"It's seems that your hearing is before the entire wizarding court," Remus explained to y/n and Harry, the teenagers were seated beside the table, Tonks sat with an entertained Ginny, forming a ducks beak to pigs snout then a toucan beak, also changing the length and colours of her hair.
"I don't understand was does the ministry have against us?" Harry questioned aloud, Ron and Hermione silently listened along, pretending they were in on a conversation.
"Show him," moody grumbled, Sirius leaned back in his chair, holding onto his goblet meanwhile Remus pulled over the daily prophet, slamming the paper in front of the teens.
The title was written boldly 'THE TWINS WHO LIES' with a picture of Harry and y/n looking miserable after the third task, people looking frantic and motionless until the headline changed to a report about Fudge.
"I hope your not attacking Dumbledore as well," Sirius joked at the end of the table. Y/n pulled the paper more towards herself, reading the front page article on their accusations of Voldermorts return. "Fudge is using all of his power, including his influence of the daily prophet to scare anyone who claims the dark lord has returned," Sirius continued, "The minister thinks that Dumbledore is after his job," he finished, taking a sip of his goblet, filled halfway with muggle red wine, it's been too much of a risk to go out and buy any of Charlotte Graoses fusion berry wine, which y/n had figured was her fathers favourite.
"But that's insane, no-one in their mind could believe Dumbledore-" y/n spoke up, looking away from the ridiculous article along with Harry.
"Exactly the point, Fudge isn't in the right mind it's been twisted, and warped by fear," Remus butted in, wearing an old cardigan over his shoulders, he looked weak, most likely due to the full moon two days ago. "now fear makes people do terrible things you two, the last time Voldermort gained power he almost destroyed everything we hold most dear, now he's returned, I'm sure the minister will do anything to avoid facing that terrifying trip," Remus continued, linking his large fingers together.
"We think Voldermort wants to build up his army again, fourteen years ago he had huge amounts of people under his command, not just wizards and witches but all matter of Dark creatures, he's been recruiting, heavily, and were attempting to do the same but having followers, isn't anything interesting," Sirius spoke, looking to the teens at the table, a cough came from moody. "We believe Voldermort might be after something," he finished, leaning onto the table.
"Sirius," moody grumbled again, leaning in his walking stick.
"Something he didn't have last time," Sirius continued, y/n and Harry's eyes widened.
"You mean like a weapon?" Harry asked, intrigued.
"No that's enough," Molly stopped the cutting of vegetables and wiped her hands against her apron, walking towards Harry and y/n's seats. "They're just kids," she added, standing behind them proudly. "you say any more you might as well add them into the order straight away," she pointed to Sirius only for y/n and Harry to perk up.
"Good! Cause we want to join," Harry spoke, Sirius just gave a look towards Mrs. Weasley, as she huffed in defeat.
"If Voldermorts raising an army then we want to fight," y/n added, her shoulders tense as she looked to her father, he winked to the two kids.
"Trains, underground," Arthur Weasley looked around the underground system of London, excitedly like a five year old boy on a trip, going down the escalators he held onto both railings until he reached the floor, "Amazing these muggles," he whispered to y/n who only gave a half-hearted smile towards the ginger man.
They headed up to the entrance for the trains where Harry grabbed his Oyster card to pass the entrance and head onto the trains. Arthur watched as muggles swiped their hands past the barcode reader, he too swiped his hand past but bumped into the gates, swiping his hand again and frowned when the doors didn't open but did for the muggles, not realising Harry just behind him.
Harry both got out his card and showed it to Arthur who 'ahhh'ed at the muggle device, watching Harry slide his card and he travelled backwards through the gates, Harry used his card again, shoving himself and y/n through the gates, the three then took a train to the closest visitors entrance for the ministry.
"I've never gone through the visitors entrance, this should be fun, I'll just get my muggle money," Arthur announced once the three had left the train station, looping around the corner to a telephone box, and all squashed inside, he slid in his change, when the floor decided to fall down, slowly as if it was a lift.
Arthur happily watched the ground raise higher and watched the green waxed tiles come into view. Hundreds of witches and wizards all walking in one direction as they passed multiple different fireplaces which were tall enough to fit someone and watched green fire cover the wizards and watched them calmly exit and head upwards along with everyone else.
The daily prophet was being handed out on the side too, a prophet with a large question of 'DUMBLEDORE, DAFT OR DANGEROUS?' Which plenty of wizards were collecting. In the centre of the circular room with office windows on show like a house of flats, a large sculpture of a Phoenix sat in the dead centre and as y/n and Harry looked up they watched a long banner dangling from the top of the red offices with Fudge's face pressed against it and the ministry's logo in the top left corner.
