Chapter Two
After school ended Kenma and Kuroo invited you to watch their practice. You didn't have anything to do so you decided to go. "Kenma! Kuroo! You two are right on time, who's this?" An old man wearing a red jacket and red pants said from the benches as you looked around the gym. Kuroo put his arm around your shoulders and introduced you to him, telling him about you being the ace of Orishima and all that. "It's an honor to meet you, you were amazing at nationals. I'm Coach Nekomata." You shook the coaches hand as Kuroo and Kenma went to go change.
When they came back some more members arrived at the gym. "Oy captain who's the girl?" They asked as they surrounded Kuroo. "(F/n)! Come here, I'd like you to meet the team." You nodded and stood up and walked over to the team. "This is Kai Nobuyuki, Yaku Morisuke, Yamamoto Taketora, Fukunaga Shohei, Inuoka So, Haiba Lev, and Shibayama Yuki. Guys, this is (F/n) (L/n), the former ace of Orishima." The guys stared in awe as you bowed politely in front of them. They suddenly surrounded you, praising and complimenting you.
"Oy! Hurry it up!" Their coach yelled at the boys. Kenma rolled his eyes and waited for the others to get changed. "(L/n)-san, why don't you demonstrate what you can do?" Coach Nekomata crossed his arms as the other guys came back. "Is it really okay?" Coach nodded. You changed into your old volleyball uniform from Orishima and volleyball shoes which you always kept in your bag, you didn't really know why.
You stretched a bit as the team watched you, checking you out from head to toe. "Kenma, set for her." Kuroo nudged Kenmas arm. Kenma got a volleyball as you got into position. "Go (F/n)!" Kuroo yelled as you passed the ball to Kenma, he served it just right as you jumped into the air and slapped it straight to the other side in a whole second. Everyone stared in amazement.
"THAT WAS AMAZING (L/N)-SAN!" "SHE REALLY IS THE ACE OF ORISHIMA!" "HOLY SMOKES DATE ME" The team surrounded you as Kenma was still staring. "Is something wrong?" "It was too low, you didn't notice?" You nodded. "No matter what kind of angle the ball is in, I'll hit it no matter what." You put a hand on Kenmas shoulders as you grinned at him. "Alright everyone settle down." Coach Nekomata said as he got up from the bench. "That was amazing, you're even better than Yamamoto." The ace growled as Kuroo laughed and patted his back.
Coach Nekomata placed a hand on your shoulder, "You wouldn't mind if you could join the team, would you?" You smiled a smile that made the whole team melt, even Kenmas cheeks were red. "I'd love to!" The whole team cheered and lifted you up. "H-Hey!" You tried to protest but they wouldn't let you down as they celebrated their new member. Kenma was the only one out of the crowd, he was smiling up at you from the bench with Coach Nekomata. After all of you settled down you practiced until night fell.
"Thank you!" You happily exclaimed, lined up with the rest of the team as you bowed to Coach Nekomata. "(L/n)-san! Teach me your ways!" Yamamoto bowed before you and made you laugh. "I'd love to but I should head home now." "We'll walk you home!" The whole team except for Kenma who just came back from the changing room said in unison. "I-I..." You couldn't help but laugh. It was only your first day of school and you already had so much friends.
Kenma and Kuroo accompanied you to get you bike. "Guys, look at the stars!" You pointed at the stars while you held the handles of your bike with your other hand. "So pretty..." You whispered, gazing at the hot balls of gas in the clear night sky. "Not as pretty as you..." You heard Kenma whisper. When he realized you had heard him his cheeks went red as tomatoes as Kuroo couldn't stop laughing.
"Well I live on this street, I'll see you guys tomorrow!" You waved goodbye to Kuroo, but Kenma was still at your side. "Kenma do you also live on this street?" He nodded and waved goodbye to Kuroo, who was making a heart shape with his hands. "Do you live alone, (F/n)?" "Yeah...what about you?" He nodded in reply. "I can't believe I'm apart of the team." You squeezed the handles of your bike as Kenma smiled at you. Usually he would have his phone in his hands, but this time he wasn't.
"This is my apartment, I guess I'll see you tomorrow." The two of you suddenly said in unison as you reached a building with 5 separate doors, you lived in the first one. "Y-You live here?" Once again in unison. It was silent at first but the two of you broke into laughter. You went to your door and he went to his, it turned out the two of you were neighbors. Before you could say goodnight to each other, Kenma asked if both of you could exchange email addresses.
After you exchanged emails, an idea popped into your head. "Hey Kenma since we're neighbors, do you want to join me for breakfast tomorrow? I'm planning on making pancakes." He blushed and tried to hide it, but you giggled as he gave up. "S-Sure...just text me what time I should knock on your door." You gave him a thumbs up and you said goodnight to each other. Before you went to sleep you tidied up around you apartment and put your bike away. You finished washing and drying your volleyball uniforms and got all excited at the fact that you were going to get to use them again.
It was by time you went to sleep so you turned off all the lights in your apartment and crawled into bed. The moonlight coming from outside through the glass doors leading to the balcony outside your bedroom was so distracting. You hopped out of bed to close the curtains but then you suddenly saw a familiar person standing on his balcony. Kenma was wearing nothing but a white t-shirt and black boxers, he leaned against the metal bars of his balcony and smiled up at the sky. You shook your head slowly and smiled as you closed the curtains and went back to bed.
You had a dream about Kenma, who you had a huge crush on now.
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