"Hermione!" Y/n shouted higher up on the stairs as she continued jogging down the steps as fast as she could. Sprinting closer to where Hermione and Ron were sat close by each other on the stairs, head turning back to where y/n was charging to their seated positions. "Hermione!" She called again.
"Y/n?" She called back, looking at her oddly, noticing the very frantic expression across her face, alongside the red, tear stained cheeks.
"Hermione you have the cloak right?" She called once more on the last leg of stairs, before finally being stood beside her friend.
"The invisiblity cloak?" She asked. She nodded and clutched onto her small bag. "Have you seen harry? What happened in the pensive?" She asked again, Ron was also staring at y/n's out of breathe state.
"It's too long to explain, has harry not gone past you at all?" She asked again, the couple nodded their heads, visibly beginning to panic.
"Where is he?" Ron croaked, his voice sore from the yelling and sobbing.
"I can't explain it all now, I need that cloak," she sputtered, Hermione and Ron just glared at her, trying to puzzle why she desperately needed that cloak.
"Why? What's happening?" Hermione asked again, reaching into her bag, her hand completing engulfed trying to stretch and pick the cloak up.
"I-" y/n cut herself off. Would it be a good decision to tell them? She figured Harry would've gone past and said something, or if he had figured it all out before y/n, he would've gone and gotten the cloak before heading off to the Forbidden Forrest. "I don't know if I should say," she added and watched as Hermione paused, just barely revealing the cloak from the bag.
"Why not?" She interrogated again. Y/n's lip trembled violently, sighing as she looked down and could feel the sting in her eyes once more.
"He's one of them," she huffed, shoulders deflating. "He's a horcrux," she added, wiping her eyes as a way to pause the flow of the tears. "but we have the deathly hallows! I need that cloak and need to give it to him," she swallowed. "I thought he would've grabbed it on the way down to the Forrest, I have no idea where harry is right now," y/n finished, her lungs tightening.
"Please say you're lying," Ron told, looking at y/n with nothing but disbelief in his eyes, trying to force these news out his mind. His mouth closed and his lips began to tremble too.
"I'm sorry," she replied with a shrug, and looking through her squinted eyes, she noticed hermiones hand trembling on the cloak. "Please Hermione, I can't let him die," she begged, reaching her hand over for her friend to pass the fabric.
And with a large swallow, Hermione silently passed over the cloak, unable to speak and just let out her small breaths, the shock completely overwhelming her.
"You're not going to sacrifice yourself for him though, right?" She asked, tears rolling from both of her eyes, looking at her friend intensely, trying to figure out y/n's plan.
"No," she answered plainly and with a shake of her head. "If harry hasn't seen you already he's most likely on his way over there now just accepting his fate, and I can't let that happen," y/n told, squeezing the cloak tight in her grip.
Ron and Hermione looked back to her and nodded, eyesbrows twitching, lips wobbling and eyes completely washed over with a layer of their tears, unable to pull back their sobs this time. However, through the complete despair written across their faces, their eyes spoke to y/n more. The glimmered, in the reflection of fire across the staircase, they looked back at her with a sense of hope, and y/n couldn't seem to rip their eyes away from her own.
"Quickly then," Ron told in a hushed voice, his voice broke in his last word, reaching for her back and encouraging her to move on.
She nodded before letting out a small and sad smile to them both, rushing off down the stairs until she paused for a second twisting her body back round and let out a sigh.
"Be safe," she told, watching as they both nodded once more, pulling the cloak out from it's folded position and pulled it over her shoulders, swallowing her body into nothing by thin air.
Y/n continued her journey down the stairs, eyes still spilling with her tears, but managing to wipe them away with each breathe she took, hugging the cloak closer to her every chance she got, her mind overflowing with thoughts about Harry and her heart seemed to race, she needed to find him immediately and the only place she could think of harry going to was the forbidden forest, there was no other place for him to be.
She knew harry well, especially when it came to such shocking news like this. He would avoid everyone as soon as possible and make sure to be alone for a long as possible until something could drag him out of it. the panic about his life was astronomical, but there is a way to solve it, it was in their hands, she needed to find him immediately.
Just as she turned to her right and prepared to escape out of the hogwarts grounds she noticed Harry's jacket, already so far in the distance, but still a manageable running length away, he didn't seem to be walking at a quick pace, more like he was taking his time as he walked.