They turned left, shifting past plenty of other wizards into an elevator room, where over fifty wizards stood either entering a lift or waiting for their lift to their department to arrive. The three walked to a certain one, looking out, mesmerised the gorgeous greenery.
"Morning Arthur," a random worker spoke, Arthur turned around and gave a nice warm smile.
"Morning mate," he responded, small paper aeroplanes came and hovered inside of the lift along with them, y/n and Harry watched funnily. "Parchment memos, used to use owls but the mess was unbelievable," Arthur told them, they nodded at the new fact. Kingsley suddenly entered the lift with another set of light blue robes, whispering into Arthur's ear, his eyes bulged at the news. "Merlins beard, thank you Kingsley," he nodded, leaning towards Harry's and y/n's ears. "They changed the time of your hearing," he told them, their eyebrows raised.
"When is it?" Harry asked for y/n.
"In five minutes," Arthur said calmly, y/n and Harry just looked shocked at the sudden time change.
The elevator trip took a couple of seconds, they were the last ones down and a speaker announced their destination which was 'the department of mysteries'. The three calmly walked through the black tiled walls and floor, growing familiar to the eerie feeling of the long corridor.
"Remember during your hearing speak when spoken to," Arthur announced, they stopped at a black door with a round silver door knob directly in its centre. "Keep calm, you've done nothing wrong," he reassured them. "As the muggles say, truth will out, yes?" He smiled to the kids, as they nodded eyes still on the door whilst Arthur looked at them sadly. "I'm not allowed in I'm afraid, good luck kids," he announced and watched the teenagers step inside the room.
The room seemed to be dimly lit with the fires at the corners of the room, high raised benches that circulated the entire room beside the doorway, it had a bottom and second row with witches and wizard dressed in red robes that matched altogether, including a hat that was in the shape of a triangle though the corners were rounded out. The next four rows up had wizards and witches with black robes, the same design as the red ones including the hat, all adults in the room looked down to the teenagers disgustedly, but it wasn't a surprise to y/n and Harry about their miserable glances, they were suspicious of the children.
Two seats sat in the centre of the dull hearing room, it was a clear answer to where the teenagers needed to be seated. The room watched as they shuffled over the seats, their shoes weren't professional - not anything like the shiny type business muggle men would were to an meeting. Y/n was lucky however, her shoes were given to her by Tonks, her shiny black boots which were covered with her brown trouser bottoms.
"Disciplinary hearing for the 12th of August, into offences committed by Harry James Potter and Y/n Andromeda Black, residents at number 4 privet drive, in Little Winging, Surrey, and-" Cornelius Fudge announced, in a slow, bored tone, he stood behind block of wood, reading at a parchment, over his half-moon glasses before his head looked up at the sudden voice.
"Witness for the defence, Albus Perciveal Wolfric Brian Dumbledore," Dumbledore glided inside of the hearing, his long white beard cascaded down to his knees which were covered with his light blue robes that stretched to his toes, his white hair falling behind him and the top of his white scalp sat his matching blue hat, his half-moon shaped glasses hung at the end of his crooked nose, a miserable face presed against the elderly man.
"You got our message that the time and place of the hearing had been changed did you?" Fudge smirked, trying to bail Dumbledore out as a witness clearly.
"I must have missed it, but by a happy mistake I turn at the ministry three hours early," Dumbledore smiled to the wizards seated inside the ministry. "charges?" He questioned, watching fudge miserably looked to down to his parchment.
"The charges is against the accused are as followed that they did knowingly, at full awareness of the agility of their actions, produced the patronus charm, in the presence of a muggle, do you deny these sort of allegations?" He questioned, all eyes piercing towards the teenagers, watching as they tried to spit out their words.
"No, because we-" Harry began until Cornelius spoke out again, y/n watched as Dumbledore slowly walked more ahead of them, his hands at his hips.
"Are you both aware that you are forbiddean to use magic outside of school while under the age of seventeen," Fudges voice interrupted theirs, growing frustrated they nodded.
"Yes, but we was-" y/n spoke up a little louder this time.
"Witches and wizards are not surprised at this remark-" Fudges voice butted in but clearly the teens had had it. They fidgeted until y/n nudged her God-brother, they needed to have their point across, and if Fudge would keep his silly mouth shut, then...why should they?
"We only did it because of the dementors," Harry beckoned, causing Fudge to pause his announcement towards his colleagues. They almost sat back and smugly look to the teenagers. Every male and females expression looked utterly surprised - due to the fact the ministry is in full control of dementors & Azkaban.
