S1/E0: Pilot
In a city in Hell, called "Imp City", a building is seen as cars honk in the distance.
Inside the building shows a door with the words "IMP HEADQUATERS" on it. There was a note on it saying "MEETING IN PROGRESS :)".
Inside the room was a group of four Demons. One was a tall Imp with red skin, a white spot over his right eyes, who was wearing a business suit. This was Blitzø, head of the Immediate Murder Professionals.
There were two other Imps as well. One was female while the other was a male. The female Imp had black hair with black clothing and the male Imp had white hair and wore a business suit like his boss. This was the married couple, Moxxie and Millie.
The final Demon was a female Hellhound with white and grey fur. Her hair was long and light grey and had a very goth look to her makeup and attire. This was the receptionist, Loona, who was barely paying any attention to the meeting as she was chatting with her friend.
Blitzø steps forward as he looks at his employees.
Blitzø: "Alright, now, I know business has been... a bit slow lately, yes. It's no one's fault, okay? I'm not naming anybody's name here... Moxxie."
He glances over at said Imp who gives him a "What the hell?" look. Blitzø ignores it and goes on with the meeting.
Blitzø: "Now, does anyone have... any bright ideas on how we can get business drummin' up again?"
Millie: "What about a car wash?"
Blitzø: "This is Hell, Millie. No one cares about cars being clean here, okay?" *gets an idea* "Ooh, what about a billboard?"
His eyes sparkle at the idea, but Moxxie goes to shut him down.
Moxxie: "We can't afford a buildboard, sir."
Blitzø: *walking up to Moxxie* "Helpful, Moxxie. Really glad you're in the room right now." *pushes Moxxie* "Have you guys forgotten what service we provide?"
Taking out a remote, Blitzø turns on a nearby TV. Its screen shows every Demon in the room brutally murdering someone. Blitzø, Millie, and Loona all eat popcorn as they watch while Moxxie has his arms crossed.
Blitzø: "I don't need any reminding, sir, considering you blew most of our salaries on an obnoxious TV ad last week. One that you then additionally paid to have run for a full three hours on a channel nobody watches."
Blitzø: "... well, in my defense, it wasn't entirely my idea. It was Loonie's boyfriend's."
Loona immediately perks up at this and growls.
Loona: "He's not my boyfriend, Blitzø!"
Blitzø: "Uh-huh. Yeah. Anyway, what's "obnoxious" about a super-fun jingle, all right? It's a fun distraction when an advertisement's spittin' bullshit!"
Millie: "People do love musicals, sir."
Blitzø: "Exactly, Millie! And we're basically doin' a musical." *to Moxxie* "Are you gonna crush my musical theatre dreams like my dad did?"
Moxxie: "Sir--"
Blitzø: "'Cause right now, all I see is just my dad's asshole talking to me! Crushing my dreams of being who I truly am inside."
Millie: "Are you tryin' to crush his dreams, Moxxie?"
Moxxie: "I... what?"
Millie: "I thought I knew you."
The Imp girl sticks her tongue out at her husband playfully as Moxxie rolls his eyes affectionately at her.
Blitzø: "I can't believe you, Moxxie, after I made you employee of the month!"
The boss Imp holds up a picture frame, showing a terribly taken picture of Moxxie.
Moxxie: "Okay, sir! I'm sorry, but a commercial jingle is not comparable to musical theatre. Nobody actually likes the jingles!
Millie: "I liked it."
Loona: 'I kinda liked it.'
Moxxie points at his wife.
"Do not... Do not agree with him in front of me!"
As the song plays, Moxxie accidentally shoots a child in the head. They all stare in shock.
"Kids die for freeeee~!"
Back in the boardroom, Loona wasn't paying attention anymore as she had gotten a text from her friend.
Sorry. That took a second.
What were you talking about?
All good.
Nothing important, really.
Anything exciting happen today?
Yeah, actually.
As Loona and her friend chatted over the phone, the Hellhound picked up something Moxxie said.
"I'd like to go on record and say that incident was Loona's fault. Dispatch is supposed to give us the right info on the target. It's very simple."
Loona: "Oh, sit on a dick, Moxxie."
Moxxie: "YOU sit! Sit on... a... and the... d... DO YOUR JOB!!"
