Harry chat with McGonagall turned out better than anticipated, earning Harry Potter the position as seeker with the Gryffindor Quidditch team, making their captin Oliver Wood over the moon as well as Harry's sister y/n too. The twins were later introduced to Fred and George Weasley (Ron's twin brothers) who were beaters on the team, their other brother Percy had no interest in Quidditch, he much preferred his grades for school.
The three friends later had Hermione trail after them and introduce a trophy cabinet with both of the Twins father carved into a red plaque, gently smiling to the name as if their father was standing proudly behind them.
"It's freaky, she's knows more about you than you do," Ron told his friend, the twins following after him up the stone stairs, Hermione trailing along since the three didn't exactly care for her that much.
"Who doesn't?" Harry said as he stairs suddenly began to move. The four reached to the railing of the staircase. "What's happening?" Harry asked.
"The staircases change, remember?" Hermione piped up as the stairs changed direction, moving opposite to the Gryffindor for common room.
"Lets go this way," Harry said once the staircase stopped moving and pointed them at the door, leading the way.
"Before the staircase moved again," Ron added as they headed towards the shortcut.
Inside was a cold, dark and dusty corridor. Statues and stone walls covered in cobwebs making the kids squirm, mostly Ron, loudly gulping.
"Does anybody feel like we shouldn't be here?" Ron questioned as they all looked around.
"Because we're not supposed to be here, this is the third floor, it's forbidden," hermione told the boys before fire quickly caught a light.
"Lets go," Harry ordered, when being stopped by a cat with orange, black and white fur and blood red eyes, meowed at the four.
"It's filches cat!" Hermione said as it meowed again.
"Run!" Harry ordered again and they all before to run off to another direction, fire lighting up in a candle holder as soon at they sprinted past.
"It's locked!" Harry yelled playing with the door handle and chucked it.
"That's it, were done for," Ron said and looked back, frightfully.
"Brilliant," y/n spoke flailing her arms.
"Oh move over!" Hermione told Harry as he did so, grabbing her wand and pointing it at the door handle. "Alohamora!" Hermione called as the door handle shimmered with gold, hermione smirked as they ran inside, Ron closing the door.
"Alohamora?" Ron questioned the girl as she leant against the doorway.
"Standard book of spells, chapter seven," hermione whispered to them.
"Why wasn't you sorted into ravenclaw? You're bloody smart as you like!" Y/n complimented her as she smiled a little.
"I was a head stall, the sorting hat had really hard time picking between Gryffindir or Ravenclaw," Hermione mentioned with a slight shrug.
"Anyone here buzzwink?" Filch asked his cat as they pressed their ears against the wooden door listening through it. The fire lit up noticing his presence but nothing else revealed itself. "Cmon," he said and they walked out.
"He's gone," hermione told Ron and they moved away from the door
"Probably thinks this room was locked," Ron said looking up seeing more cobwebs and tensed.
"And for a good reason," Harry said looking down, they all looked to see a rather large dog. It's eyes open and slobbered around its mouth sitting up revealing that the dog had three heads.
The four screamed at the dog as it barked back loudly, Harry and y/n charged for the door still belting screaming and ran out. Hermione and Ron just behind them. they ran out and ran to the staircase it shifted back, sprinting back to the portrait hole and gave the Fat Lady the password and entered the common room.
"What do they think they're doing! Keeping a thing like that locked up in a school!" Ron announced to his friends.
"You don't use your eyes do you?" Hermione paused, judging, they were all out of breath running back up to the common room. "Didn't you see what it was standing on?" Hermione told him as harry and y/n both shook their heads.
"I wasn't looking at his feet!" Ron shouted, obviously still scared. "I was a bit preoccupied with its heads, or maybe you didn't notice, there were three!" Ron yelled at her, she rolled her eyes.
"It was standing in a trap door which means it wasn't there by accident," she said as the boy walked over to his dorm as the girls walked to theirs. "It's guarding something," hermione announced at the boys, Harry quickly turned around.
"Guarding something?" Harry asked and y/n furrowed to the boys.
"What would a big beast like that be guarding?" She asked hermione.
"I'm not sure but if you three don't mind I'm going to bed before either of your come up with a celever idea for us to get killed, or worse expelled," hermione said and stormed off.
"She needs to sort out her priorities," Ron told Harry as they all just blinked to each other.
"Well...goodnight boys," y/n said and walked to the door.
"Night," they said in unison and walked to their dorm.
Hermione and y/n woke up fairly early that morning, around the same time to get dressed and walk to the Great Hall to eat breakfast together, they had suddenly become really good friends when entering the dorm later that night, continuing their breakfast with Ron and Harry, the two boys walking together the same for Hermione and y/n to their first charm lesson with Professor Flitwick.
