-11 years ago-
Five year old Peter sat in the corner of the boys bathroom crying as he had just finished going through torture at the hands of his elder school mates. He was punched,kicked,and pushed to the ground just for his bullies amusement. The five year old had cried into his knees until he heard footsteps and looked up. He saw a boy around his age with blue eyes and brown hair looking at him with a concerned look as he held out his hand."Are you okay? Why are you crying?". Peter took the boy's hand and stood up as he wiped away his tears."i-i'm not crying....i...i...just..."."Do you need a friend......i don't have one either......I'm Harry by the way"."i'm Peter....and i...i..do need a friend". The two five years smiled at each other as they both shook hands. Harry smiled widely causing Peter to do the same as Harry began to speak in a cheerful tone."From this day on. We will always be best friends no matter what".
-Flash back to Norman's death: 1 year ago-
Peter entered the building wearing his V.2 stark spider suit and holding Norman's body who had died during the massive war between the giblins and the spiders. Peter looked at the dead body as he walked into the living room."Norman.....". Peter then heard footsteps and shouting and looked up."Dad! Are you here!? Dad!" Harry entered the room and saw Peter holding the dead corpse of his father."DAD!!!". Peter set Norman down on a couch as Harry towards them."DAD!! DAD!! PLEASE GOD!!! DAD!!". Harry then turned to face Romanoff and growled."YOU BASTARD!!! YOU F***ING BASTARD!!!" Harry shouted as tears formed in his eyes "YOU KILLED MY FATHER!!! YOU KILLED MY FATHER!!". The black suited teen looked away ashamed as he knew he couldn't have done anything to save Norman and the many others in the bloody war that had occured."I'm sorry....."."SORRY WON'T BRING MY FATHER BACK!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I SAW YOU AS A HERO!!!" Harry shouted angrily "I HATE YOU!!!". Peter looked at Harry and then back away and jumped off the balcony of the building and webswung away. Harry cried as he looked at his dead father and then noticed a glowing green vile in Norman's pocket and took it as he looked at it as it was marked prototype Oz version 1.5."This...is the key....the key to kill Spider-Man" Harry smiled as sad look of a broken man was in his eyes.
-Last week-
The Goblin then picked Peter up by the head and then slammed him into the ground hard causing the teen to scream in pain."I'm...not gonna die....like this....especially at the....hands of a halloween costume reject....like of Harry!".Peter was able to shoot a few taser webs at the Goblin,causing the monstrous man to let out groans of pain as Peter continued to do this only to have Goblin laugh as the Teen looked at him in fear. The Goblin laughed at this,until he let out a blood curdling scream of agony causing him to let go of Peter as Peter had uses his acid talons to to slash at Goblin in the eyes. Peter then grabbed a truck and used to hit Harry with full force as the monsterious man growled at him.
Peter breathed heavily as he felt his spider sense go off as he was pushed back by a massive fire ball.
Peter groaned in pain as he hit the ground and got back to his feet. He looked at the spot where he fought Harry and sighed as he had managed to escape.
Peter sat in his apartment looking through an old photo album seemed to not notice anything around as he looked at a picture of him and Harry on the day they met. The teen then sighed as he closed the album."Best friends no matter what....yeah right....." he said to himself as he put the album away "More like best friends to mortal enemies". He put the album away and then sat on the couch and sighed.
-Parker Romanoff Signing off
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