Chapter 9
7:30 am Sylvina's communicator read, her alarm went off. The sun shone in from the window and you could hear the birds singing from the distance, it was a great start to the day. There were no classes for her in the first and second period which was nice, Sylvina got out of her bed and changed into the school uniform, she used a light blue hair tie to pull her hair into a pony tail. Just as she was about to leave for breakfast, her communicator rang.
It was odd for someone to be calling her at that time, the communicator said that the call was from Beast Boy which was even more strange. "Hello? Beast Boy?" Sylvina asked.
"Sylvina, it's me, Corson." Said Corson. "I borrowed Beast Boy's communicator. Just checking to see if everything is ok."
Sylvina was getting annoyed. "Everything is fine, Corson." A knock on the door interrupted their talk. "Can you hold on for a minute Corson?" She put down her communicator and went to the door, Corson was listening to what she was saying.
"Hey Sylvina." Was the first thing that Sylvina heard when she opened the door, it was Ethan, again. "You missed breakfast, everything ok?"
Sylvina glanced at her communicator. "Everything is fine, my brother just called me, that all."
"Oh, ok. Well, I should be heading to class, don't want to be late for Coding class. See you later!" And he left.
Sylvina returned to her room and picked up her communicator again. "I have to go Corson, talk to you later."
"No don't hang-" Corson didn't finish, Sylvina just shut down her communicator.
She started to put the stationery that she needed inside her pencil box, then put her pencil box in her schoolbag. Sylvina put her Chinese, Art and design, and Music text books inside her bag since she was only having these three classes today. Then she locked the door to her room and walked to the school library by following the map of the school that she photographed earlier.
The library was very quiet and didn't have much people, Sylvina sat down at a computer to do some research on angels, ever since she knew that Ethan was an angel, she was interested about them. When she was about to turn on the computer, a strange voice called her.
'Sylvina~' It called, this happened a lot to her, a light appeared in front of her that only she could see. 'Follow me~' It said again. Sylvina didn't notice that the bell rang already, it was like she was in some sort of trance. Ethan saw her walking down the halls and called out to her.
"Sylvina!" He shouted, Sylvina was still walking straight ahead. Ethan ran up to her and waved his hand in front of her face, she just kept on walking. He put his hand on her shoulder, that seemed to make her snap out of whatever trance she was in, although she gasped a little when Ethan did that.
"Where did it go?" Sylvina was looking around, sort of like she was nervous.
"Where did what go?" Ethan was puzzled. "Are you feeling ok?"
"The light." Sylvina continued to look for it. "It was here just a minute ago, it told me to follow it."
"I think you should sit down." Ethan was worried for his friend. "There was no light, I think that you were just seeing and hearing things. I don't have class second period, you can come to my dorm to rest." He grabbed her hand gently and led her to his dorm.
His dorm looked normal enough from the outside, but it was a different story once you saw the inside. The walls were layered with light blue wallpaper and the floor was as if it was made of clouds. His bed was in a cloud shape and it was floating in mid-air, his room looked truly magical.
"Are you alright, Sylvina? You look a bit off." Ethan looked at her, worried. "Is it normal for you to see whatever you saw?"
Sylvina thought for a while. "I'm not sure, something similar has happened to me before. I think that if I see the light again, I might as well see where it leads me."
"Well, I'm going to follow you." Ethan said firmly. "What if something happens to you?"
"I'll be fine, Ethan. But if you're that worried then I don't have a problem with you following me." Sylvina assured Ethan.
"Oh, I didn't get the chance to ask you." Ethan added. "What exactly are your powers? And if Mistress Megana is the princess of Zutari and is now, you know, missing then does that mean that you are the new princess of Zutari as well? And your father is the prince of the underworld so that makes you the princess of Zutari and the underworld."
"Technically, I am meant to inherit my mother's throne and my brother was meant to be king of the underworld." Sylvina didn't like to brag about her powers but didn't want to lie about them either. "My powers are, dangerous. I can move things with my mind, project objects, and if I say something backwards, it happens." Sylvina sighed. "I wish that I had a normal life, I wish that I didn't have these powers, I wish... I was never born. Monsters come looking for me, my friends get hurt trying to protect me, everywhere I go I cause pain and suffering." She hung her head low.
