"I smell trouble," Ron said, causing Hermione to look up and the ginger boy to nudge y/n seeing as she was so infested into her Potions book. They all slammed their books down and quickly strutted over to the two Quidditch teams. Slytherin was dressed in their full green attire as for the Gryffindor team who wore red and little strands of gold.
"permission to practise today going to train their new seeker, you've got a new seeker?" Wood paused as the three stood next to the two teams. "Who?" He questioned and two Slytherin members stood aside showing the same slicked back platnium blonde hair step forward with an evil grin. Y/n tutted and rolled her eyes.
"Malfoy?" Harry asked.
"That's right, and that's not all that's new this year," Draco replied, moving his broomstick to his other shoulder, both all Gryffindor a scanned the black polished broomstick.
"Those are nimbus 2001s!" Ron exclaimed as Draco turned to his way. "How did you get those?" He questioned.
"A gift from Draco's father," Flint told Ron with an ugly grin that had revealed his misshaped teeth.
"You see Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best," he told him, eyebrows raising when finishing the sentence.
"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in, they got in on pure talent," she said, y/n smirked at the her friend.
"No one asked for your opinion, you filthy little mudblood," Draco spat at Hermione. Y/n listened closer to the phrase. mudblood.
"you'll pay for that one, eat slugs!" Ron yelled, flicking his wand to him but the wand targeted back, shooting him back in the courtyard more. The Slytherin team chuckled whilst the majority of Gryffindor ran to where ron laid, paler than usual. y/n stood there.
"How dare you call her that," she told him, surprisingly calmly. "What if I told you your a filthy pure blood?" Her eyebrow raised in anger as the slytherins howled with laughter. "Congrats on making the Slytherin team with your lack of talent, lets hope you just win ey?" She smiled to him, following after her friends to hagrids hut.
"This calls for specialist equipment," Hagrid grunted passing over a wooden bucket to Ron, Harry and Hermione sat in waiter side of the bench whilst y/n stood next to Hermione as Hagrid sat down on a large brown arm chair. "Nothing to do but wait until it stops I'm afraid," he told the kids as Ron threw up another slug into the bucket, Ron looked terrible his face had gone extremely pale. "Better out then in, Who's Ron tryna curse anyways?" Hagrid asked.
"Malfoy, he called Hermione a... I don't exactly know what it means," Harry sat until walked off to the kitchen of the hut, arms crossed.
"He called me a mudblood," hermione said as y/n watched Hagrid gasped quickly.
"He did not," he said and looked back at the three at the bench and back towards hermione.
"What's a mudblood?" Y/n and Harry asked in curiosity.
"It means dirty blood, mudbloods a really foul name for someone who is muggleborn someone with non-magic parents, someone like me," she paused. "It's not a term one usually hears in civilised conversations," she said as y/n saw the tears brimming inside her eyes, looking down. Y/n walked over to her friend and wrapped her arm around her and rubbed her right arm for comfort.
"See thing is Potters, there's some wizards like the Malfoy family who think they're better than everyone cause they're what people call pure blood," he told them as Hermione leaned her head against y/n's shoulder.
"That's horrible," Harry told Hagrid with disgust as another slug slipped out of Rons throat and landed inside the bucket. Hermione looked over as Harry rubbed his back.
"It's disgusting," Ron said with a wobbly voice.
"And it's caused well up from birth, dirty blood," Hagrid paused leaning back on his armchair in disgust. "Why there isn't a wizard alive today that's not half blood or less," Hagrid said and hermione lifted up her head. "More to the point that yet to think of a spell that our hermione can't do," Hagrid said as they all looked to hermione, she smiled gently. "Come here," Hagrid said and y/n moved her friend towards the man as he held out his ginormous hand compared to her small delicate ones.
"Don't you think on it hermione, do t you think on it, ey?" Hagrid said to her with a small smile on his face gaining a tiny one off hermione as the tears held onto her tear ducks by a thread.
The detentions for the flying car incident had been held individually, Harry spent his detentions with Lockheart, Ron spent his with McGonagall whilst y/n spent hers with Professor Snape, out of all the people.
Y/n had just finished her detention as she headed down to the great hall, the whole room crowded with people eating away at the feast, she saw that none of her friend were just there yet so she decided to sit with neville, dean and seamus.
