"Good evening children! Now we have a few changes with staffing this year. Now may we please welcome our new Defence against the dark arts teacher, Professor Umbridge, and now-" Dumbledores proud voice bellowed across the great hall, he stood at his large podium where an owl sat with it wings spread outwards. The elderly man stood with his dark blue robes cascading to the ground, a matching dark blue wizard hat pressed against the crown of his head meanwhile his white beard and hair trailed behind his back and his beard had a small hair-tie at the end. His announcement was paused by a large woman wearing all pink, an ugly smile against her face, coughed before standing up, and away from the professors table.
"She was at our hearing," y/n announced towards Neville, Hermione and Ron.
"She works for fudge," Harry followed on.
"Thank you all for your kind words of welcome and how lovely, to see all of your bright kind faces smiling up at me," she announced, y/n looked back at the Gryffindor table and watched as more faces stiffened her upper lip. "I'm sure we are going to become great friends," she announced, standing in front of Dumbledore.
"I'd happily friends with her as long as she gets rid of that awful cardigan," y/n overheard Lavender Brown announce to Parvati and Padma.
"That's not likely," Fred Weasley announced to his twin brother and nodded silently in agreement.
"Let us preserve, what must be preserved. Perfect, what can be perfected, and practicals that ought to be prohibited," Professor Umbridge told the students who gave her an awkward and slow applause. They all watched as she waddled back towards her seat.
"Thank you professor Umbridge that was very, illuminating," Dumbledore announced with a grin.
"Illuminating?" Y/n questioned, looking towards her friends who agreed.
"What a load of waffle, what does that mean?" Ron announced, turning towards Hermione.
"It means the ministry is inferring at Hogwarts," She announced, everyone raised their brows, y/n only pressed her head against the long, wooden table. "Inspecting, improving the mistakes to make the school better," Hermione added.
The Gryffindor common room seemed excited and happy until the two infamous teens stepped inside, Harry watched through his rounded lens' of all the disgusted expressions his fellow house mates shared with him. Y/n over looked their shoulders at the Daily Prophet with the same titles of 'DUMBLEDORE : DAFT OR DANGEROUS?' Or 'THE TWINS THAT LIE'. Only causing a rushof anxiety through their bloodstreams. Y/n watched as Harry fidgeted his thumb over his fingers, and attempted to smile at anyone who didn't look bothered.
"Dean, Seamus, good holidays?" He looked towards the two best friends. Dean smiled up at Harry, attempting to enlighten the mood, Seamus looked furious.
"Good, better than Seamus' anyways," he announced, therefore leading Seamus to stand up with planted feet. He was ready for a fight.
"Me mam didn't want me coming back this year," he told the teens, All Gryffindors in the common room watched, waiting for something between them. Y/n and Harry only stood, not exactly caring if a fight was about to break out. Y/n didn't exactly mind either, she's punched Seamus in the face before, he only went off crying.
"Why not?" Harry questioned.
"Let me see? Because of you two, the Daily Prophets been saying a lot of things about the pair of you, and Dumbledore as well," he nodded his head along with his harsh tempo.
"What and you mum believes them?" Y/n folded her upper lip.
"No body was there that night Cedric Diggory died," Seamus crossed his arms, y/n stepped forward, watching as Seamus keep his ground after small hesitation.
"Really? There's was two of us babe," She told him meanwhile Harry spoke up.
"Well I guess you should read the prophet like your stupid mother, it'll tell you everything" he announced, Seamus' eyebrows raised with anger.
"Don't talk about my mother that way," he looked to Harry, pointing at him.
"We'll have a go at anyone who calls us a liar," y/n yelled, which caused Seamus to stop eventually, he unfolded his arms and only looked to the teens, with nothing but anger.
"What's going on?" Ron stepped inside the common room, towards an angry looking mates.
"Hes' mad is what going on? do you believe the rubbish their going on about you-know-who?" Seamus questioned the ginger who looked at the Irish boy oddly.
"Yeah, i do. Anyone else got a problem with Harry and y/n?" Ron stepped in front of them, the Gryffindor common room remained still. Y/n and Harry started to jog up the stairs and towards their rooms.
"My gran says the daily prophets a bunch of rubbish," Neville suddenly announced. Harry, Ron and y/n all stopped and looked at the boy, sitting alone with a boy in his hands.
"I think all of you should be looking up to Neville's grandmothers standards," y/n announced. Saying nothing afterwards the teens headed upstairs and went straight for bed.
