Soccer tryouts
Rose POV
"Guys come on! I want to be there before everyone else" I urged my friends to hurry.
"For God's sake Rose. You know we don't have long legs like you do" complained Jade.
""Speak for yourself", Sam laughed.
Thankfully, when we entered the gymnasium, there was no one there except the coach.
"Welcome ladies. Start warming up until everyone else arrives" the coach said.
All 3 of us then started running laps around the gym, making sure that our legs are fully warmed up. By the time we were on our third lap, more people started filling up the gym.
"Hey guys, I think we can stop now. More people are here" I said.
"Good cause I was about to pass out", Sam breathed out.
I started to look around and see if I recognise any of the girls that just entered. In the corner stood a girl with a group of her friends talking excitedly. They looked too young to play with us but I wasn't going to judge them by their looks.
"Everyone gather up!" Yelled the coach.
As the group of girls started to disperse, I caught a glimpse of one of them. Angeline.
She saw me and walked towards me with a smile. Each step she took towards me, made my heart beat faster.
"Hey Rose", she said cheerfully, as she drew closer, standing beside me.
"Hey stranger", I smiled at her.
"Fancy seeing you here. Didn't think you play soccer", she said.
"Well, once you get to know me", I stepped closer, " you'll know that I play all sorts of sports".
I watched as she stepped back a little, and tripped on another's foot. She started falling backwards but I caught her just in time.
"Careful there. Don't want to injure your foot before starting tryouts"
She looked at me shyly, her cheeks painted pink.... 'Cute' I thought to myself.
Angeline pov
Suddenly, Rose stepped closer to me. I stepped backwards but I tripped. I closed my eyes preparing for the impact, but after a few seconds, I felt nothing. When I opened my eyes, I noticed that Rose caught me.
"Careful there. Don't want to injure your foot before starting tryouts", she said
I didn't know what to say. I just admired her face. Her doe eyes and pointed nose made her look ethereal.
Badump... Badump...
Why is my heart beating so fast?
Rose pov
I gently helped her up and apologized for startling her.
"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you".
"It's okay. I'm all good".
The coach then started to explain how the drills were gonna go. First, she asked us to group up in teams of 2 and practice passing to each other. I glanced at Jade and Sam and saw that they grouped up with each other. Sam gave me a thumbs up and wiggled her eyebrows at me. 'What are you guys thinking' I mouthed to them. They jut laughed and walked away.
I turned around and gave my attention to Angeline again.
"You got a teammate?" I asked her.
"No. Apparently my friends decided to ditch me" , she laughed.
"Wanna team up?" I held out my hand for her.
"Let's see what you got", she accepted my offer.
Her hand in mine feels good....
Angeline's pov
As we started our drills, I noticed that Rose was very good. She was quick on her feet and received all my passes perfectly. It was quite impressive.
"Alright, now we will have a friendly match. 5 vs 5", the coach started.
"Rose, Jade, Kat, Jasmine, and Riley is one team. Sam, Angeline, Sabrina, Carly, and Gaby is the other team".
"Guess we're opponents now", said Rose.
"Yea. Better watch out so that we don't kick your ass", I retorted.
"Oh it's so on"
The game started and I was assigned to be the goal keeper. Both teams were doing really well. Rose and her team had some really solid skills.
Rose's pov
"Jade pass here, I'm open", I shouted across the gym.
I successfully received the ball and made my way to the goal. I aimed my shot and it went straight into....... Angeline's head?
Angeline's pov
"Ow", I winced. My head is aching.
"Hey, Angie are you okay?"
I opened my eyes and saw Rose looking at me guiltily. To my surprise, she hugged me.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hit you", she said while caressing my head.
"It's okay Rose. Accidents happen in sports", I chuckled.
"Alright, I think that's it for today", instructed the coach.
Rose and were now sitting facing each other. She looked adorable with her guilty eyes.
"Are you sure you're okay?" She said.
"I'm fine, don't worry"
"Watch out!!!!" Someone yelled.
The next thing I know is that I'm on the ground and Rose was on top of me. Our faces so close that our lips touched from the impact.
I looked into her eyes and panicked.
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