"HARRY JAMES POTTER!" Y/n called out, feeling her voice scratch as she screamed his name, hot tears brewing in her eyes and against her sweating face, he turned over to her from across the courtyard. "HES DEAD!" she screamed again, letting go and pushing Ginny in front of her, watching as she sprinted towards him.
Y/n turned on her heel towards the great hall, noticing that the spells has stopped and that there was death eaters apparating away. Y/n couldn't help but smile as tears were streaming down her face.
"HES DEAD!!" She called out again, limping towards the doors once more. "YOUR DARK LORD IS DEAD!" She finsihed when she noticed some of the remains death eaters had stopped in their tracks, looking down at their forearms, doom washed over their complexions, allowing aurors to bound them.
Y/n gave one last look back at Ginny and Harry, sat in the middle of the courtyard, palms against each others cheeks and hair, Ginny sat in Harry's Lap as they looked to be smiling and laughing, all the adrenaline washing through their bodies as they shakingly held each other.
Turning back to the great hall, she watched as students fell to their knees in relief, begin to rush to their friends, cry and cheer, aurors rounding up death eaters and snatchers as they were apperated away.
"Y/n!" Ron called causing y/n to snap her head towards the rubble besides the stairs, hand in hand with Hermione. "Is he really dead?" A look of uncertainty in his eyes whilst y/n watched them descend down the stairs towards where she stood, she could only smile to them and nod, tears falling down her face, pointing back to the courtyard.
It wasn't long before Hermione released her hand from Ron and took flight towards Harry and Ginny. The red haired boy took note of the limping y/n seemed to be doing as she bellowed into the great hall, deciding to abruptly chucking y/n over his shoulder and run as fast as he could towards his best friend, all three of them laughing and smiling at the raven haired boy, tears welling up in their eyes.
Ginny shuffled off Harry's lap once Hermione plummeted to the ground and to her knees as she lunged from a hug, wrapping her arms tightly across his shoulders. Once Ron placed y/n down as gently as he could he pounced towards harry, enveloping him from his side, tucking his head behind hermiones head.
Once they had let go of hugging and praising harry, the boy jumped up and grabbed y/n. His arms wrapped around her arms, she ducked her head into his shoulder as she gripped onto the crème jacket, their shoulders shaking as they held onto each other. Unable to convince themselves that this was all over, shaking in each others grasp.
"Im so fucking proud of you," y/n cried, releasing the hug, holding onto her brothers face as her face scrunched with tears, watching as he said nothing back followed, his eyebrows knitted together, his glasses fogged up, lips trembling and his cheeks wet with tears. "You just saved our lives. Im so proud of you Harry," y/n included before wrapping her arms around his shoulders and held onto the back of his head, their bodies trembling against each others inside of the embrace, putting all her weight in her good foot in order to stabilise her weak knees, all that adrenaline had finally worn away.
"Y/N!" A voice called out from behind them at the steps of the courtyard. Y/n let go of Harry as she whipped her head over her shoulder. "Y/N!" He called out once more, sprinting as fast as he could down the steps and towards their directions.
Y/n released from Harry before she began to try and run towards Neville. Watching him drop the sword across the cobblestone, balling his hands into fist and pounding his feet harder against the floor towards her direction, desperation written across his face. Y/n could feel her chest tighten, trying to ignore the burning sensation in her left thigh and the pains through the back of her right leg, with her arms reached out, limping towards his direction.
His arms weighed underneath her arms, hoisting her when she collapsed at his touch, feeling him grasp onto her as if she weighed nothing, their bodies collided so hard it almost took of their air out of their lungs. Regardless, he held her up, her legs had given up and were loose underneath his grip, her hands tightening at his cardigan as she felt his hand hold the back of her head and firmly at the middle of her back. Relief completely washed over them as shuddered breaths were the only things they could make out.
Y/n was letting out heaving sobs, with her chin dug into his shoulder, hearing Neville sniff and sob into her shoulder, their bodies vibrated against each other. It didn't take too long before Neville's knees buckled and they were on the ground still holding onto each other, now y/n had positioned herself onto his lap, and her hands had found their way to his jaw, holding his face as she cried, feeling their breaths pant against each other, the flow of the tears were never ending from the final realisation that they were alive.