"One of the wizards most pludimentary skill is levatation," the small man, who stood on top of large books stacked on top of each other, announced to his class with a squeaky-like voice. "The ability to make objects fly," he said, the students listened carefully, hermione and y/n sat with each other, Ron leaning on the books he had "uh do you all have your feathers?" He asked, Hermione being only one to lift her feather, everyone else to lazy to even to it. "Good, now don't forget the nice wrist movement we practised, the swish and flick," he said and demonstrated an example with his wand. Everyone grabbed their wands.
y/n purchased her wand with Harry's, his being holly wood, with Phoenix feather core (a core that shared the same feather with the man who gave Harry his unique car), on the other hand y/n's wand contained of vine wood, Veela core and was 13 3/4 inches with springy flexibility. She was told the core she held was extremely rare and only few woman had it.
"Everyone now, swish and flick," they said altogether and put their wands down again. "And you pronounce it Windgardiam Leviosa," he announced as everyone grabbed their wand and did the method.
"Wingardiam Leviosar," Ron spoke and flicked his wand to the feather, not doing the technique.
"No, stop, stop, stop, you going to take someone eye out," hermione said and he stop waving his wand about randomly and slammed it on the desk. "Besides you're saying it wrong, it leviosa, not leviosar," Hermione said as y/n paused and turned to her new friend.
"You do it then if you're so clever, go on, go on," Ron told the bushy haired girl, her eyebrow twitched as she pointed out her wand.
"Wingardiam Leviosa," she said, she swished and flicked her wand at the feather and it soon began to levitate, the room stopped to watch as flitwick watching happily, showing Ron up.
"Oh! Oh! Well done!" Flitwick told his student as she gave Ron a look. "See here everyone, Miss. Granger's done it! Oh, splendid!" He chuckled to his class as they continued to watch Hermione.
"'Mione, do you reckon you could help me hermione?" Y/n nudged her friend and she nodded putting down her feather and wand.
"Wingardiam lev-" a loud bang errupted as everyone looked in the direction it errupted from. Seamus failed again and his face covered in smoke and steam, his hair fried up.
"I think we're going to need another feather over here professor," Harry joked, looking at flitwick.
Y/n and hermione went back over to their feathers and after a couple failed attempts they managed to get another flying feather.
Harry, Ron, a fried up Seamus, Dean and y/n walked altogether out of the grounds after that lesson, Dean and y/n stood close next to each other, talking about potions, the boy showing a slight Crimson across his cheeks every now and then when his hand would bristle against hers.
"It's leviOsa, not leviosAR," Ron told his friends which they chuckled at, apart from y/n. "She's a nightmare honestly, no wonder why she hasn't got any friends," Ron said until they all noticed hermiones mane of hair push past Ron and storm off.
"I think she heard you," Harry said as they saw her walk off, y/n tutted and walked off, almost jogging to her. "Where are you going?" Harry asked.
"To find hermione," she said and ran round the corner catching glimpse of Hermione only for her to disappear that y/n turned around to the boys again. "Do you know how rude that was?" She asked them as they stopped, looking at each other. "She thought you guys were her friends, but you just talk about her like that, how can you take the mick out of a person that's more clever than you are Ron, your just showing yourself up," y/n said and walked away the boys stood there, unsure what to do.
They sat in the great hall after long lessons of pure boredom and y/n wishing Hermione would help her out with questions as well as wondering where she was. She sat between Harry and Neville and since it was hallowe'en at Hogwarts jack'o'lanterns were hovering with the bewitched stormy sky that was shown through the ceiling with plenty of sugary foods laid out for the kids to feast on.
"Where's hermione?" Harry asked looking at the spot next to Ron.
"Parvati Patil said she wouldn't come out of the girls bathroom," Neville whispered over to them. "She said she had been in there all afternoon, crying," Neville whispered, that's when y/n stood up and grabbed two lemon cakes standing up, heading towards the doors, only for her defence against the darks arts teacher to come bursting inside hysterically.
"TROLLL! IN THE DUNGEON!" He yelled and ran inside, alarming the professors who were enjoying their feast, Dumbledore and McGonagall to rise from their seats. "Thought you would want to know," he said and quickly fainted.
Y/n quickly began sprinting towards the door as a herd of panicked children and teenagers jumped from their seats screaming, shoving past the girl.
"SILENCE!" Dumbledore yelled causing the children to stopped screaming and running, y/n stopped yet ducked down and began jogging towards the large doors. "everyone please not panic," he ordered them. "Now, prefects will lead their houses to the dormitories, staff will follow me to the dungeons," Dumbledore finished, meanwhile y/n was quickly running to the girls bathroom to get Hermione and get her out.
Her footsteps were loud and clattered against he floor when she stepped inside to the girls toilets.
