S2/E6: The Price of Truth
It has been a few days since Helsa came to the hotel, and Charlie revealed to Y/n who she was. Y/n didn't take it very well, but ended up getting Charlie to schedule a meeting with Lucifer, their father, in an attempt to find his human parents.
And now, it has come to the time that the meeting was scheduled. Y/n was in his room getting ready but was pretty nervous. He had never met Lucifer in this life before, nor does he have very many memories of him since they haven't returned to him just yet. But Y/n trusted his sister, so if Lucifer was the best for this, then it's to him he's going to.
Y/n: "Okay, Y/n. You got this. Just your dad... that you haven't met. In this life, anyway. You can do this."
Letting out a sigh, Y/n readies himself just as he hears a knock at his room door. He walks over to it and opens the door to see Charlie standing there, waiting for him.
Charlie: "Hi!"
Y/n: "Hey."
Charlie: "You ready?"
Y/n: "To meet my birth father technically for the first time? As ready as I can be."
Charlie: "Good. He's waiting for us, so let's get going."
Y/n: "Lead the way."
Charlie smiles and leads her brother downstairs to the lobby. Y/n assumed the limousine she always rides around in was parked out front for the siblings. The reincarnated prince was thankful Helsa wasn't at the Hotel that day, seeing as she has been for the last few days to "visit" and "spend time" with her husband. Y/n despised those days when she was at the Hotel since her and Loona constantly argued whenever they were both there, and there were multiple times when the prince had to stop them from going any further than their loud violent arguing.
As Y/n and Charlie walked through the lobby, the former spots Vaggie listening to one of Angel's rants. She notices her ex looking at her before giving him a smile and a thumbs up. Y/n assumed Charlie told her about where they were going, so he guessed the thumbs up was for good luck and he smiled back at her.
The prince and princess soon left the hotel and got into what Charlie called the family limo to ride to Morningstar Castle, which was their home. Which also made it Y/n's old home.
After some time riding in the limo, Y/n became a bit nervous again. He started tapping his foot on the floor as he gripped his pants and looked outside the window. Charlie noticed how nervous he suddenly became and placed a hand on his shoulder to comfort him, and he looked at her.
Charlie: "Don't worry, Y/n. We're almost there. And I promise he'll be able to help. Okay?"
Y/n nodded and took a deep breath to calm his nerves.
Y/n: "Right. Okay. Yeah. Lucifer can help, like you said."
Charlie immediately became a bit surprised when she heard her brother call their father by his name instead of referring to him as his father. But she somewhat understood. Y/n doesn't have very many memories of Lucifer and hasn't met him in this life yet, either, so he has no reason or obligation to call him "Dad".
Soon, the limo arrived at a massive castle, and Y/n looked outside the window to stare at it in awe. He had never seen a building so large. Not even Stolas' palace was that big.
Y/n: "You, uh, sure this is the right place, Charlie?"
Charlie: "Yep! This is where we grew up. Well, me and past yous, anyway."
Y/n: "Oh. Fun..."
Y/n said as he kept looking at the massive castle. He didn't like the idea of living in such a royal, posh place where your every need was given to him. He preferred where he grew up. But then again, it may not be that bad. Charlie seems to like it, and she doesn't have any stereotypical princess issues.
Soon, the limo is parked and the siblings are led inside the castle. Once inside, Y/n realized it was much larger inside than he previously thought. Just the entrance was enormous, with lots of black and shades of red. He looked around as he followed Charlie further inside, only to stop when he looked at the giant two-way staircase in front of him. On the wall in the center of the staircase was a large family portrait of the Morningstar family. There was Lucifer and Charlie, with a very beautiful woman who Y/n assumed to be Lilith, Charlie's mother. And finally, standing next to Charlie was Y/n himself. Or him from a past life, that is. He looked almost exactly like him, except for the smile full of razor-sharp teeth, short horns, and black markings all over his face. They looked almost like tattoos.
Y/n: 'Was that how I looked back at Ozzie's?'
Charlie noticed that Y/n was looking at something and turned her attention to the picture. Her face immediately fell when she saw it.
Charlie: "Right. That picture. I wish Dad just kept it up to date."
Y/n: "Up to date?
Charlie: "That's not the latest family photo. That was about two hundred years ago, when I was just a teenager. There was a you after that, who was also before this current you."
Y/n: "Why didn't he change it?"