When suddenly, a voice echoed from inside of the main hall, one she'd recognise anywhere, the one voice that would my her heart skip a beat any second. She turned around immediately to notice Neville, a students body over his shoulder just how firefighters would carry bodies out of a burning building.
She watched as he gently pulled them down, grabbing the back of their head and slowly squatted over them to delicately place them inside of a stretcher, moving away immediately and out of the great halls steps and noticed too more boys with a body on their shoulders too.
"Did you find anymore in the west wing?" He asked, holding his hands by his hips, letting out his gasps of air after carrying the dead body from so many flights of stairs.
"No more, I think we've now looked at everywhere possible Neville," Oliver Wood responded, pausing with the other boy, Neville nodded.
"Alright, just make sure to rest a bit, let the medical figure out the rest alright?" He told, watching as the previous quidditch captain nod and head off into the great hall, turning back on his heel quickly. "Have you seen y/n anywhere at all?" He quickly quizzed them, the two boys shook their heads before continuing their mission, Neville stood and sighed.
Y/n couldn't bare it. She was beyond grateful to know that Neville was alive, but the panic was written across his face. She watched as he sat against some debris and pressed his elbows onto his knees and rubbed at his sweaty face. Y/n then turned to where Harry continued walking inside of the courtyard, moving closer to the bridge that trailed off to the Forbidden Forrest then back to Neville sat all alone.
Her boys. The two boys she needed the most in her life, all alone. It was easy to just tell Neville that she is safe and she's alive but time was ticking for Harry's safety, and after some back and fourths she knew she needed to sprint after Harry now, she will be able to see Neville again because he will look after himself, this time, she needs to be reckless, to save Harry.
She cried the entire time she sprinted through the courtyard. Desperate to just run back to Neville and hug him as tight as possible and kiss him tenderly, but she needed to make sure Harry would be alive. She just wouldn't stop crying, even though she believed she had nothing left in her, she wouldn't stop running or crying.
By the time she had managed to get to the Forbidden Forest she was just two meters behind harry, watching as he lolled inside of the woods, slowly making his way into the dark depths of it. The tears had remained stuck of her cheeks, but the sniffles were prominent, pulling back her father leather jacket to wipe the sleeve of her jumper against her nose every now and then to prevent making so much noise.
Eventually, Harry paused in a large patch of grass but the tall trees surrounded them both. She eyeballed his every movement, from the deep breathe he took then reaching into his jacket pocket where he pulled out the snitch he was gifted in Dumbledores will.
He took another deep breathe, tugging the snitch tightly as he gradually pulled it to his lips, grazing them against its metal before saying out loud: "I'm ready to die,".
The tears began to form in y/n's eyes again, hearing the words she never wanted to believe. How can a 17 year old be ready to die? it was wild to her. There surely wasn't a way that he was prepared to stop living. Although, with everything going on, how can you expect to just go to bed after this? that's if they were going to actually make it out of this alive.
Then it struck her again. Harry can't live. He has to be dead for this to all be over. Even if the deathly hallows work, he still needs to die for it to all be over. The flood works began streaming again.
That was all before she noticed the small black stone rising from inside of the snitch, guiding its way up to harry. She let out a breath of relief and smiled, including her trembling bottom lip.
"you've figured it out" she sighed, pulling the cloak halfway off her body when Harry very swiftly looked behind him and his eyes grew at the sight of her, snitch in one hand, the resurrection stone in the other.
"what are you doing here," he asked, pointing at her with the hand that held the stone.
"Harry I've-" she was quickly cut off.
"No you should be back at hogwarts, you said you wanted to find nev-" he argued, getting closer to her.
"I saw him but liste-" she tried to intrude.
"You're supposed to let me do this alone!" He bellowed, looking at her desperately, y/n shook her head.
"I can't harry because I've realise-" she was interrupted again.
"I need to do this so you and everyone can be alive and-" he continued, tears forming inside of his eyes.
"Would you listen to me for one second!" She screamed back at him, harry paused, straightening his posture to listen. "I can't let you do this alone!" She told him again, her eyes streaming as she looked at him desperately. "I know how-" she paused.
Harry has accepted death and she knew that. Although she has the deathly hallows she is still unsure on how they actually work. She swallowed when then small realisation came to mind. What if you have to actually accept your death before you die? Is that the only way the deathly hallows work.
