"Anything from the trolley dears?" The trolley lady questioned the compartment with the four students: Harry, Ron, Hermione and y/n were sitting in, Ron stood up immediately scooping around his jean pockets.
"Packet of drooles and a liquorice wand... On second thought just the droobles,"Ron asked, handing the change left inside his pockets as the old lady handed over the small packet of ongoing gum.
"It's alright I'll get it," Harry suggested, y/n stood up snatching a gallon from her bag for two chocolate frogs.
"No, it's okay," Ron told his mate, sitting back down as y/n approached behind Harry.
"Two pumpkin pasties please," a girls Scottish voice hummed from behind the trolley lady. The old woman reached across her trolley and passed the girl her order, shoving her sickles in her bum bag. Harry stared at her deeply. It was Cho Chang, a beautiful Asian girl, raven hair bounced at her hips as her black eyes looked up to both y/n and Harry, she was in the Ravenclaw house and was extraordinary on a broom, which Harry had a certain eye to.
"Anything sweet for you dear?" The woman asked Harry, he quit his gazing and turned to the lady, shaking his head.
"Oh no, I'm not hungry, thank you," Harry announced and sat down, y/n moved in front and asked for a couple of chocolate frogs, the treats were handed to her as she tanked the trolley lady, watching her venture off down the corridors again.
The group of teens sat in silence once again, all jumbling around their seats mildly from the trains speed, y/n sat and read the daily prophet over Hermione's shoulder, Ron looking out the window, munching at his droobles. Harry suddenly let out a hiss of pain, hand hovering his scar, everyone looked up.
"it's hurting again, isn't it?" Hermione asked. Harry turned away, not wanting to bring attention to himself.
"I'm fine," the boy assured.
"You know dad would want to hear about this, what we saw at the World Cup and the dream," y/n encouraged Harry who nodded in reply fiddling with the hem of his black shirt.
"I know," he responded looking away from the girls. Y/n hummed as she noticed Ron finished his droobles and looked rather bored, she chucked a frog at his lap which he messily caught.
"Cheer up," y/n told him and she continued to read the prophet with Hermione.
The train had finally came to its halt and the staff aboard the train help the students off And lead off to the moving carriages. Y/n was with Harry as the two both had they're pets in one arm and their small rucksack over one shoulder, their spare hands dragged along their trunks, the god-siblings travelled behind both Ron and Hermione, Ron dragging both his and Hermiones trunks as the bushy haired girl carried her ginger cat and backpack.
Hogwarts illuminated against the moonlight, the Great Hall shone brightly from inside as the students were being pulled by carriages without a horse to drag along the pathway past the foriddean forest, the small groups of students often caught glimpse of the first years gliding on their boats towards the castle, Hagrid leading them all.
Once the students all scuttled along inside they all watched a cheered for certain houses the first years were selected in, the students adding onto their tables and Dumbledore revealed the food waiting for them to tuck into before his gave out his speech for the year. Neville, Y/n, Harry and Ron sat together with Dean, Seamus, Ginny and Hermione on the other side of the table.
"had a good summer?" y/n turned to Neville, who was in the middle of scooping a pile of peas into his mouth, chewing against the vegetables, nodding back at the girl.
"yes i did actually, got to see my parents more often than usual," he told her, covering his mouth as he spoke.
"how was your birthday? what did you get?"she asked, shoving a bit of roast potato into her mouth, watching as the brunette gulped his dinner down, twisting his body to turn to y/n more slightly, jerking his head to move over his longer locks of hair.
"gran gave me some sweets and some books for defence against the dark arts, my dads copy actually, its cool, its got all his annotations next to it," he grinned to y/n watching as her eyebrows raised, eyes filled with fascination.
"did you bring it?" she asked, taking a sip of her pumpkin juice, hearing both Ginny and Hermione laugh together opposite her.
"obviously, you can have a look in the common room if you'd like," he suggested, a dusk of pink brushed over the apples of his cheeks.
"yes of course!" she grinned, slicing her sausages in half taking a chunk and threw it in her mouth.
"anyways, how did your summer go?" he questioned, watching the girl roll her eyes dramatically.
