Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Title: Detention
Phoenix Drop High Season 1 Episode 4
(F/m) Favorite Movie
Word Count: 4486
(Y/n) POV
Dante and I walked down the hallway towards the gym locker rooms and somehow along the way Dante's arm ended up around my shoulders. I mean I wasn't complaining but people would stare and I would have to glare at them, scaring them, to look away and rush off.
The bad thing is that both my brother and Dante's saw this. But it seems Dante didn't notice his brother too busy flirting with me and winning at other girls as we walked by them, mainly the freshman.
"You know, Dante, you can't flirt with every girl you see, you already have three girls mad at you," I told him.
"Three? I thought it was only two?" He asked me confused on who the third girl was.
"I'm the third," I told giving him a side glare as we continued walking to the locker rooms.
"What!? Why?"
"Because you dated two girls at once! You can't do that, Dante, it's either one or the other," I said sternly.
"Sheesh, okay, I learned my lesson, I won't do it again," He told me.
"You promise?" I asked looking up at him.
"I promise," he muttered, smiling down at me.
"Good!" I showed a small close eyed smile.
He hummed, nodding his head looking away from me blushing, but I don't know why?
By the time we finished our conversation we had reached the gym locker room. We turned the corner to it and saw Travis talking to Aphmau.
"Hey, you two!" I greeted with a head nod.
"Ahh! Uh, hey, (Y-Y/n)," Aphmau stuttered greeting me back.
"Hey, (Y/n)!" Travis said back, nodding back at me.
"Travis, I didn't know your girlfriend was this adorable!" Dante exclaimed seeing Aphmau, his arm still around my shoulders.
"W-What?!? She-She's not my girlfriend!" Travis stuttered, flustered by Dante's words.
"And she's not gonna be if you don't put the loves on her soon," Dante flirted, removing his arm from around me and stepping closer to Aphmau towering over her more than he does me.
"Flirt," I muttered rolling my eyes at his behavior.
"W-WHAT?!? N-N-N-N-No way man! I'm not- I'm not ready to ask!" Travis stuttered even more then the first time.
"Not ready to ask?!?" Aphmau's asked, not offend, just in a shocked way.
"W-Wait! I didn't- I didn't mean it like that!" Travis told Aphmau, quickly, "Ugh... DANTE! Why do You make things so awkward! (Y/n), stop him please!" Travis begged me.
"Dante, stop teasing him," I said chuckling, at the flustered freshman.
"Awe, but it's fun! Plus what can I say! I really love the ladies!" He said, winking at me.
I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, you want to believe, Dante."
"Wait, a minute. Are you the guy who dated two girls at one time?" Aphmau asked Dante.
"Aw, man! You already told her about that!" Dante complained.
"Of course I did. I didn't want her to fall for your stupid charm," Travis explained, "She's my not alone buddy."
"So does that make you the other friend that tackled him for dating two girls whacking him senselessly?" Aphmau turned to me with curiosity and admiration.
"Yup, that indeed does," I answered.
"You told her that part too!" Dante yelled.
"Of course, I couldn't keep the best part out of the story," Travis said laughing along with Aphmau embarrassing Dante.
His face turning a slight red.
"Awe, it's okay, Dante, you've learned your lesson after that experience," I giggled hugging him from behind, wrapping my arms around his waist.
For some reason his face turning redder, I then pulled away and I felt colder without him close to him, but I ignored it and we continued our conversation.
Dante sighed in defeat and turned to Aphmau, "Fine. It's nice to meet you, Aphmau!" He finally greeted, cheerful as always, "My name is Dante. And yes, Travis has already told me your name. I didn't look it up like some kind of creep."
"I don't think she would of thought that, Dante," I told him.
"Heh….. Well it's nice to meet you too, Dante," Aphmau said back shyly.
"By the way, thanks for being friends with our shy little buddy over here. We were afraid he wasn't going to talk to anyone but us in school," Dante said talking about him and I, "So it's nice to see him getting along with anyone else who isn't us."
Travis cleared his throat and glared at Dante, "Dante, shouldn't you two be heading to class. The bell is about to ring."
"Funny you mention that we-"
Growling was heard from behind Travis and Aphmau, but it seems only me and Dante heard it. We looked over to see the two Freshman that Dante dated at the same time.
"Mother of Irene! There both! Uh.. we-we gotta g-get going! Heheheh….. see ya!" Dante yelled grabbing my hand and dragging me away.