"Ordinary Wizarding Levels examination, O-W-Ls! More commonly known as owls! Study Hard, and you will be rewarded, fail to do so consequences may be severe," Professor Umbridge's false sweet voice announced inside of the Defence Against The Dark Arts room. A chunk of chalk scribbling against the clean chalkboard, she flicked at her wand which began to float up the aisles of students handing out a beginners guide for spells - basically a book for spells they all used in year one.
"Um excuse me but there's nothing in here about using defensive charms," Hermione hand rose, Umbridge's expression changed, but her toad like smile still remained.
"Using spells, I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom," she tilted her head, Hermione's eyes widened slightly.
"We're not using magic?" Ron later asked, Umbridge lifted her chin, the top of her eyebrows raised along with a smile.
"You'll be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way," she announced. All students looked to each other with confused expressions.
"What use is that? If we get attacked, that won't be risk-free," y/n spoke up, crossing both her arms and her legs, the pink toads smile evaporated.
"Students will raise hands when they speak in my class!" She yelled. Y/n didn't say anything, she only kissed her teeth at the pink toad. "It is the view of the ministry, that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get through your examinations, which after all the ministry is all about," she continued to smile sweetly, only for y/n to scoff.
"Of course the ministry would think that, too scared some evil wizard will attack them of course," she announced again, Harry (who sat beside her) nodded in agreement, putting her hands in self-defense and shook them slightly, mocking someone being scared.
"And how is theory me to to prepare us for what's really out there?" Harry questioned, Umbridge only gave him that sickly sweet smile again.
"There is nothing out there dear, especially evil wizards, who could you imagine would want to attack children like yourselves?" She questioned, y/n squinted her eyes, dumbfounded.
"Pffsh, I don't know, maybe.." She began her sentence, looking towards Harry.
"Lord Voldemort?" They spoke at the same time, once again Umbridges smile faded, and morphed into a furious one.
"Now, let me make this quite plain, you've all been told that a once certain dark wizard is at large again, this is a lie." She stepped in the right side of the aisle, closest to y/n, instead of looking at Harry and y/n she faced her attention towards her classroom.
"It's most definitely not!" Y/n called out immediately.
"We saw him! I fought him," Harry announced, almost slamming his fist against the table in anger.
"Why would he also send his little followers in this exact classroom, teach us unforgivable curses and rig the Triwizard cup as a Portkey and have Barty Crouch.jr disguised at Mad-eye Moody to appe5rate me to the same graveyard where Cedric later died and Voldemort retur-" Y/n announced, slamming her palm against the table until Umbridge slammed hers even louder, the room flinched besides y/n and Harry.
"Detention, Mr. Potter and Miss. Black," she yelled, her eyes filled with fury.
"So you saying Cedric Diggory dropped dead on his own accord?" Harry questioned, Umbridge's sickly smile returned but faded due to her anger.
"Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident!" She yelled back her hand still against a desk, y/n's mouth widened.
"It was murder! Voldemort killed him!" She almost screamed, standing up, until Umbridge slammed her fist on the desk she stood at again.
"Enough!" She yelled. "Enough." She repeated, walking towards the teenagers seats. "See me later in my office the pair of you," she told them, having to look up at y/n who obviously had a taller frame than the woman.
"Happily," she pulled a fake smile before seating herself again.
"Come in," Umbridge's voice spoke from inside the DADA office.
Inside was a room filled with pink painted castle walls, each brick had at least one plate with a cat meowing from it, her desk filled with her own pink belongings. "Good evening Mr. Potter and Miss. Black," she smiled towards them, standing up and directed them towards two chairs opposite her pink table cloth hanging from the desk. "Sit," she instructed. "you're going to be doing some lines for me today, no not with your quills, you're going to be using a rather special quill today," she smiled at them again.
She drew open a draw and pulled out two quills with a white feather, she placed it delicately in front of them, they picked it up and looked down at the parchment placed before them.
"Mr. Potter, I want you to write, 'I must not tell lies', Miss. Black I want you to write 'I must not be a brat'," she told them, y/n held in her laugh and rolled her eyes, putting her non-writing hand up on her temple.
"How many times," Harry asked, both his elbows were against the table.
"Let's say how long it takes to sink in," she smiled to them again, walking behind the teens suspiciously.
"There isn't any ink," y/n pointed out.
"Oh you won't be needing any," she told them. Harry and y/n exchanged a look and begun writing.
The ink wasn't the regular black ink they'd often use but instead was a deep and dark red, y/n scribbled her words out, not exactly caring so much - purely because she didn't need to, the room smelled like tea and sugar and that combination did not match with Umbridge's personality. After a while, her non-writing hand began to burn, as if she needed to itch her hand. However, when she lowered the hand away from her temple to scratch it she noticed the words 'I must not be a brat' were carved into her skin.
