"I've always heard hogwarts' end of year exams were frightful, but I found them rather enjoyable," hermione announced as the four kids left the castle and walked into outdoor courtyard, Hermione smiled happily as Ron gave her a confused look.
"Speak for yourself," Ron replied, Harry walked beside them his hand pressed up at his lightning bolt shaped scar.
"What's wrong Harry?" Y/n asked her brother who continued to rub his scar.
"My scar. It keeps burning," he replied.
"That's happened before?" Hermione spoke in a questionable tone
"Not like this," he responded.
"Perhaps you should see the nurse." Ron suggested to his friend, Harry shook his head in response.
"I think it's a warning. It means dangers coming." He yelped as he rubbed his scar more causing unsettlement to rise a little before Harry looked over at something.
"Of course!" He announced as the others looked in that direction.
"What?" Y/n asked, Harry suddenly began to walk ahead of his friend and towards Hagrid playing the flute gently outside of his home.
"Dont you think it's a bit odd that what hagrid wants more than anything is a dragon, and a stranger shows up and just happens to have one?" Harry theorised. They all approached hagrid who was playing on his flute, a small rhythm leaving the instrument. "I mean how many people wander around with dragon eggs in their pockets? Why didn't I see it before?" Harry asked himself. "Hagrid who gave you the dragon egg? What did he look like?" Harry asked the man.
"I don't know. I never saw his face. He kept his hood up." Hagrid said.
"The stranger though, you and he must've talked," Harry asked, the three behind him not knowing where this conversation was going.
"Well he wanted to know what sort of creatures I looked after I told him, I said, 'after Fluffy a dragons gonna be no problem." Hagrid said.
"And did he seem interested in Fluffy?" Harry questioned.
"Well of course he was interested in Fluffy! How often do you come across a three headed dog, even if you're in the trade? But I told him, I said 'the trick with any beast is to know how to calm him. Take fluffy for example, just play him a bit of music and he falls straight asleep'" hagrid told the children and it suddenly clicked inside of y/n's head as she gasped looking at the other children. "I shouldn't have told you that," he said as they didn't waste any time to peg it back to the castle. "Where you going! Wait!" Hagrid said as they all continued to run, the kids didn't stop sprinting until they all reached Professor Mcgonagalls classroom.
"We have to see Dumbledore, immediately!" Harry yelled.
"I'm afraid Professor Dumbledores not here. He received an urgent owl from the ministry of magic and left immediately for London," she told them. No Dumbledore + Voldermort possibly in the school grounds= danger.
"He's gone? Now? But this is important! It's about...the Philosophers stone," Harry told her, watching as their professors facial expression changed.
"How do you know?" She asked them.
"Someone's going to try steal it!" Harry half yelled at the Professor.
"I don't know how you four found out about the stone but I can assure it is perfectly well-protected. Now would you go back to your dormitories? Queietly," she ordered the children as their mouths gaped.
"But-" y/n said before being unturned.
"No buts, now off you go," she said as they all hurried out of her classroom.
"That was no stranger to hagrid met in the village. It was Snape, which means he knows how to get past Fluffy," Harry announced.
"And Dumbledore gone..." hermione added.
"This'll be a tricky job," y/n said before a man in all black appeared from behind them.
"Good afternoon. Now, what would four young Gryffindors such as yourselves be doing inside a day like this?" Snap asked
"Oh, we were just you know... library," y/n lied, terribly.
"You want to be careful. People will think you're..." Snape said to the three and turned sharply at y/n. "Up to something," Snape then walked away.
"Now what do we do? Hermione asked the kids.
"We go down the trapdoor, tonight," Harry told them.
The four kids were dressed and ready for their mission. Hermione wearing a scratchy grandma cardigan done up with a grey skirt and white socks with her school shoes. Harry wore his red jumper y/n bought him for Christmas and pale Creme trousers, Ron had grey trousers and shirt on with a plaid shirt handing loosing over the tip as for y/n just wore her red and black stripy top with her acid washed jeans.
They went to head across the common room before hearing frog croaking, y/n looked down to see Trevor sitting beside her foot, she picked him up.
"Trevor," she whispered.
"Trevor, shh! Put him somewhere y/n he shouldn't be here," Ron said as y/n walked over to a table a body came up from behind a tall armchair.
"Neither should you. You're sneaking out again, aren't you?" Neville told them as they stood their helplessly.
"Now Neville listen, we were-" Harry began before getting interrupted.
"No! I won't let you! You'll get Gryffindor in trouble again! I-I-I'll fight you." Neville said as y/n went over to him and went to pull his fists down.