"But Dante-!" I exclaimed.
"What was that about?" Aphmau asked Travis when Dante and you were gone.
"Im not sure. Dante's weird sometimes. If I could suggest something, I'd stay away from him. He takes after his big brother Gene who isn't a great influence. Also stay away from Gene and his friends too," Travis warned the poor potato.
"Oh… Alright! Thanks for the tip, I guess."
The bell rang bringing Aphmau back to get to changing for gym.
"Don't worry. Just go into the bathroom stall, get dressed and come out," Travis told his nervous friend.
"Awww," Aphmau whined looking down.
"I'll be waiting for you on the field. Good luck! And don't worry just do whatever you're comfortable with," Travis reassured one last time before walking away.
"Right… Uh, I think I'm.. overthinking this again," She sighed, "I'll just get dressed in one of the bathroom stalls and then leave when the locker room clears out. Yeah! I can do this!" She said gaining enough confidence and walked into the locker room.
"Dante, you can stop dragging me now!" You exclaimed, squeezing his hand that held yours.
"Oh, right," the blue haired teen said slowing his pace to a walk, his hand subconsciously squeezing your hand back.
"So why did we run away?" You asked him.
"Because they were there. Didn't you see them?" He asked, they two of you still holding hands tightly.
"Yeah, I did but now we're going to be late for class."
"Oh come on, when did the bad girl of the school want to be on time for class?" Dante asked you raising a brow.
"Fair point but it's different this time since it'll be you, me and Travis in a class together. Come on the our trio is finally together during school," You said, showing a bright smile that only Dante ever got to see. No one else within your friend group has ever seen you so much emotion before. Usually they would only see your small smile and your emotionless facade, but not Dante. He was special, he was the guy you fell in love with in your first year of high school, he broke down your defensive walls no matter how hard you tried to push him and his friends away he would always come back and try again.
Dante blushed, and looked away, "Alright, fine but I'm going to walk around a little bit more I'll meet up with you and Travis once I get dressed, okay?"
"Fine, don't walk the halls for too long or else the teacher won't excuse it so kindly," You warned him.
"Don't worry, I won't," he assured you.
You smiled at him, leaning up and kissed his cheek, "Okay, I'll see you soon," you said, blushing and rushing down the hall back to the locker rooms; leaving behind a blushing Dante.
After you rushed away from Dante you headed straight for the girls locker room well at least that was your plan. On your way there you saw the Shadow Knights.
"Hey, (Y/n)!" Gene said in a teasing tone.
"What do you want, Gene, I'm trying to get to class," You growled out as the blush on your face faded away.
"Oh nothing, just wanted to talk about what I saw in the hallway earlier," he teased on causing a light blush to appear on your face.
Now, normally you would keep an emotionless facade around everyone but Dante and Aaron, but even though you, and everyone else, knew of Gene's awful actions the one person who didn't was Dante. Their mother Maria begged of you to not let Dante find out not wanting him to lose his role model. So whenever you and Gene are hanging out with Dante you act like great friends and occasionally when Dante's not around you still act like great friends because within the time of pretending you actually became somewhat friends with Gene, but it doesn't change the fact that he blackmails the year grades and skips classes. It amazes you how Dante doesn't know of Gene's reputation at the school but somehow it never got to him and you and Gene hope it stays like that.
"What are you talking about, Gene?" You asked pretending to act clueless but he knew you were lying.
"Don't play dumb, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Dante's arm around your shoulder! What happened to not getting to closer to him and following your daddy's orders, huh?"
You must be confused right now, huh? Well…
You were hanging out at the Knight house hold having snuck out of your own home. At the moment Dante had gone to the kitchen to make popcorn while you stayed in the living room to choose a movie but as you were looking through Gene came downstairs from his room headed to the kitchen when he noticed you. A smirk formed on his face as he leaned on the entrance to the living room.
"Well, if it isn't the bad girl of the school?" He chuckled, a bit shorter than what his senior self would be later in the year.
"If it isn't the blackmailer of the school," you sassed back, the both of you knowing Dante wasn't able to hear either of you.
"Touché, Batty," He said calling by the annoying nickname he gave you, why Batty well because your the bad girl of the school like he mentioned earlier but he wanted your nickname to be embarrassing so he decided on a play on words with a Bat and Bad.