"Hey guys!" She said as all the bloody looked up to you with a big smile on all faces.
"Hey y/n," they replied as seamus rambled on about his goblet finally turning into rum instead of blowing up in his face.
"You alright y/n you seem off," Neville nudged at her, she looked away from the doors and down to him.
"Oh I'm fine i just dont feel well... what's going on?" She questioned her friend when she saw most of the great hall running out to the doors and around the corner.
The two quickly got up and ran along with the crowd towards the direction. They turned the corner to see blood written up on the walls, the liquid dripping in the enchant castle walls as the message read:
"the chamber of secrets have been opened. Enimies of the heir, beware,"
"oh god," she said and began to barge pass everyone to get to the front and saw Filchs cat: Miss Norris, who was dangling lifeless on a hook infront the blooded words, Filch turned to Harry and threatened the boy.
"-I'll kill ya!" He yelled, everyone in the room slightly amused and concerned for the scene.
"Argus! Argus! I..." Dumbledore paused, his sight shifted over to the blood on the walls. "everyone will proceed to their dormitories, immediately. Except you four," Dumbledore spoke, pointing over at us. Y/n quickly shot a frustrated look.
"She's not dead Argus, she's just been petrified," Dumbledore explains. Clicking of shoes echoing through the halls.
"Ah! Thought so, so unlucky I wasn't there, I know exactly the counter curse that could've speared her," Lockheart announced. Not sure who he was trying to express seeing as Dumbledore gave odd nod towards him aswell the everyone else staring at him weirdly.
"But how she's been petrified I cannot say," Dumbledore said in his wispy voice.
"Ask him, it was him that's done it!" Filch cries, he spat out the sentence with one huge breath, jerking his head towards Harry and the three next to the boy. "You saw what he wrote on the wall," he said, a quiver now in his tone.
"It's not true sir, I swear," he said as y/n extended her neck, looking up at the ceiling, how did she get into that mess in the first place?
"Rubbish!" He called out until Snape interrupt the slight bickering.
"If I might headmaster, perhaps the potters and their friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time? However the circumstances are suspicious," Snape spoke up but paused. "I for one don't remember seeing Harry Potter at dinner," he said and the staff all turned to the boy.
"I'm afraid that's my doing Severus, you see Harry was helping me answer my fan mail," Lockheart spoke up, using his 'charming smile'.
"That why Ron and I went looking for him, Professor, we found him when he said..." hermione stopped looking over at Harry.
"Yes miss granger?" Snape added.
"When I said I wasn't hungry, we were heading back to the common room when we found Mrs Norris," Harry said and all the professors turned over to the twin sister.
"What about you miss Potter?" Dumbledore questioned.
"I was with Neville at dinner until I saw everyone running out I bardged past everyone just to see what was going on and was told to stay back," she replied in quite a harsh tone.
"Innocent until proven guilty Severus," dumbledore spoke up.
"My cat has been petrified I wanna see some punishment!" Filch yelled.
"We will be able to cure her, Argus. As I understand it, Madame sprout has a very healthy growth of mandrakes. When matured, a potion will be made that will revive Mrs. Norris. And in the meantime I request caution... to all," he announced.
"What happened? Are you getting detention again?" Neville Longbottom quickly asked once he saw y/n walk through the portrait hole.
"No thankfully, but Dumbledore said everyone takes caution," she told him, her neck felt like it was burning, it could've just been the warm fire that flickered underneath the fireplace however when she turned around dean, seamus, Fred and George were staring at her. The boys were quick to look away but once she turns to face a flustered Neville, she felt the eyes staring at her again.
"Are they staring again, nev?" She whispered to her friend which he timidly nodded, she let out an annoyed sigh and forced a smile to her face, she turned around again.
"Like what you see?" She asked as Seamus, Dean and George turned away back to their scrolls of parchment, Fred remained still and simply nodded towards her then turned back to his homework.
She stood there in a trance before turning back to Neville and nodded at him.
"G'night," she said and he echoed her gesture.
"Night," he said. The girl walked upstairs as pretty much the whole common room boys began to whisper about the specific twin, hoping they could be 'y/n's chosen one'.
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