"We did manage to go to the shrieking shack, you did hear that it's the most haunted building in Britain didn't you?" Ron questioned Harry, the group of four heading up to the Fat Lady portrait on the moving staircase. Harry had hold on the Zonko prank shop toy Ron had bought him, called a sneakoscope, which would begin to starting whiz whenever somebody untrustworthy was nearby. Hermione and y/n stood a little in front of the boys, unsure of what the commotion that was caused at the top of the stairs, all gryffindors gathered with multiple stories rolling from their mouths.
"Yeah, what's going on?" Harry asked, also noticing the bundle of students.
"Probably Nevilles forgotten the password again," Ron joked, almost snorting.
"Hey!" A delicate voice said from behind them all, Hermione, Harry, Ron and y/n turned to see Neville standing just behind them, seamus and dean close behind the frail boy.
"Oh, you're there," Ron smirked and turned to the front, y/n pinched rons arm, as punishment for the teasing, the boy jerked back at the slight pain, outstretching his arm to pinch back at y/n, she quickly missed the teens smirking at the small banter, her hand reaching out again just for Ron's older brothers voice to echoed in the moving staircase.
"Out of the way, 'scuse me I'm head boy!" percy weasleys large mop of kinky, bright ginger hair was seen over the shoulders of the gryffindors. Y/n left her small group and approached Fred quickly passing a frantic Ginny. "No one is to enter this dormitory until it's been fully searched!" Percy declared, causing gang of whispers and rumours to spark.
"Fred?" Y/n said, both of the twins turned around.
"Careful y/n, head boy might spit at you if you come closer," George told her and she giggled, Fred linking their fingers together, when that happened, y/n what actually occurred, serveral slits were pried open from the Fat Lady had been attacked, there was no doubt about it and there was no sight of the Fat Lady ether, just the background of where she'd sit and allow Gryffindor students inside their common room.
"Might make you spit on his badge, ark out how shiny it is," Fred pointed out to y/n, gesturing to the red badge pinned against Percy's robes. It was ridiculously polished, barely perceived the word 'head boy' because the light was reflected on itso brightly.
"Move, boy move!" Dumbledore bellowed missing a step from the stairs, the twins and y/n turned around and seperated, George wandered over to where Angelina Johnson stood as y/n stepped to the side of the staircase, feeling freds hand set on her hips meanwhile all the children curiously watched the headmaster and argus filch race up the staircase.
"You heard move!" Percy yelled again.
Dumbledore stood frightened for a second when he saw the slits on the painting, carved straight through the paint and paper and onto he wood just underneath. Filch jerked his head round at the other paintings whilst Dumbledore skimmed his fingertips against the curled, torn canvas and watching it fold back to where it was before.
"Mr. Filch round up the ghosts, tell them to search every painting in the castle," he ordered, turning around to the greasy haired man, a lanturn dangled from his grip.
"There's no need for ghosts headmaster, the fat lady is there," he said and used his free hand to point at a painting from the large Gryffindor tower. Everyone gasped at the sight of her.
"You mind where you're going, I'm head boy!" Percy yelled, being squashed up against the wall by students and the headmaster, just as Fred and y/n were walking past he yelled again, just in their ear. "I'm head boy!"
"Shut up!" The couple screamed in response, somehow causing the head boy to close his mouth, the two sprinting along with the rest of the Gryffindors. The cluster of students pause when the headmaster stood opposite a painting with hippos chewing the grass. Fred once again clinging into y/n, George and Angelina having a discreet conversation with Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione just behind y/n.
"Dear lady who did this to you?" The headmaster quizzed the painting, the round woman and her running makeup arose from behind the hippo, lazily eating the lawn.
"Eyes like the devil he's got, and a soul as dark as his name," she told with a big gulp of air, her mascara running down her cheeks with a pool of black product underneath her lids. "It's him headmaster, the one they all talk about," she said again and her breathing quickened. "He's here, somewhere in the castle, Sirius Black!" She wailed and conceal behind the hippo, wailing frantically.
