Chapter Three
You woke up early and took a shower the next day. As you dried your hair you quickly made your way to the kitchen in your underclothes (clothes you wear under a uniform, like a tank top and shorts, not a bra and underwear XD). You took out the pancake mix that you prepared last night since you were so excited. You took a slice of butter and put it onto the frying pan as it heated up on the stove. Then you went back to your room to get your uniform on and call Kenma over.
You dialed his number and waited as the phone rang. "Hello?" He answered, you could tell he was still sleepy. "Kenma, I'm almost done with the pancakes, you can come over." He hummed in response and hung up. You put your phone down and finished up cooking the pancakes. After setting two stacks of five pancakes each on two plates, you heard a few knocks on your door.
"Good morning." You smiled at the half awake pudding head. "Wait hold on why aren't you wearing your uniform." You giggled as he noticed his apparel, the white shirt and black boxers you saw him wearing last night. "S-Sorry, I'll go change." "It's fine, I don't mind, come on in." He nodded and removed his flip flops as he entered your apartment. It was really cute seeing him in what he was wearing, since he seemed like the guy who would wear sweaters and jogging pants all the time. You led him to the table as you went to remove your apron.
I knocked on (F/n)s door and she opened the door with a good morning greeting. Thank god she didn't see me blush from seeing her wearing an apron, she looked so cute in it. She suddenly questioned my apparel, I blushed and tried to go back to my apartment to change, but she insisted I didn't. I was only 10 seconds into her apartment and my cheeks were heating up, what is this feeling?
As she removed her apron, I sat at the table, where there was two plates of pancakes, they looked really good. "Here you go." She set some maple syrup on the table and we started eating. I was really stunned at how good they were, (F/n) is so good at cooking. "These are good." I managed to whisper. She looked up from across the table and smiled at me, "Thank you." She replied giggling, god she was cute.
After the two of you finished eating, Kenma said thank you and went to go change into his uniform. You got your bag and locked up as you waited outside for Kenma. The sky was a bit grey so you went back inside to get an umbrella. "Let's go." You said as you went back outside and saw Kenma locking up as well. He nodded and followed you into the road.
"Mornin' lovebirds!" You and Kenma heard a familiar voice from behind, it was Kuroo. "Good morning." You smiled and waved as the captain approached. "So I see you two are starting to walk to school together, huh?" He teased, elbowing Kenmas arm. "Knock it off, we're just friends." The setter muttered. You frowned a bit since you had huge feelings for him, even though you just met him the other day.
"Aw why is (F/n)-chan frowning? Was it something pudding head said?" Kuroo hugged you from behind, his arms pressed up to your lips and made your cheeks go red. "It's nothing." You barked, pulling away Kuroos arm. You stormed off and left the two behind. "Nice job Kenma." Kuroo looked down at his friend as Kenma sighed. "What did I do?" "Think back to what you said a few minutes ago, idiot." Kuroo flicked Kenmas forehead and continued walking, leaving the setter in confusion.
It then hit him, he said "Knock it off, we're just friends". He told Kuroo to cut it out, but you might have wanted to talk to Kuroo. Kenma shook his head and tried to think of what else he said. "(F/n) wouldn't get mad over me cutting off Kuroo, she's different." Kenma was confused, but he let it slip for a while when he noticed that he might run late for class. He caught to Kuroo but didn't say anything.
Class started and you kept quiet as you listened to the lessons being discussed. You could see Kenma taking occasional glances at you from the corner of your eye. The three of you kept quiet until lunch. "Well that silence pretty much killed me." Kuroo stretched and rested his elbows onto your desk as you sighed. "So Kenma have you figured out your mistake?" Kenma suddenly stood up and walked out of the classroom, leaving you and Kuroo alone in the room as your other classmates went to see their friends in the other classes or to go eat at the cafeteria.
"What did he say to you?" Kuroo leaned down and rested his forehead on your desk, letting his arms flail to the floor. "Kuroo don't tell him this..." You paused as he looked up, straightening his back and getting ready to listen. "I'm all ears (F/n), I won't tell a soul." He placed his hand over his chest and smiled a smile that reassured you. "Kenma is just so cute! I've been thinking about him ever since I talked to you two yesterday morning! I can't get him off my mind and I practically died over the fact that him and I are neighbors! And last night I saw him on his balcony wearing nothing but a white t-shirt and boxers, which was so hot!" You went on and on and poured out all your feelings towards Kenma to Kuroo. Kuroo just sat there, staring as you went on and on about Kenma.
I can't believe Kuroo expects me to "find my mistake"...what did I say? I walked back to the classroom but before I could open the door to my classroom I suddenly heard (F/n) yell stuff about me. I'm cute? Is that what she thinks about me? She can't get me off her mind?
Is that how (F/n) really felt about me? She liked me? God all the things she was saying ran through my head. After a few minutes she stopped talking. Thing was I heard it all, all the things she had just yelled out were stuck in my head.
You took a deep breath as you stopped ranting about your feelings for Kenma. "Well, you seem to really like Kenma..." Kuroo sheepishly laughed as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I really do!" You yelled out for the last time. Suddenly the door opened slowly, it was Kenma. "H-Hey..." He said, waving but not making any eye contact to the both of you.
"Oy how long have you been outside?" Kuroo bolted out of his seat. "I'm sorry...I heard it wasn't my fault though, you shouldn't have ye-" You sprinted out of the room and ran away. "(F-F/n)..." Kenma tried to grab your wrist but failed since he was slow. "Nice going." Kuroo placed a hand on Kenmas shoulder. "Run...go to her." Kenma looked up at Kuroo with a surprised look that said "are you crazy?!".
Kenma dashed after you, to wherever you could be.
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