Blitzo: "Hey, now! We don't blame our screw-ups on Loona, okay?!"
He goes over to Loona and hugs her, nuzzling her as well which she growls at.
"She didn't do anything wrooooong~"
Moxxie: " Are you kidding me, sir? She's awful!"
Flashback One
In a flashback, Loona was sitting at her desk on her phone. She was texting someone when the business phone rang and she picks it up.
Loona: "Hello. IMP."
Millie: *over phone* "Loona, I've been stabbed! Call Mox--"
Loona, uninterested, hangs up and goes back to her phone.
Flashback Two
Loona is seen in Blitzo's office when said Imp offers her a gift.
Blitzo: "Happy Adoption Anniversary, Loonie! I got you a little somethin'."
Loona: "Is it a will to live?"
Blitzo: "I, well... oh."
Loona yells as she grabs the gift and throws it on the ground, breaking it open. Spiders crawl out of it and cover Loona almost from head to toe.
Blitzo: *outside window* "I'm sorry! it was spiders!"
Loona: *annoyed* "Goddammit..."
Flashback Three
Loona is seen at her desk again as she watched an online video of a blonde girl singing something about Demons and rainbows. The Moxxie walks up to her with an ad for "Chub-B-Gone".
Moxxie: "Um, e-excuse me. Did you just fax me an ad for weight loss?"
Loona: *obviously lying* "No." *thinking* 'Y/n, you are a goddamn fucking prank genius...'
Moxxie: "Wha...? Why-why would anyone send me this?"
Loona: "Come on..." *looks away from computer* "You know why."
Flashback Four
Next, Loona is seen rummaging through the break room fridge as Millie watches. Then the Hellhound pulls out a container of something liquidy.
Loona: "Whoever left the fucking... avocado salad in the fridge, I'm taking it, because I have the worst hangover right now!"
Millie: "Why would you drink on a work night?" *realization* "Were you drunk and talked with that boy online again?"
Loona: *blushes* "N-no! I-I'm hungover from this morning, dumbass!"
She lies as she pops the lid of the container off and guzzles the avocado in one go. Moxxie walks in and sees what was going on.
Moxxie: "Isn't that my lunch?"
Loona: "Y'know what?! I can't take this assault right now! I need to blow off some fucking steam!"
Loona declares as she kicks the container at Moxxie and sends him flying. The Loona yells as she runs out of the break room, down the stairs, out of the building, and charges at a mother with her baby in a stroller before kicking it away. She then storms off, leaving the mother in shock. Y/n was gonna have a laugh at this one.
Flashback Five
In this flashback, Loona is seen on the phone with someone and looks at Blitzø who was getting some water with Moxxie.
Loona: "Bliiiitzø, that clingy, rich asshole is on the phone! Says it's urgent and wants to talk to you! Sounds a little DTF-y."
Blitzø: *throws water* "Oh, GOD, it was ONE TIME! If I hadn't slept with that privileged asshole, none of us would have access to the Living World."
Moxxie: *stunned* "... you what?"
Flashback... Five-and-a-Half?
Inside a flashback in this flashback, Blitzø is seen partially naked as the only thing covering him up was his unbuttoned suit jacket. He walks away from a sleeping Owl Demon called Stolas Goeita who was in bed, naked. Feathers were everywhere as Blitzø tip-toed away with a giant book in his arms.
Blitzø: *quietly* "Got the booook, got the booook! Got this fuckin' heavy book!"
The Imp walked to the balcony and tried to step on top of the railing using the book. However, the combined weight of him and the book sent him toppling over. He fell through the air, screaming swears, before he landed on a table in front of Stolas' wife, Stella Goetia.
Blitzø: "Sorry, I fucked your husband!"
Back To Flashback Five
Blitzø exclaims and walks over to the desk. He takes the call from Loona with his own cell phone. The Hellhound stands up, letting the Imp take her seat.
Blitzø: "Soooo... what can I do for you this time, Stolas?"
Stolas: *over phone* "There's a political candidate causing trouble up on Earth for a few of my associates. He's trying to convince people global warming exists!"
Blitzø: "Doesn't it, though?"
Stolas: *over phone* "Well, yes, but more people die if nothing is done about it. And it gets lonely here~"
Blitzø: "Uh-huh. Yep. That makes sense."
