"Alastor moody, ex-Auror, Ministry Malcontent, and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, I am here because Dumbledore asked m. End of story, goodbye,the end." The man paused. "Any questions?" The man asked his students, turning around after slamming down his chalk.
y/n and hermione sat on. e second row, with harry and ton just in their left, he back of Neville's and Deans head faced towards both harry and ron as they were at the front, with swamy's sitting beside hannah abbott and malfoy seated with Goyle a row behind harry. the entire room was quiet, none of the students dared to make conversation, intimidated by their new professors presence.
"When it comes to the dark arts, I believe in a practical approach. But first which one of you can tell me how many Unforgivable Curses there are?" The professor questioned, Hermione turned to y/n with a face of disgust which y/n only returned.
"This is outrageous," Hermione whispered, y/n nodded her head. "Three sir," she told, her face grew stern.
"And they're so named?" He asked, turning to the chalkboard behind him, grabbing a chunk of chalk.
"Because they're Unforgivable. The use of any of them will-" Hermione began to explain before Moody continued on with her sentence.
"Give you a one way ticket to Azkaban, correct," moody added. "The ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do. I say different! You need to know what you're up against! You need to be prepared!" The man turned away back to the board and scribbled 'the three curses'. "and you need to find a better place to put that chewing gum besides the underneath of your desk Mr. Finnigan!" The professor yelled, the majority of the class turned to face Seamus, who looked stunned.
"No way. The old codger can see out of the back of its head." Seamus whispered to Hannah, but was a poor attempt of his low voice.
"And hear across the classroom!" He yelled, swivelling around and chucking the chalk at Seamus' seat. The left side of the room ducked, including Seamus as the object flew past his head.
"Corr, he really ain't no Professor Lupin is he," y/n whispered to Hermione, spotting her frightened yet irritated glance.
"Weasley!" Moody bellowed, Ron jolted in his seat and frightfully turned to the man.
"Stand,"he ordered, the class watched the ginger boy rise from his seat. "Give a curse,"
"Well my dad did tell me about one, the Imperius Curse," Ron told him and eyed moodys grunt of response.
"Oh yeah, your farther would know all about that. Had the ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago, perhaps this will show you why," he told his students, limping towards a variety of random bugs in jars, he picked out a tiny crossbreeded spider. "Hello," the man greeted and held the bug in one large palm of his, wand in the other, pointing it at the innocent creature. "Engorgio," he chanted. "Imperio," he chanted again, this time sounding more aggressive, possessive even.
Moody swung his wand, causing the creature to crawl up against Dean's books, the two boys jumped as it began to scuttle towards them before it was passed over to Crabbes forehead, the boy pulled a whiny face as he atempted to swat the creature away.
"Don't worry, it's completely harmless," Moody chuckled and passed it over to Pavarti Pat arm, who just glared at in shock as it crawled up her arm. Moody shifted the spider to have it hovering above Rons head, who gulped until having it resting on top his ginger locks he froze and squirmed.
"What are you laughing at?" Draco's laughter paused when the spider was placed on his nose, he slapped at Goyle
"What are you doing, get it off me!" Draco hissed, staring down at the creature sitting on his pale nose. At this point the room was roaring with laughter.
"Aha! Talented isn't she?" Moody announced. "What should I have her do next?" Moody began to chuckle before swinging the creature towards the window. "Jump out the window?" He questioned his students. "Drown herself?" He asked and hovered the spider above a bucket of water where the creature fidgeted, clearly afraid it would fall.
The man began to drift the creature towards his palm again. "Sources of witches and wizards claimed that they only did You-Know-Who's bidding under the Imperius Curse. But here's the rub, how do we sort out the liars?" He asked once again. "Another. Another," he ordered. Students began to raise their hands but the professor picked on the boy sat in the front row. "Longbottom isn't it? Up?" Moody told him, the class watched as the boy stood. "Professor Sprout tells me you have an aptitude for Herbology," he laughed off, his brunette lock shook with his head, agreeing with the man.
"Ther-theres, um, the Cruciatius Curse," Neville spoke confidently, unusual for his shy personality.
"Correct! Correct! Come on!" Moody told him to follow after him, setting the bug on a the table. "The torture curse," Moody announced and y/n gasped quietly, Hermione turned to her.
"I know, this cannot be real can it," Hermione exclaimed as y/n shook her head worryingly.
" They're currently in st Mungos because they were tourtured into insanity "
"Crucio!" Moody chanted, in an violent tone.
