It was early the next morning which was noticeably the wedding of Bill and Fleur. People were still processing the news of moody being killed in last nights mission but few were handling it well, most likely due to such a fun, fulfilled day.
y/n had been given the bridesmaid dress which match Gabriella and Ginny's, a white mini dress with beautiful black beads and lace spiralling up the dress and onto the sleeves, she didn't wear it just yet, only helping Molly and Neville make the party food for later in the day. Harry had begun adding on his button up and tie before needing to just stop and sit in Ron's balcony for a couple minutes.
The raven haired boy watched below as the Weasley males, y/n, Neville and Hagrid helped prop up the tents where the reception and venue would eventually take place in, all taking part in setting up the poles only for a sudden crack to ring in everyone's ears.
"Bloody hell, what's the minister of magic doing here?" George asked, a bandage wrapped around his head, a small bandage on y/n's left hand, all eyes on Rufus Scrimegour and his head bobbing over the tall grass.
"To what do we owe the pleasure minister?" Harry was quick to ask once Ron and y/n stepped inside the small kitchen where the minister stood patiently with a large briefcase in both of his old wrinkled hands.
"I think we both know the answer," he told the infamous boy, before turning to see his God-sister. He allowed the kids to sit on the sofa, Ron pushed a chair out for the man to sit on, directly opposite Harry, Ron and Hermione sitting in the sofa as y/n sat on the arm of it, her arms folded, all watching oddly as the man pulled out a piece of leather, lied it against the wooden coffee table.
"This is?" Harry responded, looking up to the man again.
Quickly the minister pulled out a folded piece of parchment holding it up horizontally, before releasing it to his right, the teens watched as the parchment unfolded itself, revealing the Hogwarts crest marked at the top, three wax dots to seal another piece of parchment onto the second one behind.
"Here and set fourth, the last will from Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore," he announced with a small look to the four, before turning back to the parchment. "first to Ronald Billius Wealsey, I leave my dilluminator, a device in my own making in hope for when times seem most dark, it will show him the light," He told, handing over a wrapped up lighter with a small button at the top, two metal lips that were sealed together.
"Dumbledore left this for me?" Ron asked, pulling the deluminator from the paper.
"Yes," the minister responded
"Brilliant, what is it?" Ron asked, holding it up in his hand, his eyebrows furrowed, examining the object.
"Open it," Scrimegour told.
Ron flicked a small button up which caused the top of the object to open up, a small beam of light suddenly dragged two lights from the lamps sitting in their right and he'd it inside the object, flicking it closed until he copied his steps and released the light but into the lamps.
"To Hermione Jean Granger," he piped up, opening his briefcase up again. "I leave my copy of the tales of bettle and the bard in hopes that she finds it entertaining and instructive," he handed over the old, worn out, hard-back copy of the children's books, Robs eyes lighting up with delight.
"Mum used to read me those," Ron told watching a small smile form on hermiones lips.
"To Harry James potter, I leave the snitch he first caught as a reminder of the rewards for perseverance, and skill," Scrimegour added, a slight eyebrow raise when he held up the small snitch in a grey handkerchief, watching carefully as the boy took hold of the snitch. Y/n watched as the ministers shoulders defeated, as if he was expecting something to happen.
"To y/n Andromeda Black, the sword of Godric Gryffindor," he told, as he began to pack up the leather case, the will sadly folding in again as he looked towards the girl. "which sadly is not his to give away, as an historical artefact it belongs-" he began, pulling the paper back inside his briefcase, about to pick up the leather case until Hermione butted in.
"For y/n it's been given to y/n therefore it belongs to her," Hermione told the minister, watching as he placed his hands, respectfully on his lap.
"It's given to every worthy Gryffindor however it is not there belonging, the current whereabouts of the sword is also Unknown," he eventually told the teens
"Excuse me?" Y/n asked, her arms still folded.
"The sword is missing," Scrimegour simply stated towards the girl with a delicate shrug. "I understand he's given you this prize seeing as you've got a war to fight, however this weapon cannot be in your possession," he eventually finished, looking at the four teens with slight sadness, before packing the rest of his belongings and leaving them with a handshake and quick goodbye then apperated back to his work.
