"Step up! Step up! we've got fainting fancies," Fred yelled inside of his joke shop, old and new Hogwarts students passing him and his twin brother, eyes in awe at all the joke objects that were laid out for display.
"And just in time for school, puking pastels," George called out just after his brother, eyeing at all the surprised children, vomiting, gaining pimples at their cheeks, forehead, nose, and chin, space shoes to walk up walls, and plenty of other objects, even a mini version of Umbridge, carrying a variety of objects on her shoulders over a zip line constantly announcing that she 'will have order!'
"Hello ladies," the twins spoke in unison, to a spot where small bottles were placed on a pink flower display, bubbles of love hearts, bursting every now and then, Hermione, Ginny and y/n stood around it, only Ginny and Hermione seemed keen to the product, y/n didn't exactly mind.
"Love potions eh?" George asked them, with a grin
"They really do work," Fred convinced the three.
"From what we hear you're doing fine on your own sis," George announced, the two other girls turned to Ginny, the girl only grinned at her twin brothers.
"Meanie," Ginny replied, Fred furrowed his eyebrows as George whispered something in his ear.
"Aren't you currently dating Dean Thomas?" Fred questioned, leaning against a banister to the stairs. Ginny's smile vanished, placing the love potion down. Harry overheard, and y/n could see the curious look against his face.
"It's none of your business," Ginny announced. Hermione, y/n and Ginny walked away from the display to grab some skiving snack boxes, and wondered downstairs.
"How much for this?" Ron questioned, he stood on the stairs, his brothers turned to their younger sibling, with smiles on their faces.
"Five galleons," the boys announced in unison.
"What about me?" Ron asked, lowering the product.
"Five galleons," The twins announced, in an obvious tone.
"I'm your brother," Ron added, looking at them with a large disappointed look.
"Ten galleons," Fred and George shrugged, strutting away from their younger brother, and up the stairs to greet more customers. Ron only rolled his eyes, huffing down to his friends.
"Come on let's go," he told them, miserably heading down the stairs, y/n snatched the product from his hands, handing it to the counter where a dewy eyed elf sat with a smile on their face, shoving the object inside a brown paper bag and passed it over to the black and blonde haired girl, exchanging her change, as she passed over the bag to her ginger friend, sliding her change in his hand, not looking at his astounded expression as she lead the four towards the door and back out into Diagon Alley.
"Hi Ron," spoke Lavender brown , the four turned around, seeing the mix-raced girl shyly look at the ginger.
"Hi," Ron responded, continuing to walk out of his brothers shop and into the quiet and cold town.
"How did Fred and George do it? Half of the alleys shut down?" Hermione asked, the four walked along the path that was completely stranded, the only sound they could hear was laughter inside of Weasleys Wizard Wheezes, all children clearly enjoying the prank objects and all the different varieties of magic they could use.
Besides all the laughter coming from one brightly coloured shop, the whole alley seemed deserted and unrealistic. It used to be bursting with colour and was completely alive with different students and adults, daily shopping for wizard products only to be ruined by death eaters, nearly the majority of shop were broken into and all the glass broken, it looked like something from Kristallnacht (night of the broken glass)
"Fred reckons people need a laugh these days," Ron told his friends looking towards the closed shops.
"Reckons he's right," y/n added. Hermione suddenly gasped, everyone turned to the direction she looked in.
"Oh no, everyone got their wands from Olivanders," Hermione announced, stepping up to the abandoned shop and lead the three others inside the shop with her. Paper stuck in the broken glass, door burst down as well as the majority of wands deserted on the floor.
"Harry," Ron spoke, alerting all the teens standing behind the broken window. "is it me or does Draco and mummy look like two people who don't want to be followed," the ginger boy announced.
All four teens glanced outside, noticing Draco Malfoy stood behind his mother Narcissa Malfoy. Recently Lucius Malfoy had been sent to Azkaban, clearly putting a bad label towards the Malfoys however they still stood smugly in their rich wizard clothes, turning their direction down to Knockturn alley, a creepy alley where some deranged wizards like to shop.