"Get lost!" You told him clearly annoyed with him already, as you went back to looking for a movie in their crate.
His smirk only widened as he walked over to you, "Why do you even hangout with my little brother Dante? Never thought he would become friends with the meanest girl in school."
"He wouldn't stop bothering me for 3 months straight. I'm not even supposed to have friends, my dad's rules," you told him rolling your eyes remembering your dad's words.
"Hmm, so you're a bad girl at home too?" He asked.
"Just leave me alone, Gene, you don't know my home life!" You snapped at him looking away the whole time, your eyes feeling tingly.
Gene was about to send another remark at you but Dante had walked into the room with the popcorn and some of your favorite candy.
"Hey, Gene!" Dante greeted walking past his brother and to you placing the popcorn and candy down on the coffee table. Dante kneeled down next to you, "Find a movie yet?"
"No, not yet," you replied back, your eyes not feeling weird anymore once you heard his voice.
"Hmm, how about this one?" He asked showing you, (F/m), the both of you forgetting and ignoring Gene.
"Yes! I love that movie!" You chirped happily.
Dante chuckled, loving the sparkle in your eyes when you were happy.
Gene sighed and walked away grabbing what he needed from the kitchen before locking himself in his room again. Flopping down on his bed, on his back, he stared up at the ceiling recapping on the short conversation he had with you.
"Dad's rules, huh?"
~End of Flashback~
"Shut up, Gene! I follow my own rules!" You yelled at him shoving past him and the other two Shadow Knights, Sasha and Zenix.
All three of them watched you storm off, away from them. Gene stopping, the easily angered, Zenix from going after you for shoving him.
"Leave her, she's not worth our time," Gene said as he started to walk towards one of the schools exits, "Not yet at least."
As you finally approached the girls locker room, you could hear the most annoying girl in Garroth's fan club, Ivy yelling.
"Bothering you?! You're bothering me! I saw you next to Garroth Ro'Meave in class!" You heard her annoying voice yell mispronouncing Garroth's last name once again, "After I had told you to stay away from him!"
"It's not my fault! He, Laurence and (Y/n) asked me to sit next to them!" You could hear Aphmau's voice say back defensively.
"Like I believe that for one second!" Ivy yelled.
"It's true and I'm sorry but I'm not going to not talk to somebody because you said so! I'm free to talk to whoever I want to!" Aphmau said back, you were proud of her standing up to Ivy but Aphmau looked like someone who was fragile and could easily be beat, no offense to her tho' it's just knowing that she's homeschooled she mustn't know of what the annoying 'popular' girls are willing to do for someone's or any type of attention especially if they have a squad.
"OH YEAH?!?" Ivy asked, sounding feed up.
"YEAH!" Aphmau said back, before you heard something fall, or more like someone.
You opened the locker room door, to see what had happened to see Aphmau on the floor and Ivy standing above her.
"I'll teach you to stay away from him Freshman!"
"Oh, really?" You asked glaring at Ivy and her possy, walking towards them.
"Stay out of this!" Ivy sassed back at you.
"No, not when your fighting over a stupid boy," You said back at her.
"He's not stupid!" Ivy yelled charging at you angrily.
You blocked her attack and pushed her back. She continued swinging, angered, at what you said about her Garroth.
You yawned tired of all her failed attempts to hit her, "This is the most boring fight I've ever been in, really I thought you'd be more fun, Ivy, what a let down."
"UGH!!!" She yelled, ready to charge at you again but only to be pushed down by Aphmau.
"Ivy!" One of her minions yelled, "Someone come help!"
"Huh?!? Uhm…. I'm- I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me and I just…" Aphmau rushed out before getting cut off by Hyria rushing into the locker room.
"What's going on here?" Hyria asked the group of girls. In front of her stood a strong stanced (Y/n), Ivy on the floor in front of her with Aphmau standing next to Ivy not seeming to help her up giving possible signs that one of the two pushed her. But the most defint thing Hyria knew was that (Y/n) was fighting and that Ivy was pushed. The other two girls stood to the side from the main three.
Ivy pretending to start crying, "I was just trying to help the Freshman get to class when she suddenly pushed me and (Y/n) came in and started hitting me," She said lying through her teeth.
"Aphmau, is that true?" Hyria asked the inexperienced Freshman with situations like this.
"It's true!" The minion from before cut in, "Alex and I saw the whole thing!"
"Huh!? No! No! She's the dumb one who started this!" Aphmau exclaimed.