They were safe. No more war. No more fighting. It was finally their story, they can finally have each other without a pit of doom in their stomachs just incase the other died, they can finally love each other without fear.
a cold, still room. walls that were endless and had no corners but somehow the shadows curved in on y/n, enclosing her in the middle of this ongoing room, the white walls washed out in this grey tone. she blinked twice before squeezing her damp eyelashes together, pressing her hands up to her eyes as she rubbed at them looking back up at the ceiling that went on for centuries.
laid flat on her back, she wore her jumper, jeans, leather jacket and snow boots, the same clothing from the war, expecting to see blisters from the burns, cuts across her knees and dirt across her knuckles, shoes and under her nails, but was all gone, as if she had bathed and groomed herself as much as possible before the war started. No tearing of her jeans, or the glue from her boots peeling or that pain she felt in her side when she fell to the ground from Neville's arms in the courtyard.
An abrupt warmth soared through her arms, travelling from her fingertips and crawling its way up to her shoulders as that crossed paths with her spine and ran through to her knees and down to her toes. She shook her head vigorously as she shivered that strange sensation out of her, shutting her eyes tight when a small sense of doom washed over her, her stomach suddenly feeling tight and burning up her veins.
A tongue scratched the left side of her face. A long tongue that managed to lick up her cheek and dribble again, catching her attention over to an overly excited Scottish Deerhound staring back at her, its mouth formed upwards in a certain way as it painted loudly with it tongue resting outside of its chin.
She was taken out of her thought as the black furred dog prodded its nose under her chin, causing her to chuckle slightly as she backed away from the dog, giggling some more as it continued to headbutt and nose it's way to her, watching as it was jumping around her seated figure in attempts to play with them, or just give a bit of attention.
"come here," y/n clicked her teeth several times, patting at her open lap, watching as it excitedly flipped onto her lap straight on its back, to which y/n realised it was a female dog whilst she rubbed her stomach. Y/n took no time in hesitating calling her a good dog, calling her pretty while the dog appreciated the compliments by panting loud, her mouth curled into some grin with her eyes closed.
her eyes buldged open for a moment in y/n's lap, causing her to pause her belly rubs, looking at the dog strangely and watched curiously as it sat up and used its nose to smell the other presence inside the endless room, leaping away from her lap and behind y/n's back, scattering in the same excitement she had with y/n.
The girl turned around and noticed the blonde woman laughing with the biggest grin across her face as she crouched down to dog, scratching and petting its fur in repsonse to her excitement. Wearing that same outfit from when she met her for the first time in the woods, the long floral dress, with that stretchy material that would've helped tug on her pregnant stomach when she was alive, it's straps were in bows resting against her shoulders, hair reached down to her back and her face glowed as she smiled to the dog, her e/c eyes moved towards her daughter with a gentle expression.
"Hi darling," she spoke softly, hesitantly petting the dog now, who was now resorting to licking her hand.
Y/n looked at her bewildered. Noticing that the room no longer held the shadows she first saw when she woke up, it was brightly lit up even though the walls were still endless they travelled as if they had some light at the end of them to reach, rather than some stopping point the shadows held. y/n turned so she was sat awkwardly on her knees, glaring at her mother with her glossy eyes.
"Am I dead?" Y/n asked, feeling her voice catch on her, felt like her throat was closing at the sudden sight of her mother. "Is it all over?" She asked her again, to which her mother just smiled back at her gently, walking over to her daughter before leaning against her knees, the black dog trailed behind her.
"The war is over." She told, her hands reaching up to her cheeks. y/n could feel herself melt when she could feel the warmth in her Glindas hands when they finally touched her. This wasn't the remains of her soul she spoke to in the forbidden forest, this was real. "You died for a moment, but it was nothing this beauty couldn't take care of." She told, looking down at the Scottish deerhound resting her head against Glindas lap. Y/n couldn't pull her eyes away from her, holding onto her mother's wrists in an attempt to not ever let go.