Harry didn't hesitate but follow the paranoid pure blood wizards. They trailed behind each other one by one through the narrow alley where a wizard stood inches away from the wall, laughing to himself. After the teens moved away from there, they continued behind them down the stairs, pausing halfway after they stepped into Bourgin and Burkes, a creep furniture shop which had recycled furniture. So why were the Malfoys in there?
Curiousity managed to get the better of the teens, deciding to climb the nearest shop to overlook them and what they were looking for, noticing new posters for a death eater on the run, Fenir Greyback, a cannibalistic werewolf, the man loved full moons and would often hunt children, his strategy was to create an entire army of werewolves, to take over the ministries awful ideas, but of course it lead him to being picked p by Voldemort and joining the death eaters whilst excluding himself from that title.
With a bit of help, they managed to push Harry onto the tiled roof first, Ron left his Weasley product on the ground as he and y/n helped Hermione up, y/n lifted Ron up afterwards. He and Hermione managed to throw her up and crawl to where Harry stood, staring through the long glass panel.
Draco and Narcissa seemed to be observing a triangular looking cabinet, with fancy swirled pieces of metal on the door where there was also a locket, they seemed to be paying the worker as Narcissa kissed her sons cheek, when abruptly a person turned up at the top of the glass panel, the teens ducked as soon as possible.
Fenir Greyback took one look outside to the wizarding world, a devilish grin against his face before closing the curtains, leaving the four with a unsatisfied feeling, huffing before jumping down from the small hut.
"Morning," a voice told on y/n's right. The girl turned to her right, swiping a strand of black hair behind her ear to reveal Neville's face more, her stomach dropped watching as he handed over his trunk over to a train conductor on Platform 9 and 3/4.
"Morning," she copied with a tiny smile, standing back as she passed over her trunk, holding her pet Vero in her left hand, her right hand sat on her left elbow. "how was your birthday?" she asked. Although it was unbearably hard to spit the words out as her mind fogged up with the hospital wing and her illuminating pink plant.
"went rather well, thank you for the presents, they're all in my garden being treated well by my Gran," he mentioned, his smile brightened as he revealed his buck teeth, y/n couldn't help but feel her chest tighten at his suddenly attractive grin.
"i notice the new vest jumper, was it a birthday present?" she asked the boy as he wore a pale grey vest jumper over a white and black button up shirt with black trousers to match in two month old trainers.
"mhm, Gran got me it, and a new wand, since i snapped my dads one at the ministry-"
"ALL ABOARD!" a proud voice bellowed across the platform, packed with families, older and newer years jumping onto the long crimson train.
"c'mon, lets talk about it more when we find a carriage," y/n mentioned, using her free hand to take hold of his wrist to guide the tall boy through the sea of children.
Of course, it was no secret of what happened at the ministry, not a secret laid in the stuffy summer air about Voldemort's uprising which people had refused to believe for a whole year but once Cornelius Fudge resigned in his spot as the Minster Of Magic, and the headlines of Harrys rumours becoming true...people grew scared.
With that, it grew virial about the group of Hogwarts students that had appeared alongside the Order of the Phoenix themselves, the wizarding world knew nothing of those people yet now they seemed to be hers by the majority of the population in Britain. it was well know that Harry Potter, Y/n Black, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom were all there fighting as in plenty of the front covers had their faces with large gashes across it.
The biggest news was of course y/n beating off the results of the killing curse and of course being able to live to tell people of the event, not to mention the spiralling debate of Sirius Black's innocence once his dead body was found randomly inside the ministries walls, Only for Remus Lupin to settle the debate by mentioning Black is dead and there should no longer be any rivalry about what he did to those twelve muggles and Pettigrew.
Y/n attempted to take all the controversy of her mind as her and Neville attempted to find her god-brother and the rest of their friends. Pushing past groups of flabbergasted kids and eventually they found the carriage that the small group of mates were sat inside of.
"Quibbler?" Luna's dreamy voice called out, she opened the door to find Ginny, Neville, y/n, Harry, Ron and Hermione all in one compartment. Luna looked to y/n as she passed over two sickles towards her friend, gaining the new Quibbler magazine, a smile against her face.