The boy stood and watched the spider screeched loudly. His body noticeably froze watching the large spider squirmed on the table, twisting in different positions in order to stop the pain, his eight legs flicking around and bending in agony.
"Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering him! Stop it!" Hermione cried as y/n jumped up from her seat, Neville didn't flinch, Professor Moody whipped his head to face the bushy haired student.
The bug never moved, Moody only scooped up the creature and loomed over to Hermione and y/n's desk, meanwhile y/n shuffled past both Hermione and Moody, the professor only glared at the girl as she scuttled towards Neville. She snapped her head back to Hermione, noticing the professor sliding the creature onto their desk. Hermione didn't dare to look at the spider.
"Perhaps you could give the last Unforgivable Curse, Miss Granger," Moody suggested to the girl.
y/n held onto Neville shoulder, noticing the boy was stuck in a trance, circling her thumb against his shoukder, his eyes squeezed shut. Y/n paused, looking to Hermione and watched as the girl bravely shook her head.
"No?" The professor responded, he pointed his wand towards the spider, the whole classroom silent and watched cautiously. "Avada Kedavra!" The man cried, a green shot of mist burst and twisted around the as quick as light.
killing the insect instantly.
Y/n flinched and turned back to Neville, giving out a loud sigh. "Neville?" She whispered, looking up at the boy, who now looked on the verge of breaking down into a sob. "Neville lets go outside for the some fresh air yeah?" She suggested and watched the boys bottom lip stretch and his head nod rapidly. She guided him down the aisle as some students glared at the pair but some eyes were intrigued in what Professor Moody had to say.
"The Killing Curse, only one is known to survive it....and he's sitting in this room," moody announced as y/n closed the door from behind herself, Neville began to walk on down the stairs, tears beginning to spill as he wiped them carefully.
He was stopped by y/n's hand, who spun him around, a step higher than her and just began to sob, heavily sob - therefore y/n wrapped her arms around his body like a teddy. Neville hugged back tightly resting his head into her shoulder as he sobbed loudly.
"It's alright, I know," she reassured him as she stroked his back, allowing the boy to freely let out his emotions. "i got you, i got you," she told, stroking down his spine, rubbing in between his shoulder blades.
"It's like I could really see them, y/n, it's like I was watching them," Neville sobbed as the girl continued to rub his back in reassurance.
"I know, it's alright, I'm here for you," she told him as he continued to weep, heavily sobbing until minutes later his whimpers turned into sniffles and he calmed down, y/n didn't let go of the boy, she held him close, not allowing to let go until she knew he was feeling better.
"There's a reason those Curses are Unforgivable! To perform them in a class.. I mean did you see Neville face?" Hermione announced loudly, y/n looked to see her, Ron and Harry trotting down the stairs to lunch. Y/n was still hugging the boy, who had his head resting against her shoulder and stared out at the window.
"Neville?" Y/n asked, pulling away from the hug and watched as he continued to look outside, like some lost puppy when suddenly Professor moody shoved past the three and gripped onto Neville's shoulder tightly.
"Son you alright?" He asked, Neville looked up at the man and hesitantly nodded turning back to the window. "Come on. We'll have a cup of tea, I want to show you something," he told the boy and headed his way back upstairs.
"You don't have to go you know?" Y/n reassured him. Neville turned back at her sadly but nodded.
"I know," he said and turned to follow his DADA Professor.
"I'll meet you guys down at lunch I got a go get my bag," y/n told them all as they all nodded and walked away, y/n caught up with Neville, his head sunk low meanwhile y/n rubbed his arm. "Take a deep breath, Nev, you'll be alright," Y/n comforted him, he looked at her and furrowed her brows.
"You're coming with?" He asked but she shook her head.
"I'm only getting my bag, would you like for me to wait for you?" She questioned and noticing him shake his head in response, they were now walking to the DADA classroom, Moody swung the door ahead of them and entered the room, y/n spotted the visibly afraid expression. "Take a deep breath Neville, it'll be alright," she told him, smiling to the boy in which he nodded as they entered the room. Y/n was quick to grab her bag.
She walked over to the door and stood watching him walk inside the office in the class. She sighed before heading downstairs, through the longest corridor in the castle and down the left wing hallway leading to the great hall. She hurried over to the Gryffindor table, up where Harry, Ron and Hermione sat when two boys blocked her path.
"Y/n," the boys spoke in unison. She looked up at the ginger twins with a smirk.
"Fred. George." She responded, beaming up at their taller frame.
