~chapter 29~
so it's gonna be a bit dramatic and the characters might overreact i just didn't know how else to write it soooo here it is lol
(a week later)
I'm just hanging out at home when there's a knock on the door. I went to open it and my jaw went slack when i saw who it was. "Layla?! What are you doing here?!"
"I wanted to visit you and i'm moving here soon so i wanted to check out the area!"
"I'm so glad you came!" I gave her a big hug. "How did you even find my house?"
"I contacted Blake and asked for your address!" she smiles and then something catches her eye and she grabs my hand and looks at my ring. "When did this happen?? and please tell me it's blake."
"It is blake and he proposed about a week ago in disneyland on my birthday." I grin.
"OH MY GOSH LEILEI!" she squeals.
"I know right!"
"where are the boys?"
"They're finishing up an interview right now so they should be home soon."
They boys walk in the door half an hour later and are surprised to see Layla sitting on the couch talking to me.
"Layla! what are you doing here?" George smiles.
"I'm moving to manchester so i just wanted to check out the area."
"No way!" They exclaim. We talk for a bit longer before the boys had to go record a cover, so layla and i caught up some more before the girls came in.
"Oh! indie and delilah this is layla. We met in New York when i was on tour with the boys."
"Nice to meet you!" They say to each other. The three girls get to know each other more and 20 minutes later, the boys walk out, finished with their cover.
"So? How'd it go?" Delilah asks.
"Very well, thanks love." George gives her a quick kiss, which makes her smile.
"Ugh you girls have little to no food." Blake whines as he opens the fridge door.
"Yeah, i know. I was going to run to the store soon. Do you want to come with me?"
"Layla sorry to leave right when you get here but i'll be back in like an hour."
"Okay see you soon." she says.
We're walking through the aisles when i run into someone familiar. Why is it always at the store?
"Hey leilani!"
"Oh hey Austin, how are you?" I ask, starting to feel awkward with Blake beside me.
"Good, you?"
"Pretty fantastic! Oh Austin this is Blake, Blake this is Austin."
"Nice to meet you." They both shake hands.
"I was wondering if you'd want to go to lunch again sometime?" Jeez, he sure knows how to make it awkward.
"No, sor-"
"She's my fiancee so that probably wouldn't be best." Blake interrupts me, grabbing my hand. I could see the disappoint wash over his face but i ignored it.
"Oh well, um, congrats."
"Thank you." I say and Austin walks off.
"Welp." I say as i check ourselves out and walk out to the car.
"Who is austin exactly?"
"I'm going to tell you but you won't like it."
"Remember that guy i was on a date with who also kissed me the day that we told each other we liked each other?" i say.
"Yeah..." Blake says nervously.
"That was him."
"You're kidding right?" Blake says angrily. "I can't believe you went out with that guy with all the stuff happening between us then."
"Blake you didn't talk to me for two weeks! It made me feel like crap and i thought it was over because i thought you found someone else!" My voice started to raise.
"You knew why i didn't talk to you!"
"Still would've been nice to send a text saying hi or ask me how i was doing." I state.
Blake exhales angrily before saying, "Who's to say you're not still talking to him? After all he did say again when he asked you out!" He shouts. My jaw drops. I can't believe he actually said that. I pull over and slam on my brakes.
"Get out."
"No, get out."
"I said get out. It's my car." I say through gritted teeth. He sighs and gets out and i drive home without him. I start crying the whole way home. How could he actually think i would ever cheat on him? After all we've been through? Plus, he just proposed and i was and still am ecstatic. Could he not see that? When i get home i slam the door, not caring about everyone staring at me.
"Where's Blake?" Reece asks me.
"I don't want to talk about him right now." I march up to me room and collapse on my bed. 5 minutes later, there's a knock on my door.
"Who is it?"
"It's indie."
"Come in." I hear the door open and close and feel her sit next to me.
"Leilani, what happened at the store?"
I take a deep breath before responding, "We ran into Austin."
"Oh no." she says. I start to tell her every detail that happened. i start crying again and next thing i know indie is pulling me in for a hug.
"We'll get this figured out. Everything's going to be okay."
"Yeah, i know." I say and indie pulls away.
"Do you wanna come back down?"
"In a minute. Did anyone pick up blake?"
"George did but blake's at the boys' house." She says. I sigh, try to collect myself, and head down to the living room with indie."
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