"Yes?" Umbridge asked, looking down at the two shocked teenagers, they looked up at her with knitted brows.
"Nothing," Harry spoke in a low voice.
"That's right," she bent down to the teenagers eyeline. "because deep down you deserve to be punished," she smiled at them again. "don't you?" She tilted her head, y/n couldn't feel expression on her face, so she spoke up.
"At the graveyard," she paused, trying to make it seem like she was afraid of um rifle but changed her attitude and continued her sentence. "We had our skin sliced open without our consent, this is nothing," she almost whispered to the professor. Her smile vanished.
"Write your lines you little brat," she gritted her yellow teeth meanwhile y/n threw on her false smile, tilting her head and shrugged her shoulders.
"Happily," she told Umbridge in a high-pitched tone, mocking her.
The forbidden forest was an old creepy place when moonlight was illuminating the leaves, however during the day it seemed like a stress reliever, a place someone could go and wonder alongside the mythical creatures that were lurking inside of the large, oak trees.
Y/n and Harry took the opportunity to wonder through the forest during the weekend. Every since they've returned to Hogwarts they've felt even more alone than before, so the two would often take time out of their day and explore, the same thing they did when they were on their summer holidays, when the Dursleys couldn't care less for their wellbeing nor could some of their friends; at least that's what they thought.
They wondered to a spot where a short girl in a blue cardigan and pink ankle bashed trousers stood without shoes, her dirty blonde straggly hair cascaded to her lower back, her arm reached up to the skeleton like horses, the wings close to its sides.
"Luna, your feet, aren't they cold?" Y/n called out, the timid girl looked behind, smiling towards the teenagers, watching as they stared at her bare feet.
"Bit," she responded looking down to her feet in a wispy tone. "unfortunately all of my shoes have mysteriously disappeared, I suspect nargles are behind it," she neared towards them only for y/n to smirk slightly.
"What are they, they don't seem hostile," Harry questioned, looking up at three more creatures gently stepping past them.
"They're called Thestrals, they're quite gentle really, people avoid them because they're a bit... different," she replied, smiling up to the Thestrals, watching as one screeched to its friend, widening its wings before seating them back again.
"But why can't others see them?" Harry asked once more, watching as y/n stepped forward, reaching up to the snout of the Thestral.
"They can only be seen by people who have seen death," she delicately explained. The snout of the Thestral y/n reached to had bowed down and allowed the girl to scratch at it, causing the blonde to smile.
"So you've know someone who's died?" Harry questioned, standing by Luna's side, the younger girl only looked to the Thestrals with a small smile.
"My mum," she turned towards Harry, y/n stepped back to talk with the two others. "She was quite the extraordinary witch...but she did like to experiment. One day her spells went badly wrong. I was nine," she explained, y/n and Harry both sympathised.
"I'm sorry," they both said, she slowed her pace when she turned to a baby Thestrals, noticing Luna.
"Yes it was rather horrible, I do feel very sad about it sometimes, but I've got dad," she reached down her satchel and grabbed an apple, throwing it towards the creature. "We both believe you by the way, that he-who-must-not-be-named has returned and you fought him and that the Prophet are conspiring against you both," she announced, y/n watched as the Thestrals nose sniffed, moving away from the red fruit, looking up at Luna once more.
"Thanks," y/n spoke. "It seems you're the only lot that do," she added, Luna shook her head, delicately.
"We've both been feeling more alone than ever when coming back to Hogwarts," Harry added to to her statement.
"But I suppose that's how he wants you to feel," Luna responded, looking through her bag.
"What do you mean?" Harry questioned, she lifted her head and held out a chunk of meat, revealing it towards the teenagers, with a gentle smile.
"Well if I were you-know-who, I'd want you to feel cut off from everyone else, but if it's just you alone... Your not as much of a threat," she finished, throwing the slice of meat, watching the Thestral happily gobble at it, Luna looked back at the two and smiled once more, gaining two more reasonable ones from Y/n and Harry.
The majority of the Hogwarts students courtyard, Professor Trelawny stood in the centre, her bags and belongings being dumped in front of her by Argus Filch, giving her a look before stepping to the side, students stepped out the way to reveal Professor Umbridge in her awful, knitted, pink cardigan, waddling over to where Trelawny stumbled at her words, tears threatening to descend down her pink tinted cheeks.
"Sixteen years I've lived and taught. Hogwarts is my home. Y-you can't d-do this," she stammered, her tears falling and voice wobbly.
"Actually I can," Umbridge smiled at the woman evilly, holding up a letter.