It was much later in the evening and very late after the dinner to now where bill and Fleur had finished their first dance, and was happily dancing together to traditional wizarding music, Neville and y/n cheering at the sides. Y/n turned towards her other cousin Gabriella, much taller since the last time she had seen her and quickly made time into dancing with her seeing as Harry hadn't been participating much throughout the wedding.
Apolline almost cried at the sight of y/n, how much she reminded her of her sister was scary, but she loved her just as much as Glinda, giving loads of hugs and kisses to her niece even a kiss on the cheek to Neville, who burned up with embarrassment.
Fred, George and y/n enjoyed joking around on the dance floor too, every now and then dancing and overall laughing across the floor, even though every now and then she would see a slight jealous look against Nevilles face, which she quickly caused him to join on, the group suddenly caused Ginny to join, as they danced and sung on the floor.
It took a while until the ginger siblings left for drinks and caused y/n and Neville to stand on the dance floor together. Whilst the small band playing upbeat, jazz music Neville grabbed a hold of his girlfriends trembling hands, spinning her around before jumping together in sync to the music. Molly and Arthur Weasley seemed to do the same thing across the floor, big smiles against y/n's and Nevilles faces, especially after seeing Luna and her fathers dance together; you could see where she gets most of her imagination from.
Couple minutes later Neville was chatted with Ginny and Luna as y/n noticed her second cousin, Tonks standing along next to the side of the tent, most likely for fresh air as the tent seemed to be heating up, she smirked as a conversation starter popped inside of her mind.
"A baby," y/n said, watching as Tonks sternly looked over her shoulder, mostly as she recognised y/n's voice.
"Pardon?" She asked, y/n placed her hands on her hips.
"That's what you and Remus was going to announce in privet drive," y/n told her second cousin
"Yeah, Remus is a nervous wreck about it," she told the younger girl as they were feeling the cold summer breeze brush past their sweat. "he's petrified it'll be a werewolf," she said, pulling her dress back revealing a small bloated lower stomach.
"Well if it does in sure you're child will grow up to become a great person just like their parents," y/n shrugged as Tonks smiling to her second cousin. "I spoke with your mum, she's so much like dad," y/n looked up at the older woman, her hair was a dyed blonde colour that reached her collarbones, she seemed really mature.
"You're telling me, they really act like each other," Tonks once again told y/n, before looking down at y/n, a glass of what looked like lemonade in his hands. "actually sucks having Sirius and Mad-eye gone, two of my favourite people that I'd look up to in my auror training," she sighed as y/n copied, shaking her head.
"It's so stupid, but hey, I'm always by your side, yours, Remus and that little one in there," y/n pointed aimlessly towards her second cousins stomach, turning around to see how the part was heading until seeing a taller figure above her. "Neville," she said, Tonks turned around to see the tall brunette.
"Hiya," he said, waving to to Tonks, outstretching his arm, which intertwined with y/n's.
"you're finally dating I see?" She questioned the two, heat rose to Neville's cheeks again.
"Yes, we are," they both spoke.
"Better take care of her," Tonks looked to Neville as y/n held onto Nevilles arm.
"He does Tonks, he's a lovely boy," The blonde girl told Tonks, Nevilles heart again fluttering as she said that. "hey maybe we'll be able to babysit little Lupin?" Y/n suggested to the older woman, who smiled back with a shrug.
"Not too bad I guess," Tonks nodded in response, allowing the teen couple to move away and prance around the dance floor again.
Abruptly, a glowing blue mist came flying in through the top of the tent, the ball of light hovering the centre of the dance floor, immediately causing the music to stop, all eyes drawn to the ball of light, watching as the mist began to form legs and at large head, it's fur being glazed over by the mist of blue. The ball of light had formed into a lynx, somebody's patronus.
"The ministry has fallen, the minister of magic is dead," the tent erupted with the voice of Kingsley shacklebolt, gasps caused around the room. "They're coming," he announced, y/n noticed as members of the order draw their wands immediately, so did the security outside. "They're coming," Kingsley then whispered.