"Thanks Luna, new creature I'm expecting?" Y/n asked, watching her friend who stood in the doorway, with a long woolly sea blue cardigan draped over her shoulder, a red and white striped jumper sat underneath her large floral jumpsuit, big maroon show to add alongside her homemade radish earring that she wore religiously.
"Of course," Luna smiled.
"Wrackspurt, so these goggles detect them?" Y/n questioned, turning to Luna who wore a pair of Spectrespecs that were included inside of the magazine. The lens had a pink border with three lines that sat on the outer rim, each lens were a different colour, the right being hot pink and the left being neon blue, both swirling along with the pink boarders glitter. "Got it," she mentioned, sliding them onto her nose.
"how about it Harry?" Ron nudged his mate with a chuckle, pointing towards the glasses against y/n's face. Harry let out a loud chested laugh holding his arm out.
"lets have a go," he asked, y/n handed over the object.
"be careful, there's only one in each magazine and are made out of paper," Luna advised, chuckling as she watched Harry's startled expression as he slid them up his long nose.
"gis it here," Ron snorted, snatching them from his nose, he paused as he heard a small tear at the ear lobe, the two boys exchanged glances from themselves to the slightly torn glasses.
"i paid two sickles for that Ron!" y/n wined.
"you dickhead, Luna just told you to be careful," Ginny told, her brown eyes glared at her brother.
"alright gin, its a joke, you can easily fix it with Spellotape, look," he argued, demonstrating how the glasses can be fixed, it was a very small tear so Luna stood in the doorway unbothered, wobbling along the trains movements.
"still doesn't defeat the fact you didn't listen- oh whatever ill just go visit Dean, c'mon Luna," the ginger girl strutted off from the carriage, looping her arm with her blonde best friend, the girls marched off to the front of the train.
"lairy git," Ron muttered. "i didn't mean to y/n, but its literally easy to fix have a look," he reminded, y/n shook her head a small smirk sat at her lips.
"you was told though Ronald," Hermione added with a smile, her nose finally removed from the new book she had bought inside Diagon Alley when they visited Weasley Wizard Wheezes. "but you can easily put a reparo charm on that," she added, Ron clapped in agreement, turning to y/n for reassurance.
"there you go, Miss. Granger said it herself." the ginger boy added, slouching back near Harry who rubbed against his scar, using the pad of his finger to trace the outlines of the mark carved into his forehead.
"did the trolley lady go past yet?" Neville asked out loud.
"i think so, we've been on the train for more than two hours already," Hermione mentioned, looking from her watch back to Neville.
"ill go see, you guys want anything?" he offered, Harry Ron and Hermione all gave each other looks meanwhile Ron grabbed out all the change from his pocket.
"get me a liquorice wand," the ginger boy requested, sliding the metal inside Neville's large hand, the brunette turned over to y/n, who's nails sat inside her teeth, her eyes glared outside as the train whizzed by it all.
"y/n," Neville voiced, which sucked her out of her trance and stared to Neville who stood opposite the door. "you want anything too?" he queried.
y/n thought for a second seeing as the one thing on her mind was to have a cigarette sit between her lips, suck it the ash and breathe it all out again, as she watched the smoke from the train rush by she couldn't help but be desperate for one, the last one she had was last night, seeing as she of course couldn't sleep.
"do they sell mints?" she asked.
"i think so, i can get you a chocolate frog if they don't," Neville suggested meanwhile she handed three galleons over to the boy, his eyes widened but he nodded back towards her.
"thank you," she added, watching as he walked off towards the same direction Luna and Ginny travelled to.
"-So what was Draco doing in Borgin and Burke, next to that odd cabinet, it was a ceremony, an initiation," Harry continued his conversation being a little more louder than he was before, now that Neville had left, he originally spoke to Hermione and Ron in a whisper.
"Stop it Harry I know where you're going with this," Hermione spoke up, her hand being used as a bookmark for her book.