But looking at her brother, she could just only vision how he was when they were 11, living in the cupboard and working like slaves for the Dursley's. This poor boy never knew what he had coming. This was her family, since the beginning. This was all she really had left to keep her living.
"Harry, you are my brother and you're my only family I have left." She told, closing her mouth before it opened again. "I came down here because I wanted you to know that you're not alone when you die," she lied, now holding the visibility cloak tight in her hands and she cried again. "as much as I need you in my life forever I also know we're trapped in this loop and that you have to die for this all to be over, and I just wish it was me rather than you," she told, holding her head low until she piped up again. "you deserved the happiest life, being raised by James and Lily and you didn't deserve to be lied to you're whole life and I'm so sorry this is the only way," she added, shaking her head meanwhile looking at harry, who had the look of dread in his eyes, they almost seemed hollow. "I love you so much, you are so important to me, I appreciate you all for the best years of my life and just being by my side through thick and thin," she continued, completing rambling at this point, everything she didn't realise she felt and she's just glad she got to tell him this to his alive state rather than to his grave. "I thought that if I could just be beside you somehow it might make it...I guess easier to die, knowing that you're family is with you always," she finished, beginning to hold onto herself as she cried, letting in a big suck of air as a way to get her to stop crying.
Harry pounces on her, engulfing her in this tight hug, squeezing her in his arms. Y/n returned the hug, crying into his shoulder feeling herself shake inside of his steady arms, holding into him tightly.
"Everyone has to die, I probably should've expected I'd die in the hands of you-know-who," harry announced, still tightly embracing y/n, his head now tucked into his sisters shoulder.
"I just can't believe this is real," y/n said, sniffing dramatically. "you don't deserve this," she hiccuped, pulling on his crème jacket.
"I know," he replied. "but I'm glad, that me, finally stepping down can also protect my friends and family too just how my parents did in their ways," he revealed, feeling that they were slowly swaying in their hug, making sure that they don't let go.
"I'm sorry," she told, her crying began to fade.
"I'm sorry too," he responded, pulling away slowly and just held onto her arms, just how Sirius would. "thank you," he looked at her, his eyes glossy and held a courageous smile. "I think the company of you being around as I die is a good idea," he nodded to her, his lips squeezed together in a tight line as he let out a small sigh.
"I'm glad you think the same," she said, somewhat thankfully her lie was convincing enough, she looked down to where his hands were, gingerly reaching her hand out to the black stone, looking at the deathly hallows symbol carved just on top of its diamond body. "it's the ressurection stone, I didn't even know you could put things in a snitch," she chuckled to herself, harry let out a small laugh too, feeling y/n's cold hands against his clammy ones.
He put the snitch back into his pocket and placed his hand over theirs that crowded around the small gem, the same hand squeezing against it all, the warmth capsulated inside of their fingers and palms. He looked up at his sister one more time, watching as she looked up at him too, searching for any form of backfiring within his eyes. Yet the only thing she could read was spirit, she let out a sigh and nodded back at him.
Their telepathic way of saying: "you're okay."
They were swept up in each others arms again, attempting to just get even closer despite them almost crushing each others ribs with how desperately they hugged each other. It was probably the most they've ever hugged throughout their lives, hug like this always came out when the pair of them needed support. Eyes squeezed shut and noses pressed into each others shoulders, hands tightly balled up each other clothes and both painfully fighting the urge to cry.
Y/n's eyes sprung open at the sound of leaves crunching and the sight before her was unbelievable. There stood her father, younger than when she last saw him, just before he died. He didn't have those prominent crows feet that rested just under his eyes, the skin against his forehead were smoother than what she last recalled but she noticed that his smile lines were the most engraved thing against his face, as if he had been smiling for years. Just holding a gentle smile against his beard made it as if he actually was smiling even wider. Y/n's breath hitched as she properly looked up.
"Dad?" y/n blinked, pulling away from the hug as Harry turned around too, noticing Sirius standing before them.
"It's me flowerpot," he told with a bigger smile, his teeth shown. Y/n let out another breathe as she let go of Harry and sprinted to where her father stood, her hand outstretched and ready to fully attack him with a hug, when she noticed her hand fall through his stomach, particles of smoke brushed past her fingertips and out to the air, she pulled her hand back and paused looking back at her dad. A quick reminder that this was his ghost. He would never be alive again. His expression changed, a disappointed look, he seemed to want to hug his daughter just as badly as she did, but he offered her a small smile before nodding over her shoulder, indicating for her to look.
