There was always another pub in Hogsmeade, however it was a pub nobody visited due to the fact their bottles and cups were always dusty and growing mould, it would be a good spot for the children to visit due to the fact they needed a secretive spot for their to discuss the beginning of a wizard army.
Y/n and Harry sat silently, heads both down and wishing to just leave meanwhile plenty of kids began to gather up inside the small room, Hermione and Ron had already set up the chairs to face the four teenagers already, y/n's head constantly bobbing up to recognise any familiar faces, and in fact, she saw plenty, so did Harry. This only made them feel like jelly, a room of suspicious looking expressions written across their faces.
"Hum hi," Hermione stood up, too proudly when noticing the amount of children spilling inside of the room had stopped. "So you all know why you're here, we need a teacher, a proper teacher, ones that had experience defending themselves against the dark arts," Hermione told them, a small blonde boy from the front spoke up.
"Why? Because you-know-who's back you tosspot," Ron responded, Hermione shoved at his shoulder.
"So he says," the blonde boy added.
"So Dumbledore's says," a raven haired girl spoke from the left side of the room
"So Dumbledore says because he said," A boy in Gryffindor questioned, his eye-brows knitted. "point is where's the proof?" He added.
"If Potter and Black could just tell us how Diggory got killed.." Michael Corner, Ravenclaw raven haired boy spoke up, y/n recognised the boy as he sat next to Ginny, appropriate since they were dating. She watched as Ginny looked at him offended.
"We're not going to tell you about Cedric so if that's why you're here clear out now," harry announced, his eyes looking up towards the handful of kids inside the damp room. Nobody moved, they remained still as they all heard the wind pushing against itself outside the window.
"This is ridiculous, they're here because of Cedric not for genuine Defence skills Hermione," Y/n stood up turning to Hermione as Harry did too.
"Is it true you can perform the patronus charm both of you?" Luna lovegood quiet voice echoed through the still room, they stood still until Hermione spoke up.
"Yes I've seen it," Hermione announced, nodding proudly.
"well only harry," y/n muttered under her breath.
"And killed a basilisk with a sword in Dumbledore's office," Neville announced, a smile against his face, Ginny nodded turning back to Neville then towards Harry and Y/n again.
"It's true," she announced, also smiling.
"That part was all Harry," y/n mumbled.
"Third year he fought off a hundred dementors at once and y/n survived being attacked by a werewolf," Ron, who was sitting down, added onto the conversation, a grin plastered against his face.
"And last year they really did fight off you-know-who in the flesh," Hermione continued until y/n put an end to their compliments.
"Look it's nice of you to say all of this but half the time it's mostly sheer dumb luck and harry put up with most of the work," The blonde girl spoke, tucking behind her black strip of black behind her right ear. Fred Weasley looked down at her small action, understanding where the stripes came from.
"Yeah, every time I have no idea what I'm doing, I nearly always need help," Harry mumbled looking towards the kids.
"They're just being modest," Hermione responded, trying to lift the mood when Harry only shook his head.
"No Hermione. We're not," he told her, and the students as well.
"None of you understand how it feels to be a second away from being murdered," y/n began, fidgeting with her fingertips.
"Or watch a friend die right in front of your eyes," Harry continued from y/n's sentence, his eyes also gazed at the tiled floor. "facing this stuff in real life is not how it is in school, in school if you make a mistake, you can try again tomorrow," his eyes glanced up to the kids watching him, he looked to y/n and watched how she stood nervously, and turned back to the kids again. "none of you understand what that's like," he finished.
"You're right Harry we don't which is why we need your help, because if we're going to have any chance of beating," Hermione paused, taking a breath. "Voldemort," she finished, a small smirk pressed against her face. Harry and y/n took a glance to the students before seating themselves down again.
"He's really back isn't he?" The blonde boy questioned, the teens only responded with a silent nod. Hermione, who was still standing, only smiled with glee.
"Let's begin," she said, pulling out a piece of parchment, laying it against a table with a pencil, forming a line which the kids followed suit and one by one wrote down their names with titles at the top of the page: Dumbledore's Army.
"Right, first we need to think of a place where Umbridge won't find out," Hermione preached. It was Neville, Y/n, Ginny, Harry, Hermione and Ron all heading towards the castle again, through the long bridge that connected Hogsmeade and Hogwarts.
"The shrieking shack!" Ginny suggested, her face seems to light up by the idea.