The room gasped as the Lynx pounced into thin air, the blue hue across the tents and peoples faces, which now showed quick panic, more wands being drawn as guest instantly began to apperate away from the event, Fleur and Bill seemed to hold each other as Harry, y/n, Hermione and Ron seemed exchanging understanding looks.
"Come on, we need to hide you and Harry," Neville tugged into y/n's hand as she turned around causing him to stop in his place, furrowing his brows in his elegant dark grey suit. "What?" He asked, as her hands firmly gripped around his.
"I'm not returning to Hogwarts Nevvie, I don't know when I'll next see you, and I know I should've told you sooner but it's for your own safety," y/n looked up at the brunette who looked down at her oddly until a sudden ball of fire burned through the roof of the tent.
Around three death eaters appeared from multiple ends of the tents, still few guests were apperating out of the event, as sudden casting of charms were flown across the room, Ginny was quick to aim her bat bogey hex at a random death eater, before bill joined in on duelling with another death eater.
Y/n turned to Neville again and with a small smile, she hugged her boyfriend as quickly as she could, pulling away, pressing their lips in a sweet motion, only to be ripped away from his grip by a muscly arm, until her vision of worried green eyes shifted and warped into the bright lights of a London double decker bus, being pulled back into a fence, noticing Hermione large bushy hair on her right, Harry's Raven hair on her left as well as Ron's taller frame in the corner of her eye.
"Where are we?" Ron quickly asked, Harry dragging him by his blazer, his stunned eyes on the muggles walking past him.
"Sharlsbree avenue," Hermione responded, leading everyone through the crowded streets, y/n's eyes were mostly on the ground, her hands fiddling with the necklace that was earlier tucked underneath the bridesmaid dress she still wore. "I used to come to the theatre here with mum and dad, dunno why I thought of it, just popped into my head, this way," Hermione ordered her friends, turning the corner into a narrow alleyway, the sounds of y/n and hermiones heels clicking across the old road.
the bushy-haired girl looking side to side before tucking behind a wall, opening up her small, beaded bag, being able to shove her whole arm through it, pulling it out again, with Ron's green striped shirt, handing it to him.
"Extendable charm," Hermione mumbled, relating her actions, handing over two jumpers towards Harry and y/n, Ron looked back to Hermione with a small grin on his face.
"Amazing you are," Ron told the bright witch, who smiled up at Ron, passing over some jeans to y/n.
"Always the tone of suprise," Hermione told the ginger boy, shoving her hand back inside of the bag again, pausing once they heard a small collision of objects, sighing. "ah that'll be the books," she huffed.
The teens were dressed in suitable clothing and had tracked to a small coffee shop, y/n sat with a pair of baggy jeans and a tight shirt, a grey cardigan, Harry wearing an odd mixture of a v neck, blazer and old jeans, Hermione wore a striped shirt, low jeans and a zip up jacket as Ron also wore so baggy jeans with a zip up hoodie, it was late in the summer evening and the coffee shop seemed to be empty, the four were the only ones seated.
"Do you think we should go back?" Harry questioned, looking up to Ron and Hermione who sat opposite him and y/n, the blonde girl fiddling with her necklace once more.
"They're after you two, whatever you're doing were doing the same,"Ron told the Raven haired boy, who chewed on his nails anxiously.
"Rons right," Hermione told Harry, as a Mexican looking woman with earphones plugged inside her ears turned to the four teens, hands Dudley inside her apron pockets.
"Coffee?" She asked them, Ron looked to Harry, Hermione and y/n with panic.
"Cappuccino," Hermione responded, as the woman turned to the ginger boy, already not understanding what Hermione had said.
"What she said," he shrugged, as she turned to Harry, his teeth gnawing at his nails.
"Same," he nodded to the woman as she made contact with the day dreaming y/n, she looked up and shook her head.
"No thank you," she told the woman, they watched as she silently nodded, turning on her heel sharply and headed back up to the back room, to resume her job.
