_~*[Chapter 6]*~_
I sat in bed, waiting for Carrot. I had calmed down, although I didn't know how long that would last. Suddenly I heard a loud bark, as Carrot busted down her door, her pets behind her. "It is I, HAPP BRINGER!" She announced, walking in. "And I'm...." I paused, wondering what to say. "AMAZING PERSON!" Carrot interrupted.
"Is it okay if I sit on your bed or should I sit on the floor?" Carrot asked, as her dog (Rocket, I think their name was) jumped onto my bed and curled beside me. "You can sit wherever you want!" I said. Carrot nodded, going to sit on my bed when Jellie sat down there. "Never mind." She murmured, sitting against my bed. Jellie climbed over my and curled next to Rocket. I paused, wanting to pet them but not knowing if I should.
"This is why I wear my mask." I heard Carrot abruptly say. I turned to see her mask getting licked by Bumble, at least I thought that's what the dogs name was. "You don't like getting licked in the face by a dog?" I asked skeptically. "Why yes, I don't get people who like it. You just get saliva all over your face! It's gross. But hey, with this mask my dogs can show affection without me screaming bloody murder." Carrot said, raising a thumbs up.
I looked back at the dog and cat curled up next to me. Jellie looked me in the eye, as if they were trying to tell me something. I raised my hand slightly, but I hesitated. I was just reminded so much of the Hermits, I couldn't bring myself to pet the cat. My hand shook slightly, but I forced it down on Jellie. I started to pet the cat, smiling when I got a purr of satisfaction from them.
"OOF-" I looked to see Carrot getting tackled by her other dog, Henry. She started petting them, as well as petting Bumble. I turned back to Jellie, petting the cat softly. I shook slightly, but I felt more comfortable as I pet the cat. "You seem very scared of Jellie. What did they do to you?" Carrot asked.
"It's just a thing with my past- I don't want to talk about it." I responded, swallowing. "And that's perfectly fine." Carrot responded. After that I got a happy grrrrr from Rocket, who seemed to be asleep. "How about I talk about cute things in my past to make you feel better?" Carrot asked. I simply nodded. Carrot took a deep breath in.
"I used to live in a different server. A lot, and I mean a lot of players lived there." Carrot started. "I had two best friends- Eevee and Flower. We hung out a lot, and when we couldn't see each other we either texted or called. We where very close. We didn't have much in common, but did that matter? No way!" Carrot exclaimed. "Eevee was well- an eevee. Well, half human/half eevee. Flower was an angel-cat-thing? It's hard to explain. But the point is, we were very close. We called ourselves the BFF Squad." Carrot explained. I smiled.
"That's such a cute name!" I said. Carrot gave me some finger guns. "Made by a very cute person. That person being, Eevee." Carrot said. She sighed, pulling her dogs closer. "One day I just- woke up here, without them. It happened every once in a while there, someone would go missing and it turns out they were just randomly teleported to a different server. But I miss Eevee and Flower a lot. I hope they took me leaving well." Carrot explained solemnly. The tone of her voice very clearly said: 'I never even got to say goodbye.'
I felt really bad at this point. "Don't feel bad! Okay well- you can feel bad, but you're not allowed to feel super bad. There were some positives to come out of this change! I have my dogs and Jellie, I'm and admin now, and I met you!" Carrot said as positively as she could manage. I was surprised I was my own category. "And maybe, if we're lucky, Eevee and Flower might randomly appear here like we did! That would be a win-win x2!" Carrot said happily. I smiled, hoping that it could happen.
I heard a soft meow and looked to see Jellie staring at me with welcoming eyes. "I think they like you." Carrot remarked. She looked out the window as I did, and I realized night was creeping upon us. "I should probably go-" Carrot said, standing up. "Come with me sweeties!" She said in a cute voice. Bumble and Henry were already at her side, then Jellie jumped off to join them. I paused, confused why Rocket hadn't gotten up until I realized they were still fast asleep. "Is it okay if Rocket stays with you?" Carrot asked. I simply nodded. "Alright, Cya." Carrot said, walking out the door.
I smiled, curling up in the bed and holding Rocket gently. Sleep came easy this night, and I was out in seconds.
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