warning - I have used another term for the word cigarette, and I do not mean to use it in a derogatory manner nor am I trying to either. I have asked a friend of mine if I'd be allowed to say this particular word, she has told me to only use it in the context it's supposed to me for it to be excusable. If the word makes you uncomfortable I am indeed, very sorry, if you would like me to change it please let me know - please understand that I have nothing against the LGBTQ+ community and am a proud ally, therefore I am willing to change anything that makes my readers uncomfortable
Y/n could never sleep. Eye bags fell underneath her eye sockets, and the sunrise glowed against the trees as she stood inside the Dursley's garden, her newly cut fringe brushed against her eyebrows, her black strands of hair sat in the middle of her fringe as well as her new thick highlights of black hair sat in her freshly chopped off bob.
A cigarette sat in between her middle and index finger, the end lit up as ash fell from the smoke. She raised her hand back to her chin, sucking the smoke from inside of the cig, holding it in her mouth before exhaling into the early morning.
It's been roughly three weeks since she started her smoking habit. She had bribed Dudley £50 from her wizard money to get five packets. She would only smoke any night she couldn't sleep, which seemed to be very often as she had already finished her first packet of cigarettes.
She remembered how harry had came downstairs for a cup of tea when he caught her sobbing in the garden, an almost finished cig sat in her fingers, shivering in her pyjamas as she didn't bother wiping her eyes.
The summer was awful for the teens, they barely spoke to each other, only when they were forced to clean the home up. However when harry had caught his god sister smoking they managed to let out such genuine and infectious thoughts they've been holding back for too long, they spent the night crying with each other, before y/n finished her smoke and they headed off to bed again.
The sunset seemed to now bore y/n, she saw it so often she was never taken in such awe whenever the sun seemed to break through the night skies. She took another drag of her fag before she stubbed it into the brick wall, flicking the end out into the garden.
"Ah, So it's you flicking out all those wasnt it?" The older voice of petunia told, her head looked as if it were to explode from anger. "I've been yelling at those blessing neighbours to quit flicking their cig butts into our garden only to find out it was you?" She told, her eyebrows frowned violently.
"Don't give me back chat!" Petunia yelled, tying up her dressing robe. "You are not my relative, you were never one of Lily's, you're parents are dead and that does not mean you get to lounge around anymore and continue smokingc give me your packet," she held her bony hand out, expecting y/n, in her small pyjamas, to hand over her packets of cigarettes.
"nah, you can get fucked," y/n folded her lip to Petunia, who's eyes widened with sheer fury.
"Don't say-"
"Dont fucking mention my parents like that again you jarring cunt-" y/n was cut off again by her guardians furious glare.
"Call me it again and see what happens-" Petunias lips pursed to the younger girl.
"Cunt," y/n spat, literally.
Y/n barged past the black haired woman who wiped away her nicotine contained spit, twisting her body around to snatch the blonde and black hair, she twirled it in her hands and dragged y/n back into the conservatory.
y/n fell to her knees, but leant on her left hand and swung her right leg across her feet, watching as the older woman plummeted to the floor with a loud grunt and released y/n's hair.
"Fucking bitch," sputtered y/n, as she jogged upstairs and slammed the door shut behind her, immediately waking her God-brother up.
"up, now, we're leaving," she ordered, his brows furrowed. he pushed his hair back meanwhile pushing his round lenses back up to the bridge of his nose once more, the eyes he'd gained from his mother looked through, the scruffy black hair he'd gain from his father short due to y/n giving the boy a terrible haircut no more than a week ago, the blue shirt tight at his arms and the same old second hand sweatpants loose at his scrawny legs. The girl ripped the closet doors open and chucked out separate clothes for them to wear.
the teens swiftly changed into extremely casual outfits, Harry wore his t-shirt, hand-me-down jean and his red zip up jacket. y/n threw on her beige vest shirt, slimming down against her body as Dudleys old jeans sat lazily at her hips, the girl and re-done her hair into a high ponytail. The teens snatched their wands from their bedside table, opening up the door to leave.
"are you taking the piss," Harry growled aloud, y/n squinted to the ground where two cups of tea sat, the mugs on its side with the tea spilt across the grim carpet.
