It was now the Christmas holidays and the twins stayed at hogwarts since neither the Dursleys or themselves wanted to be home and they preferred it that way. Y/n woke and quickly brushed her hair to go downstairs seeing Ron and the rest of the Weasleys downstairs opening their presents as they didn't celebrate it at home that year.
She ran downstairs as they all greeted her. They all wore jumpers that had the initials of their first name, hand-made by their own mother. She sat in between Fred and Ron as they passed her a present which stunned y/n.
"That's surely not mine," she said as Ron shook his head.
"You've got one from my mum, hermione and me," ron told her and smiled, her first Christmas present.
She quickly devoured onto it seeing a burgundy coloured knitted jumper with her first initial written across the front, she put it to the side as Ron then handed her another present from hermione a small card tapped onto the wrapping paper.
dear y/n,
thank you for almost saving me from that mountain troll and sticking up for me when others didn't, he's a present I thought you'd enjoy as you wouldn't have to ask me as many questions on spells if you read this book, and a little something too.
yours truly,
hermione granger.
y/n finished reading as she ripped it open seeing a large book on spells which she quickly smiled at.
"Y/n this fell out," Fred said and handed her a bracelet, it was a pink ribbon that had a kitted daisy down into it, tiny but it was large enough to see. She smiled and wrapped it around her wrist, ron helping her before handing her his present.
"Now, this isn't just any present, this is something to just remind you that you're my best friend and to basically say thank you," Ron told the girl as Fred and George whistle behind her, causing him to blush, she smiled and opened it seeing a box of Bertie bots every flavour, a chocolate frog on the side and a necklace that had a small diamond on it, that was the first thing she picked up.
"Where do you but this ron?" She asked, admiring it.
"Yeah ron," George said.
"Where on earth do you get it?" Fred asked after him.
"I knicked it off Ginny, I never seen her where it before so I'm giving it to y/n," Ron argued back with his brothers as they snickered.
"Well, I'm going downstairs for breakfast, are you going to join?" Percy said as he got up from the gryffinor common room couch.
"I'm gonna wait for Harry to wake up," Ron said and y/n agreed both Fred and George said they'd join their prefect brother and they left to go downstairs.
"HARRY WAKE UP!" Ron immediately yelled, "CMON HARRY WAKE UP!" Ron yelled again as y/n held her hands to her ears.
"Jesus can't you just go to your dorm and wake him up?" Y/n asked and ron shrugged.
"It's more exciting this way," he said as they saw the boy with glasses run out to the balcony next to the stairs, looking over at the two. "Happy Christmas Harry," he said standing up next to the fireplace and his hand on the couch that Percy was just sitting on whilst y/n still sat by the Christmas tree.
"Happy Christmas ron," Harry said and looked to his sister. "And you y/n," he said and she smiled.
"Happy Christmas Harry," she said and got up, he looked at their jumpers with a confused look.
"What are you wearing?" He asked as they looked at their jumpers.
"My mum made it, looks like you've got one too," ron said looking back at the presents underneath the tree.
"I've got presents?" Harry asked as the two nodded.
"Yeah!" Ron said as y/n began to wrap the necklace around her neck whilst Harrys silhouette ran down the stairs and into the common room, Ron sat in the arm of the sofa as y/n sat on the couch next to Ron.
"There they are," he said as Harry rushed over to them and the two began to each their sweets, y/n eating her chocolate frog and Ron chewing on the jelly beans. Harry sat down before picking up a letter as he began to read it out.
"Your father left this in my possession before his died, it is time it was returned to you, use it wisely," he read as y/n read out her wizard card, dumbledore again. Harry looked up at Ron as his mate shrugged. Harry looked back down at the card and put it to the side as he began to unwrap the gift, y/n watching.
"What is it?" Ron asked as Harry stood up showing off the fabric.
"Some kind of cloak?" Harry said questionable, still holding it up.
"Well lets see then, put it on," Ron chuckled as y/n smiled. Harry wrapped the long fabric around his shoulders the two kids paused, Ron put his jelly beans away and y/n stood up.
"Woah," he said as the boys body was gone and his head looked like it was floating. "I know what that is, that's an invisibility cloak!" Ron told him.