"So where do we go from here? The leaky cauldron?" Y/n suggested, leaning over the plastic table, letting out a long sigh.
"Too dangerous, if Voldermort has taken over the ministry then no place is safe," Hermione shook her head, looking up as the teens noticed two worker men stepped inside, walking silently over to the counter, toolboxes tightly in their hands.
"What about all our things, we've left them at the burrow," Harry told Hermione, his voice a little more lower before Hermione shook her head, her eyes quickly flickering from her friends towards the small bag laying on the table, she watched as all their eyes bulged.
"Your joking," y/n responded, as Hermione quickly shook her head again.
"I've packed for days," the bushy haired girl responded, looking from Harry to Ron. "just incase," she eventually shrugged.
"By the way-" Ron began until Harry cut in.
"Get down!" Harry ordered, shoving y/n to the side, crouching down under the table as a loud explosion was made from the salt and sugar glass jars, creating little shards of glass to go flying. Hermione and Ron rolled down to different sides as y/n drew her wand, Ron being quicker.
"Stupefy!" Ron called, causing the first man, who was blonde to knock back into the glass counter, the second man drew his wand back up as harry pointed his forward just in time.
"Flipendo!" Harry chanted but missed by a hair, blue light bursted against the red staff door. The teens ducked behind the plastic chairs and watched as the conscious man hid behind the counter more, hidden under the stacks of fruit before jumping up again.
Ron and Hermione drew their wands together, knocking back the boxes of nuts on red shelf, bursting the glass below him as he ducked once more, hermione stood up as he ducked, her wand outstretched before her, watching as he jumped up again.
"Petrificus Totalus!" The bushy haired girl yelled, watching at the spark shot through the glass, completely shattering the one pane and watched as the man shuffled out of the way.
"Flipendo!" Y/n cried, a bright golden spark flew out of her wand and hit the blonde man straight into his chest, the teens watching as he flew back into the wall, his body sliding down against the tiles.
Unaware of their safety, the teens took time into stepping up and perching over the plastic tables where burn marks were left per entangle grazed into them, heavily panting as the coffee shop worker stepped out of the back door, her earphones still plugged in and had a kettle of coffee held in the other, until she almost tripped, her eyes widening with fear as she noticed the shattered counter and two unconcious bodies laying on the ground.
"Go! Leave!" Y/n ordered the woman, watching as she nodded running straight out of the door again, vanishing g from their sight.
"Lock the door, close the blinds, get the lights," Harry instructed, Hermione, Ron and y/n agreed, both girls heading towards the glass windows and door, Hermione Using her wand to close the wooden blinds and y/n used hers to lock the door, Ron used his deluminator to catch the lights except the counters light.
"This is Ale, he was there the night snape killed Dumbledore," Harry told, looking at the blonde man flopping over himself.
"We got Dolohov again, there when dad was killed," y/n sneared, blood rising to her cheeks with anger, so tempted to kick him in every limb he owned.
"So what are we going to do with you eh? You'd kill us if it was the other way round wouldn't ya?" Ron told the men, their eyes looking up frozen, piled over the broken counter.
"If we kill them they'll know we were here," y/n told them miserably, also having the same intentions as Ron did, he turned back towards y/n as Harry spoke up too
"It's better we wipe their memories," Harry suggested, Ron nodded stepping away from the death eaters.
"You're the boss," he responded, looking to Hermione as he gently caressed her cheek that had a speck of her blood against it. "Hermione, you're the best at spells," he told the bushy haired girl, she sternly looked away from Ron and took two steps forward her wand outstretched before her as her hand slightly shook, she seemed hesitant but the word easily rolled off her tongue.
"How is it they knew we was there?" Ron quickly asked, the four tight together as they're eyes anxiously peering on every muggle who walked by, constantly checking each detail of their faces, to see if they recognised any death eaters faces.
"Maybe you still have the trace on you?" Hermione suggested as Ron shook his head.
"Can't be its under the law that it breaks when you're seventeen," Ron responded, he looked suspiciously at the couple walking past until Hermione gasped and abruptly paused, the three looked back at her oddly.