"George d'you mind if me and y/n have a word alone please?" Fred asked his brother who jokingly bowed.
"Yes of course good sir Fred," he told him and walked away, sitting beside Angelia Johnson.
"I've been hearing you walked out with Neville Inbetween class?" He confronted, y/n nodded. "Why Excatly?" He crossed his arms, y/n furrowed her eyebrows.
"Did you hear the beginning of that story?" She asked and watched as her boyfriend shook her head, she crossed her arms. "Well before you jump into conclusions next time, Professor Moody was performing Unforgivable Curses, one curse made Neville particularly upset, in which, I walked him outside and let him have a bit of fresh air and get some weight lifted of his chest," she lied mildly. She wasn't sure why she didn't mention Neville cried on her shoulder until class dismissed, but she did. But then again he cheer for girls from beaubaxtons that he didn't even know, right in front of her.
"Oh really?" Fred raised his brows, clearly not buying it.
"Yes really? Why is Freddie scared y/n's gonna run away with another boy?" She pinched his cheek to which he placed both hands against her cheeks and stole a quick kiss off her lips.
"Of course, I can't let my gorgeous girlfriend get taken away from me, can I?" he told her as she chuckled, smiling up at him.
"Me neither gorgeous, I got a go though, Herbology homework calls," she announced, and slipping past Fred who rolled his eyes and sat back down with his brother.
"YEAHHHH!" The voices of Fred and George beckoned throughout the Great Hall, y/n and Hermione looked up from their books, y/n mostly on her homework, researching properties of mandrakes for a herbology exam coming up soon and researching the Blabbling Beverage, Bloodroot and Blemish Blitzer for Potions.
"Well lads we've done it!" Fred announced, the twins standing on the benches beside the goblet.
"Brewed it up this morning!" George announced along with his brother, Hermione crossed her legs and smirked.
"It's not going to work," Hermione sung, turning back to her book, the boys exchanged looks before sitting beside the bushy haired girl, forgetting about y/n's homework, sitting on top of them.
"Oh yeah?"
"And whys that Granger?" George nudged the girl two years below him.
"You see this?" Hermione asked, sighing as she closed her book. directing her finger around the glowing line circled around the goblet of fire in the centre of the Great Hall. "This is an Age Line. Dumbledore drew it himself," she finished.
"So?" Fred spoke.
"So a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge as pathetically dim-witted by an Ageing Potion," y/n added in.
"But that's why it's so brilliant," George announced.
"Because it's so pathetically dim-witted," Fred told y/n, kissing her cheek, the girl shook her head, checking her scroll of parchment in the three types of potions she managed to whizz through as the two boys stood up on the bench.
"Watch it go wrong!" Y/n yelled, the boys ignored her, shaking up the potion and undone the corks to the bottle.
"Ready Fred?"
"Ready George."
"Bottoms up!" they told each other, their arms linked and they downed the potion with ease. Without hesitation the boys jumped off the benches and inside of the rim, the room erupted cheered as they noticed that nothing terrible occurred. "Ready?" The boys asked one another, turning back to the goblet and threw their folded pieces of paper inside and watched as the room break out in cheers again.
The goblet spurred our specks of fire taht managed to push Fred and George out of the circle, the boys flying high before rolling on the rough stones floor aswell as their names being thrown out along with them.
Just as they sat up, the crowd in the room roared with laughter, the boys had grown white facial hair taht trailed to their chins and their regular firey red hair had turned a whispy silver.
"what did i say," y/n muttered, turning back to her potions essay, finishing off her conclusion.
"You said!" Fred yelled
"You said!" George yelled back just before Fred tackled his brother, rolling each other against the floor attempting to pick a fight. "You want a piece of me?" George yelled at his brother.
"I'll tears your ears off!" Fred screamed back, Hermione and y/n both rolled their eyes at the brothers who continued to wrestle each other along with the other Hogwarts students that were encouraging in on the fight.
The doors swung open, revealing Vicktor Krum and his headmaster striding behind him, the room fell quiet as they walked inside, watching as he moved past the Age Line and with ease, threw his name in the Goblet before turning away.
He had his eyes on one girl, the girl with her eyes stuck in a book and bushy hair, y/n watched as the two teens locked eyes, the moment finishing after he exited the room and let the Great Hall move back into its calm atmosphere without Fred and George tearing the castle down.
"I'm going upstairs to finish this, I still need to research the wiggentree I might get Neville to come with, you gonna be alright on your own?" Y/n asked, Hermione nodded.