"Neville, I don't think that'll-" y/n began before hermione then interrupted
"Neville, I'm really, really sorry about this..." she said and pulled out her wand pointing it to him. "Petrificus Totalus," hermione chanted as Nevilles hands zoomed to his sides as his body went an icy blue as he fell back hard in the floor.
"You're a little scary sometimes hermione, you know that? Amesome but scary," Ron told the girl standing beside her.
"Agreed," y/n said as she put the toad next to Neville. "Lets go," she said as they all hid underneath the invisibility cloak, beginning to sneak along to corridor.
"Ow! You stood on my foot!" Hermione whisper yelled at Ron.
"Sorry," he replied, earning an eye roll of hermione. A flame ignited and Hermione pulled out her wand.
"Alohamora," she said as the door unlocked and they headed inside, the dog steady asleep.
"Wait a minute, Fluffys asleep," y/n whispered to her friends.
"Snapes already been here, he's put a spell on the harp," Harry said.
"Harry I don't think it was Snape," y/n said as her brother furrowed his brows.
"Well how do you know?" Harry fired at her.
"Because Snape wasn't the man who gave you that scar," y/n replied a little too loud that the dog flicked slightly.
"Uh it's got horrible dog breath," Ron announced.
"We have to move its paw," Harry demanded.
"What?" Ron squeaked.
"Come on," Harry ordered "okay! Push!" Harry said as the four pushed its paw aside slightly.
"I'll go first. Don't follow until I give you a sign if something bad happens, get yourselves out." Harry said and paused. "Does it seem a little quiet?" He asked.
"The harp, it's stopped playing," y/n whispered as they all heard ron squeak.
"Ugh! Yuck!" Ron said as he saw the drool drip down his shoulder. Y/n and hermione both gagged in disgust but they all looked up seeing the dog wide awake and snarling down at the four.
It suddenly began to bark and attack the four and as it did so it smashed the harp into two as Harry ordered them to jump inside the trap door.
Y/n was the first to jump in and realise the weird feeling of slimy branches begin to wrap around her body as the rest jumped down afterwards.
"Who's, Lucky this plant-thing is here, really," Ron spoke looking around.
"Whoa!" Harry said, everyone began to realise that the plant was wrapping around them.
"Hermione? Any ideas on what this is?" Y/n asked her friend as the plant began to tighten around their hands, arms, legs, waist and neck.
"Let me think," Hermione said, not really struggling.
"Well is hate to burst your bubble Hermione but we don't have much time so could you please think more quickly?" Ron asked, struggling his way through.
"Oh wait I remember!" She squeaked. "This is the devils snare. You have to relax. If you don't it'll only kill you faster," she said as she watched the boys struggle. She looked over at y/n who was beginning to settle down.
"Kill is faster?! oh, now I can relax!" Ron said as he been to pull on the plants and jump around.
Hermione pulled a fake smile at Ron before being sucked underneath the black branches.
"Hermione!" Y/n cried out, struggling in the branches.
"Now what are we gonna do?" Ron yelled, panic rolling off his tongue.
"Just relax!" Hermione yelled from underneath the plants, y/n looked over at the boys.
"Listen to hermione," she told, calming her sense and falling underneath and onto the stone floor.
"Girls!" They heard harry yell.
"We're okay! Just relax!" Y/n called, not too long later Harry was sucked underneath.
"Harry!" Ron cried.
"You alright?" Y/n asked Harry as he nodded.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine," he told the girls as they heard aggressive fidgeting from the plant.
"Help!" Ron called again as they looked to each other.
"He's not relaxing is he?" Y/n said to hermione as she shook her head.
"Apparently not," she said and looked up.
"Help! help me!" Ron yelled.
"We've got to do something!" Hermione yelled.
"Isn't there another way?" Y/n asked as she began to pace.
"I remember reading something in herbology. Um devils snare, devils snare, its deadly fun...but will sulk in the sun, that's it! The devils snare hates sunlight!" She said and pulled out her wand. "Oh if only where was wood, we could start a fire-," she announced, as the large veiny plant jumbled up and down.
"ARE YOU MAD!" Ron yelled "ARE YOU A WITCH OR WHAT?" Ron called, as Hermione's eyes lightened up, wiping out her long wand with leaves imprinted on the outside.
"Lumos solem!" Hermione called, a burst of white light blinded the kids view causing Ron to fall out of the plants grasp and land against the stone the ground roughly.
"Ron, are you okay?" Harry asked, giving him a hand and pulling him up.
"Yeah," he replied, wiping the dust off him. "Except one thing, we almost died!" He yelled.
"Well we're still going Ronnie," y/n said. Suddenly a noise erupted not too far from them. "What on merlins beard was that?" Y/n asked.
"I don't know, sounds like... wings?" He said in a questionable tone. We entered to room filled with a strange type of birds.
"Curious, I've never seen birds like those," hermione said looking upwards.
