, every time I had a transformation I came here to seperated from humans, instead i scratched myself instead, Dumbledore encouraged the rumours of the shacks evil spirits, even after years of no noise, not one villager dares to approach it," he explained, watching the tense shoulder release. "now I had three friends and they managed to find out that I'd be missing once a month, I'd make up many types of excuses, like my mother was ill and I'd have to go visit her, I was afraid they'd desert me, but like you Hermione they worked out the truth," he stopped and smiled. "They became animagi, and from then on my transformations were no longer lonely because Peter, Sirius and your father Harry, James would all become animagi and spend the night with me." He told, a figure appeared out of the shadows in the staircase of the shrieking shack.
"Expelliarmus!" A cold sneer voice said from the doorway, y/n's wand flipping away from her hand once more, simultaneously they turned to see Severus Snape standing there. "Vengeance is sweet, oh how I hoped I'd be the one to find you," he remarked, Lupin walked over to kindly confront him but backed away once his wand was aimed to him. "I told Dumbledore you was helping an old friend into the castle and now here's the proof," he smiled.
"Brilliant Snape, what's put into the wrong task comes out with the wrong conclusion," Sirius said, moving towards Snape. Y/n went and picked up her wand, again. "Now if you'll excuse us, me and Remus have some unfinished business to do," he told just when Snape pushed his wand to his neck, y/n rushed over and placed her wand to the side on his throat, he glimpsed at it before turning back at Sirius.
"Give me a reason, I beg you," he told the escapee and y/n jabbed the wand more.
"Severus, don't-" Lupin said.
"Give me a reason Professor, to why I shouldn't hex you like a bag of potatos," y/n told him, the man looked unbothered about her comment. "you have been a prick this past year haven't you?" she tilted her head, Snape glance over to the girl a stern look spread across her face, sweat dripping from her forhead.
"Don't worry y/n he can't do-" he said and Remus butted in.
"Sirius be quiet!" He yelled.
"Why can't you be quiet yourself Remus!" He argued back and Remus walked away, giving up on the arguement, y/n's wand still pointing at Snape.
"Look at you two squabbling like an old married couple," Snape intervened.
"Oh why don't you run along and play with you chemistry set?" Sirius added and Snape poked the wand to the side of his throat, y/n watched her father twitch.
"I could do it you know," he said and y/n felt her heart race quicker. "Why deny it to the dementors, there so longingly to see you," Snape said and y/n turned to Harry, she let go of Snapes neck and headed over to him.
"Disarm charm, you got it?" She whispered and he nodded.
"Do I see a flicker of fear? Dementors kiss one can only imagine what that could be like to endure," he preached, the wand digging into Sirius' throats more. Harry leaned to Hermione. "It said to be nearly unbearable to witness, but I'll do my best," he said, Harry slid out her wand from her jean pocket, Ron held her sleeve to keep her still.
"Serverus please," Lupin begged and the man pulled his wand away from Sirius' neck.
"After you," he yelled at him, turning to the kids, shaking his head for them to leave. Y/n and Harry moved forwards, wand behind their backs.
"3,2,1," she mouthed, and they wiped their wands out. "Expelliarmus!" They yelled and the force of their wands paired sent Snape flying backwards into a broken bed and he landed on it, the layer of dust of it falling onto him.
"You just attacked a teacher!" Hermione cried aloud.
"Tell me more about pettigrew!" Harry ordered.
"Well it's time we offered you proof isn't it?" Sirius said and turned to Ron. "Give me Peter, Now," he said.
"Come off it! you came to Hogwarts just to get your hands on Scabbers? There are millions of rats in the world and you think it's Scabbers?" Ron questioned Sirius.
"Well that's a particularly good question, how did you know, Sirius?" Lupin question him. The man rapidly scavenged for a sheet of crumbled up paper. He flattened it out showing him.
"Look at his front paw, missinig a toe," he told and Harry still had his wand pointing towards him.
"All they could find off pettigrew was h-" he started before it erupted again.
"Finger!" Said Sirius. "The dirty coward cut it off so he could make everyone think he was dead!" He yelled and turned back to Rons pet. "And then his transformed into a rat," he said directly to Ron.
"Show me," Harry said and y/n turned to him then to the rat. Sirius wrestled the pet out of Ron's hands and held it up in the air, sirius knicked snapes wand as both the escapee and professor flicked their wands, missing a total of two times before the rat started pounced towards a rat hole and they flicked their wands just as it spring through the hole where a large man was later traped inside of the wall of the shrieking shack.
Everyone's faces dropped.
Remus and Sirius dragged the man out of the wall and pulled him back, he wore a black suit and he was clearly balding at the top of his head, the man seemed used to his rat form judging by the way he was breathing through his two two large teeth and his quivering hand resting to his chest.
"Remus, Sirius! My old friends!" He cheered and began to lunged for the escape route out of the door before Remus and Sirius stopped his quickly pulling him back. The man looked left and right and noticed the teens with wand in their hands. "Harry! Look at you, you look so much like you father James, we were the best of-, y/n, you look just like your mother Glinda, so pretty-" he said looking at y/n his hands creeping closer to her face.
"How DARE you speak to y/n in that manner and talk about James and lily after what you did, how dare you take about James in front of Harry!" Sirius yelled and chased after Peter who hid behind a piano, the men stood either ends.
"You sold James and lily to Voldermort didn't you?" Remus quizzed Peter, his wand pointing directly at him.
"I didn't mean to!" Peter whined. "The dark lord!" He sniffed "you have no idea, what weapons he possesses," he told them and turned to Sirius. "What about you Sirius, what would you have done? What would you have done!" He yelled.
"I would have died!" He yelled at him. Peter crawled underneath the piano. "I would have died rather than betray my friends!" He yelled when Peter stood up the other end. Y/n and Harry stood at the doorway, he clung into the teenagers.
"Harry! Would you have wanted me kill? Your dad he would've shown me mercy, ahHH!" He shrieked, being dragged away from them.
"NO!" The two yelled.
"Kids...this man Is-" lupin panted.
"I know what he is but we'll take him to the castle," Harry moved forward, y/n's wand pointing at him.
"Bless you boy, bless you!" He wailed and got his knees going to grab his shoes.
"Get off!" Y/n and Harry yelled, the blonde girl kicked his down to the floor, both their wands between his eyes. "He said he'll take you'll to the castle, and after that the dementors can have you," she said, Harry nodded in agreement.
The man began to whimper and shake.
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