"Want me to tell Harry and Ron?" She asked as y/n shook her head.
"Nah I'll tell them on the way out but thanks," she told the bushy haired girl, placing her ink bottles safely away along with her two books and scroll of parchment, her quill on the outside pocket of her bag therefore it wouldn't snap.
She got up and headed to Harry and Ron. "Hey you two, I'm going upstairs to finish this, d'you mind telling the joksters?" She asked the boys who nodded as she smiled and walked out the room.
Too busy in her own thoughts, the girl bumped into a Beauxbatons student, dropping the girls bag, y/n bent down and passed the side bag over to the blonde girl with a quick sorry until the blonde stopped her again, staring at her face properly.
"Glinda?" She asked, y/n furrowed her brows surprisingly, glaring back at the slightly taller girl with wide eyes until y/n later chuckled.
"No, my name- désolé, je mapelle y/n, mais ma mere's s'appelle est Glinda," sorry, my name is y/n, but my mothers name is Glinda. she told the blonde girl, y/n knew some French, she took an interest in it when finding a random a small guide book on french when her and harry would sleep under the stair. The blonde girl raised her brows.
"Your mothers name is Glinda!" The blonde responded with excitement, she turned to the younger girl stoid beside her. "Gabriella! C'est Elle! La lettre!" Gabriella! It's her! She told her. The younger girl fumbled in her bag and pulled out an envelope, passing it towards y/n, she looked at it oddly, prying it over.
To whom it concerns.
Y/n paused, her eyes glanced back up at the two girls who nodded at her happily, she turned back down to the letter.
Dear Unknown.
I hope I'm in the hands of Glinda Delacours daughter/son. If so, my name is Apolline Delacour, mother of Fleur and Gabriella and the sister of Glinda. Me and your mother grew up together and both attended Hogwarts and we both met amazing people, your mother became friends with James, Sirius, Peter and Remus (or as the marauders as they would say) as you should know she graduated, she moved into a small home with Sirius. However me and your mum got into an arguement around this time because our parents were killed by death eaters and I got a job in France. That was the last time I've ever seen Glinda. I found out over the years that she was pregnant and engaged to Sirius but heard nothing else besides that. I haven't heard any news from Britain, none of it is quite global besides 'the boy who lived', that's James son isn't it?
Anyways how is Glinda? Is she doing well? what was hers and Sirius' wedding like? Is Sirius doing good? How are you child? Everything going good for you? let her know that i got in contact if you can, i'd love to
Love from Apolline Delacour, your aunt. X
P.S would you mind telling me your wand details?
Y/n was simply star struck. These two girls were her cousins and she had a real, nice caring auntie in France? It was simply a dream for y/n. The fourth year looked to the girls and smiled at them.
"Est ce-tu?" Is it you? Fleur asked, y/n nodded. Fleur handed over another slip of parchment.
Marseille, libre village
Apolline Delacour, 9 callae street.
"Write to her, she's been desperate to get hold of you for years!" Fleur told her cousins, y/n nodded and hugged both girls eventually charging up the moving staircase and through the fat lady portrait, up into her shared bedroom where she grabbed her ink bottle and parchment, sitting there fumbling around with her words but managed to write a full letter ready to give to Veró in the owlery tomorrow morning.
Dear Apolline,
I have no words. My name is y/n Black, Glinda's daughter, the reason you haven't heard from her after her pregnancy is because she didn't live after the birth. I hate to be the one to tell you but she died giving birth to me. I was told she was in the hands of an old professor at Hogwarts, given many healing potions possible but still sadly passed away and I'm so sorry you have to hear that. I was given away to the potters (lily & james) since mum and dad also got into and arguement the day of my birth and she didn't want Sirius to see me. Lily and James adopted me and soon Harry was born, a year later Voldermort killed lily and James and the next person to have custody of me and Harry was aunt petunia and uncle vernon, both muggles and horrible creatures. Whilst all this happened, my dad got sent to azkaban. He attacked Peter pettigrew on muggle streets because he figured out he sold James and lily to Voldermort. (This is gonna be hard to explain) James, Peter & Sirius are animagi's - James a stag, Peter a rat and Sirius a dog, not to mention illegal animagi's. So when Peter was attacked, he cut off a finger and transformed into a rat permanently and lived with my friends family until last year, my dad escaped azkaban to try capture Peter again and be free, it didn't work, Peter is on the loose and dads on the run.