"See how hostile she is!" Alex pointed at Aphmau stepping away, "Especially her!" She said pointing at you, who just rolled your eyes.
"Tell her the truth!" Aphmau yelled.
"Aphmau, calm down! I don't care who started it! You're in serious trouble here!" Hyria said.
"Ms. Hyria, it wasn't Aphmau's fault," you said speaking in, "it was all mine, I thought Ivy was messing with a Freshman and went to help here, it was a misunderstanding on my part."
"Yes, I understand your part of this situation but by the looks of thing both you and Aphmau are the guilty ones here," Hyria said.
"But.." Aphmau said.
"I'm sorry but I have to go by what I see. Next time, you go get a teacher to resolve any conflict. Now all three of you are sitting out this period with me so I can file a report and assign detention to you two," Hyria said looking at you and Aphmau at the end.
"Whatever," You said rolling your eyes already heading out of the room and to her classroom, texting Dante about you not showing up for class and that you'll tell him why later.
School was now over and you were heading to your first detention of the year many more detentions to come as the school year would go on. Reaching the classroom, you saw Dante leaning on the wall next to the door most likely waiting for you.
"What are you doing here?" You asked him, confused he had never come to see you before a detention before but yet again you never told him when you would have detention and he and everyone else would find out the day after during lunch.
"I came to see you, and for your short explanation of how you got detention," He answered smiling at you.
"Oh, well my explanation only requires one word unless you want to know more about it," you answered.
"Well then what's the one word?" He asked.
"Oh, did she try messing with you or something?" He asked.
"No, but she was messing with Aphmau," You told him.
"Aphmau? Why?"
"Because she sat next to with me, Laurence and Garroth in class."
"That girl is so obsessive with Garroth," Dante said rolling his eyes at the reasoning of why she messed with Aphmau, "But it seems like you were helping Aphmau so I guess you can't be too disappointed about your first detention of the year."
"Yeah, I guess, but it's still a dumb reason since Ivy didn't get detention because she acted like the innocent victim."
"Hey, it's alright, she'll get what's coming to her one day," Dante reassured you, "I have to get going now, my mom's probably waiting outside for me, I'll see you tomorrow," He told you.
You nodded your head softly smiling back at him, "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow," but what he did next shocked you.
He chuckled at your soft side and kissed your forehead softly, "See you, angel." And he walked away not looking back at you.
You watched him walk away a light shade of red crossing your face.
You shook your head, to get the blush to go away and walked into the classroom to see only Aaron in there.
"Hey, I didn't know you were serving your detention today," You said to your brother as you sat in front of him.
"Well, I had to do it today. None of the teachers wanted to serve detention on the first day of school yesterday," Aaron told you.
"Heh, if the teachers don't want to spend more time with students then don't give us detention and let us go home," You told him resting your head in your arms on his desk.
"Hehehe," He chuckled patting your head.
You leaned into his touch enjoying even just the small loving action from a family member but sadly the moment was ruined when Aphmau walked into the room.
"Huh? You?!" She asked surprised to see Aaron there.
Aaron growled seeing her, scaring her.
"Eh, gosh you're scary," She said stepping back once.
"Then stay away from me," Aaron told her.
"Uh, that's kind of hard to do; see as I have detention here," Aphmau remarked back to him, "Wait, does that mean you…"
"What do you think Sherlock," Aaron said back, rudely.
"Uh, I'm sorry I just didn't pin you to get detention for the werewolf thing, since that seemed that it was normal."
"Really, have you even looked at me?" Aaron asked her only to be answered by the teacher, who had just walked in, instead.
"I have and quite frankly I'm tired of your face already. Both of your faces" the teacher said looking at both Aaron and you.
Aaron and you both growled angrily at him, glaring.
"It's only the first week of school," The teacher reminded.
"Whatever," You both replied back.
"Are these students giving you trouble Ms..?" The teacher asked Aphmau.
"It's Aphmau, and no he's not, yet," Aphmau said looking back Aaron.
"Well if he does you let me know," The teacher told her.
"Now, if you don't mind. You three sit down and think about what you've done," The teacher said sternly, before it dropped, "I'm going to take a nap here on the floor."
"WHAT?! B-b-but you can't-" Aphmau stuttered.