"shove it out the way," y/n told, which Harry applied to, skimming the mug away from their bedroom door, as they jogged down the stairs, gaining a small glance of Petunia who sat at the breakfast bar with her nails in between her teeth before the two closed the front door behind them.
"Should we go to Mrs. Figg's? Haven't talked to her in a while..." harry suggested, bending his knees to swing him against the rusting swings inside of the deserted park.
They walked together and shared one cigarette, of course Harry only handled a puff, therefore y/n took the rest. They could feel the grease sit in their hair as wind would hush past. Sweat lingered inside their armpits, beads formed at their foreheads, adding into the oils that weaved inside their hair fibres.
"I'm sure she'd boot us in the fanny if we was to turn up to her house, she told us to stay home because Dumbledore would be meeting us soon," she reminded, wiping her forehead, twiddling with her blue lighter.
"Hmm, when was he supposed to meet us?" He asked, y/n only shrugged.
"Fuck knows, today for all I know," y/n turned to her God-brother, a red pole stood in between them holding up the swings that they sat slouched on.
"Should we head back just in case?" Harry asked.
"Might as well," she sighed, getting up into her feet as they dragged their feet to the direction of their so called "home".
Upon their arrival, the sun eventually set, as well as the teens stomachs growling for food. Over 13 hours ago they turned up to the most populated shop to grab a small bar of anything, that'll feed them until the moon would appear.
Harry took out his keys and twisted them inside the lock, headed inside with y/n behind him, exchanging a look at the half open kitchen door. Y/n stood back outside, her eyes looked directly up into the stars, squinting to confirm any sight of thunderclouds that forms the shape of a skull. With a small breath she headed back inside, nodding to Harry as they slid out their wands.
"Sir." Harry said in a relieved tone as he entered the kitchen, his aimed wand dropped to his side.
y/n copied once she also noticed Albus Dumbledores long white hair that trailed to his knees. His midnight blue dress robes sat over his pale, wrinkled skin. His half-moon shaped glasses sat in the middle of his long hooked nose and a smile sat across his face.
"Glad you arrived back home, the Dursley's were mentioning how you didn't warn them on my arrival, not very professional is it kids," he chuckled, his hands pointed over to where the Dursley stood, eyes wide with fear, stood in a trance as they were petrified of the witchcraft they all held.
"I must tell you both, Sirius Blacks body had been discovered, The ministry have now come to a conclusion of his innocence. But one thing most important, they've discovered his will a week ago, he'd left you both everything he's ever owned," he turned to the children, looking at their stunned faces.
The Dursleys eyebrows furrowed at the interaction, giving each other side eyes. Dumbledore turned to the blonde haired girl with black highlights. "He'd left you number 12 Grimwauld place, it's tradition for the Black family to hand it down," Dumbledore straightened himself up again meanwhile her head hung low. "Which also means there has been a reasonable amount of gold placed inside of your vault in gringotts, all left after himself. You've also been left with the house elf he owned too, you have the opportunity to keep it, or hand him away to the Hogwarts kitchen."
"Send him to the kitchens, we don't want that thing," harry mentioned, his arms folded.
"Now lastly, Buckbeak has been taken care of by Hagrid since Blacks passing, it is your choose what you'd like to do with the Hippogriff,"
"Return him to hagrid," y/n told quietly, her eyes glued to the floor.
"Hagrid would be delighted to hear Miss. Black," Dumbledore told, standing up and marched over to the teens. "Now last thing," He turned to the very cautious Dursley's. "A dark wizard known as Lord Voldermort has returned to this country, and he has every intention to slaughter each muggleborn ad muggle to walk the earth just as he did before. The wizarding community is as open warfare and at this very moment Harry and y/n are at more danger than they were when I left them on your doorstep," he paused, the room waited for a sign of anger to appear on his calm face however, he remained still. "You did not do I asked Petunia, in treating these children as though they were your own, not once have you ever. The magic i evoked fifteen years ago means that these kids have a powerful protection while they can still call this house home, and even how unwelcome and miserable they can be to sleep under its roof that magic still sits here." He paused, connecting his fingers together as he glared at the Dursley's...y/n easily took notice of the old mans hand that sat against his wrist, a dark black infection seemed to be grow up from his nails, towards his wrist. "Once the children turn seventeen that magic will break, therefore the only thing I ask for is that he can remain here even just the day before his birthday, so it will ensure maximum security of their safety," The headmaster continued. The Dursley's didn't speak, only broke contact with the patient headmaster.