"Hermione!" She whispered and moved to the stalls. "Hermione we need to leave," she called, when luckily Hermione unlocked the door looking to see y/n with a large smile on her face along with two lemon cakes, the girl enveloping the bushy haired girl in a hug, but y/n felt Hermione tense up.
"Y/n..." she said and feeling Hermione let go turning to face the huge mountain troll with rags covering himself up barely and large spiky fleets, a bat in his hand hovering over them.
"Hide, hermione," she whispered as the troll came over to the two girls. They dived inside a stall together and crouched down, the top of the stalls being cut straight off as they began to scream.
Two boys ran inside, gasping at the rumble they saw scattering on the two girls, crawling underneath the stalls.
"Hermione, y/n move!" Harry yelled. The troll swung again, Harry and Ron copied with chunks off wood from the broken girls toilets, throwing them they best that they could onto the Trolls head.
"Hey pea brain!" Ron yelled and threw a slab of wood at the troll which distracted him from Hermione and y/n enough when they began to both crawl to the sinks, hiding underneath it. They sat underneath the second to the end sunk before the Trolls bat came colliding with the sinks, shattering it and immediately separated the two girls.
"Help!" Hermione called to the boys. Harry got out his wand running to the troll and grabbed onto his hand, lifting himself up. The Troll dropped his bat as Harry jumped on his shoulders and shoving his wand up his nose making the kids squirm with disgust.
The troll moved about until grabbing Harry's foot, dangling him upside down, snatching his bat again.
"Harry no!" Y/n yelled for her brother.
"Do something!" Harry yelled. Y/n looked and saw nothing. The troll let out a grunt before swinging his bat to Harry, where he just about missed it.
"What?" Ron asked also looking around him.
"Anything!" Harry yelled, dodging the bat again. "hurry up!" Harry told him impatiently.
Ron pulled out his wand from his cloak and held it out to where the troll stood, the two girls looked at each other and directed him.
"Swish and flick," they told and demonstrated it.
"Wingardium leviosa!" Ron yelled and with that, the bat was floating in the air. He looked around, dumbfounded realising his weapon had vanished, turning around when he unfortunately lifted his head, Ron allowing the bat to fall and land directly in his face. "Cool," Ron smirked. The troll dropped Harry as she shuffled backwards, the troll falling onto his front.
Dust pushed back enormously, making y/n cough as she stood up from the spraying
sinks, water splashing everywhere as they walked past it and looked at the giant creature, dust covered their uniform, robes and hair.
"Is it dead?" Hermione asked.
"I don't think so, just knocked out," Harry told her and went to grab his wand again, making the troll twitch, snot dragging from his nose. They all made a disgusted noise to it.
"Troll snot, devine," y/n said as Harry wiped it on his robe. All of a sudden, the teachers came running in and gasped.
"Oh! Oh my godness! E-Explain yourselves! All of you!" Mcgonagall told them as they looked at each other and blinking before Ron spoke up nervously.
"Well what it was-"
"It was my fault Professor Mcgonagall ," Hermione spoke up as they all looked at her with big widen eyes, including the teachers.
"Ms. Granger?" She asked surprised.
"I went looking for the troll, you see I've read all about them, I thought I could of handled one, but i was wrong, if it wasn't for y/n, Harry and Ron to come and find me...I'd probably be dead," Hermione lied to the Professors which was e most unlikely thing shed do. Hermione was more the person to snitch in people or help people out in situation but rather, she lied to the Professors.
"Be that as it may, it was an extraordinary foolish thing to do I would of expected more rational behaviour part on you and I am very disappointed in you miss granger, 5 points will be taken off Gryffindor, for your seriously lack of judgment," Mcgonagall told the small girl who looked down in shame. "As for you three children I just hope you realise how fortunate you are not many first years students could take on a fully grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale," she told them, a quiver still croaking at her throat as she pointed to the ugly troll lying on the floor. "5 points will be awarded for each of you, for sheer dumb luck," Mcgonagall told them and folded her green velvet cloak over her chest as she walked away, Snape inculded as Quirell oddly looked at the troll.
"Perhaps you'd go, might wake up...heh," he laughed nervously at the end of his sentence, y/n walked with Hermione until stumbling across the cake she had gotten her, grabbing it from the floor.
"I did try get you something to eat but the troll got it first I guess," y/n told her friend showing her the fondant covered in wood chips and dust with a lemon crushed on the side, completely obliterated, Hermione smiled and watched as y/n threw it behind her.
"Thank you y/n," she told. "And you two, it was very noble," she told the two other Gryffindors.
"Well.. What are friends for?" Ron answered, y/n watching a smirk appear on Hermiones lips.
dedicated to [ i_am_foot_handle ], for stumbling across my Neville fanfic when looking for a iCarly fic, thank you for the lovely comments they make my day!!
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