"Too small," Harry's nose scrunched, continuing with the journey.
"Forbidden Forest?" Neville then suggested, Ron's eyes bulged.
"Not bloody likely!" The ginger boy exclaimed loudly,
"Harry what happens if Umbridge does find out?" Ginny began to question, Harry opened his mouth to talk however Hermione spoke for him.
"Who cares?" The bush haired girl responded. "I mean this is sort of exciting isn't it? Breaking the rules?" A smile pressed against her face mischievously. The teenagers stared towards there friend stunned, Hermione Granger was a goodie-too-shoes in and out of classrooms, why was she so excited to rebel for the first time?
"Who are you and what have you done with Hermione granger?" Ron questioned Hermione, watching as she jokingly rolled her eyes.
"Right for the next couple of days we need to figure out possibilities of places we could practise," y/n announced, the small team smiled, with a small nod. "We've got to make sure whatever it is, there's no chance she could find us," she looked behind at all of her friends, including Fred and George in the back, watching as they all nodded back towards her and they continued to venture back towards their dorms.
"All student organisations are henceforth disbanded. Any student in noncompliance will be expelled," Umbridge's sickly sweet voice spoke through the pink speakers against the large stone walls. Y/n furrowed her brows as she began packing her books away.
"What a cheeky old toad," she thought to herself, slinging her bag strap over her shoulder, wondering around the next corner.
"What here you're going Longbottom," voices called. Y/n watched Neville being shoved by Crabbers and Goyle, she jogged over to the tall boy just before they turned round the corner.
"off you trot bastards," she yelled to them, watching as they howled with laughter heading around the corner. turning to the humiliated boy. "You alright?" she asked, the two walking down the same corner she was just seated inside of.
"Yeah I'm alright," he told her ashamed, his head hanging low, his arms crossed.
"Still looking for that spot for the.." Y/n changed subject to cheer the boy up, revealing the fake galleon that revealed their Dumbledore's Army's logo.
"Indeed," Neville smiled, turning around another corner again.
Just as the teens were stepping around the other corner into an isolated part of Hogwarts they paused when they heard a crack in the wall. Immediately alerted, they turned back around the corner to be met with what looked like the stone being imprinted and morphed into metal, it had wood appear from the stones until a large door had appeared from the bare wall.
The teens gulped at the sudden appearance.
"You've done it guys! you've found the room of requirement!" Hermione announced. Inside of the room, there was rusty mirrors on each wall of the room, small stairs leading down towards the more large room, there was a fireplace just at the back with a bright fire flickering inside of it. The room had a blue tint inside of it, neat chandeliers dangling from the stone ceiling, blue illuminating across the ceiling, The Weasley twins observed from the back, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Harry, y/n and Neville stood at the centre of the room in awe.
"The what?" Neville asks.
"It's also known as the come and go room... The room of requirement only appears when a person needs it," Hermione explained, y/n turned to her bushy haired brunette friend. "And it's always equipped for the seekers needs," she added.
"So say if you really needed the toilet," Ron suggested, his eyes on the chandeliers but then turned Hermione who scrunched her nose up.
"Charming Ronald but yes, that is the general idea," she responded as Harry only smiled looking around the room.
"It's brilliant, it's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back," Harry announced and once again y/n tucked back her black stripes of hair and her newly grown dimple appeared on the left side of her face, from the scar Voldemort grazed into her flesh.
"Stunning is one of the most useful spells in arsenal. It's a wizards bread and butter, really." Harry's voice announced inside of the new hidden room. The whole of Dumbledore's army sat in two lines facing towards Harry and Nigel, a second year Gryffindor with strawberry blonde hair, all of the members taking in the advice Harry was giving away. "So go on, Nigel, give it you best shot," he told the small boy as all eyes looked to Nigel, who inhaled deeply.
"Stupefy!" The small boy called out stepping forward. A small jet of blue light shot out of the end of his long wand as he stumbled backwards onto his bottom whilst the small jet of light managed to send Harry of his heels and also onto his backside.
"Good! Not bad at all Nigel, well done," Harry wheezed, picking himself up, the teenagers inside of the room all looked shocked, snickers raised across the room.
"Alright everybody, scatter out and grab a partner, practise the stunning charm alone!" Y/n called out watching as few students grabbed their mates and parted away leading into their own conversations. Y/n held onto Neville's arm, pulling him away, winking towards him.
"Go on Neville," she encouraged, the boy held up his fathers old wand.