"He's one of them," Harry announced, causing Hermione to sigh, y/n and Ron furrowed their brows, paying closer attention
"One of what?" The ginger boy and blonde girl with black highlights asked, Harry didn't respond seeing as Hermione was quicker at her words than he could ever be.
"Harry believes Draco Malfoy a death eater," Hermione told her two friends, with an irritated look against her face.
"You're barking, what would you-know-who want to do with a sod like Malfoy?" Ron looked towards Harry who opened out his palms, ready to deliver more information
"What's he doing in Borgin and Burkes? Browsing for furniture?" Harry asked, turning to Ron and Hermione, y/n sat on the other of the bench, waiting for their response.
"Creepy shop, he's a creepy bloke," Ron added, in an obvious ton, Harry sighed in response, tilting his head, it was obvious Harry was getting frustrated due to his two friends ignoring his reasons.
"Look his fathers a death eater, it makes sense, beside Hermione saw it with her own eyes," Harry then announced, looking to Hermione who once again had to interrupt his protests.
"I told you, I don't know what I saw," Hermione announced, pushing Harry's idea to the side again. Y/n did want to ignore the fact a death eater could be in our school but Harry's idea did make an awful lot of sense.
"No, Harry has a point, maybe because Lucius is in Azkaban now Voldemort might want to humiliate the Malfoys, make them feel ashamed or weak even?" Y/n suggested, Harry nodded in agreement, only for Ron and Hermione to exchange displeased looks towards each other, Harry stood up in a strop, grabbing his cloak.
"I need some air," he announced, sliding the compartment door and slipped out.
"the window is wide open but carry on," Y/n sighed as she had noticed what object that sat in Harrys hand, and it was clear that he was causing some mischief.
"Where's Harry?" Hermione asked. The Hogwarts express had finally come to a halt with Hermione, Ron, Ginny, y/n and Neville grabbing their schoolbags and headed out of the compartment, looking down the narrow corridors of the train, fifth years and second years left their compartments.
"Probably on the platform, come on," Ron shrugged it off, leading the small group he had behind him down towards the platform, the teens grabbing their trunks and owls, heading over to the gates that lead to the forbidden forest and towards the carriages which the group of them could watch the multiple Thestrals, their wings widening as they began to walk the Hogwarts students up to the castle.
On the way towards the gates y/n took notice to Draco Malfoy still seated on the train, looking dazed as he sat miserably on his own. Y/n took this to her advantage and with a smirk she looked inside her bag.
Y/n ripped a bit of parchment off from her bag and grabbed a biro pen from inside too (it made her scrolls of parchment home work much easier to work with). She used the side of the train to write against it. Neville stopped to ponder at what the girl was doing, followed on by Hermione and Ron, later Ginny joined.
Y/n finished writing before gently knocking on the window where Malfoy sat, the platinum haired boy turned to the girl who stood their with smirk against her face, holding the parchment that read 'cheer up, buttercup', the girl slid the photo down slightly, giving Malfoy a fake pout before the boy slammed his fist against the window startling y/n a bit - only to instantly make her irritated.
"Don't you dare, slam you fist at me, I'll knock you clean out, Malfoy! Come out here and face me like the bad bitch you used to be before your dad went to Azkaban! Yeah I said it! What? you're a death eater too no doubt!" The girl started to throw out insults towards the boy, Neville came over and started pulling her back slightly, not daring to look at Malfoy, only trying to pull back the girl. Malfoy only tugged down the blinds inside of the compartment. "look at you! Silly bitch!" Y/n yelled, shrugging herself off Neville, trudging past everyone and towards the carriages in a rage.
The Great Hall was warm, the huge fireplace stood with a dancing fire flicking inside it as the sorting hat had finished with a Ravenclaw prefect returning the hat back to the headmasters office, as well as professors, students and ghosts eating the desserts from there plates. the same group of Gryffindor's were all seated together besides Ginny, who ate with her boyfriend and his best mate.
"Will you stop eating! Your best friend is missing," Hermione yelled, slamming a roll of the Daily Prophet against Ron's head, the boy dropped his food, turning towards his friend as if she were mad.