"obviously, dragged and was horrid, Dursleys slaving me and harry around of course, i backchatted once and got a slap off Petunia, she hates it when i talk back, or talk in general, Vernon dragged me out the house by my ear at the start of summer, he straight up hates my guts, i get i worse than harry, he only got a pinch on the arm when spilling Vernon's coffee," she told, putting down her cutlery and swallowed the mushed up food. "its definitely because they know im not Lily and James daughter," she whispered, leaning over to Neville. "they got a letter from Dumblefore before me and harry got back, they told harry to put both our things away as they basically yelled at me for being raised by them even though our bloodlines never connected." she huffed lazily.
"theyre horrible y/n, you and harry don't deserve the things they put you through," Neville added, finishing off his peas, his eyes darting back from his food to the blonde girl, eyeing the black strands of hair.
"were immune it now, just treat it as tough love and we move on, beside its always great to go to the weasley- OH YEAH!" she paused her small, blue discussion and shifted her whole body to face towards Neville. "we went to the quidditch world cup this year!" she beamed, noticing Nevilles hazel eyes light up.
"really? how was it?" he asked excited.
"brilliant! ireland won unfortunately, i pun ten galleons on the bulgarians, but Krum was brilliant, i wish i was good on a broom, he made it look effortless, was funny though, Ginny kept saying she was gonna snatch his broom and knock out mullet," she chuckled, a hearty laugh coming from Neville. "but as everyone knows, it was attacked by death eaters, they burned pretty much ever single tent to a crisp, harry went missing when we was all trying to get to safety, had a small argument w Fred before getting elbowed in the face and fell unconscious from all the smoke-"
"Good afternoon children!-" Dumbledore bellowed, catching all of his students attention, even both y/n's and Neville in their conversation.
"none of you got hurt right?" he asked the girl in a low voice as she shook her head.
"not really no, we got home safely," she shrugged her shoulders as he nodded back at her.
"good," he smiled at the girl, to which she copied.
"This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special quests too as well-" the old man continued to announce whatever speak was made as the caretaker filch came sprinting through the great hall, oddly sprinting though, y/n had never seen a man run like it before and simply couldn't hold back her laughter, giggling along with Ginny, who only snickered and tried paying attention to what Dumbledore needed to say "you see Hogwarts have been chosen-" filch began to speak quietly into his ear, alarming Dumbledore and pausing his speech.
The students all watched curiously until filch began to sprint away again, y/n really loudly chuckling, Ginny gently smacking on the table to maintain her laughter which caused Dean and Neville to turn back and look at her, both Neville and Harry shaking his head before looking back to Dumbledore, hearing Ron attempt to hold his giggles back
"So Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event. The triwizard tournament," Dumbledore announced, the room roared with cheers and applause. "Now for those who do not know, the triwizard tournament brings together three schools, for a series f magical contests. From each school, a single person is selected to compete. Now let me be clear, if chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say, these contests are not for the faint-hearted. But more of that later, please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons academy of magic,and their head mistress, Madame Maxine." Dumbledore announced as suddenly the large doors swung open.
A large group of young ladies in silky, baby blue dresses walked inside, their hats shaped like a melting acorn which was tilted to framed the girls faces, all girls were smirking, they shifted to one side as sighed, butteflies flew out from under their arms as they strutted forwards once more and sighed again with the other arm, more butterflies flying out. It was clear they'd choreographed their entreé should we say.
"Bloody hell," Ron announced, watching the girls lower backs as they elegantly ran across each other, separating onto the two parts of the great hall. Not too long later their headmistress strutted inside, the entire room quickly gasped at her height, realising than she had seemed to be taller than hagrid, their gatekeeper and care for magical creatures professor.
"Blimey that's one big woman," seamus nudged harry, whispering very faintly to where ron and harry sat.
Two girls stood out the most, one was doing multiple backflips in a white and firey pink leotard meanwhile the other, and more older student, was still in uniform doing turns with spotting like none other and finished lightly with a simple ballet position, looking up and turning back to her school.
When their performance was over the majority of boys clapped and whooped for their little act, the teachers happily applauded and said their greeting to the headmistress, madame maxine. y/n turned to watch certain boys cheer for the beauxbatons and quickly noticed Fred and George cheering the loudest. Y/n looked away and sighed, her view resting on the girls who stood and smirked and she just had the biggest urge to rip all of their hair follicles out.
