~chapter 5~
(3 months later)
Blake and I were playing football together under the blazing sun in my backyard. I kept winning so he was growing more and more frustrated with me but I laugh at it every time.
"I guess you'll just have to accept that I'm better than you," I smirk.
"No way, Bell," Blake says as he throws off his shirt and continues playing. I have to admit, it was pretty hard to not stare but I managed to keep my cool.
"She shoots and she...SCORES!" I comment on my own actions doing my own little victory dance.
"I have to say, I only lose to Reece so it feels weird losing to someone else."
"Haha!" I continue doing my own little dance and he rolls his eyes. "I'll be right back!" I had an idea and I ran up to my room and got changed into my bikini.
I run outside screaming, "CANNONBALL!" and jump into my pool, soaking Blake head to toe. He takes his shoes off and jumps in right next to me, still in his soccer shorts.
"This feels so good, oh my gosh." I sigh and float on top of the water.
"I'm probably getting so sunburnt today but I don't care, I'm never leaving this pool." He floats by me and we stare up at the clouds above us.
"Tell me things about you I don't know." He says out of nowhere.
"well you pretty much know everything but I'll go over it again." I laugh slightly. "My favourite colour is blue, and there's no specific reason why except that it's a pretty colour. My favourite animal is a giraffe. I only eat milk chocolate and refuse to eat any other types. If I could choose one food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be grapes." I say to the sky.
"yeah I pretty much knew all of that except for a couple." we both laugh before he starts. "I love all the colours but if I had to choose, my favourite would be orange. I'm allergic to watermelons. I prefer red grapes over green grapes. My shower song is Let's Get It On by Marvin Gaye. I want to have Spider-Man's powers and I'm definitely not a morning person" Blake finishes. (A/N actual facts about blake if you didn't know.)
"I knew like two of them. I'm getting pretty thirsty. Do you want me to get you anything?" I ask while getting out of the pool.
"It's fine, I'll just come with you." He follows me into the kitchen.
"Do you want a coke?"
"Sure!" I pull two cans out from the fridge and hand him one. "This is one thing I can't live without." I smile as I take a sip. We grab a couple of snacks before hopping into the pool again. We're in the water for another two hours before we decide to go back in.
"shoot," Blake mutters when he grabs his shirt and shoes.
"What's wrong?"
"I didn't bring an extra pair of shorts and I don't want to go into your house soaking wet."
"don't worry, I've got a couple pairs of my older brothers sweat shorts that you can use."
"Thank you so much." I was about to turn around before Blake grabbed my wrist. "Is this a new one?" Blake touches my newest tattoo I got a couple weeks ago. it's a simple little mountain range on my right rib cage, a little under my bikini top. "Yeah I decided I wanted it, so I got it a couple weeks ago. It's probably my last one, I don't want to get too many."
"I love it. It's very pretty."
"thank you!" I walk up to my room with blake following close behind me.
"y' know after all this time of being at your house, I don't think I've ever been in your room." He realizes.
"Well, here it is! It's not too much but I love it." My room had a world map wallpaper on the wall behind my bed and opposite my bed, I had a TV that I use more than I'd like to admit. On the left side of the TV, was my closet and my bookshelf. My bathroom and dresser was on the right side.
"Wow, that wallpaper is amazing." He looks at the map. "You really want to travel the world, don't you?"
"More than anything." I walk over to my dresser that is surrounded by old vinyls, old band posters, and pictures of my friends plastered on my wall. I grab some shorts for blake and see that he's examining my shelf full of books and CD's. I chuck the shorts at his face and laugh. "There ya go. Hopefully those fit you. You can get changed in here and I'll go in the bathroom." I grab my clothes and close the bathroom door and quickly get changed. I walk back into my room to see blake laid out on my bed on his phone.
"Should we listen to some music?" He suggests and I nod as he turns on The Beatles and The 1975. At first, we were talking while listening to music but when Chocolate by The 1975 comes on, I just had to dance and sing. I grab a random object from my desk to use as a microphone and start jamming out as blake laughs and joins in with me. We eventually start to get tired so we turn on friends and watch it into the late hours of the night.
(indie's POV)
Delilah and I woke up the next morning around nine and started getting ready for the day. We planned to see a movie at one with us three girls. By eleven, Leilani was still not up, which I found strange. I walked up to her room and opened her door but was shocked by what I found. Blake and Leilani were cuddled up next to each other, fast asleep. I quickly but quietly shut her door and ran downstairs but not before taking a picture.
"Blake is here!" I whisper shout once I get back to the kitchen.
"What are you talking about?" Delilah looks up from her phone.
"Him and Leilani are cuddled up to each other in her bed. Netflix was on the tv so I'm guessing they fell asleep in the middle of a show?"
"No way."
"Yes, way!!" I show her the picture and she tries her best not to squeal. "I guess we're not doing anything until they wake up." she laughs.
"I guess so. I swear if Lani still denies the fact that they like each other, I will throw a spork at her head."
"I'll join you."
(Blake's POV)
I wake up and see that Leilani is cuddled up next to me and I smile at the sight. She looks so beautiful and peaceful in her sleep. I always love our little moments together, even though I'm always confused. I'll think she likes me back but then she goes on claiming that we're just best friends. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I realize the TV is still on from us falling asleep in the middle of an episode, so I grab the remote and turn it off. Trying not to wake my sleeping beauty, I reach over to grab my phone to check the time. 12.00pm. I was supposed to be at the studio in thirty minutes and I had a million missed calls from Reece, George, and Joe. I get out of bed as fast as I could without waking her up and rushed down the stairs to the two girls.