"We didn't celebrate your birthday Harry," hermione announced, moving on her feet again, her face filled with guilt. "Ginny and I prepared a cake, we was going to bring it out at the end of the wedding," Hermione looked to Harry her face filled with sorrow.
"Hermione I really appreciate the thought but given the fact we was almost killed by two death eaters a few minutes ago," Harry responded, anxiously looked at a muggle who ran by them, Hermione nodded, her small bag clutched tightly in her grasp.
"Right perspective," Hermione responded her eyes flickering side to side.
"We need to cut the strings and find somewhere safe," Ron added, instantly gaining an idea to flash above her head.
The four teens stood outside of 11 Grimwauld place, y/n took a deep breath before giving a rhythmic stomp against the ground, the four watched at the homes began to separate behind the drainpipe beside a muggles home. Watching as its red front door stood in place and the black metal fence prop up, finishing its transformation.
Harry stood beside his God-sister, noticing the uncertainty written across her eyes, they all knew it was the safest place to be yet it held too many loose memories of their parental figure, smiling towards them and when they had first arrived at the building. Y/n turned to Harry as they both exchange tiny smiles, heading up to open the front door stepping inside of the cold, dark narrow hallway, Ron and Hermione heading inside just after them.
The dark corridor suddenly began to form smoke from the dusty carpet, the dust swirling up in a spiral, as a ghostly figure appeared inside of the smoke, the figure seemed to grow white long hair and a long beard that trailed down to his knees, the teens noticing the smokey figure had shaped into their old headmaster, his hand outstretched and reaching towards them. Hermione screamed as the mist bursted, simmering towards like calmly.
"What was that all about?" Ron asked, holding Hermione to his side.
"Probably Moodys idea, incase snape came snooping," Y/n suggested, her eyes drifted down to the end of the corridor, the hallway not lighted.
"Harmelum revelio," Hermione chanted, her wand to the hip, nothing apperaring. "We're alone," she told, as she face out a small sigh of relief.
Y/n had awoken first surprisingly, seeing as she feel asleep last in the house. She was in sirius' bedroom where it had been barely touched room, old posters were either still hanging from the walls or had the outline of a poster in the old dusty wallpaper. She opened a curtain to cough all the dust that escaped from it, turning back to look with a faint smile at her face at all the teenage objects that still sat in his room, such as a bike, Gryffindor banners or rotting sweets.
She had a look in his bedroom, curious to explore some part of her fathers youth even further. She seemed to figure out that one door lead to his large closet with varieties of clothes, all seemed to be pretty pricey due to his blood-status.
She pulled out a couple of clothes, from shimmering black button-ups she pictured him wearing to dinner parties as well as velvet blazers and ordinary long or short sleeved shirts, often with bands on them. Along all the teenage stereotypical clothing, she noticed a couple female items such as white blouses and pyjama bottoms which fitted a woman's body, she furrowed her brows at these but continued.
He had a leather jacket tucked quite far back in his closet, y/n pulled it out, trying the item of clothing on. She turned to a dirty mirror, wiping her hand down it to see the jacket fit her well, it was real leather so it came quite heavy on her shoulders. She flicked through more clothes before pulling out a wicked sisters shirt, the White blouse, the pyjamas as well as a creme knitted jumper for the cold evening she'd be on the run, leaving them on the bed as she searched his bedside draws.
She opened up the first draw to find piles of old parchment tucked desperately inside of it. She parted her lips, reaching to take out all letters she could find, seating herself on the bed she'd already slept in.
She picked up the probably most recent letter and noticed it was from Lily, due to her loopey cursive handwriting with a small photo of Harry at the bottom. Somebody ripped off the bottom half but it was clear to y/n it was her God-mother, writing to thank Sirius for Harrys new gift. It completely upset y/n that she would be there that whole time, just under Sirius' nose.
Y/n read as some letters came from Lily, most inviting him for dinner due to the mans depression in loosing Glinda, there was plenty if those letters in fact, the amount if times they would've had to hide y/n... The dates same to grow more older and older with every sheet, and the girl began reading at a new woman's handwriting, a woman she had never met before in her life, or even talked to with real words.. Her mother, Glinda.