"What's happening?" Y/n's asked, not even bothering to stop herself from crying, tears were just streaming down her shocked face.
Glinda paused as words tried to describe the scenario she was in. She dropped her smile and raised her eyebrows in empathic way. Travelling her hands from her daughters face and through the black locks of her hair, what once was as blonde as her mothers, was just as pitch black as her fathers.
"Your animagi form has passed away." She told, fiddling with her daughter's split ends of black hair, drawing all her attention to it until she turned to her daughter again, who looked at her with uncertainty all meanwhile she gripped onto her mums wrists. "In the forest, you used your animagi form to go to Harry, because you believed the deathly hallows didn't work. That's when a death eater shot the killing curse at you, it killed your Scottish Deerhound." Glindas waterline shimmered in the bright room as she placed her hands against her face once more. "I've come to retrieve her," she finished, the black dogs ear twitching as she slept.
Y/n was sobbing by this point, holding onto her mothers hands as they pressed against her cold cheeks, her tears beginning to saturate her hands, not taking her eyes away from Glinda for a second, entirely immersing herself with the natural glow that came from her, a brighter light than what she felt in the forbidden forest and now she was able to feel her, talk to her for the first and now she knew... the last time.
"Take me too," y/n cries out, removing her hands from her face, ignoring how wet they felt and glued her own hands around her mothers thumbs, her chest jerking at every staggered breath she took. "Please take me with you, I want to be with you and dad," she begged, closing her eyes and bent her entire figure over their enclosed hands.
"Baby, I can't do that," Glinda weakly told with a gentle sigh through her nostrils.
"Please!" She cried, slamming their interwoven hands against her thighs. "I know nothing about you! I've never had to have your love in my childhood! I've never met you until this day and I just want to be beside you more, I've had my time! I want to spend the rest of it with you!" Y/n wailed into their hands feeling the dribble falling out of her hot mouth and the frustration building heat against her face, squeezing onto her mothers thumbs to make sure she doesn't pull apart, she wasn't sure if there is a time limit to all of this.
To y/n's horror she could feel her mums hands tear away from her own, looking up at her with fear that she was going to leave her for good only for her shaking body to have a cold relief slide down from her shoulders when Glindas arms wrapped themselves around y/n's neck, pressing her cheek against the side of her head, firmly holding the back of her daughters head.
"I'm so sorry," she told defeatedly, taking in a huge chunk of air before begrudgingly letting it all out in one big huff. Her breath against y/n's hair cause goosebumps across the back of her neck, fully embracing her mother's presence - tightly wrapping her arms across her back. "I've wanted to be a mother so badly. It was one of my dreams after seeing how beautifully my mother raised me and your auntie, to watch my parents marriage be filled with so much love, I couldn't wait to be able to share that too, I never expected it to turn out like this." She cooed against her hair, kissing at the side of her head. "I dealt with infertility, it was hard to be able to have you and by the time my nurses told me what the birth's outcome would be, you was already too developed." She added, squeezing her daughter as tightly as possible. "So no matter what, you was still going to be born, at first it scared me and I didn't tell Sirius, but he figured it out and helped pull me out of that strange place I was in, we had that silly argument around the same time I planned on seeing slughorn and suddenly everything went to shit despite how hard he tried to keep me alive. I was so grateful I got to hold you in my arms at least once before I passed." She held onto y/n as hard as she could, thankful to be in her daughter's presence.
"I just wish it was you and dad," y/n told, gripping onto the fabric of her dress as she tucked her nose onto her mother's bare shoulder. "It's all I wanted." She finished, no longer having her voice wobble as she spoke.
"I know, baby." Glinda added, swaying her daughter's body on the ground, in that light rocking motion she's always wanted to do with her baby girl. "I've seen it all and I'm so proud of you," she told, with emphasis on her words, pulling her daughter away to hold her wet face again, looking at her with sorrowful eyes before giving her a heart-warming smile. "You are so talented at your craft and I couldn't be more prouder of my daughter." She whispered over to her, pressing her lips ever so gently against her daughter's forehead.