"Are you leaving?" Y/n asked, her eyes peered through her greasy fringe.
"Hmm, have you packed your trunks yet?" The elder asked, he watched them nod their heads. "Your owls are in their cages too?" He quizzed, watching as they nodded once more. "Wonderful, follow me," he told, leading himself out of the living room and towards the front door into the middle of privet drive with the teens tagging along behind him.
"You've been reckless this summer kids," Dumbledore spoke, his eyes on the lampposts that illuminated the dark neighbourhood.
"Dursleys are a wind up," y/n announced.
"It's thrilling if I do say so myself, but now is not the time, take my arm," Dumbledore held out his arm towards both children, the hand with a black infection stood beside Harry
"But sir didn't you ask for our trunks-" y/n mentioned, his arms still held up for them to hold.
"do as I say," the headmaster ordered the teens.
A loud CRACK! erupted inside of the teenagers ears. The sensation of spinning and dizziness washed over them as the teens felt their feet lift of the ground, their bodies warping and twisting as if it were rubber until suddenly their feet stuck against the ground once more, a sick feeling waving over their nerves.
"We just apperated, didn't we," Harry wrenched. The teenagers hovering over their knees, containing the vomit they felt was about to spew.
"Indeed," Dumbledore announced, he looked around. "most successfully too if i must say, most people vomit the first time," he added, turning his head over his shoulder.
"Can't imagine why," y/n gagged, noticing Harry and Dumbledore wondering off behind her.
"Harry, y/n I assume you must be wondering why I brought you here," Dumbledore spoke, walking upright past a large home with tall bushes to cover the house behind it. "am I right?" The elderly man asked, taking the lead of the teens.
"Actually sir, after all these years we sort of go with it," Harry spoke, trailing behind Dumbledore, the man stopping at the wooden fence that lead to a home.
The home was quiet and dark. It was a home that the upper class people would live inside, worn out bricks built up the home with tall glass revealing a torn up inside, a blue door broken directly inside of the doorway into large home. Dumbledore sensed the eeriness of the building.
"Wands out kids," Dumbledore ordered, holding out his wand, the teenagers copied.
"Horace?" Dumbledore asked out into the still house, he stepped beside the broken door and into what looked to be the drawing room before a stampede and charged through it, by the looks of it. Glass covered the carpet, a painting was torn and had fallen, cupboards snapped and chandelier dangled from the ceiling which seemed to have a hole from it.
The hole had a dark liquid flooding in its wooden slabs. Harry noticed this, nudging y/n, their eyes widening at the possibilities of what could be upstairs.
The liquid dripped and landed on Harry's forehead, the boy went to reach for it only to have Dumbledore slap his hand away, touching the substance himself, poking his tongue against it.
A squeak came from behind Dumbledore, the three turned to see a neat and tiny armchair seated in the corner of the room - funnily enough, two slippers seated together at the bottom of it.
Dumbledore steadily shuffled over to the unusual chair, using his wand to poke gently at the top of the armchairs seams, only for it to be ripped apart by an old mans head, his eyes budged and shocked, large bushy eyebrows that covered over his small blue eyes, a plump nose with greys laced against his blonde strands of hair.
"Merlins beard!" The man yelled, his body stood up to reveal his blue striped night gown with his sleeves that looked like the arms of an armchair. "Don't disfigure me Albus," he added, shaking out his feet.
"Well I might say you do make a very convincing armchair, Horace," Dumbledore chuckled, nodding towards the man, still shaking out of form.
"Compulsory, stuffing comes naturally, what gave me away?" Horace asked, Dumbledore pointed with his wand to where the liquid sat dripping.
"Dragons blood," the headmaster smiled, Horace's eyes widened slightly.
"Oh," the man spoke as if it weren't obvious.