"Aren't they really rare?" Y/n questioned as she watched ron look at the card.
"Wonder who gave it to you," he said and picked it up, y/n came round to also read the calligraphed handwriting.
"There was no name, it just said, use it well," Harry said.
Y/n sat on the common room couch as she flicked through the spell book, often practising some, but they weren't that strong. She sat there as the portrait hole bursted open Harry's red jumped peeking through the cloak as he turned towards his sister.
"Y/n you've gotta see this!" Harry said as she put her book down, Harry ran upstairs with his cloak on and couple minutes later was dragging his roommate Ron downstairs, all three got underneath the cloak and began to shuffle their way through the castle and into a room where Harry forcefully took the cape off, Ron and him running as she ran behind.
"Come look at my parents!"
"I only see us," Ron said as the three stood in front of the mirror.
"Look in properly you two, go on stand there," Harry said and pushed the. In the middle of the mirror. "You see them don't you?" Happy said with a smiled, he began to point at the mirror as ron interrupted him.
"That's me!" He said and y/n turned to him, confused written all over her face. "Only I'm, head boy, and holding the quidditch cup," Ron said, playing with his robes. "And bloody hell, I'm quitting captain too!" He said with a large smug grin on his face. "Harry, do you think this mirror shows the future?" Ron questioned his friend.
"How can it, my parents are dead," he said and that's when y/n looked at the mirror she didn't see her parents. The blonde eleven year old looked into her reflection to see two people. a woman that at first she beloeved it was her older self, noticing how naturally gorgeous she was as she revealed herself more. The man had long hair and a nicely groomed beard and had the exact same nose as she did.
These were clearly not her parents as she noticed these people were not lily and James Potter, these were two complete strangers.
"You see them too don't you y/n?" Harry asked, she shook her head.
"I see two random strangers behind me, it's not mum or dad," she said and turned to Harry. "What is this mirror Harry?" She asked as he shrugged, looking back to his sister and best friends reflection into the mirror.
Two weeks later hermione had returned to hogwarts, it was very exciting for both y/n and hermione to reunite as they handnt seen each other in a while.
"Hermione!" Y/n yelled waiting at the front gates of the castle where the students began to gather back inside. They both reached for a large hug as both Harry, Ron and Hermione just shook hands.
After the small catch up the four ran upstairs into the library where they'd been back and forth at for the past couple of weeks. Y/n sat down doing her potions essay whilst the boys were busy doing homework.
"I had you looking in the wrong section, how could I be so stupid?" She asked herself as she trotted over with her large book and slammed it against the table, causing objects and people to jump at. " I checked this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading," she said as she sat down, beginning to flick through the pages.
"This is light?" Ron questioned as hermione glared at him.
"Here it is!" She said and instantly pointed at the page. "Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosophers Stone!" She whispered to the group.
"The what?" The boys sat in unison.
"Honestly don't you two read?" Hermione sasses them as they shrugged.
"Wait I've also read about it, something about an elixir of life," y/n blurted out, causing hermione to nod.
"The Philosophers Stome is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It will turn any metal into pure gold and prouduces the Elixir Of Life," she said and nodded her head towards y/n. "Which will make the drinker immortal," hermione stopped and looked up at the group.
"Immortal?" Ron asked as y/n put her quill in her ink pot.
"It means you'll never die," Hermione said before Ron interrupted loudly.
"I know what it means," he said, Hermione folded her top lip.
"Shh!" Harry then added, holding his index finger to his mouth, to silence the squabbling.
"The only stone currently in existence belongs to Mr. Nicholas Flamel, the noted alchemist, who last year celebrated his 665th birthday," hermione read and turned to the group again, lowering her voice. "That's what the Fluffys guarding in the 3rd floor. That's what's underneath the trapped door...the philosophers stone!" She told them as they smirked.
"I think Hermione just cracked what Snapes looking for," y/n said and they all began to pack up their things quickly.
It was past the bedtime hour, were students were strictly told to be in bed by but the three students were running on the grounds towards hagrids hut. They knocked on the door before hagrid opened the door.
"Hagrid!" Harry called.