"No time to explain why I'm here but I promise it wasn't like what you're thinking. When leilei gets up can you tell her I had to go to the studio and didn't want to wake her?" I say, rushed. The girls nod and I run out of the door and hop in my car. I drive safely to the studio and barely make it on time.
"Mate, where were you?" George demands.
"We called you twenty times each!" Reece exclaims.
"Sorry, sorry, sorry! I'll explain later." I grabbed my guitar and went to a separate corner to write some chords I had in mind. It didn't take long considering I had been thinking about it for the past week, but because I was absolutely crazy about Leilani, I easily wrote an entire song. (A/N I know the beginning doesn't perfectly match but bear with me here)
It's been a year, two weeks, one day i
Knew the minute that I saw your face that
The only thing that never changed was you
Your perfumes intoxicating
You still smile when you say my name and
I love the way that you dance across the room
And it comes rushing back
As the moment passed
Make me wanna grab your hand
And pull you back
Tell me have I lost my mind again?
I get the feeling you might feel the same
Tell me you can feel that love, feel that love again
And even though we're in this crowded room
I'm feeling like there's no one else but you
Tell me you can feel that love, feel that love again
It's been a minute, six seconds, now I want you
'Bout to risk it all, baby
If you want to
See that look in your eyes and I guess you do
And it comes rushing back
As the moment passed
Make me wanna grab your hand
And pull you back
Tell me have I lost my mind again?
I get the feeling you might feel the same
Tell me you can feel that love, feel that love again
And even though we're in this crowded room
I'm feeling like there's no one else but you
Tell me you can feel that love, feel that love again
For the next couple of lines, I decided to go for it and put a couple of my fears in it.
If I make a move are you down with that?
Go in for a kiss would you kiss me back?
Feel that love, feel that love again
If I wrap my arms around you and I pull you close
Tell you once again that I'm taking you home
Feel that love, feel that love again
Forty minutes later, I come back into the main room with a whole song. "Started and finished a song. Can you two help me tweak it a bit?"
Reece and George read through the lyrics and looked back up at me. "Is this about Leilani?" George asks.
"Of course it is." I smile.
"Where exactly were you this morning, Blake?" Reece questions again and I sigh.
"I was over at Leilei's house all day yesterday playing football and swimming. Last night we decided to watch friends for hours on end and we sorta fell asleep and I woke up at noon to the both of us still sleeping," The boys didn't answer, all they did was smirk and helped me fix the song.
(Leilani's POV)
I woke up around one in the afternoon and found that Blake wasn't next to me. I was a little disappointed but figured he probably had to get home. I walk downstairs, still half asleep, to find my two best friends grinning at me from the kitchen.
"So...Blakey boy, huh?" Indie wiggles her eyebrows.
"Shut it, it was nothing. You two need to chill, we're just best friends," I say.
"SPORK ATTACK!!" Delilah yells as her and Indie chuck sporks at me.
"What in the...how do we have so many sporks and why are you throwing them all at me?" I finally get out.
"We went and bought twenty packages of them because we promised ourselves that we would chuck a spork at your head if you denied the fact that you and Blake like each other," Delilah explains.
"We saw you two cuddling this morning, so don't even try." Indie chimes in, showing me the picture. I do have to admit that it was a super cute picture.
"C'mon on guys you know blake doesn't-" Indie threatens me by holding up more sporks to throw.
"Are you really that clueless?" Delilah asks in disbelief. "Have you seen the way he looks at you? He's literally the definition of heart eyes. When he enters a room, whether it's crowded or not, he automatically tries to find you. You've had those many moments where he almost kissed you. He promised you ex that he would break him the next time he talked bad about you. You two spend all your days hanging out with each other, and for heaven's sake Leilani, you two unconsciously cuddled during the night! Honey, he's crazy about you." Delilah finishes. I was speechless and I should've expected that coming.
"Tell me, Lani, when he compliments you, do your cheeks heat up?" I nod. "When he almost kissed you but you didn't, did you feel disappointed? Did you feel disappointed when he wasn't there when you woke up?" I nod. "Whenever his skin comes in contact with yours, does it give you goosebumps?" I nod. "Girl, you're whipped too."
I take a deep breath, processing it all. I didn't even realize I had liked Blake and yet here we are. I looked back at them. "I guess you're right. Also, where did he even go, do you know?"
"He said he woke up at noon and had to be at the studio by twelve-thirty. He said he's sorry and he didn't want to wake you up."
"Aw," I eat breakfast and get ready, feeling happier for the rest of the day.
THEIR ALBUM CAME OUT LIKE AN HOUR AGO AND I MAY OR MAY NOT BE SOBBING MY EYES OUT!! I'm obsessed with the new songs and if I absolutely had to choose, I think my favourite song would be Serious. what's your fav song?
also I am legitimately in love with Reece Jamie Bibby. words cannot express how much I love that man.
hope you enjoyed all the fluff! When I was writing these chapters in June, I didn't even mean to have it match up with love again. one day it came on while I was writing and I had to.
their voices are so soothing, they're gonna put me to sleep. they're my only valentines and I love them with all my heart<3
word count: 2,369
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