Stolas: *over phone* "And you know what happens when I'm lonely, Blitzy~"
Blitzø: *pulling phone away* "God-fucking-dammit..."
Stolas: *over phone* "When I'm lonely, I become hungry. And when I become hungry, I want to choke on that red **** of yours... **** your ***** and lick all of your *****, before taking out your *****, and **** with more teeth until you're screaming ********** like a FUCKING baby--!"
Blitzø, clearly disturbed, ends the call and snaps his phone in half. He then drops it on the desk and grabs the business phone, using it to smash his own phone into pieces. Then he grabs a blender and puts the cell phone remains into it before blending it all together. He holds it out as he turns to Loona.
"Eat this!"
The Demon listens and takes the blender from Blitzø and guzzles the remains in one go.
Blitzø: "And you know that bridge off the highway?"
Loona: "Yeah."
Blitzø: "Shit off it!"
End of Flashbacks
Blitzø: "Look, the point is, Loona is a valued member of our family, and we don't get rid of family."
Loona looks up from her phone and smiles at her adoptive father, happy with his words.
Moxxie: "We aren't a family, sir! You are the boss! We are the employees! You treat her like she's some troubled teenager! She's more like a meth-addicted homeless woman you let man the phones!"
Loona flips Moxxie off as she goes back to her phone.
Blitzø: "That is offensive! Without homeless people, I wouldn't have half the joy and laughter I do in this life!"
The Imp declares as he walks to a window and opens the blinds. He slams his face against the window, cracking the glass as he looks down at the homeless Demon on the sidewalk below. He smiles smugly at him as he waves at the Demon before closing the blinds and walking back to his employees.
Moxxie: "While we're on the subject of "family", can you stop finding me and Millie outside of work?"
Millie: "Oh, come on, sweetie! It's not that bad!"
Moxxie: "Excuse me... WHAT?!"
Flashback One: The Sequel
In M&M's home, the married couple was making dinner as Moxxie was chopping something.
Moxxie: "Honey, can you get me the butter?"
Millie: "Sure, sweetie!"
Millie walks over to the fridge and opens it, only to see Blitzø in it and he hands Millie some melted butter.
"Spoiler alert: the butter's spoiled!"
Millie giggles at this, catching Moxxie's attention.
Moxxie: "What's so funny, honey?"
Blitzø: "Really impressive wordplay, Mox."
In shock, Moxxie turns to the fridge to see his boss waving at him from inside the fridge.
Flashback Two: The Sequel
At night, Moxxie and Millie are seen sleeping in their bed. However, Moxxie slowly opens his eyes when he hears purring and then sees Blitzø standing on him.
"Whatcha dreaming about?"
Moxxie: " I was dreaming my parents were being murdered, but now... I'd like to go back to that."
Flashback Three: The Sequel
End of Flashbacks: The Sequel
Moxxie: "Just... stop... DOING THAT!"
Blitzø: *shrugs* "I don't see what the issue is! There somethin' you don't want me seein'?"
Moxxie: *eye twitches* "No!"
Blitzø: "You a baby-weiner-haver?"
Moxxie: "Sir, what you say and how you act is completely INAPPROPRIATE!"
Moxxie declares as he stands from his chair, anger fueling him as his eyes twitches.
Millie: "Calm down, Mox! You're gonna have another panic attack!"
Moxxie: "I AM CALM!"
Moxxie declares as he sits back down. Millie holds him close to comfort her husband as the Imp whimpers, glaring at Blitzø.
Millie: "Ssshh. There, there."
Blitzø: "Look, I don't judge the boring couple stuff..." *lewd hand motions* "... you do outside work hours, so don't... judge... me!"
Moxxie: "Oh, but I do judge you, sir. Quite a lot, actually!"
Millie: "Mox, he's our boss!"
Blitzø: "No-no-no, it's fine, Mills. Your husband is just... how do I say this without being offensive? Retarded."
Moxxie: "Does immaturely insulting me make you feel better about your sad, single life?"
Blitzø: "It does, actually."
Loona speaks up.
"The only reason you have a wife is because you're easy to manage."
Millie: "No, he's not, you BITCH!"
Millie declares as she slams her hands on the table. Then she gives Loona the double bird, making the Hellhound growl in response.
Blitzø: "Do not talk to my receptionist that way! She's sensitive!"