There stood Lily, who was losing her hand after Harry tried the same thing that y/n had. She looked at him affectionately.
"youve been so brave sweetheart," she told Harry. "so brave," her eyebrows furrowing to emphasise her words. The teens could only stare at the passed away relatives, unable to move, just their heads turning to all those recognisable faces that softly smiled back at them.
"why are you here?" Harry questioned. "all of you," he said swallowing hard, holding back his tears, his glance turned back to his mother.
"We never left," she softly responded, with a gentle shake of her head.
"well i never got a chance to meet you in person," an odd voice spoke, y/n and harry both turned to the woman who was stood beside her fiancée, it was surprising that y/n didn't already notice her as she ran to her father, Harry's head must've blocked her out of her vision.
She pulled away from where both and harry stood, her mouth agape and mouth twitching for things to say. The woman had passed down every feature of hers to her daughter, it was uneasy seeing her standing and moving right before y/n's eyes after only just being able to see her in still photos or through her own imagination. Yet there she was smiling back at y/n, with a big grin, she was so happy.
"Mum," y/n spoke, her smile drooped into a frown when she noticed Glinda nod back to her, taking in jagged breathes as she glared at her longingly. It was seriously as if she looked at herself in the mirror with just no more strands of black stripes in her hair, she was magnificent.
"You've grown up so much," she smiled back at her daughter, a sad smile tugged at her lips again. "You were so small in my arms," she added, bending her arms slightly to mimic how she held her daughter as a newborn, before swallowing and sighed. Y/n could just feel the pain radiating from her, as if she was truly alive, but it was just her ghost, the cold and misty residue of her soul.
"does it hurt dying?" Harry asked Sirius, stumbling over to where his god-father stood, Sirius shrugged.
"quicker than falling asleep," he responded, looking back at harry.
"youre nearly there son," James called out from the other side of the circle that formed around the two teens, grabbing both of their attention.
"im sorry...i never wanted any of you to die for me," Harry replied, with a sense of hesitancy at his lips, for the first time since entering the forest. "And Remus your son," he turned to where Lupin stood, his hands clasped together in front of him.
"others will tell him what his other and father died for. one day, he'll understand," he reassured his small frame, nodding at him slightly. Y/n looked back at Harry, her eyebrows raised with sorrow, her chest clenched in pain, due to all the guilt she felt looking at all of her deceased loved ones, reliving all of the responsibility she felt for their untimely deaths.
"youll say with me," Harry requested, eyeballing his parents, who both smiled back at him.
"until the end," James told.
"and he wont be able to see you?" Harry asked again, y/n could feel the anxiety bubbling up in both of their stomachs.
"no," Sirius replied, lifting his hand to where Harry's chest was. "we're here you see," he added, pointing his index finger right at Harry's heart, similar to how he did when they freed him from the tallest tower and helped him escape. Harry could only wish that it was still his entire palm against his chest.
"stay close to me," he told them all, burying down that lump that formed inside of his throat.
"always," Lily told, her lip wobbled slightly before offering a smile to her son.
"Let's walk you to where they are right now," James suggested, hand outstretched into the direction he was referring to, Harry nodded reluctantly.
Remus walked ahead, hands stilll clasped together as he took the lead directing the kids to where the Death Eaters and Voldemort stood. Harry walked inbewteen his parents meanwhile y/n walked beside her own. As small conversation arose between the three in front of her mostly questioning about snapes memories and asking for conformation, Lily and James would nod silently and slip in their own little memories here and there.
"Mum?" Y/n spoke, realising how foreign it felt to be asking out for her mother after so many years of not being able to. She looked over to her and she copied. "Why was it that you didn't want dad to look after me once you died?" She asked and watched the smile that form on Glinda's lips turned into a sigh.
"I've been waiting to tell you this all of your life," she responded, eager to spill the story for the first time. "Slughorn heard me wrong." She told, looking back at her daughter. "I told him to take you to Lily and James since I knew Sirius wasn't going to be home. But because I was dying and loosing conciousness everytime I spoke...he misheard me," she added, looking ahead at her friends. "I wanted to Sirius to look after you because I knew he's be a wonderful father and I knew he would come for Lily and James house once he knew I wasn't at home eventually, but he told them that I didn't want you to be looked after by him...he must've been so panicked about my death that must've been the only thing he picked up on me saying," she shrugged as they went over a small hill together.