"Oh yes introductions, Harry, y/n I'd like you to meet an old friend and colleague of mine, Horace Slughorn," Dumbledore introduced the three to each other, Horace held up his hand to wave only realising it's still the form of an armchair, shaking out of it. "I'm sure you'll know who this is," the elderly smiled towards Skughorn.
"Harry and y/n potter," Slughorn smiled towards the teenagers. "Oh my apologies, black," he responded looking towards the girl, he looked at her longingly, almost sad when looking at her.
"What's for all the theatrics Horace, waiting for someone?" Dumbledore asks. Horace walked over to the door into the drawing room, gently closing it.
"Oh alright, the death eaters have been trying to recruite for a year you know what that's like?" The man raised his voice to Dumbledore. "I've said no to these people I don't stay anywhere for more than a week, muggles who own this place are in the canary island," Dumbledore nodded in understanding to Slughorn, the man was upset and angry, he had every reason to be.
"I think we should put it back in order for them don't you?" Dumbledore swiftly used the scourgify charm.
The teenagers and two elderly men watched in awe as the room began to set itself up again. Glass repairing itself back together to create a nice clean glass panel for the windows again, torn chairs were mended and stood up properly to a fixed dining table, candle spillage and burn marks vanished as if they'd gone back in time, the dragons blood patch had sucked itself away into nothing and the chandelier became upright against, the glass placing itself altogether once more, and neatening itself up.
"That was fun, you mind if I use the loo?" Dumbledore asked Horace, who nodded vigorously. W
"No, of course," Slughorn spoke, directing him to where the toilet was inside of the muggle household. "don't think I don't know why your here Albus, the answer is still no, absolutely and unpivatly no," Horace yelled, later looking to the children with an awkward smile against his face. "you look very much like your parents," he told, watching as the teens exchanged a look. "You look identical to your mother, Glinda. You look awfully like you father except for the eyes of course, you've got your-" He was cut off by an awkward Harry.
"My mothers eyes," interrupted Harry.
"Lily, lovely lily, really bright your mother, especially after hearing she was a muggleborn," Slughorn smiled to the two teens, they furrowed their eyebrows.
"One of our friends is muggleborn, she's the best in our year-" Harry began to rant only for Horace to step in nervously.
"Oh please don't think I'm prejudice, your mother was one of my absolute favourite, look there she is," Horace announced, pointing towards the desk of photos, all moving as they usually do in the wizarding world, lily stood at the front of a photo beside Slughorn in professional robes, lily held a drink beside the old man. "all mine, ex students, you'll recognise barnubus cuffe, from the daily prophet, always takes my owl on my opinion and writes it down day to day," the man pointed from one student to another. "Grenoge Jones head of the-" Horace stopped.
Y/n's eye caught onto a photo which had a whole Slytherin quidditch group seated together, Horace seemed to be seated in the middle, with a large smile against his face, when a woman figure propped up from behind one Slytherin, later pushing her out the photo jokingly. "ahh yes, regulus black your uncle, no doubt you heard about your father, I'm sorry about his passing, I've taught the whole black family extremely clever boys, and your mother, haha, she was growing closer with your father at the time, she took the opportunity to get to know regulus a bit more, before he became a... You know," Slughorn trailed off.
"Horace," Dumbledore Spoke, entering the room with a magazine in his hands "you mind if I take this? I do find an interest in knitting," Dumbledore smiled to his ex-colleague.
"Yes, of course but you're not leaving are you?" Horace asked, the two teens placing down the photos again, wondering back to their headmasters side.
"I can see a great cause when I see one, there's a lot of triumph in you to turn down Hogwarts," Dumbledore nodded towards the teens. "just like our good friends Miss. Black and Mr. Potter here, one of a kind, well, bye Horace," Dumbledore spoke, leaving the home, Harry and y/n trailed after him outside the home.
The outside was still quiet, just as it was when they entered the home. They said nothing it was just the sounds of shoes scraping against the stones along with Dumbledores new magazine squeaking underneath his armpit until they heard the front door slam against the wall and Horace shuffled outside.
"ALRIGHT! I'll do it! But tell professor snape I want the snobby water closet I had before and I deserve a pay rise, these are mad times we live in! Mad!" He ordered, waving his arm in the air, Dumbledore nodded, watching the old man anxiously look around him, shuffling back inside.