McGonagall squeezed past Harry and y/n, running over to her ex-colleague, embracing the woman in a hug, handing a handkerchief to cry in. "Something you'd like to say?" Dolores Umbridge smiled towards McGonagall.
"Oh there are several things I'd like to say," McGonagall was fuming, yet she decided to hold it back, it wouldn't resolve anything now would it?
Professor Dumbledore ran out from the crowd and stood meters away from the pink toad in the middle of the courtyard, smiling with her frog-like face.
"Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to please escort Sybill back inside?" The elderly man spoke, Trelawny's mouth agape, she held onto Dumbledore's hand and thanked his countless times, Umbridge looked at the man, hands against her sides.
"Dumbledore, may I remind you that under the terms of the Educational Decree number-" she was cut off by Dumbledore's proud voice.
"You have to right to dismiss my teachers. You do not however have the power to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the headmaster," He then reminded her, the woman just smirked.
"For now," her eyebrows raised in a twitchy motion. Dumbledore kept his mouth closed until turning around towards the nosy students.
"Don't you all have studying to do?" He asked the children, they began to scavenge away.
"Professor!" Harry cried out, chasing after Dumbledore's footsteps across the courtyard. Y/n only tailed behind Harry too, noticing a collision of children causing the two teens to stop and pause, unable to deliver any sight of Dumbledore's blue robes.
"Harry stop," y/n announced, looking towards her God-sibling, then back up to the empty staircase. "It's no use. He's been ignoring us this whole time," her lip twitched as the teenagers were left alone in the room once again.
"That foul, evil, old gargoyle," Hermione preached, she paced up and down against the fireplace, pausing to look towards her friends. "Were not learning how defend ourselves, we're not learning how to pass our owls, she taking over the entire school!" She announced, until her eyes struck towards the Wizard Wireless, Cornelius Fudges voice projecting from the speakers.
"Security has been and will remain the ministry's top priority. Furthermore, we have convincing evidence that the disappearances are at the work of mass murderer Sirius Black," he announced, y/n - who laid her back against the arm of the sofa, Harry sitting at the end of her feet and Ron against the back of the sofa - tensed at her shoulders with rage.
"You best turn that off before I lob it out the window," she announced, folding her arms a little more harder.
"Harry! Y/n!" A wispy male voice croaked.
"Sirius!" Harry almost yelled, looking towards the twigs inside of the fireplace. Y/n joined, sitting against her knees looking at the bright light. "What are you doing here?" Harry asked.
"Answering your letter, you said you was worried about Umbridge, what is she doing? Training you to kill half-breeds?" Sirius sarcastically responded, y/n could see the wrinkles against his forehead through the bits of burnt wood.
"She's not letting us use magic at all," y/n responded, seeing Hermione's hair shake in response.
"Well I'm not surprised," Sirius answered, his wrinkles beginning to show. "The latest intelligence is that Fudge doesn't want you trained in combat," he added, Hermione leaned forward slightly.
"Combat?" The bushy haired girl asked, Ron shrugged his shoulders.
"What does he think, we're forming some wizard army?" He asked, Sirius' head nodded in the wood.
"That's exactly what he's thinking," he begun. "That Dumbledore is assessing his own forces to take on the ministry. He's becoming more paranoid by the minute. The others wouldn't want me telling you this, but things aren't going at all well with the order, Fudge is blocking the truth at every turn and these disappearances are just how it started before. Voldemort is on the move," Sirius announced, y/n looked down at her fingernails with a bit at her bottom lip, Harry looked towards his God-sister with empathy.
"Well what can we do?" Harry asked before a loud thud was heard from Sirius side.
"Someone's coming," He told the teenagers. "I'm sorry I can't be of more help, but for now at least, it looks like you're on your own," he winked to the children as they watched the twigs shift and form into a regular pile of wood instead of a mould of a 'mass murderer'.
"He's really out there isn't he?" Hermione questioned, she still remained on the ground but she stared longingly outside of the Gryfinndor Common room window, watching as the rain fell and lightning strike. "We've got to be able to defend ourselves, and if Umbridge refuses to teach us now, we need someone who will," she began, a strike of lightning burst end once more and she looked towards Harry and y/n, who were looking a bit pale..
"Your mad!" Y/n spoke loudly, her eyebrows knitted tightly.
"Who'd want to be taught by us, we're nutters remember?" Harry looked to Hermione, as if telling her to wise up and think more smartly.
"Look on the bright side, you can't be any worse that that old toad face," Hermione reassured the teenagers, who still didn't look convinced, until a hand reached for both of their shoulders behind them.
"We're here for you two, remember?" Ron told them too, and for the first time in a long time, they felt accepted and welcomed.
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