"Dementors? In Little Winging?" A woman with big round eyes and blonde hair questioned.
"Yes that's quite clever," Fudge included, turning back to the teenagers with knitted eyebrows. "Muggles can't see dementors, can they?" He tilted his head slightly, only for y/n and Harry to huff.
"We're not lying, there was two of them and if we hadn't-" y/n spoke up, looking directly to fudge who only held up his hand, causing her to pause her sentence.
"Nope," he spoke, the teens watched defensively. "I'm sorry to interrupt but I'm sure it must have been a very well rehearsed speech," He announced, the smug look pressed against his skin only made y/n want to kick him straight in the nose. "But since you cannot produce no witnesses of the event-" he continued, until Dumbledore, stood forward once more.
"Pardon me, minister, but as I happens, we can," The elderly man spoke out, with a small smirk.
"Please describe the attack," the same woman with blonde hair and round eyes asked, the minister had another roll of parchment out, his quill hovering over the paper, waiting for Mrs. Figg to begin her statement.
she sat timidly in the tall chair, looking up at the wizards staring down at the squib - a person born from wizard family who did not inherit their families wizards abilities. The woman sat in Harry's seat for questioning, Dumbledore continued to stand. The teenagers sat on the benches the ministry workers sat, legs bobbing. "What did they look like?" The woman questioned, Mrs. Figg twitched at sudden questions.
"Well, one of them was rather large, the two others rather skinny," her voice squeaked, she seemed afraid of the surroundings she was sat in, intimidated by those around her. Y/n couldn't blame the woman, she figured it hasn't been around 20 or more years since she's been inside the wizarding world again.
"Not the boys and girl, the dementors," the woman's voice projected again, Mrs. Figg only gave a bright smile, it didn't seem fitting for the atmosphere so her smile dropped and she swallowed.
"Oh right, right, big, cloaked, but then everything went dark, as if, everything happy from the world was gone," her voice seemed low, still afraid of sitting in the same room as these high wizards, let alone the minister of magic.
"Now look here, dementors don't just wonder into a muggle suburban happen so-" Fudge began to speak until Dumbledore cut in.
"I don't think anyone would believe dementors was there unintentionally," the elderly man spoke. Y/n and Harry anxiously gazed from their headmaster, their neighbour and Cornelius Fudge.
"Hem, hem, please excuse me professor," a woman's voice cracked from the left side of the room, her pink jumper sprouting from the top of her black robe, brunette curls poking from he bottom of her cap, a smile falsely written across her face, both y/n and Harry believed it made her look like a toad. "dementors are after all under the control of the ministry of magic, but it sounded for a moment that you was suggesting the ministry ordered the attack on the children," she almost began to burst from laughter after announcing her statement.
"That would be disturbing enough indeed, on the secretary, which is why I'm sure the ministry will be mounting a full scale inquiry into why the two dementors were so very far from azkaban and why they mounted an attack without authorisation," Dumbledores hands returned to his hips and looked up to the ministry workers. "Of course they're is someone that might be behind it the attack," he announced and walked up close towards the wooden box Fudge stood behind. -"the evidence that the dark lord is back is inconvertible," he whispered yelled towards the minister, who only leaned over the box, face of fury.
"He's not back!" The man spat, Dumbledore turned away, towards Mrs. Figg, Harry and y/n, a small smile at his face.
"In the matter of Harry Potter and y/n black, the law clearly states magic may be used before muggles in life threatening situations," Dumbledore preached, his eyesight turning to the minister again, who looked at the elder, still furious.
"Laws can be changed if necessary Dumbledore," Fudge announced, pushing his glasses to the bridge of his nose. Harry's head fell into his arms, fingers tracing through the odd lengths of black hair, tugging at it with a bobbing leg. Y/n placed her hand against his back.
"It's alright," y/n tells her God-brother, beginning to rub at the blazer material he wore, an attempt of reassurance, continuing to watch the debate between Dumbledore And Fudge.
"Clearly it's become a practise to hold a full criminal trial, to deal with a simple matter of underage magic," Dumbledore announced, his hands waved in the air and back to his hips. The blonde woman who questioned Mrs. Figg had caught on the teenagers stress, and although she's heard and read too much accusations on you-know-who's uprising, they seemed upset - so she spoke up.
"Those in favour of conviction," she spoke, there were multiple hands that rose, , the toad looking woman smiled when her hand smugly rose up. "Those of clearing the accused of all charges," she suggested again, the teens watched as some wizards hesitated but still rose their hands, including the blonde woman who announced the suggestion.