"That means," y/n turned to look at her father who just looked back at her sadly.
"I probably wouldn't of gone to Azkaban if Slughorn had heard your mother correctly," he said, trudging down the hill and watched as James and Lily shared a small chuckle together, harry smiling back up to them.
"I like that boy you're with though, should say it now before I can't," Glinda perked up, her hands interlocked in between her own. "He's so wonderful to you," she told, and watched as her daughter welled up with tears again.
"Dad said the same," she replied, pushing the tear off from her cheeks, she could hear both of her parents let out a laugh from their nostrils.
The rest of the walk grew still, the only sounds being heard were Harry's and y/n's pitter patter of footsteps, when eventually they were met with another hill, a much more taller one with trees planted in a specific pathway.
"Just behind that hill is where they all stand," Remus told making the group stall. Harry nodded and turned back around to y/n, who just immediately outstretched her hand with the invisiblity cloak.
"I'll turn animagi and stand by some group of trees," she said, as if to answer his question of how she'd stay hidden with him in death. "Take it," she encouraged him, shaking the cloak towards him. "Maybe wear it whilst you go down there, so they don't expect you so much," she suggested, her eyes burning as she blinked, expecting to cry even more, but nothing followed.
"Okay," Harry responded with a nod, grabbing the cloak and squeezed the two objects in his hands, looking back at his parents, Remus, Sirius and Glinda.
Harry then, forcefully, turned on his heel and enveloped the cloak over his shoulders, burying himself inside of the fabric until he showed up as nothing inside of the forest, only being able to mark his footsteps through the dent of the leaves as he stepped against them.
Y/n then felt the tears burning and streaming down her face again, another moment of her expecting that she could no longer cry again failed, she was slowly feeling her knees buckle as she pressed the back of her hand against her open mouth, attempting to hold herself back from screaming in agony, the pain of death being the worst form of torture she had ever felt.
"everything is getting better darling," y/n could hear Glinda tell from behind her, feeling a pang in her chest once more, as she looked up to her loved ones again, tears making her vision blurring. "it will all be over soon," she added as y/n scraped her sweaty palms against her jeans as a way to calm her nerves.
"You best hurry," Sirius told, pointing over to a hoard of trees in the distance, she looked and nodded, turning back to them all again.
"Thank you," she told her parents firstly, as her vision shifted to Lily and James, who were holding onto each other with a sad expression across their faces rather than the tough ones they held infront of harry. "Thank you so much," she told them as she looked at Remus, then back to her parents. "I love you all," she added, watching them all nod back at her with bright smiles across their faces.
She pounced through the air and felt her skin grow warm inside of her clothes, patting her feet against the ground and scurried away through her dog form, subconsciously making crying noses as she ran.
She escaped out of her animagi form as soon as she found a secluded spot to keep her vision directly onto where Harry stood, sitting against her calves and peeking every so often at where the death eaters stood, now shocked at the boy who finally revealed himself from underneath the cloak.
"Harry?! No! What are yer doin' here!" Hagrid bellowed, beneath all the ropes and the tight neck chain, his large arms wrapped together behind his back. His cries were enough to make y/n's whole body violently shake with tears, her attempts of holding back crying were finished. She was terrified of what was to come, her chest felt just like it was about to burst, all the air was sucked out of her lungs, her face felt wet and all she could notice was the aggressive trembling that coursed across her entire body.
"Harry Potter," Voldemort called out into the full forest air, the elder wand rising up as he mouth hung open, preparing for the last words he could fathom to the boy. It was so evidently clear that Voldemort was growing weak. "the boy who lived," he continued, heaving, desperate to kill the teenager standing a few meters from him. "come to die," he finished, twirling his wand to the side slightly and ticked his bald head to the side.
Y/n was now quivering like a leaf of a windy day, her mouth dry as she attempted to let out shallow breathes to hide her identity within the trees, her exhales were harsh against the bark of the tree she eagerly hid behind. The suspense was wearing her thin, her heartbeat pulsed intensely inside of her ear drums, she swallowed as she looked to the ground, squeezing her eyes shut, trying to shut off the entire scene she was witnessing, the pit of doom creating an awful sensation of vomit in her throat.