"Secure the castle Mr. Filch, everyone of you to the great hall," Dumbledore ordered, y/n's eyes had widened with the feeling of them grow warm and glossy, she turned to Harry who stood almost in the same trance as she was.
"You alright gorgeous?" Fred asked y/n softly, students trudging past and almost pegging it down to the Great Hall. She turned over at the ginger boy and gulped thickly. "Come one we'll talk about it once we get down the great hall," he whispered to her and she nodded, her eyes glued to the ground the whole journey down the stairs, her eyes flickering up to Harry who had Ron and Hermione conversing on a separate discussion, often glancing to both Harry and y/n.
Once they did eventually arrive at the great hall Fred didn't bring up what y/n's was thinking, and bathing y/n in relief as she didn't want to mention anything about her father being a murderer seemed to be inside the castle, possibly moments away from murdering herself and Harry.
Y/n, Fred and George planned to have their sleeping bags together, she wanted Fred to be beside her and Fred didn't mind giving away that company towards her, he wanted the best for her. Y/n also had the sleeping bags arranged so that Harry was just above her head.
Y/n sat facing towards Fred, he faced towards her but his eyes were shut closed, she watched his eyebrow twitch and understood her was drifting into a deep sleep, she looked down seeing his hand lying in the concrete floor, she placed her hand carefully inside of his and looked at his pale skin against hers, she smiled up at him, admiring the freckles on his brushed over nose and blonde eyelashes.
it took y/n some time to firstly become comfy on the crooked ground and the sleeping bags barely provided any help and even though the professors had security both in and out of the room, her senses were growing crazy everytime she tried closing her eyes, believing her father would run in somehow and try murdering her with her god-brother. and after hours of tryng to calm herslef down, she pulled herself in a comfortable position and finally caught some sleep before the sun could beam from the green moutians.
Y/n's Gryffindor robe hung loosely on her shoulders. she neatened up her tie, tucking it into her skirt on her way to her second lesson of the day. Her back ached extremely massively from the hard surface she had slept alongside her bag dangled on her shoulder, overall she was glad to see harry awke from his deep sleep. the blonde girl stuck with Fred and George in the halls, her hand clung onto the ginger boys separating at one corner.
She had caught up with Harry and Ron after Herbology to head up to their next class Defense against the Dark Arts. They all rushed inside as most of the other students mirrored, eager to be taught by their new found favourite professor who taught DADA so well. Harry had his sat beside Hermione who hadnt turned up yet, meanwhile y/n sat with Ron, having a long conversation about Montrose Maypies, the British yet Irish Quidditch team and their favourite players.
The classrooms chatter fell silent when the door slammed open. Quickly, Professor Snape striding through the rows of kids, flicking his wand to the three windows, covering them, making the room dimmer. He pulled a lever which made a projector screen fall from the ceiling, snapping his head dramatically to the students.
"Turn to page, 394," he emphasised the 4 in his sentence before walking down the aisle that was right ahead of him. The class grabbed their books from their bags and y/n flicked through the pages of the book, stopping at the chapter werewolves, she furrowed her brows.
"Sir, where's Professor Lupin?" Harry asked aloud, Snape paused.
"That's not really your concern is it Potter? But as it happens Professor Lupin is unable to teach at the present time, turn to page 394," he spoke the bit louder and he tapped the projector switching it on, y/n looked to her side seeing Ron taking his time on flicking through the pages of his DADA book, when suddenly flicked to the page, Ron scanned it carefully.
"Werewolves?" He questioned himself.
"But sir, we only just been learning redcaps and hinkeypunks, we don't start learning nocturnal beasts for weeks," Hermione abruptly spoke up, alerting all Ron, Harry and y/n as they saw her now randomly sitting next to Harry all of a sudden.
"Quiet," Snape told at the projector, giving her a death glare.