"Hermione," he swallowed the rest of his jelly. "turn around you lunatic," the ginger boy told his friend, nodding at Harry who had just walked into the Great Hall, dressed in his robes along with a wet cloth at his nostril, blood dripping onto it.
"He's covered in blood again, why is it he's always covered in blood?" Hermione asked, Harry taking a seat just in beside y/n, Neville was seated opposite y/n and just beside Hermione, his elbows crossed and placed firmly against the table.
"Where have you been?" Y/n questioned her God-brother, the cloth was utterly drenched with his blood.
"what happened to your face?" Hermione asked, Harry shook his head and hand towards the bushy haired girl.
"Later," Harry told her. "What did I miss?" He asked his friends, Ron swallowed his food and pipped up.
"Sorting hat told us to all be clever and brave through these tough times, easy for it to say it's a hat," Ron told Harry with a slight chuckle, Harry didn't respond. "Oh and Dumbledore telling us why there's more security in Hogwarts, cause of you-know-who and all that," Ron added, finishing off his feast.
Neville handed over a small note to y/n, she seemed angry by Malfoy's outburst and was definitely growing upset, she looked to the small note and smiled up at the boy, flipping it over to write against the back before sliding it over to Neville once more, her fingertips fiddled with the necklace around her neck, the ring dangling at the end of it. The note read:
'Don't worry about Malfoy, you have better things to worry about rather that his greasy barnet - n'.
'Still fancy walloping him across the face though, don't you? -y/f/i
'I wish'. .
"Hazzard Potter, have you got my ink on you mate?" Y/n asked her God-sibling, who had entered the common room completely worn out by the looks of it. "I had to ask second years if they had a spare bottle, you know how embarrassing that is? especially since they're all gawking at you?" She asked him, Harry only laughed, sliding a purple book out of his bag handing it over to her. "The girl who lived, it's not the first is it," y/n mumbled to herself.
"Yeah...I knicked your pot that's why, have a look," Harry told her, playfully chicken legging her, resulting in a whack on his bicep before she dived inside of the bag, noticing a small container with clear liquid inside of it, she picked it up and observed the teardrop looking tube, she opened it up and sniffed it only to look over her shoulder instantly.
"How on earth did you get a vial of Liquid Luck, Harry?" Y/n announced, Harry looked away from his book and towards y/n again, with raised brows.
"Oh, I won it during potions today, Slughorn's brilliant n/n, you're quite unlucky you passed you potions O.W.Ls cause his classes are brilliant," Harry told his God-sister who nodded.
Y/n had did brilliantly with her O.W.Ls considering all the absolute nonsense events last year. She took all the same classes as Harry and managed to get more outstanding's than him, she had inherited her mothers brain. With that, she managed to pass into some N.E.W.T classes as Professor McGonagall was handing out their new timetables for their final years. Y/n had decided to do Charms, Transfiguration, Defence against the dark arts, Herbology and Care of Magical creatures, thankfully they had the majority of her friends in these classroom, and y/n was over the moon she had a choice whether or not she'd have to do Potions that year.
"Might join during free period but uh Potter, are you planning on using this?" She asked wiggling the potion in her fingertips. Harry shrugged his shoulders quietly, moving towards the stairs and possible up to bed.
"Shut it!" Ginny Weasley's voice broke through in the quidditch match below the benches where y/n sat alone, her jaw length hair blowing back in the wind, merging the black and blonde strands of hair.
"Afternoon 'Mione and Luna," y/n spoke, noticing her two friends from Gryffindor and Ravenclaw had walked along the bench she was seated at, y/n sat in the left, Luna in the middle (she wore blue jeans with a bright blue jumper underneath her own knitted fluffy jacket with blues, pinks and purples on the sleeves) with Hermione on the right (wearing her muggle grey coat buttoned all the way up with blue jeans on again, her white and blue scarf wrapped around her neck). All girls greeting each other nicely.
"Afternoon y/n, say have you got any butterbeer bottle caps on you?" Luna asked her friend dreamily, y/n patted her pockets in her 5 year old jacket, beginning to slim down at her arms.