"Don't worry my student aid will be in to watch you guys soon, he's just running late," the teacher assured, "I'm obligated to be here but I'm not obligated to be awake. Night!" And with that the teacher went behind his desk and played down on the floor and fell asleep.
After that Aphmau found herself a seat away from the two. Texting her online friend FC but it didn't last long since FC was busy. After words Aphmau got lonely and saw (Y/n) and Aaron whispering to each other and decided to try to get along with Aaron since he was in Werewolf class with her.
That didn't end very well the two just ended up arguing, with Aaron telling her to to leave him alone and Aphmau just wanting to get along with him. (Y/n) only watched in amusement, but she didn't show it. Though she had gotten a text from Laurence telling her to watch over Aphmau since she was nervous about going into detention with possibly more bad kids. Him having seen her sitting in the classroom, knew Aphmau would be fine with a friend in there especially if that friend had a reputation of fighting alot.
"Well looks like the tension is getting started early this year, hahaha," the student aid said from the other side of the classroom, having snuck in unnoticed.
"Hey there! Couldn't help but overhear you two arguing," He said walking over to Aphmau, "You're one spunky Freshman to speak up to a senior like that."
"Senior?" Aphmau asked.
"This dude over here with the anger issues," The aid said towards Aaron.
"GRRR," Aaron growled at him.
"Yikes! The little lady over here was right…. You are a tad scary," The aid said.
"No, you guys just scare easily," You spoke up for the first time.
"Oh, and last year's delinquent, no offense!" The aid said smiling charmingly.
"None taken, Jeffory," You said back leaning back in your chair legs on the desk.
"Feet down, (Y/n)," Jeffory said back, going back to starting a conversation but you just ignored his order, "Hmm… if memory serves me correct you are in the same homeroom as me, aren't ya? Aaron is your name?"
Aaron didn't respond, he only looked over at Jeffory with an emotionless gaze.
"Silent one, eh? Care to tell me if the rumors are true?" He asked, who you only thought he was talking to Aaron but his gaze also turned to you.
"Rumors?" Aphmau asked, turning to Jeffory confused.
"Yeah, apparently this dude transferred from a Military Academy in his senior year," Jeffory explained, "And last year (Y/n) was said to also to have transferred from Military Academy. And they both have gotten into three fights alrea-"
"ENOUGH DON'T TALK ABOUT US IN FRONT OF US UNLESS YOU WANT TO START SOMETHING!" Aaron threatened Jefferoy as you too as well dropped your chilled behavior, your feet now touching the floor as you now sat in your chair on guard.
"Geez, alright no need to get hostile. Are you trying to get thrown into Super Detention?" Jeffory asked.
"It's not that bad, especially if you know people," You spoke up, smirking a small bit, sending chills down Aphmau's spine.
Not too long after Jeffory and Aphmau started weebing out about Anime.
"Aaron. Aaron. Aaron." You kept repeating poking your brother bored out of your mind as Jeffory had established Quiet Time for an hour.
"(Y/n)," Jeffory called to you again.
"Oh shush, Jeffory, you and I both know we all want some type of sound more than this awkward silent!" You sassed back at him, he nodded his head and sighed and let you whisper/annoy Aaron.
Detention went by faster after that, after a couple more times of poking Aaron he pushed your head to look towards the front telling you to stay. You pouted, crossing your arms and decided to text Dante the rest of the time.
Now you and Aaron are walking out of the school building seeing Aphmau talking to Laurence. Laurence notices you walk out of the school and waves at you but you ignore him and continue walking with Aaron, the both of you with emotionless, stern facades.
"Aaron, will we be okay when we grow up?" You asked him suddenly while walking home.
"Huh, why are you asking?"
"Because…. I don't want to live like this for the rest of our lives. I want to be able to hangout with friends and… and have a relationship one day," you stuttered a bit, your face turning slightly red.
"Does this have to do with that blue haired guy that had his arm around you earlier today?" Aaron asked.
Your face went crimson. You covered your face quickly with your hands but Aaron had already seen your reaction.
"Shut up! And no it's not that. I just don't want to be following Dad's orders even when we're adults. I want to be free to make my own decisions if they are dumb and stupid. We're supposed to learn from our mistakes but we can't do that if our lives are being controlled by our family's past."
"Hmm, we'll get through this, (Y/n), once I can get a house we'll get away from their control," Aaron reassured his younger sister, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, letting her rest her head on his shoulder as they continued walking home, "I promise. Then we'll have a life we always wanted."
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