_~*[Chapter 9]*~_
POV: Robo
I rose from my bed, annoyed that even though I didn't even need sleep, I was still tired. The past day had been less then eventful. Carrot gave me a bed, a crafting table, and a chest, which were all currently sitting in my house. Carrot had also summoned a communicator for me to use, which I was grateful for. I was less then grateful that Carrot and Ex would know I was connected to Grian. I doubted they even knew Grian, I also knew that if they did they would've probably already known I was connected to the man.
I took a mechanical breath, and pulled out my communicator. The first thing I saw was extremely wholesome.
<MidnightCarrot4> I know Eevee wouldn't like this but-
Gamerule doweathercycle was set to false
<Evil_Xisuma> why did you do that?
I didn't know who 'Evil_Xisuma' was, but I could guess that was Ex. 'If Carrot is fine with Ex, I'm sure they wouldn't care about me being connected to Grian.' I thought gratefully.
<MidnightCarrot4> well Robo can't touch water and sometimes it rains and I don't want Robo to be scared so I turned off rain :D
I realized that these were sent just a bit ago, so I decided to add in.
<RobotGrian> thank you. But who's Eevee?
<MidnightCarrot4> Eevee was one of my friends back in an old server. She hated when people cheated on Minecraft.
<Evil_Xisuma> well I'm glad you disobeyed her wishes just this once
<MidnightCarrot4> yeah, I try my hardest not to cheat because of her but this seemed like one of those situations where I was allowed to.
<RobotGrian> I've never had someone care about me enough to do that-
<MidnightCarrot4> >:0 that's bad
<Evil_Xisuma> Carrot. For the love of all the void, please don't go busting kneecaps.
<MidnightCarrot4> you can't stop me! scREE-
<RobotGrian> your allowed to bust the kneecaps of people in my past. Just spare Poultry man and NPG, okay?
<MidnightCarrot4> got it
<Evil_Xisuma> nO!
I smiled, turning my communicator off and putting it back in my pocket. I remembered Poult and NPG though. They were my only support back then. I hoped with every wire in my robotic body that they were okay. I had escaped before them- I had left them! I'm sure they wouldn't be mad but.... I shook my head. I was safe now. I couldn't dwell on the past because I was safe. I hoped that Poult and NPG were safe too, and I chose to believe they were until I was proven otherwise.
POV: Carrot
I smiled at chat. I decided to go and see Robo, so I hopped my bed and rushed to the door. I power walked as fast as I could to Robo's house. A weird feeling of being watched entered my body as I walked and I glanced back. 'Who am I kidding, the readers know everything.' I thought angrily. I turned back around and continued walking. Once I got there I busted down the door. "BOO!" I shouted. "ᔑ." Robo said loudly. It was a scream, but with the text-to-speech voice it sounded completely monotone. I started laughing so hard.
"L-listen, you're all-lowed to s-scare me, but d-don't give me a hea-art atta-ack." Robo stuttered, looking offended. That just made me laugh harder. "I'm sorry- I just really like scaring people." I choked out in between laughs. "How can you even have a heart attack? You're a robot." I asked. Robo flinched. "I don't know." He said quietly. "Anyway, what pride flags should I use to bust kneecaps?" I asked out of the blue. Robo paused for a moment.
"Your only all-lowed to use A-aro and Ace f-flags." He said. "Noted." I said. "Are you just go-gonna st-tand there or what?" Robo asked. In response I just sat down wordlessly, exactly where I was standing. Robo smiled. I heard a ding from my communicator, so I got it out and looked at it.
<Evil_Xisuma> so y'know how I'm non-binary? Well I kinda don't like the name 'Ex' (because it stands for 'Evil Xisuma') so I was wondering if we could get together and work out a new name for me?
<RobotGrian> sure. Me and Carrot are at my house if you wanna come.
<Evil_Xisuma> okay!
I looked up at Robo. Robo looked back at me with a smile on his face.
POV: soon to be renamed Ex
I was right at Robo's front door and I knocked. "Come in!" I heard Carrot's voice call. I walked in to see Carrot sitting on the floor sliding away from the door, and Robo sitting on his bed. "We've been expecting you." Carrot said in a fancy voice. Robo smiled. "D-don't make it s-sound so we-eird." He stuttered. I smiled underneath my helmet, and went to sit next to Carrot. "Warning: I'm horrible at names. I'll also be writing them down in chat so we can find some good ones." Carrot said. I nodded.
Robo was the first to say something. "How about Xe-Xexries?" Robo offered. I saw Carrot quickly type it down, but I paused. "I need more names first." I murmured. Robo paused. "M-maybe.... X-xanthus? X-xan for sh-short?" Robo asked. Carrot quickly typed out the names, but I just hummed. "Ok ok ok- hear me out." Carrot said suddenly. I looked at her. "Eggs." She said bluntly. I burst out laughing, but Robo looked confused. "Why Eggs?" He asked. "Listen! A lot of enby's are named after nouns and Eggs is a noun!" Carrot sputtered. "You're named after a noun and your in the binary." I pointed out between laughs. Carrot paused. "Anyway, no, but nice try." I responded.
We sat in silence for a moment. "How about Xelqua?" I asked out of the blue. "NO. NO. NO. P-POS-ITIVELY NOT." Robo burst out. "That's a negative reaction if I've ever seen one." Carrot commented. "Hmm... what about Ezra then?" I asked. It looked like she Carrot flinched slightly. "Uhm... no." She just responded. "Alright." I murmured. "Maybe... Exaiver?" I asked. Carrot quickly typed it out. The furious typing of Carrot made me internally laugh. "How about Alex?" Carrot asked. "We'll try." I said, and again Carrot typed in the name. "Oooh, maybe Evander?" I offered. "I'll write it down!" Carrot said cheerfully, writing it down.
"Okay, the names we got are: Xexries, Xanthus, Xan, Exaiver, Alex, and Evander." Carrot read. "How about I call you those names and we see which one fits most?" Carrot asked. I nodded, and I saw Robo smile. "I have a fr-riend named Xe-extires, and th-hey're the best." Robo started. I smiled underneath my helmet. "Yeah, Xanthus is awesome!" Carrot exclaimed. "Isn't X-xan the be-best?" Robo asked. "Of course, Exaiver is THE best." Carrot said. "Al-ex is gr-reat." Robo said fondly. "Evander? 10/10, is a great friend." Carrot said.
I was just smiling like an idiot the whole time. Although the structure of it was hilarious. "Can you guys go again?" I asked. Carrot nodded. "I have a friend that goes by Xexries. They use they/them pronouns." Carrot said. "I know s-someone who's name i-is Xa-anthus." Robo stuttered. "Th-their nickna-ame is X-xan." Robo added. "I made a new friend! Their name is Exaiver." Carrot said. "Well I met a per-rson named A-alex. They're nice." Robo said. "I know a person named Evander. They're awesome." Carrot replied. I just kept smiling.
"I like Evander most. Can we use that for a bit?" I asked. Carrot pat me on the back. "Of course! We'll test it out, and if it doesn't work we can brainstorm again." She explained. I smiled underneath my helmet. "Anyway, my social battery is up and I need to disperse." Carrot said, getting up and leaving before any of us could say anything. "Uhm- are we just gonna let that be?" I asked Robo. Robo shrugged. "I assume so." He said.
I just hummed in response. 'Carrot is odd, isn't she?' I thought to myself.
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