"avarda kedavra!" Voldemort called out and immediately y/n raised her hands to her ears, pressing them firmly against her skull to just try and pretend that this wasn't all real. Her tears falling onto the leaves that sat just below her.
A shockwave blew through the woods, causing y/n to be brushed back on her to her bottom, holding herself up with the elbows that locked up just behind her and caught her just enough to look out immediately and notice Harry laying across the floor, sideways and his face turned away from Voldemort, who too, had been knocked to the dirt.
Panic ensued right away as she noticed no sign of movement in Harry. The boy laid completely still. She swallowed hard against the sensation of puke in her throat as she stood up, pressing herself against the tree she stood at, her eyes bulging out of its sockets, trying to see anything move inside of Harry's body, except he remained still.
Meanwhile, Bellatrix had scurried over to where Voldemort laid gasping for all the air that was winded out of him on impact of his killing curse, mumbling words to each other that y/n couldn't pick up, just as he shoved Bellatrix away and noticed Narcissa scrambling over to where Harry had laid, hesitantly looking over at him before turning back to the Death Eaters.
"The he dead?" Bellatrix questioned her sister ahead of her, her hands still rested on Voldemort's just as Narcissa turned back to Harry, crouching down to him.
There was a still pause that passed through everyone in the forest, preparing for the most obvious answer possible meanwhile that had y/n behind a tree, in her human form almost gulping for any air the world had to give her since it felt so out of grip.
It wasn't until narcissa stood up, with her hands balled into fists and turned back to her family with a sharp head turn and the words rolled of her tongue so delicately: "dead,".
Y/n pounced out into the air in a fit of rage, her animagi taking full form again, sprinting over to Narcissa as her Scottish deerhound form began to firefly bark to the blonde woman, barking and biting at her to get away, watching as the woman would jump back in fright, making some eventual room between herself and Harry, turning around and trotting back to where her brother laid, poking her nose to where his back was pressed against the floor, attempting to make him move.
"Kill that dog," Voldemort ordered and with no hesitation, green sparks shattered the quiet night, clutching y/n right in the thigh of her animagi form.
It felt as if she had the cruciatius curse placed upon her rather than the killing curse. Feeling her leg squeeze like a cramp that followed through the rest of her body until her entire dog form seized up and forced her out of her animagi form and crumbled over Harry's shoulder, her back facing the death eaters and completely vulnerable of her identity to them all.
One thing though. She survived, again.
The cramps, the burning hot patch that rested just where her uterus would lay had vanished. Like the sensation of death had completely released her entirely. A cool shiver of relief washed over her system. she opened her eyes as she knew they were covered from her head hanging low over Harry's shoukder and looked sideways just where Harry's head was.
That's where she noticed his green eyes looking back at her, his alarmed look reminding her not to say a word. Once more a rush of relief made the beads of sweat feel cold against her skin. It was hard to not jump up and figure out if she was dreaming or not, or try figure out if she had really died or not.
"Stay still," harry mouthed silently over to her, y/n just blinked in response as she knew she had to play dead just like her brother.
"double wammy!" A random Death Eater cried, a bundle of laughter fell through the sky. "It's the sister, we got them both my Lord!" Another death eater called out, the laughter began to settle, only indicating that Voldemort had caused something to make them behave.
"get the giant to carry them," voldermort ordered once more.
Y/n felt her heart drop knowing Hagrid would be carrying them both back to hogwarts. preparing herself to be tossed around, she drew in a shallow but long breathe, feeling a tough pair of hands against her waist then onto her arms and they pushed up her deadweight inside of hagrids arms, feeling like a baby being settled, just as Harry was placed just behind her and closest to hagrids chest, their faces seemed to be close, y/n's head uncomfortably tucked in more than harry as his head was rested comfortably onto hagrids arm. Once all set, the Death Eaters began to make their move out of the forest and towards the castle.
so sorry for the late update! fan fiction writer curse is real! won't get into it until like when I've finished this book (WHICH SHOULDNT BE LONG NOW BUT I AM BUSY BUT IM DETERMINED OF COMPLETING THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL).
hope you enjoyed this chapter! I really liked writing this and getting right into y/n's feelings! thanks for reading <3
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