Dear Sirius,
WE'RE HAVING A GIRL! Can you believe it, it's both want we wanted, and I'm calling dibs on naming her y/n, but besides that, my mother has been getting even worse, I'm sorry the big news couldn't be told in person but I'm in the hospital right now, been contacting her and the doctors noticed a paw in the Ultrasound? Don't tell me you've done some animagi nonsense to our little girl..aha!
I love you so much and it won't be long until I reach that pit we call home, pregnant woman can't apperate remember? Therefore I'm on foot...unless you want to pick me up?
Joking, Padfoot, I'll see you very soon.
Lots of love,
Glinda xxx
Y/n could feel her tears leaking past her chin, falling against the leather jacket she still sat wearing, she stared at the liveliness of her letter and how much it made Glinda seem like she was really alive and was sitting next to y/n reading these out to y/n.
The girl just begged silently for her mother to be alive, her eyes still following where the ink in her handwriting went, tears blocked her vision as her heart squeezed in pain, it was so weird how one letter could suddenly make a dead person feel so alive at her fingertips. She folded up the already folded letter and shoved it inside her leather pocket, wiping her chin as she let out a small wail, pulling up another letter that was addressed from her mother.
Dear Sirius,
sorry this letter came sooner than expected but yes I'd love to stay round yours again! Regulus was super sweet at my last visit, your mum only seems to like me for my blood-status. I hate how it's always like that though, why can't people just accept that muggle-borns can be just as powerful as pure-bloods? Anyways I bumped into Andromeda in Diagon Alley with a boy named Ted Tonks, they seemed really close (however I dont think I should be telling you that, whoops.)
Also I'd like my blouse back? I dunno why you've kept your girlfriends blouse and pyjamas but good job in trying to get my dad suspicious of us two.
Lots of love,
Glinda xxx
Letters came and went, some explaining where y/n would sometimes get her personality from or what type of relationship her parents held before their untimely part, until she found his first letter he'd received from Glinda, it seemed to be rolled up and longer, she sniffed, her face looked blotchy and eyes puffed red.
Dear Sirius.
Keep that filthy no good Potter away from Lily, she is upset and doesn't need his awful comforting. She told James that he was just as bad as Snape, so please tell him to quit it.
If you do, I'll consider the date, please and thank you.
She chuckled to herself as the door had creaked open, alarming y/n quickly. She looked over her shoulder to see Harry looking to his God-sister, then down to all the objects laying inside of the room. He quietly shuffled over to where y/n sat on the undone bed, she wiped her nose, before handing over to letter from Lily passing it towards Harry, he looked up at his God-sister oddly and unfolded the letter.
As his eyes trailed down from the top of the parchment more and more tears managed to spew from the boys tear ducks, his hand lifting up to mouth, closing his eyes once finishing the entire letter Lily had sent, y/n brung Harry over into a nice motherly like embrace, allowing him to cry into her shoulder as the depressing sensation of their parents no longer being alive washed over them. The two orphans comforted each other at an odd time like now.
"Harry, Y/n, where are you? I found something!" Ron called from downstairs, allowing the teens to calm their senses slightly, both standing up and wiping their tears.
The two travelled to where Ron stood, he was with Hermione as she travelled around the bedroom, noticing it wasn't left untouched but rather that somebody had thrown apart the bedroom in a state of anger and rage.
"Lovely," Harry responded, reminding himself of the differences between sirius and this bedrooms colours, Ron pushed in the door lightly, gaining the three teens attention.
"Regulus Arcturus Black," Hermione read out loud, Ron looked towards them, a small grin crooked in the corner of his mouth.
"R.A.B," Ron responded, y/n let out a frustrated sigh.
"How didn't I think of that?" She questioned.
The four travelled downstairs into the kitchen where Hermione had been seated with the false locket inside hermiones beaded bag, she entered the room first to take hold of the necklace, prying it open and unfolded the note, seating herself down with Harry beside her, y/n and Ron sitting opposite them, all looking at the note that sat against the wooden table.