"I don't want you to go." Y/n replied quietly, shaking her head as tears brimmed across her waterline. "Please just stay." Y/n begged once more, hoping she can just stay with her mother, learn more about her.
"My soul is always with you." Glinda gently told, placing her hands into y/n's noticing she gravitated to hold her thumbs once again. "I live through you. You continue my story by being alive. it's not your time yet. You're a fighter and you've won this war, it's time to celebrate your life of freedom." She reassured her once more, noticing the Scottish deerhound had now woken up from her sleep and crawled her way out of Glindas lap.
"Too right," her father's voice spoke from beside her. Y/n felt her tense shoulders deflate at the sight of him, dropping her head to the side as she sighed in defeat.
"Dad." Y/n huffed before looking back at his younger self, pressing her lips in a line as she tried to process her parents gently smiling back down to her crying, blotched and swollen face.
"You deserve to live y/n." Sirius mentioned, crouching down to be at level with his girls. "You've fought brilliantly and now you can be rewarded with the life of freedom that you've fought so hard for." Sirius added, swiping the tears from her face with the back of his finger.
Y/n just stared at them both, taking in deep breaths from all the crying, noticing the headache beginning to loom across her forehead, sniffing as she leg out another crushed sigh.
"I'm scared." Y/n shrugged as she held onto her mother's thumbs, watching as her parents looked back at her sympatheticly but muddled. "I'm scared of being alone again. I thought the grief would kill me." She continued, looking back at her mother's hands. "I'm scared of what it'll be like this time." Y/n's lip wobbled trying to muster up some courage to speak.
"Sometimes scary things will be beautiful." Glinda told. "I was scared about my birth but I had a beautiful daughter from it. I was scared of spiders but now they're my favourite creatures." She joked, earning a strange look from from her daughter. "Don't look at me like that, you can handle them." She poked her knee as y/n nodded gently with a loud sniff.
"You'll adapt to it." Sirius nodded over to his daughter, noticing the Scottish deerhound was nudging her nose into his knees and thigh, giving her a gentle scratch behind the ear. "It'll be a lot to take in at first, but you'll at least be able to appreciate their lives and how beautifully they lived through it." He finished, leaning over to kiss his daughter's hair, noticing her nod silently at his words.
The black dog had started to trail off to one side of the endless room, the bright white walls remained their ethereal glow. All three of them watched as it walked but then paused to look back at them, rushing back to nose her way at Sirius' thigh, as a way to say 'come on'.
"We love you y/n. Our love for you is eternal." Glinda told with another kiss at her forehead. "It's so nice to talk to you finally." She finished with another hug, y/n held on tight, trying to not let go, not allowing her to leave.
"You're going to be okay. We'll be watching over you." Sirius gave his daughter a gentle hand hold to y/n's shoulder, squeezing it tightly. "And treat my leather jacket nicely." He finsihed standing up watching as she chuckled lightly in her mother's arm.
Glinda pulled herself away, pausing to look down to her daughter just one more time, swiping her cheeks with her thumbs and smiled fondly to her to which y/n returned gratefully. Taking that as the cue, she delicately picked herself up from the floor, smiling up to her fiancée.
Y/n watched as they locked their hands together, beginning their travel with y/n's animigus form taking the lead. Glinda sharing a wave back round y/n, which Sirius repeated, bright grins across their face that was slightly l blurred due to the lighting of the endless room.
Y/n continued to sit on the floor, against her knees, face burned red and wet before returning their waves, watching as their satisfied faces turned away from her and continued their stride away holding some conversion she could no longer hear as well as their warmth beginning to travel further away from her. Her head and chest pounded with pain, throbbing and tightened as she tried to accept them leaving for good, as well as her animagi form travelling with them. she closed her eyes and let out her final, long drained sigh.
banana fish mention woops. is anyone even still reading this? if you are you're a trooper because there's still so much more to come. I'm attempting to go full mockingjay style about the aftermath of war rather than completing this at the trainstation it's been that way for FOUR YEARS. why have I been writing this for four years not even in the Harry Potter fandom anymore but my love for Neville LIVES ONNNN!!!!!!
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