Charlie simply shrugged, not knowing why herself.
Charlie: "Don't know. Dad never really gets into that version of you too much. And I never knew that you much, either, since you were always off doing your own thing."
Y/n: "Oh. Well, I'm sorry."
Charlie: "It's fine. It's not you-you now, so it doesn't matter. It's in the past."
Y/n hummed at this, now curious about this past version of himself. However, a voice catches both his and Charlie's attention.
???: "Is that my baby darling's voice I hear?"
Charlie immediately smiles when she hears the voice, and Y/n recognized it as the voice from the memory Octavia got him to remember.
Charlie: "Mom!"
Charlie exclaimed as she turned around and ran towards a very tall, mature woman with long blonde hair and a face that looked like that had lots or makeup, but it made her look absolutely gorgeous The woman, who Y/n recognized as Lilith, immediately wraps Charlie up into a hug with an excited smile.
Lilith: "Oh, I'm so happy to see you, dear! It feels like it's been forever since I last saw you."
Charlie: "It's only been a few months, Mom. Besides, running a hotel is a hard job."
Lilith: "Oh, I don't doubt that, Charlie." *spots Y/n* "Is that...?"
Charlie: "Yeah, Mom. It's him."
Lilith looked at Y/n in surprise as she slowly walked up to him. She towered over him when she got to him and cupped his cheek. She then smiled as she hugged him, taking the reincarnated prince by surprise.
Lilith: "I'm so glad to see you again, my sweet baby boy. I didn't know when I'd ever see you again."
Y/n: "Yeah, well, I'm here now. So... hi."
Lilith looks at Y/n in confusion, wondering why he was suddenly so nervous and awkward around her. Charlie then whispers into her mother's ear, explaining what happened to Y/n, and her eyes go wide as she begins to understand.
Lilith: "Oh, my poor baby. You don't remember anything?"
Y/n: "I remember some things, actually. Like when you took me to see Azathoth's Tears."
Lilith gasped before smiling at the memory. She remembers that it was one of Y/n's first times out on Earth, so it was a precious memory of hers. However, Y/n wasn't as touched at the memory as the Succubus Queen was, which made the moment a bit awkward for him.
Y/n: "So, uh, are we able to see Lucifer now?"
Lilith was taken aback by Y/n's sudden question, confused as to why he wasn't referring to Lucifer as his father. However, she waved it off for now and answered the prince's question.
Lilith: "Right. He's in the library. Follow me."
Lilith said and walked off with Charlie and Y/n behind her. She brings them to the second floor and leads them down a corridor before stopping at a large, fancy door.
Lilith: "He's inside. Now, I have some matters to attend to myself, but I hope to see you again soon, my dears. Especially you, Y/n."
Y/n: "Uh, yeah. See you later, Lilith."
Lilith smiled before walking away, and Charlie waved her goodbye before turning to her brother and smacking him on the shoulder.
Y/n: "Hey, what was that for?"
Charlie: "What was that? You treated her as a complete stranger."
Y/n: "I mean, she kinda is. I barely know her outside of the few memories I have."
Charlie sighed as she realized she basically forgot about her brother's technical amnesia.
Charlie: "Right. We really gotta figure that out some day."
Y/n: "Yeah. But for now, we have something else to worry about."
Charlie: "Yeah. Are you ready to meet Dad?"
Y/n: "As ready as I can be. Let's do this."
Charlie: "Let's!"
Charlie said and pushed the library door open, and she walked in with Y/n behind her. Y/n looked around as he followed his sister, never seeing a library of this size before. The shelves went almost as high as the ceiling, which was already incredibly high up, with countless books lining the shelves. Some even had titles that were in languages the prince didn't recognize, but he understood them anyway somehow.
Y/n walked behind Charlie as they ventured further into the library. Soon, they came to the center, where a few fancy tables and chairs were with all kinds of books lying around. In one of the chairs was an extremely white man in a white and red suit with blonde hair. Y/n's eyes widened at how freakishly similar he and the man looked, except for the very white skin.
Y/n: "Charlie, is this--?"
Charlie: "Yep. This is Dad."
Upon hearing their voices, the man looks up from his book and at the siblings. He immediately smiles as he sets his book aside and stands up from his chair to approach the two.
Lucifer: "My, my! Charlotte, it's so good to see you again, my little apple pie!"
Lucifer tells Charlie as he hugs her, and she chuckles awkwardly as she hugs him back.