"When did she come in?" Ron asked Harry, he turned around to his ginger friend. "Did you see her come in?" Ron asked again, Harry flipping his palm up to the ceiling, shaking his head puzzled whilst Hermione grabbed out her book and placed it on the table.
"Now can anyone tell me what's the difference between an animagas and a werewolf?" Snape asked, y/n watched as Hermiones hand shot up, nothing new but y/n somewhat raised her hand. "No-one? How disappointing," he replied in his monotone voice.
"Please sir, an animagas is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal, a werewolf has no choice, with each full moon, he no longer remember who he is, he'd kill his best friend if he crossed his path, furthermore they only respond to a call of its own kind," Hermione answered, y/n smiled but frowned upon hearing Malfoy mimicking a werewolf on a full moon.
"Thank you Mr. Malfoy," he told him and turned to Hermione again. "That is the second time you've spoken out of time Miss. Granger, are you incapable of draining yourself or do you take pride into being an insufferable know-it-all?" He asked, his fingers locked and y/n's mouth dropped in disgust. "Five points from Gryffindor," he said and walked away to the projector screen.
"You asked her a question and she gave you the answer?" Y/n quickly piped up.
"Yeah. Why ask a question if you don't want to answer?" Ron added afterwards as Snape paused, glaring over at the two at their desk.
"5 points from Gryffindor, each for your classmates back-chat,"
"what do you mean, back-chat? you insulted a student for answering your bloody question?" y/n added, a really irritated frown pressed across her face.
"you don't want me to take off more points do you? Miss. Potter?" Snape included, watching as y/n's face twitched hearing the word potter roll of his tongue.
"none of us in this class besides the slytherins would mind more point being ripped away from them if a teacher is insulting their student for answering a question," ron added, pointing to the rest of the classrooom, eyes looking left right, from the desk back to their professor.
"10 points-" snape began.
"youre going to remove points but not even apoligise?" y/n continued, nodding over to ron, the two glaring back to their substitute teacher.
"pack it in y/n," seamus turned over his shoulder in the middle row of seat, seated opposite hermione, the bushy haired girl almost trembling at the chaos she had erupted, harry rubbed her back for comfort.
" Do you want to get bullied by your professor as well then?" ron scowled over to seamus sitting beside Neville, he too looked overwhelmed, barely making eye-contact with the Potions master, Hermione fiddled with her thumbs.
"20 points-"
"keep going! just shows how much of a bullying fanny you are," y/n sprung up from her seat, Snapes face twitched with fury, Hermione and a few other teens gasped at the words rolling off her tongue like bittersweet honey.
"oi!" a slytherin yelled from the other side of the room.
"detention Miss. Potter, after school tonight," snape gritted his teeth.
"nah, doesnt feel nice being picked on does it?" ron continued, his face scrunching in disgust and slouched in his seat.
"detention to you too Mr. Weasley! same time as Miss. Potter," snape added, and in a fit of rage, y/n packed and practically slammed her belongings back inside her bag, kicking her seat away from her backside, swinging her bag over her shoulder, exiting the room, booting the door open.
"see you at the detention you pathetic, diabolical scum," y/n mentioned, exiting the room without another breath.
hey fannys, im back.
ive done like what five hogwarts houses test and its making me blimin hat-stall i swear, it could not decide if i was a ravenclaw, gryffindor or hufflepuff.
personally i 100% believe im a hufflepuff i got me my hufflepuff scarf from the london studio tour and TRESURE that shit, i think its giving me gryffindor cause im mostly like the cedric diggory hufflepuff you know??? but im sorta like tonks too, the bad bitch hufflepuff taht would die for her child ( SPOILERS ) and ill sit there and act like a newt scammander, i see where they believe im gryffindor but EUGHHH no, im most definitely hufflepuff... an ravenclaw?????? HOME DOG, im the most least likely ravenclaw going.
stay safe and wear you mask ciao!! <3 xx
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