"Its not gonna work," he frowned, only for y/n to place her hands against her hips, nudging his bicep .
"Believe in yourself, you can," she told the boy, he licked his lips and looked up to y/n and held his wand slightly higher.
"Stupefy," he called, only making y/n stumble back on her heels, Neville's shoulders drooped. "Told you," he huffed as y/n only chuckled.
"You need to improve the way you flick your wand, see," she stood beside the taller boy and held her hand over his, using himself to help figure out the right technique for him to use. Neville couldn't help but flush as her fingers pressed against his, he watched her as she focused on swishing his wrist. "Say it, and I'll guide your wrist,"
"U-um alright," he stammered, looking at his wrist, inhaling a nervous breath. "Stupefy," he announced, the two watched as it sent Harry off his feet.
"Woah, well done Neville," Harry announced meanwhile y/n smirked.
"That was on purpose wasn't it?" Neville asked the girl as she had let go of his hand.
"Of course, my turn!" she spoke, and stood in front of him, flicking her wrist. "Stupefy!" She called out and watched as Neville flew back, past a couple of students. "Oh my Godric!" She yelled, hand covering her mouth as she watched Neville travel further away, the DA gasped when seeing Neville land onto the ground.
"I'm alright!" He grunted, some students began to look away and carry on as y/n ran over and helped him up. "I've got it," he told her, picking himself up, watching y/n giggle slightly.
"Alright guys that's it for today, filch is sitting at the front of the entrance so we'll have to go out the other way," Harry called out, standing on the higher platform, the marauders map in his grip, y/n walked over and stood beside him.
"Be careful, if you haven't seen the notices, Umbridge has created the inquisitorial squad, a group of pretty much Slytherins that are even higher than prefects, so for extra precautions ill lead you all back to your dorm" she announced to her members, the door reappeared behind both Harry and y/n and both teens looked down to the map.
Harry passed the map towards Nigel, the boy nodded and stepped outside first, eyes on the map and at the corner somebody could appear from. His hand waved towards the teenagers and y/n suddenly jumped into her animal form, directing them all to leave one by one without making a sound as she very strictly told them to do so. After a while of leading the Hufflepuffs to their common room she directed the two Slytherins back to their dorm, which had less of a risk since there was two of them. That left a couple of Ravenclaws and with the help of a girl named Jabs they travelled them all back safely, leaving only the Gryffindor's left.
, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Harry, Neville, Fred, George and Nigel all followed after y/n as she checked the corners first, the marauders map being handed back towards Harry. They watched as her black cloak shifted into black neat fur, her dog form being small and elegant as she seemed to happily trot through the corridor, seeing a clear coast and eventually got all the Gryffindors back into their beds.
"All students will submit to questioning about suspected illicit activities," Umbridge's voice chanted through the pink speakers, y/n noticing a familiar pair of gingers up ahead the corridor, both in their uniform, marching towards the common room after morning DA lessons.
"What do you plan on doing about that one boys?" Y/n pumped into Georges shoulder, fiercely the two looked back to her, only to quickly smile at her mischievous grin.
"Hmm, not to sure Black, a few stink bombs in her office," George announced, the teenagers stopped in the corridor, folding their arms at the same time.
"Well I was thinking more exploding candy, putting it inside of her chocolate frogs and tea," Fred added, scratching his chin sarcastically.
"Great minds really think alike don't they Freddie," George nudged his brothers shoulder, a chuckle escaping all of the teens lips.
"Indeed they do Georgie, when should we raid?" Fred asked, allowing y/n to walk ahead of them, the twins trailing behind.
"Tomorrow seems good," George suggested, Fred nodding at his statement.
"Tomorrow it is, you gonna join?" Fred turned to y/n as she widened her eyes, not expecting to be joking in on their Umbridge plot.
"I'll pass, me and Neville heading to Hogsmeade for some Honeydukes and butterbeer, maybe some revision for our O.W.Ls," y/n told the boys, watching them sigh in defeat.
"Shame, see you soon," George huffed, waving to the smaller girl as she smiled, moving up the corridor some more.
"Au revoir mes copains!" goodbye my friends. She yelled, turning the corner with a smile on her face.
"Stupefy!" Luna's voice called out, her wand pointing towards a wooden statue of a death eater, with wheels on the bottom to allow the statue to move, with one spell, the members watched as it was pushed back, it landed towards Hermione who quickly acted on it.