"R.A.B is your uncle," Ron looked to y/n watching as nodded, her left palm against her neck, behind her blonde dyed hair.
"Yes, it explains so much, he was a death eater so he must've had close ties with volder-" she began until Hermione jumped in.
"Yes, question is did he really destroy the real horcrux?" The girl quickly responded, her tone filled with curiousity, with sudden shock as a thud came from the cupboard to hers and Harry's right.
Harry was quick to get into his feet and race over to the cupboard, ripping open the door and with a quick reach inside of the object Harry managed to pull out a scrawny house elf by his rags, his bare skeleton like leg thrashing in his grip. The teens joined him and watched as Harry shoved the elf near the wooden island.
"Been spying on us have you?" Harry yelled, kreaker the house elf recoiled over in slight fear, he let out a nasally sigh.
"Kreacher has been watching," he responded dryly.
"Maybe he know where the real locket is," Hermione suggested, y/n was quick to snatch the locker from where it sat, dangling the old locket.
"Ever seen this before?" Y/n almost sneared, the house elf copied.
"Kreacher," Harry told the elf, watching as he gave in with a short sight
"It was master regulus locket," kreaker responded, his thin lips folded.
"But there two of them werent there?" Y/n replied, the locket still tight in her hand, if she required her wand it would probably be at his neck. "Where's the other one?" She asked again, Harry stepped forward too.
"Was it in this house?" Harry added, the house elf growing frustrated with the questions chucked towards him.
"Kreacher doesn't know, where the other locket is," the attitude rolling off Kreachers tongue with ease.
"Yes, but did you ever see it?" Hermione quickly butted in, as Kreacher jumped out with an outburst.
"Filthy Mudblood!" The house-elf yelled, his Doppler over figure, straightening up to lash out at the bushy-haired girl until Ron stood in between, grabbing a wooden spoon from the side, raising it in the air.
"Ron," Hermione gasped, pulling his arm away from Kreacher, Hermione forcefully pulling the ginger boy back.
"Answer her," Ron spat, Kreacher, shivered with anger.
"Yes it was here in this house," the house elf replied. "Most evil object," he continued, almost shuddering.
"What do you mean?" Harry replied, y/n lowered the locket to her hip.
"After master Regulus died he ordered Kreacher to destroy the locket but no matter how hard Kreacher tried Kreacher could not destroy it," the house elf told the four teens interrogating him, all looking down at the creature.
"Well where is it now?" Harry then asked, Kreacher looked down towards the ground. "Did someone take it?" Harry added, Kreacher said left brow twitched.
"In the night, he took many things, including the locket," the elf announced, as suddenly curiousity and anger boiled in Harry's and y/n blood.
"Who did?" Harry next asked.
"Mundungus," Kreacher sighed. "Mundungus fletcher," he let out a small sigh of relief, turning to his new owner, who could almost see the blood rising to her cheeks in anger.
"Find him," she ordered through gritted teeth, he look a small glance to the four teens before his body morphed and twisted into thin air, y/n turned on her heel with tears in her eyes, shivering past Ron and Hermione, slamming the horcrux on the wooden table. "I'm going to kill that old man!" She yelled looking at the stack of papers, booting them with her foot, storming upstairs as the stack fell towards the ground.
Harry, Hermione and ron sighed when hearing her footsteps continue upstairs. Harry headed over to the fallen stack of papers until seperate flyers were revealed from the old pieces of parchment, he looked to see his miserable face from the night sirius had died and that he was lablled undesirable no.1, a heavy reward placed above head, alongside y/n, Hermione and Ron coming close behind him as undesirable no.3 and 4.
Hermione and Ron took notice of the new minister, easily recognisable Pius Thickenesse, they had remembered Harry and y/n speaking about him after the graveyard incident, hearing his name under the death eater masks.
It was true, the ministry was swarming with death eaters and is now completely controlled by Voldermort to let out magazines and articles on obliterating muggle-borns and blood traitors. No wonder why they had so much money above each of their heads...
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