Not to mention because I thought I was 'the boy who lived''s twin for years I'm now in so much chaos every year at this school, and to hear I've got two amazing cousins and an auntie is so reliving. My dads side are all death eaters besides him.
I hope I got you up to date with everything and I'm wishing you all the best over there in France.
Love from y/n black.
P.S, it's 13 3/4, alder wood and veela core.
"Sit down please!" Dumbledore instructed. Y/n scooted over to her god brother who only smiled at her and allowed Ron and Neville to sit beside him and Ron let Hermione, Dean and Seamus sit on the bench below them. "It's the moment you've all been waiting for!" The Hogwarts headmaster preached, holding his arm up and aimed towards the lanterns in the room, dining the flickering of each fire, bringing eyes back at the goblet in the centre of the room.
The blue flame switched into a bright pink flame, a piece of paper shot into the air, all eyes gazing as Dumbledore snatched the piece of paper from the air, slowly as gracefully began to unfold it. "The Durmstrang champion is... Vicktor Krum!" He announced and watched all the young men from Durmstrang cheer loudly for their classmate, he smirked as he stood up and shook the old mans hand, being taken behind the professors desk and into a separate room for the champions.
The flame burned a bright pink for the second time, another bit of parchment flew in the air which Dumbledore again caught, he opened the parchment up opening his mouth to beckon: "the Beauxbatons champion is... Fleur Delacour!" Y/n stood up cheering, Harry followed just behind, the girl had told her god brother about the letter she was handed and her new found bloodline, whooping for her cousin as they watched Gabriella, fleurs sister applauding for her, the girl stood up, shaking Dumbledores hand and lead off to the same room Krum was inside of.
"The Hogwarts champion..." Dumbledore paused, the paper floated down to his gripped it, unfolding the parchment and looked up. "Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore bellowed and the room erupted with cheers, the seventeen year old boy high fived his mate, leaving the benches and headed to his headmaster, shaking his hand, heading away into the champions room.
"Excellent! We now have our three champions. But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist the chalice of champions, this vessel of victory, The Triwizard Cup!" The room roared with cheers and a much louder applause.
The celebration paused when the goblets fire flickered into a hot pink again, everyone watched curiously, another piece of burnt parchment flew out. Dumbledore caught it just as easily as the other pieces of paper and faintly gasped.
"Harry potter," he announced, students from Hogwarts turning their heads to try and face the messy raven haired boy. Hagrid stood beside McGonagall proudly shaking his head.
"No, no," Hagrid said, he didn't believe it, in pure disbelief.
"You put your name in?" Y/n turned to her God brother, watching him sink into his chair, desperate to not be seeen but shook his head up to y/n rapidly.
"No," he desperately told.
"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore bellowed causing Hermione to tug on his jumper sleeve.
"Are you sure?" Y/n asked him again as more heads turned to their direction.
"Go on Harry," Hermione whisper yelled to him, forcing him to stand up as he attempting to shift away from Hermiones grip.
"I didn't-y/n I didn't put my name in," Harry looked to his sister who looked back with worried eyes, y/n held onto his hands, standing up.
"I know, i know, I believe you, talk to Dumbledore he might change the rules," y/n reassured him, the boy frightfully looking back and forth from Dumbledore to his god-sister again.
"Harry for goodness sake," Hermione shoved him so he stood up, y/n removed her hands, standing in her two feet as she watched Harry awkwardly step down the benches and head over to Dumbledore.
"He's a cheat!" A boy called out.
"He's not even seventeen yet!" Another boy called on another side of the room.
The old man passed him the small piece of parchment, Harry took it unwillingly and turned on his heel heading over to the Professors table walking past an upset Hagrid and McGonagall who grasped his shoulder motherly as he began to exit the great hall.
Y/n sat with her fingertips pressed against her temples, she sat and watched Harry exit the room and rubbed at her face, fighting the unseeable urge to punch someone in the face.
She couldn't take it, three years they've all ready dealt with problems throughout each school year and harry has to go about a tournament he didn't even want to partake in? Was it a joke for them or something now? Seriously, why can't these teens just get a break for once in there lives?
hey guys, getting cheated on isnt fun. i feel v numb about it however i can tell i feel hurt from it.
dont cheat guys, never cheat on your significant other, don't lead them on, be straight forward if you wanna stop being in a relationship, it'll hurt but at least it'll hurt less if you go around planning to shag two other people and give one hickies.
i just can't believe i let that sod have my first kiss now all i want to do is punch his two from teeth in, however i shouldn't.
in year eleven now, i need to focus on school rather than stupid boys.
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