_~*[Chapter 5]*~_
I shot up from my bed, my heart pounding. The first thing I realized was that keep inventory was on, but the second thing was- 'SHES GOING TO THINK IM EVIL'. I had tried so hard not to type in chat or die so Carrot wouldn't know my user name, but now she would. I pulled myself into a tight ball and shook, fear tumbling through my entire body. The worst part was that voice was there! It only spilt once but it was there!
I felt tears prick my eyes as the thought of that stupid voice in my head became apparent. I really hoped that it would just come in the nether, but I doubted that. I really didn't want the voice to come back.
I started hyperventilating, tears streaming down my hidden face. I shook, grasping at my yellow blanket for some kind of comfort. I wrapped my little devil tail around myself, trying to make my breaths slower.
POV: Carrot
I quickly got up from my bed, being tackled by my pets. "It's okay, mama's fine!" I said in my little puppy voice. I pet all my pets, but eventually got them off of me. "I gotta go check on Ex, I'll see you later!" I said, walking out the door. Once I got out of my house I checked my communicator, since I hated having notifications. That's when I saw it.
<System> Evil_Xisuma tried to swim in lava
I realized that that username was Ex's. "Who would name their child 'Evil'?!?" I shouted aloud. I decided to book it to Ex's house, wanting to talk to them about it. I ran across the bridge and on the dirt path, running over the hills before Ex's house.
Once I got there I stuffed a carrot underneath my mask and chomped it. Before I could even process what I was doing, I busted down Ex's door. "Ex are you- OH." I was greeted by Ex curled up on their bed, shaking, crying, and gripping their blankets like their life depended on it. I rushed over to Ex, worry filling me. "What happened?" I asked.
"They're back." Ex murmured, curling themselves into a tighter ball. I put my hand out to comfort them, but they flinched away. I pulled my hand back, not wanting to upset them. "Who's They?" I asked. Ex just stayed silent. I knew whoever 'They' was probably scared Ex or had maybe done something to Ex, and I was unhappy with that. "Listen, Ex, whoever 'They' is, I'll protect you from them. If you want, I can slap them with pride flags." I said.
Ex choked out a small laugh, although they still seemed scared. "Is there any way I can make you less panic-ey?" I asked. Ex shivered, thinking. "Maybe sing?" They asked, looking at me sadly. "Okay." I responded. I quickly went through all the songs I knew in my head, and decided on one.
"Tears falling down at the party," I sung, looking at Ex as they curled up.
"Saddest little baby in the room." I sung. Ex looked at me, their eyes full of tears.
"Fears, tell me fears, don't get me started." I remembered the nether, my heart sinking at how afraid Ex might've been when his username would finally show up.
"I get a little grey hair for every scare you share." I sung the last part, and I realized Ex had calmed down slightly. "Can you sing a bit more?" Ex asked. I nodded happily.
"You are my Midnight, my only midnight." I sung happily.
"You make me happy when skies are grey." I sung.
"You'll never know dear, how much I love you." I sung, eyeing Ex joyfully.
"Please don't take my Midnight away." I sung, a pang of sadness entering my mind. "I thought it was Sunshine?" Ex asked. "Yesn't. I used to have a few friends, and one made a version of that song with Midnight, since that's in my username. I sing it to myself when I'm sad." I responded. Ex nodded.
"Do you feel better now?" I asked. Ex nodded, wagging his little devil tail. "Wanna know what would make you more happ? Hanging out with my dogs and cat!" I said, raising my arms up. "Yeah!" Ex cheered. "Should I bring the dogs here or you come with me?" I asked. "Can you bring them here?" Ex asked. I nodded, smiling under my mask. "Cya, with my pets!" I said, walking towards the door. "Cya!" Ex said.
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