"Cleared of all charges," Fudge huffed, slamming the hammer against his dark wooden box, grabbing his parchment as the teens heads shot up, Mrs. Figg's head looked happily towards the teenagers as Dumbledore nodded to Cornelius.
"We did it," y/n smiled, watching as Harry's face brightened, he raced over to the edge of the bench to talk to Dumbledore.
"Professor," he called. The elderly man didn't look back at the teenagers in response, he simply went onwards and out of the hearing room.
Not one day was kings cross station not busy. It was a large station inside of London that Hermione, Ginny, Y/n, Fred, George, Harry and Ron were all inside of with their trolleys carrying their belongings for the whole Hogwarts year. Mad-eye Moody limped along behind the teenagers with Tonks by his side and Mr and Mrs. Weasley taking the lead.
Nobody spoke, the overheard sounds of trains rushing by and the jumbling of train tracks which also included the sounds of whistles and loud chattering, nobody felt they needed to talk - well, really the order were there for the sake of Harry's and y/n's safety, usually it would only be Arthur and Molly to bid farewell, but due to Voldermort's uprising, the order needed to be careful.
"Padfoot? Are you barking mad, you know the operation," Mad-eye grunted, looking down to the scruffy black dog, striding past them, his breathes rolling off his tongue. Y/n's eyes widened as she took her trolleys down the stairs and indicated for Harry to follow after her into an empty waiting room, watching her fathers animagi form easily shift upright into himself.
"Sirius, what is somebody sees you," Harry announced, leaving his trolley with Moody y/n abandoned hers with Tonks, the two members if the order stood outside on the lookout meanwhile Harry's and Sirius talked.
"Yeah dad, we can't risk it out here," y/n continued, making sure the door was completely closed. She followed with Harry as they saw Sirius sit on the wooden bench, Sirius wearing a black robe which barely covered his bony features, all them years in Azkaban really did him dirty.
"I had to see you before you go," He smiled, looking to the kids, indicating for them to sit with him. "What's life without a little risk?" He questioned when both teens slowly seated themselves.
"Um Azkaban?" Y/n said in an obvious tone.
"We don't want to see you get chucked back in Azkaban," Harry responded meanwhile Sirius threw in a calming smile.
"Oh don't worry about me," he told them and rummaged inside of his robe pocket. "Anyway I wanted you two to have this."
the photo moved into the teenagers hands and they watched as the adults all smiled brightly, clumped together as a team and some showing their expressions of laughter, it was a dark image, the corners were rough and torn but they were still able to see the people inside it.
"original order of the Phoenix," he announced, also looking down proudly at the moving image. "Marlene Mackinon, she was killed two weeks after having this taken, Voldemort wiped out her entire family, Frank and Alice Longbottom," he spoke and pointed towards a woman with warm brown hair with matching chocolate eyes that radiated with her warm smile, behind her stood her husband, who stood with an arm on his wife's shoulder, he had a buzz cut hairstyle and his eyes had looked green in the image. They looked to each other and smiled, looking back with a more happier expression.
"Neville's parents," Harry announced, y/n frowned at the happy couple.
"They suffered a fate worse than death if you asked me," Sirius announced and he watched his daughter nod.
"Fourteen years and still a day goes by that I don't miss you dad, and your mother," Sirius included. They only sat in the silence.
"Do you really think there's going to be a war Sirius?" Harry spoke up, only for Sirius to remain still, his mouth began to move.
"It feels like it did before," he looked up at the children. Harry's held the photo watching his parents smile at him, looking more proud than any other phot they've seen, y/n looked towards James and Lily's lefts watching as her mother smiled brightly too, her features looked stunning were gobsmacking, until Harry passed the photo towards Sirius once more, only for him to decline. "You keep it, I suppose you're the young ones now," he smiled once more, handing it back and watched as the teens smile. "oh and this, to contact me quicker, me and James used it constantly, its a one-way mirror," he mentioned, handing over a large shard of glass, which was really a mirror, not facing back onto harry but rather, a wall inside of Grimewauld place.
They left him with a tight hug, and wishes for the best. Sirius wanted for them to have memorable years at Hogwarts but it only lead for them to have trauma.
Later came night, the starry evening swirled along with the twinkling stars that sat beside the moon, causing moonlight to illuminate on the Hogsmeade train stations, including the lamps but no sound of Hagrid, instead there was a woman's voice that was guiding first year this time round.