"No I don't believe I do, why?" Y/n tilted her head, she wore her large baggy trousers from Dudley, a tight black shirt that had been bleached awfully hidden behind her black puffy jacket, Neville's necklace exposed around her neck as she fiddled with the ring, Luna only smiled before turning towards the quidditch pitch.
"Oh not much really, i wanted to create a small banner with butterbeer bottle caps, I'll go get some after try-outs," Luna shrugged, the Gryffindor players marking their spot on the pitch, watching Cormac Mclaggen and Ron take place for the keeper post, Ginny taking part for beater.
"Would you like me to join you? Me and Neville are heading down to the three broomsticks after try-outs," y/n offered, happily watching Lunas eyes widen with excitement.
"you two can go along, you'll bring the caps to me once you've gotten them though will you?" she requested to which y/n smiled.
Ginny smashed the role of beater, she moved past every single chaser, doing spins across the pitch, aiming for both Ron and Cormac's goal posts, watching closely as Cormac swerved gracefully to dodge the majority of the balls, Ron managing to get rid of the balls coming his way.
"COME ON RON!" y/n bellowed, cupping her mouth as she preached the assuring words, Hermione chuckled besides her friends.
Ron's afraid expression stuck against his face, even with his friends crying out their words of support, especially Hermione, as she tugged at her gloves or coat when she'd witness him trip the slightest bit. Although, Hermione wasn't the only one looking to Ron - Lavender Brown sat alone on the benches, completely wrapped up in pink and purple clothing which mingled so well with her dark skin and bright blonde ringlets.
"I think lavender is beginning to develop a crush on someone," Luna announced, Y/n looked in her direction and budged her eyes, a laugh escaping her lips.
"She's off her seat!" Y/n added, Hermione scoffed at the girl who sat squealing at one particular boy.
"No doubt is Ron," Hermione told, folding her arms, fiddling with the he material of her coat, y/n looked over at her friend with a smirk.
"You jealous Hermione?" She asked, Hermione's face dropped, furrowing her brows.
"What? No.." She denied, leaving Luna and y/n to laugh, continuing their entertainment with Quidditch try-outs.
y/n noticed the sudden feeling that lured in her stomach.
Her hands held the packet of cigarettes and the lighter in the next tightly. Her focus became jarred, and she no longer took notice of the quidditch pitch with red cloaks zooming above the muddy grass. Her mind fogged with the thought of Hermione shifting away from her, she almost convinced herself that the bushy haired girl wanted nothing but to get away from y/n, she became so absolutely convinced that she needed to check whether Hermione did or not...and of course the girl was still sat beside her by the hip.
However, that did not satisfy y/n. Her heart felt as if it pounded inside her throat, waiting to be coughed up, her surroundings felt blurred and unreal. her eyes darted towards the ground and watched at her bobbing leg, alongside her fingers picking around her cuticles.
"I'm gonna go, ill see you in a bit," y/n told the girls, as they wished a goodbye, she smiled back to them, heading down the quidditch stands and back towards the wonky bridge. Seeing as it was a long journey back to the common room, she took out her packet and lighter and took a cigarette, igniting the end of it, before taking slow drags of the poisonous object.
She preferred it this way, away from her friends as she knew they wouldn't understand her thoughts and feelings, they never want to explore the topic of their father figure leaving her or Harry, and she no longer wished to come across the topic as it was always laced inside her mind, with very brief moments of her feeling sorrow for her mother whom she'd never met in her life. To makes matters worse, she got in a physical fight with Petunia, after all the years of being wacked and forced to do the Dursley's chores, it felt relieving, but didn't beat the fact they're still being abused at the age of 16.
With another drag of the cigarette, she blew it back out into the fogged up Scotland grounds, continuing her walk towards the bridge, brushing her strands of hair away from her eyes, rubbing at her face as she did so.
"y/n?" a low voice bellowed from right, she paused and looked over to that direction. Hagrid stood there, with a large fluffy brown coat wrapped around him in a red knitted jumper, his brown fleece boots drenched with mud whilst behind his beard sat the most shocked face she's ever witnessed from the half-giant. "what you got in yer mouth?" he questioned.
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