"Stupefy!" The bushy, haired girl cried, the members watched with concentration on where the statue would land next as the wooden statue stumbled towards Nigel.
"Diminuendo!" The small boy yelled, the statue shrunk into a miniature size.
"Engrogio! Carry on! Do not stop!" Y/n yelled, transforming the wooden statue to its regular height until it stumbled towards Ginny.
"Reducto!" The stunning ginger girl called, a light burst out of Ginny's wand. The children all watched in awe as the wood turned into ash, it fell to the ground from head to toe, landing in the centre of the circle the DA had formed. All members looked up to the ginger girl as she looked stunned herself, smirking at the ash and to Harry, who only smiled in return.
"Spectacular Ginny!" Y/n announced, as Harry nodded in agreement. "Right grab partners, we no longer have a statue so let's go back to some more practise!" Y/n announced, Luna hugged her ginger best friend, excited for her successful spell.
"Working hard is important, but there's something that makes matters even more, believing in yourself," Harry announced, watching as some students went over their most wears spells. "Think of it this way, every great wizard in history started out as nothing more than we are now: students. If they can do it why can't we?" He questioned, the room continued with their spells. Y/n and Neville paired up like usual, as they stood with grins on their faces, y/n opened her mouth before Neville spoke first.
"Expelliarmus!" His voice echoed in the room, heads turned as they saw y/n's wand flip up into the air and into Nevilles hand, Harry's smile grew wider
"Fantastic Neville! Well done!" Harry complimented meanwhile, some other members ran up and congratulated the boy. Y/n was included and ran to give the boy a hug.
"That was wicked Neville," y/n announced, letting go as Neville passed her wand back.
"It was nothing," the tall boy scratched the back of his neck.
"It was everything!" Dean Thomas preached, he was smiling brightly, patting at his back, the teens all congratulated the boy in their own way, and y/n couldn't help but smile at his proud face.
"So that's it for this lesson, now we're not going to be meeting again until after the holidays. So just keep practising on your own as best as you can, and well done everyone," Harry spoke, Y/n standing on his left meanwhile Ron and Hermione stood behind them, smiles on their faces as the room began to clap for the teenagers.
The members of Dumbledore's Army went off to the sides of the room and gathered their belongings and all started to head for the door, it was morning so their was less chance of the students getting caught, it was at night the inquisitorial squad was out. Neville stood by the door but wished Harry a thank you when stepping past him, he watched y/n grab her things and head along with Hermione and Ron who were actually smiling with each other for once, the three of they standing together.
"Come on, we'll walk with you," y/n called over to Neville watching him, walk towards their direction but y/n stopped when she noticed Ron Weasleys sister stop and turn around sadly. "Ginny, you coming?" The blondie with a black strand of hair asked, Ginny looked at her direction for a moment before looking down, y/n turned to Ginny's direction. Watching Harry head towards Cho Chang.
"I thought you was over him, aren't you with Michael now, that Ravenclaw?" Hermione asked, the five Gryffindors all began to walk away, Ginny only huffed at Hermione's question.
"Yeah, but it was an excuse to ignore my feelings, plus he's been eating at my nerves recently," the ginger girl brushed her pale freckly hand through her long ginger locks.
"Cho is recently going through a heartbreak Gin and Tonic, when she'll recover she'll discover that she isn't supposed to be with Harry, it's confusion mixing her feelings up," y/n explained, Hermione nodded, all five cautiously turning the corner.
"Is that how you felt when my Fred ended things with you?" Ginny asked her friend as she laughed.
"Well for starters I didn't go about flirting with boys, and secondly I wanted to be closed off and avoid many as possible, Neville showed me a better light to it though, and I learned to get over it, and hey, me and Fred are on friendship terms," she shrugged, Ginny nodded.
"When the world turns its back on you, you turn you back on them," Neville added on to which y/n nodded
"trust me, Harry's will fall head over heels for you soon," Hermione reassured Ginny watching as her head lowered.
"you're an extraordinary witch Ginny, don't let a boy get you down," y/n told the ginger, the five all heading upstairs to their common room.
"I guess," Ginny responded, Ron's face looked utterly confused though nobody spoke of it, until eventually he questioned about it.
"I'm sorry, How long exactly have you had a crush on my best friend?" Ron asked his sister. Ginny just rolled her eyes at her brother before shoving him, y/n just laughed along with Hermione.