Loona: "Yes, I am!"
"You guys are all fucking assholes."
Everyone stops what they were doing and turns to the speaker. It was the Human child Moxxie shot who was lying on a table with three wires attached to a heart monitor strapped to his chest.
Blitzø: "Oh, shut it, kid. You're lucky to be witnessing this!"
Moxxie: *groans* "This company is such a mess!"
Blitzø: "Anyway, let's go back to talking about my suit."
Loona: "Nobody was talking about your suit."
Blitzø: "Then let's get the train rolling. How's it look? Good?"
Nobody answers Blitzø as the Human child rips the wires from his chest and sits up.
Human Child: "It's been a literal Hell having to pretend to be paralyzed so you fuckshits wouldn't kill me! But now I want that. I want death!" *points at Blitzø* "You are a selfish, greedy clown. And I'm a kid! We're suppose to like clowns! Even the creepy ones!"
Moxxie: "Hey, now! That's not--"
Human Child: "If I wanted to hear from a spineless jackass, I'd rip out your spine and ask you some shit."
Millie: "Hey! That's my husband you're talking to!"
Human: "That's your husband? I figured you for a slut, but I didn't think you needed dick that badly!"
Both Moxxie and Millie glare at the Human child and growl at him. He then points at Loona.
"And you!"
Loona: "What?"
Human Child: "Nothing. I don't like dogs. I'm a cat person."
Loona widens her eyes in shock before glaring at the child. She then whines in anger as she goes back to texting her friend.
I wanna kill a child right now
Please, don't.
Blitzø: "Wow. Ah, y'know, kid, you kind of are a piece of shit."
Moxxie crosses his arms and mumbles something before Loona gets an idea. Ignoring Y/n's plead, she uses the notification for his next text as a cover-up.
Loona: "Oh, fuck! Guys, I just got a text from our client! Guess he was the right target after all!"
Blitzø: "Who?"
Loona: "Him."
She points at the Human child, confusing him along with everyone else.
Human Child: "Me?"
Loona: "Yep."
Blitzø: *disbelief* "They actually wanted us to kill a kid?"
Loona: "That's what they're sayin'."
Loona smirks as she lies. No one insults her without punishment.
Blitzø: "... well, Christ on a stick! I guess there is a God!"
Blitzø exclaims as he takes out a flintlock pistol and shoots the child, killing him instantly.
Then the Demons are seen brutally ripping the child apart and even using a chainsaw. After they were done with that, they packed his remains into a trash bag and Blitzø wrapped his arms around his "family".
Blitzø: "Y'know, even though this kid was a target... he's still a child. And it's important that we handle this going forward respectfully."
Everyone smiles at the idea.
The Living World...
In the Living World, a Human male is seen in his kitchen. He was a young adult with slick blonde hair with only a single bang or two hanging over his (E/C) eyes. His skin was (S/C) with rosey cheeks.
The Human was humming a song to himself as he made a sandwich and (favorite drink). Once he was done, he went to his living room and plopped down on his couch. He took a bite into his sandwich as he looked at his phone, his TV on the news channel as he scrolled through the app he personally made for his line of work. He then looked at his TV when he sees a mother talking about her missing son.
Human Mother: *on TV* "Please! If anyone has seen my little Eddie, please contact us at--"
The woman screams in terror when a bloody trash bag falls from the sky and into her arms. The young adult was taking a sip of his beverage at the same time, only to spit it out when he sees the bloody bag drop on to the screen.
???: "Holy--! What was that?!"
The screen pans upward to show Blitzø, Moxxie, and Millie poking their heads through a portal. They all smile as Blitzø says...
"You're welcome!"
The three then go back into the portal as it closes after them.
The Human watching just watches in shock as his mouth was slackjawed.
???: "The entire world has gone insane... I wonder if Loona saw the news."
Becoming calm almost immediately, the young adult grabs his phone again and goes to text his friend. However, he gets a notification from his app about a job.
???: "Well, guess that can wait for a bit. Wonder what this guy wants."
He opens his app as he takes a look at the job his new client wanted the (H/C)-headed man to do.
This is a story I've had ready for a while. Thought it was time to put it out. Also, I know Y/n isn't really in this one, but he's gonna be shown in the next chapter. See you around and enjoy!
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