Y/n stood off the train alone, she knew it be colder outside that the inside of the Hogwarts express and had to go on an adventure for her puffy jacket before stepping outside, she searched her surroundings for any site of her friends only to see a boy in an old knitted blue cardigan and long trousers, holding his bag and a Mimbulus Mimbletonia tightly in his arm. Y/n knew not to mess with them due to the fact thick, green puss could explode out of it and would cause an awful stench.
"Neville!" Y/n called and for the first time in a whole month and some weeks she felt a real smile against her face, Neville head looked up and jerked his head to push back the brunette locks that fell over his eyes, he smiled.
"Hello!" He responded, y/n quickly inviting him in a hug that she held for a while. She always thought his hugs were the best and she loved his affection - beginning to realise how much she craved it during the holidays.
"Awe you cut of all you're locks," she pulled away and ran a hand through his hair, flattening it back into its style ad the boy laughed.
"Yeah my gran hated it."
"Oh, I really liked it. What's a plant doing here for this year?" She looked sat the green, cacti looking plant, her arm rested on his shoulder.
"my gran got me it for my birthday, said I should take care of it during the year," he announced, y/n smiled up at him and they began to walk, out of the station and towards the carriages.
"Oh that's cool, how was your birthday?" she asked, only for a larger smile on Neville's face.
"Seemingly alright, visited mum and dad and it was amazing, guess what my mum did," he asked, looking at the girl, she looked up at his large grin.
"What?" She asked.
"She gave me a gum wrapper!" He almost jumped with joy, y/n's brows furrowed.
"A gum wrapper?"
"Yeah! It's the first thing she's ever given me when we visited, gran told me to throw it away but I kept it," he continued to preach as y/n smiled back at the ecstatic boy.
"That's amazing Neville," she continued, they fell into a comfortable silence and eventually caught up with Harry, Hermione, Ron - Ginny not in sight.
"Hey guys," Neville huffed, y/n offered to hold his plants to which he declined again.
"Hey Neville," the teens responded. They stood together watching as the next carriage went away with Cho Chang and her friends, they stood exhausted until y/n jerked her head, feeling a warm breath on the back of her neck, only making her hairs stand on edge.
"What's that?" Harry asked, he too felt the breath against his neck.
"What's what?" Ron asked.
"That thing pulling the carriage," Harry then added.
It was the body of a horse although it didn't exactly have flesh. It stood like a black horse skeleton with large bat wings on the sides that webbed its bones together. They looked frightening however, they caused no harm.
"There's nothing pulling the carriage, it's pulling itself like always Harry," Hermione spoke, her eyes wondering towards the trees.
"You really can't see them?" Y/n asked, looking back at her friends who looked as confused as she did.
"You're not going mad, I can see them too," a delicate voice spoke out.
Y/n and Harry looked past the animal towards a younger Ravenclaw with dirty blonde, stringy hair and pale eyebrows, she held a copy of The Quibbler upside down and some how was reading it, she lowered her copy to reveal her radish earrings dangling from her ear lobes and a low necklace with a crystal tightly wrapped around it.
"You're just as sane as I am," her fragile voice spoke out again, a small smile held at her face.
Everyone looked to each other, The Quibbler, a magazine which includes different mythical creatures each week, y/n found an interest in the magazine however she stopped reading once the accusations of Voldemort's uprising began to spread.
The teens all got up on the black painted, wooden carriage. Ron and Harry sat on the girls left, leaving some space in between them. Hermione, Neville and y/n sat opposite the girl, they sat in an awkward silence. Hermione took an advantage of it and spoke up.
"Everyone this is Looney-" she cut herself off. Eyes widening once she realised she spoke up about the girls biggest insult. Luna sat there peacefully, waiting for Hermione to finish, y/n shook her head as Hermione gulped. "Luna Lovegood," she finished looking away and sighed. "What an interesting necklace," she tried to save her little act, it only made y/n slightly irritated.
"It's a charm actually, helps keeps the nargles away," she whispered, leaning towards Hermione and Neville, a smile against her face. "Hungry, I hope there's pudding," she announced, the teenagers still sat in silence awkward around the girl.
"The Quibbler, you read it too?" Y/n asked the girl who only looked to y/n happily, as if she was in her own dream, she was in a sort of haze.
"Of course, my father is the creator of the magazine," y/n eyebrows raised in awe.
"Wicked," she smiled back, Luna nodded and continued reading the articles which was held upside down.
"-bloody hells a nargle?" Ron whispered looking over to Hermione.
"No idea," she shrugged.
"She can hear you, you know," y/n spoke up, causing an even tighter atmosphere above their heads.
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