"Isn't it a bit obvious Ronald?" The bushy haired girl asked in an obvious tone, Ron just sighed behind the three girls, going off with a conversation with Neville.
"I'm sure Harry's kissing was more than satisfactory," Hermione's voice rung through the common room, y/n stepped down the circular stairs from the girl dormitory and furrowed her brows, looking at Hermione and Ron on the red sofa with Harry's back towards the fire, his legs crossed on the ground.
"Harry had his first kiss?" Y/n asked, the three heads turned, Ron only smirked.
"Yeah, under mistletoe with Cho Chang," the ginger boy laughed, Hermione simply slapped the boys arm, she seemed stiff about the whole situation.
"Oh right," y/n nodded, she was in her uniform accept her tie and cloak, lazily sitting in between Hermione and Ron.
"Think a bit of snogging would cheer her up," Ron announced, Hermione looked at Ron with anger but also empathy.
"Don't you understand how she must be feeling? Well obviously she's feeling sad about Cedric, and therefore is confused about liking Harry and guilty about kissing him, confused about Umbridge sacking her mum from the ministry and worrying about her O.W.Ls because of everything else," she rambled, y/n and Ron only glanced to each other as if to say 'bloody hell'.
"One person couldn't feel all that, you'd explode," Ron told Hermione who only looked at the ginger lanky boy with furrowed brows.
"Only because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon," she backfired. Ron looked back at y/n as he chuckled, the teens looked to Harry and more or less began to laugh, the room was light and the atmosphere of the teenagers only made it seem brighter.
"Y/n, get up! Get up! Now quickly!" Ginny stood over her body, Hermione on the other side of her bed, with worried eyes, Ginny was frightened and y/n noticed it, she sat up bolt right, and snatched her robe from the chair beside her. "It's Harry! Quickly let's go, now!" She said, y/n slipped on her dressing robe and chased after Ginny, both teens sprinting down the marble staircase.
McGonagall had entered the room, looking at Harry who wore Dudleys grey tops, it was drenched with sweat oozing from his forehead which was dripping at the ends of his hairs, his glasses seemed to steam up and before they knew it she forced y/n's arm into his, Ron on the other side, McGongall leading the Weasleys, Black and Potter towards Dumbledore's office, a candle in her hand and a braid in her hair.
Y/n didn't ask Harry what had happened, she only helped out. Harry's feet were constantly behind him trying to catch up - therefore clear to y/n Harry wasn't so sure what was happening.
"Dumbledore! Potter had a nightmare about Mr. Weasley," McGonagall called to her colleague. Dumbledore stepped away from his desk and walked towards the teen that had stepped inside.
"What happened son?" He asked as Harry's breathlessly began to speak.
"Mr. Weasley, he was in the Department of Mysteries, he was being attacked by a snake, Voldemorts snake," Harry began to explain, Dumbledore looked away, trying to gather up his thoughts, y/n stood beside McGonagall.
"In your dream was you standing next to the victim, or looking down at the scene?" The elderly man questioned, Harry's chest continued to pump up and down.
"Neither, it was like I was, professor could you please just tell me what is happening," Harry gulped, the sweat trickling down his forehead. Dumbledore ignored Harry, just how he had been throughout this whole school year, turning towards one of the paintings.
"Arthur is on duty tonight, make sure he's found the right people," he spoke, one of the paintings nodded, rising up from their chair and leaving the portrait.
"Sir," Harry croaked out but Dumbledore turned to another portrait.
"Fineas, you must report to Grimwauld place that Arthur Weasley is gravely injured, and his children will be right there soon," He instructed, until the first portrait he spoke to returned, catching Dumbledore's and the Weasleys attention.
"They got him Albus, it was pretty close, once more the dark lord fails to enquire," the painting told the elderly man who rubbed his temple.
"Oh dear lord-" Dumbledore was cut off.
"Look at me!" Harry bellowed at Dumbledore. It alarmed everyone in the room, especially knowing the fact he would never raise his voice to Dumbledore, because I mean.. Why would you? "What's happening to me?" The Raven haired boy asked, his best rising up and down worryingly, tears formed in his eyes.
"You wished to see me headmaster?" Snape's monotone voice entered the room, everyone turned their heads to see the greasy, black haired potions master with a long, hooked nose.
"Severus, I'm afraid we can't wait, not even until the morning, otherwise we will be vulnerable," Dumbledore announced and suddenly Snape was dragging Harry out of the room, to god knows where.
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