"Their not birds, they're keys, and I bet one of them fits through that door," Harry said as he pointed to the closest door. Ron walked over to it and pulled his wand out.
"Alohamora!" He called as nothing happened it needed a key. "Worth a try," he told them.
"Ugh! What're we going to do? There must be 1000 keys up there!" Hermione groaned in fustration.
"Were looking for a big old fashioned rusty one, probably rusty like the handle," Harry said as they looked through all of the flying keys.
"There! Look the broken winged one!" Y/n pointed at the key near some fast keys who was trying to keep up. Harry looks around.
"What's wrong Harry?" Hermione asked.
"It's too simple," Harry replied.
"Oh go on Harry if Snape can catch it on that old broomstick you can! You're the youngest seeker in a century," Ron told his friend with lifted Harry's spirits a little.
"Still don't think it's Snape," y/n said crossing her hands.
"Yeah, whatever," Harry said as he walked to the broomstick, taking hold of it. Just as he held it in his hand the keys began to zoom in his direction poking him as he sat on the broomstick and been to swipe them.
"This complicated things a bit!" Ron said.
Harry lifted off into the air, the keys still attacking him as he flies after the key, gripping it tight in his hand.
"I've caught it!" Harry yelled and throws the key to his sister, she fumbled with it slightly as she inserted it unlocking the door.
"Hurry up!" Ron yelled impatiently.
"Alright!" Y/n said in the same time as the three jogged inside and Harry zoomed inside shutting the door quickly as the keys slam on the door. They walked inside to see a particularly dark room with broken pieces around them.
"I don't like this, I don't like this at all," hermione announced.
"Where are we? A graveyard?" Harry questioned, the four moving closer.
"This is no graveyard. It's a chessboard," Ron announced as they all checked out the scenery.
They stepped into the marble board as flames ignited around them, making the giant characters more intimidating then they were before.
"There's the door," Harry said, they all strutted towards it until they turned up at a line of paws, they showed off their swords as they all jumped back, not risking being killed.
"Jesus!" Y/n yelled. "Now what do we do?" She whined.
"It's obvious isn't it? We've got to play out way across the room, alright? Harry, you sir the bishops square. Hermione you'll be the queens side class, y/n you'll be queen and as for me I'll be a knight," Ron told the kids as they went to take their positions.
"Ron I don't know how to play," y/n said as he looked to her.
"Just listen to what I have to say and do it, okay?" Ron said and she nodded.
"What happens now?" Hermione asked.
"Well whites moves first, and then...we play," Ron announced. A chest piece on the other side moved forward.
"Ron you don't think this is like...real wizards chess? Do you?" Harry asked.
"You there D-5!" Ron yelled pointing at a black pawn, it shifted across the marble. The white pawn raised it sword as it smashes the black pawn into smitherines. "Yes I think it is Harry," Ron said.
They continued with more pieces flying off the chess set and Ron almost getting killed. Perched on top of the knight piece.
"Castle to E-4! Pawn to C-3!" Ron ordered the objects as the queen turned and smashed an object, the queen turning again.
"Wait a minute," Harry paused.
"You understand right, Harry. Once I make my move, the queen will take me...then you'll be free to check the king," Ron told his friend.
"What?" Y/n asked questionably.
"What! What is it?" Hermione asked too.
"He's going to sacrifice himself!" Harry told her across the chess set.
"No! No their must be another way!" Hermione called.
"We need to stick together, Ron you can't!" Y/n said afterwards.
"Do you want to stop Snape or not? Harry it's you that has to go on, I know it, not me, not Hermione, not even y/n, you," Ron told his friends and Harry nodded sadly.
" H-3," Ron ordered nervously as the horse moved forwards he held on tighter. "Check," Ron said as the queen turned and clutched her steel sword, Ron's eyes becoming round as his breath hitched. The queen stopped. He crashed into the floor with a thud and screams in pain, rumble being thrown around him.
"RON!" Both Harry and y/n yelled. Hermione began to walk to him. "NO!" They both yelled.
"Don't move, Don't forget we're still playing," Harry told the bushy haired girl as she agreed moving back. Harry moved in a slowly to face the king. "Checkmate," Harry says.
The queens swords descended onto the ground, Harry let go of his holding breath and they all ran over the the ginger boy.
"Take care of Ron, then go to the owlets. Send a message to Dumbledore. Rons right," Harry paused. "I have to go on," he told the two.
"You'll be okay Harry, you're a great wizard, you really are," Hermione reassured the boy as he smiled.
"And whoever is in there, you can defeat them, you're brave Harry," y/n told her brother as she pulls in for a hug, hermione joined in as the kids watched Harry walk away into the door, giving them a short wave before the door closed behind him.
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