"You okay?" Neville looked at the blonde and mouthed, smiling at her afterwards, she only smiled and nodded back.
"And now our friends from the north. Please give a great warm welcome to the proud sons of Durmstrang, and their head master. Igor Karkaroff." Dumbledore bellowed.
Boys in black turtlenecks and long fur coats bursted through the doors just how Beauxbatons did, their strut seemed more aggressive than the girls entrance. All boys held sticks in their right hand, thrusting it against the stones as the chanted. They began to sprint ahead one boy still holding onto the poles, lighting up the ends, boys were twisting and backfliping in unison, the Hogwarts students gazed in awe.
"Blimey, it's him! It's Krum!" Ron stated, the northern teenager strutted inside alongside his headmaster and just as they reached the professors table, the boy with the fire at the end of his stick hovered it from his lps, letting air breeze past which bursted into form of a dragon and disappeared when reaching the ceiling of the Great Hall.
Y/n watched with awe, her eyes still on the fire breathing dragon, everyone seemed to watch the durmstrangs performance and was all throughoutly impressed. At least that's what Neville thought, his eyes constantly looking latching onto her face, but quickly shamefully turned away when her head turned.
"Your attention please!" Dumbledore yelled, managing to calm his students. " I'd like to say a couple words!" He cried and clasped his hands together. "Eternal glory. That is what awaits the student who winds the triwizard tournament. But to do this, this student must survive three task. Three extremely dangerous tasks." He notified.
"Wicked," the Weasley twins mumbled.
"For this reason, the ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule," Dumbledore told, his eyes darting on each table. " to explain all this, we have the head of Department of Interactional Magical Coopiration, Mr. Bartemius Crouch!" Dumbledore finished, a man rose from behind the professors table.
The ceiling flashed with white and a loud crash of thunder rumbled through the hall, most first years screamed out of fright meanwhile older years seemed calm, y/n noticed herself duck down when more lightning corrupted. A large built figure raised their wand up to the ceiling, a beam of light left the tip and calmed the enchanted roof, his wand soon lowered.
"Bloody hell, it's Mad-eye Moody," Ron whispered, the large man limped inside the room, his teeth grinded as grunts slipped past his lips, he only had one eye, the other was covered like an eye patch but included a magical eye which shifted violently different directions compared to his real eye.
"Alastor moody? Like the auror?" Hermione questioned Ron,leaning over the table just for Dean, Y/n and Neville to turn their heads.
"Auror?" Dean asked.
"A dark wizard catcher," y/n told him and watched the realization set in his face.
"Half the cells are filled in azkaban cause of him. He's supposed to be mad as a hatter, though, these days," Ron added in a low voice, y/n looked up at the man who continued to limp inside the the room and fumble with a flask sat on his side, bringing it shakily to his lips and placed it back to his hip, stiding over the Dumbledore and giving the headmaster a hug.
"What's that he's drinking you suppose?" Seamus questioned, all the teens glared at Moody's small movements. All interested on what filled that flask up.
"I don't know but I don't think it's pumpkin juice," Harry joined.
"After due consideration, the ministry has concluded that, for their own safety, no student under 17 should be allowed to put fourth their name for the triwizard tournament," Crouch continued wth his peech, his hands flinched as well as his eyes blinking unuasally, his body jolted at the sudden, loud protests from students.
"What?" Y/n cried, getting up on her feet with arms out wide, she knew she wanted to parttake in the tournament.
"That's unfair!" A boy yelled from the ravenclaw table.
"That's rubbish!" Fred and George yelled, beginning to stand up.
"The decision is final," the man finished timidly, bringing his hands to his sides, Dumbledore stepped beside the man again.
"You don't know what your saying!" Fred called out.
"Silence!" Dumbledore roared, the students piping down once again, sitting back in their seats. The old man pulled out his wand and turned it towards the the metal box standing just beside himself and Crouch. Every student from Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons gazed at the golden box beginning to melt, folding down and moulding into the shape of a large, concrete goblet with a sudden blue flame flickering at the top.
"The goblet of fire. Anyone wishing to enter themselves to the tournament, write their name on a piece of parchment, and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night. Do not do so lightly, if chosen there is no turning back. As from this moment, the triwizard tournament has began," Dumbledore announced allowing everybody to head to their common room respectfully behind their prefects.
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