"Oh, hello. Sorry, don't wish to be rude but I'm in no fit state to entertain today," hagrid told the kids and began to close the door.
"We know about the philosophers stone!" The kids yelled causing the man to reopen the door again slowly. His big brown eyes blinking at the four.
"Ohuh," hagrid rubbed his bushy beard before escorting the children inside. "Come in, Come in quickly," he said as the small children waddled inside.
"We think Snapes trying to steal it," Harry blurted as he sat down.
"Snape? Blimey, Harry you're still not in about him, are you?" Hagrid asked the boy.
"Hagrid, we know he's after the Stone. We just don't know why," Harry responded.
"Snape is one of the teachers protecting the stone! He's not about to steal it!" Hagrid announced.
"We don't have proof but I have a bad feeling about him," Harry told him.
"Ain't no one gonna get past fluffy, not a soul knows how except me and dumbledore," hagrid paused noticing he spoke too much, again. "I shouldn't of told you that, I should not of told you that," he mumbled to himself, just as the children were about to ask more questions, the cauldron hovering over flickering, hot fire suddenly began to rattle.
Hagrid jumped up and reached for something inside the cauldron but since it was covered in hagrid large oven gloves the small children couldn't see it. They stood up as hagrid placed it on the table, a shiny gold egg laid in the centre of the table for the children to see.
"Um, hagrid, what really is this?" Y/n asked the large man, eyes not looking away from the egg.
"That? It's a um...its um," hagrid trailed off, the egg beginning to form lines in the shell as it began to crack, pieces of the shell fly off as a baby dragon emerges, it squeaked, slipping on the shell.
"Is that...a dragon?" Hermione questioned.
"That's not just a dragon, that's a Norwegian Ridgeback! My brother Charlie works with these in Romania," Ron piped up, admiring the creature.
"Isn't he beautiful? Oh. Bless him, look. He knows his mummy. Hehe, hello norbert." Hagrid tells the small dragon as it begins to speak loudly.
"Norbert?" Harry asked.
"Yeah well, he's got to have a name doesn't he?" Hagrid said as y/n and Ron chuckled slightly. "Don't you Norbert?" Hagrid went to pet him as norbert backed away slightly, he hiccuped and blew a fireball at Hagrid's large, bushy beard "oh! Ooh! Oh! Ooh! Well...he'll have to be trained up a bit, of course," Hagrid chuckled patting the fire down, preventing it burning more before his eyebrows furrowed. "Who's that?" He asks as the four kids turn to the door seeing the slicked back haired boy of Malfoy.
"Malfoy," y/n muttered, the kids got up and ran out of the hut without saying goodbye, of course Hagrid understood why.
They all ran as quick as their little legs could take, they tried to get back to the dormitories before Draco could snitch, however they were plan was unfortunaly failed as McGonagall stepped outside her classroom with Draco behind her.
"Good evening," she said, y/n shot Draco a dirty look as he smirked.
The four gryffindor students stood in front of Mcgonagalls desk whist Draco leaned against a students desk with his arms crossed and a smirk painted on his face.
"Nothing, I repeat, nothing gives a student the right to walk about the school at night. Therefore as punishment for your actions, 50 points will be taken," she announced to the children, their faces scrunched up.
"50?" Harry & y/n gasped at the woman.
Y/n turned to the Slytherins as he smirked she felt the anger burn up inside of her stomach just watching his little smirk.
"Each," She added. "And to ensure it doesn't happen again, all five of you will receive detention," she announced as the four maimed before Malfoy got up.
"Excuse me, Professor. Perhaps i heard you wrong. I thought you said... the five of us?" The boy asked the woman who turned to him sharply.
"Oh no, you heard me correctly, Mr Malfoy, you see as honourable as your intentions were, you too were out of bed after hours. You will serve detention with your classmates." She told him as they four giggled watching his smug expression turn to misery.
Once Professor Mcgonagall left the children y/n stepped over to Malfoy.
"Can't always get what you want eh Malfoy?" She said before pushing past him, making sure she bumped their shoulders and he stumbled back slightly, her friends stung him with a glare before leaving, heading back to their dormatries and off to bed.
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