"They are indeed," Dumbledore added, leading the children away from Horace's home.
"Sir, what exactly was that all about?" Harry asked.
"You're famous talented teens, Professor Slughorn has been collecting the pair of you, times like these are crucial and its exactly why slughorn should return," Dumbledore answered. "Oh, and you won't be returning to Little Winging tonight Harry, or you y/n," Dumbledore announced, instantly confusing the teens standing beside him.
"But what about Hedwig and Veró? Our trunks?" Y/n questioned, Dumbledore didn't look to them and had looks ahead.
"They'll be waiting for you," the elderly headmaster told them.
Dumbledore lifted up his blue robes arms, now holding his knitting magazine, waiting as both of the teens had hold of the man, letting in a breath before a loud CRACK sound was heard and the teens landed in a pond, Dumbledore no where to be seen. They looked up to see the warm home of the weasleys burrow, the lights were turned on and the entire home radiated such a lovely warm feeling that Harry and Y/n had missed so badly during the whole of summer.
Harry looked up to see a familiar ginger girl who sat at her bedroom window, reading at a book placed inside her hands, y/n nudged her God-brother over for staring at her best friend, making it known that Harry is beginning to stare at the certain Weasley.
The teens crawled out of the cold pond, marching over to the tall home, banging on the door of the home to greet all Weasley as they were anxiously expected to stay a couple nights before heading back to Hogwarts.
Tonks was there and she looked awful. Instead of her usual bubblegum pink or electric purple pixie cut hair, it turned to a mousy brown that fitted her heart shaped face, the girls metamorprus abilities had stopped due to shock or depression, Hermione had babbled on about it later that night. Remus Lupin was also at the Burrow and he too didn't look any better: his shabby clothes looked tired and unwanted, as well as his face grew an almost perminant sad look, both adults forming large bags under their eyes.
"Y/n," Tonks almost yelled, running up to the teenager and gave the girl a humongous, desperate hug, y/n had reached up for a hug and was suddenly overwhelmed with Tonks protection over her. "Harry," she whispered, pulling the boy in for a hug. Remus copied, allowing both teens for a welcoming embrace.
Y/n's mind throughout the night raced with the thoughts of stepping foot in the headquarters of The Order Of The Phoenix. She didn't want to step foot in the house ever again, she wasn't even sure if she could manage to walk inside and even explore.
She didn't even believe for a second that Harry would either, the teens were so utterly muddled and almost ashamed to have the house handed down to them, they equally believed that they didn't deserve the enchanted and magical home, and most importantly, they couldn't imagine calling it home, when Sirius is no longer with them to care for them.
The girl sighed inside of the cramped living room, she sat inside her pyjamas with her feet kicked up to her thighs, her hands sat on the edge of mouth, and with each breathe she craved the taste of nicotine.
Y/n gazed at the room, Tonks sat beside her, off in her own world with her finger running through her natural brunette hair, her shoes were still on as Lupin shuffled around the kitchen, swirling his teaspoon inside of his mug of coffee. The blonde and black haired girl smirked at her second cousin as she had her eyes on the man opposite the room.
"Tonks," y/n whispered, gaining the girls attention.
"Do you smoke?" Y/n asked, her fingernails sat in between her teeth as she watched tonks furrow her thin brows, extending her arm out onto the back of the sofa, looking y/n directly in the eye.
"Why?" She asked, y/n crises her arms in her comfortable spot.
"I'm craving a fag but mine are at the bottom of my trunk," y/n whispered again, a small silence hovered around them. Tonks looked over to Remus as he wiped the sides down of his coffee residue, looking back to her relative.
"Come on then," Tonks told, leading themselves out onto the Weasleys open garden.
Thank you for being patient with this new upload I have been FOOKEN DYING to post since that good old cliffhanger 👩🦯👩🦯
I'm gonna try make this section of the fanfiction to be as close to the book since this movie i FOOKEN HATEEEEJBEHSVDHSHHSHSHSHSJJSJDJSHDJSJSJ BRUH
I'm going to try include y/n's feelings WAYYYYYY more than i did before so if uploads take ages then pls be patient with me fank you darling.
have a nice day!!!
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