Charlie: "Daaaad... Not in front of Y/n."
Lucifer hummed curiously before turning to Y/n, who waves nervously at him.
Y/n: "Hey, uh, Lucifer."
Lucifer: "My, you look radically different than when I last saw you, my boy."
Y/n: "Uh, yeah. I'm definitely less... white than before, huh?"
Lucifer: "I also don't remember the halo."
Y/n: "Wait, this is new? Huh. Well, I guess that explains a lot."
Lucifer: "Yes. Now, as much as I would like to believe you're here to simply visit me, I feel as if there's more than that."
Charlie: "Yeah, there is. Y/n?"
Y/n: "Uh, right."
Lucifer looked at Y/n as the half-breed cleared his throat.
Y/n: "So Charlie told me you have access to the Archive of Deaths?"
Lucifer: "That is correct. Why?"
Y/n: "I was wondering if you could... help me find out what happened to my parents?"
Lucifer: "Your parents?"
Y/n: "Susan and Ryan. The people who raised me."
Lucifer: "Ah, right. Them. They died?"
Y/n: "Of course they died. Why the fuck else would I be here asking about the Archives?"
Y/n said, immediately getting agitated at the question. How could he not know they died? Didn't he fall for Y/n's mother?
Lucifer: "Now, now. That's no way to talk to your father, now is it?"
Charlie: "Y/n... calm down a bit, okay?"
Y/n: "Ugh. Right, sorry." *to Lucifer* "Look, can you help me figure out where they went or not?"
Lucifer: "I can, actually."
Lucifer said as he turned around and walked back towards his chair.
Lucifer: "Simply put... they're gone."
Charlie: "What?"
Y/n: "What do you mean 'gone'?"
Lucifer: "Susan was the woman I had birth you, right? And this Ryan helped raise you? Well, they're just gone. They don't exist anymore."
Y/n: "That doesn't make any sense. What do you mean they 'don't exist anymore'?"
Confused, Lucifer turns to Y/n with a raised brow.
Lucifer: "You seriously don't remember what happens?"
Y/n: "Mom gave me a lot of demon suppressants when I was younger, so I don't remember much."
Lucifer: "Hm. Well, that explains why it took you so long to get back here."
Charlie: "Look, Dad, can you please explain what happened to Y/n's parents?"
Lucifer: "As you wish. Simply put, they didn't go to either Heaven or Hell."
Y/n: "What? But isn't a soul supposed to go to one or the other when they die?"
Lucifer: "See, that's the tricky part. Your mother gave birth to you, the Anti-Christ. It's basically the opposite of the birth of Jesus. While that was the greatest thing to ever happen to humanity, well... you're the worst thing to happen to them."
Y/n's eyes went slightly wide when he heard this. He knew he was the Anti-Christ, but after growing up as a human... is he really supposed to be the worst thing to happen to them?
Lucifer: "And, well, being the worst thing that happens to humanity has its consequences. Especially to the woman... who births it."
Y/n's pupils shrank when he heard this, and a mixture of fear and anger started rising inside of him.
Y/n: "What did you do to my mom?"
Lucifer: "I didn't do anything. Birthing and taking care of the Anti-Christ is a Grade-A offense against God and whatnot, and the punishment is, well... not very good."
Charlie: "Dad... you don't mean...?"
Lucifer: "Oh, I do."
Y/n: "What? Charlie, what does he mean?"
Charlie looks at her older brother before looking away, not wanting to break his heart.
Y/n: "Char?"
Charlie let out a breath and turned to her brother as their father watched with a smile on his face.
Charlie: "If what Dad is saying is right, then... then..."
Y/n: "Then what?"
Charlie: "Your parents' souls... were destroyed as punishment for raising you."
Y/n: "Wh-what?"
Lucifer: "Charlie is correct! Your mother and "father" simply no longer exist because the "Almighty Father" destroyed them completely."
Y/n: "D-Dad as well? But... he had nothing to do with this!"
Lucifer: "He essentially knew what you were, but decided to stay with your mother and helped raise you. That's enough to be completely and utterly eviscera--"
Lucifer didn't get to finish what he was saying as Y/n flew at him at full speed, slamming him through multiple shelves before pinning him against the wall. Lucifer grunted in annoyance before looking at his son, only to see that his eyes were yellow and red now with tears streaming down his face.
Y/n: "You monster... You took her from me! This is all your fault!"
Lucifer: "My fault? Heheh. No, my child, it's not. Your mother had every chance to run once she learned who I really was. But she didn't. So, in reality, it's hers."
Y/n: "Hers...? You're blaming this on Mom?! You abandoned me! Abandoned her! Didn't you love her?"
Lucifer: "Love her? No. She was simply a cog in the machine to get you back."
Y/n's pupils shrank in anger once he heard this. He then started breathing heavily as all his fear for his mother and father was washed away, being replaced by rage. Horns started growing from the Prince of Hell's head, making his halo flash a few times before vanishing as his horns grew to the same height the halo was at.
Lucifer: "Y/n...?"
Lucifer called to his son as he felt Y/n's hands tightening around his neck. He gasps for air as he tries to pry The Demon Prince's hands away but fails to do so as black markings start forming all over Y/n's body, and his form starts growing as it tears his clothing up.
Lucifer begins to struggle even more as he feels his throat being crushed. He tried to use whatever strength or magic he could muster, but Y/n's rapidly growing power dwarfed anything that the King of Hell tried to use. His vision was quickly fading into darkness, but he did see the eyes of his son... and they no longer looked like his. They looked like the eyes of a heartless monster.
And Lucifer couldn't help but grin at this.
Lucifer: "Who knew that after all this time... this is what pushes you... to the edge..."
Y/n said nothing the entire time as he attempted to kill the man who helped give birth to him. He was so close to snapping his neck. All he needed was a few more seconds and--
Y/n turns to look over his shoulder to see Charlie standing behind him, her arm outstretched with smoke coming from her fingertips. Y/n turned from her and looked at Lucifer to see that his eyes were almost lifeless from how much pressure was on his neck. The Prince of Demons almost didn't care if he was about to kill his sister's father. All he needed was a few moments more, and he could just--
Charlie: "Y/n, please."
Y/n looks back at Charlie and finally notices the fear in her eyes.
Charlie: "Don't. Please."
Y/n looked at Charlie for a few moments before he started to calm down. He lets go of Lucifer's neck, making him drop to the floor as he gasped for breath. The Prince of Hell shrank down to his regular size and looked at himself as the markings and his horns went away. His eyes returned to normal as well as he looked at Charlie.
Y/n: "I..."
He looks at Lucifer to see him rubbing his neck in pain. However, his eyes were only filled with disappointment instead of anger. So Y/n turns away and wraps his wings around him as he walks past Charlie, who looks at her brother in fear and worry.
Y/n: "Let's just go back to the hotel... I'm done with this place."
Charlie: "O-okay."
Charlie said but didn't follow her brother out immediately. She instead watched him leave, his wings missing a few feathers as they fell to the floor.
Y/n is seen lying in his bed, curled up into a ball with his wings wrapped around him. Outside, Vaggie approached the room door and looked at it sadly. Y/n had been in his room since he and Charlie came back from Morningstar Castle, and no matter who tried what, no one could get him to come out and talk. Not even Loona.
Vaggie sighed as she rubbed her arm. She didn't really know what to do in this scenario. All she knew was that she wanted to help. So she lifted up her fist and knocked on her ex's door.
Vaggie: "Y/n? It's me, Vaggie. Are you awake?"
There was no answer, making the Moth Demon sigh.
Vaggie: "Y/n, I don't know what happened at the castle. Charlie didn't really say anything. Can you please come out and talk to us? To me, at least?"
There still wasn't any answer from Y/n, making Vaggie let out a breath as she leaned her head against the prince's door.
Vaggie: "Just... know that we're here for you. If you need to, I'm always here to talk. Just like the old days. See you around, Y/n."
With that, Vaggie leaves to join Charlie in their shared room. However, back in his room, Y/n was looking at his door, expecting more. However, nothing comes, so he looks away as he curls up into an even tighter ball. Then he starts to cry, sobbing into his knees as he mourned the loss of his parents.
There you guys go. That's the double upload. And now we know what happened to Y/n's parents.
What? Thought I forgot about them?
Because I did until writing "The Pressure of Truth"! But now we know what happened and I'm satisfied with what I made.
Now, any theories as to why Lucifer went from smiling while Y/n was choking the life out of him to being disappointed that he was let go? And that growth was super weird, huh? Wonder what that means...
Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed it. Have a wonder day/night. Buh-bye!
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