"Don't say that." Ethan put his hand on her shoulder. "I'm glad that you were born, I'm glad you are at this school, I'm glad that, you are my friend."
The school bell rang, it was recess.
The same voice echoed in Sylvina's mind, calling her name. "I see something." Sylvina entered a trance-like stage and suddenly stood up and walked out of the door, Ethan followed close behind.
The hallway was crowded and chattering voices filled the school but somehow, a path opened up to Sylvina and let her walk through the halls with no problems, Ethan, on the other hand, had some trouble keeping up with her. She headed towards the back door which opened with a flash of light, she was gone, Ethan began to search for her but nothing.
Meanwhile, Sylvina ended up in a strange environment, it was all ash and the sky was a dark shade of grey. "Where am I?" She wondered, bones were scattered seen everywhere and there was no sign of life.
The light appeared again. "Zutari~ Or what was left of it." It said. "Zutari is in the shadow dimension, only a Zutarian can bring it back. The moon locket is a powerful relic that was in the royal family's possession, they are the only thing that can save the planet, but it will require a large amount of training."
"If the planet returns, then will the people return too?" Sylvina asked, the light nodded.
"Zutari may have been a planet of chaos, but it was home to some of the most powerful creatures, sorcerers, and sorceresses. Not everyone was fighting, many kept the planet in harmony and stopped it from crumbling, many Zutarians turned evil, but some left the planet to achieve a greater good." Suddenly, a tall structure started to rise from the ashes. "The palace." The light levitated Sylvina to the doors of the dark palace.
The palace was completely dark and looked evil, it was made of rough stone and there were four smaller towers that surrounded a larger one. Walls surrounded the castle and spikes grew out of the whole building. The doors opened when Sylvina touched them, once the doors opened, you could see that the halls were decorated with tapestries of all the kings and queens of the past.
"Woah, these look really old." Sylvina looked closely at one tapestry and saw that the two jewels in the picture were real, one silver, it was shaped like a moon. "What is that? The silver jewel matches the hole in my locket." Sylvina took the jewel.
"If that jewel in put in the moon locket, whoever uses it will be undefeatable. But if it is in the wrong hands, it will be the end of us all. I'm sure that you have heard of the sun locket, it is a relic of the underworld, the two worlds used to be enemies, but after the two lockets were created, they became allies. If the two relics come to contact with each other, it will be able to conquer the whole universe." The light said. "The jewel is very powerful and the power of the jewel is hard to control, and will take some time to master, once you put the jewel on the necklace, it will mean that you accept the role of princess of Zutari, you will be the guardian of this planet once it returns."
Sylvina took a deep breath. "I am the princess of Zutari and I will do everything in my power to bring Zutari back and protect my people." She put the jewel into the locket and it glowed a bright light, once it cleared, Sylvina found herself in front of the school back door. Sylvina sighed and opened the door to get to her class. "Ethan?" She called, looking for her friend.
A girl with short black hair and dark brown hair ran into her. "對不起" She said when she bumped into her. "I mean sorry." The girl said slowly in a Chinese accent.
"It's ok." Sylvina replied. "Are you from China?"
"No." She told Sylvina. "Taiwan. My name is Mei-ling Chen, what is your name?" Mei-ling carefully said while making sure that she said each word clearly.
"I'm Sylvina Mastic, nice to meet you." Sylvina greeted. "What class are you heading to?"
"I am sorry, but what is heading?" Mei-ling asked.
"Um... Which class are you going to?" Sylvina explained, "Heading means going to."
"Oh~" Mei-ling continued, "Chinese class. My father wants me to help him in teaching his class."
"Cool. I'm going to Chinese class, too." Sylvina wondered if Mei-ling and her could be friends. "We could go there together. Also, have you seen a boy named Ethan?" Mei-ling shook her head. The bell suddenly rang, they were going to be late. "I don't want to be late, we better hurry up."
The two students walked quickly down the hall until they came to a classroom that read 'Chinese Classroom' on the door. A Chinese teacher was standing at the front of the classroom. He had black hair and dark brown eyes just like Mei-ling.
"Mei-ling! Over here!" A long blond-haired girl with bright green eyes said, Mei-ling went over and sat next to her.
Ethan waved at her and pointed to an open seat next to him, once she sat down Ethan started to whisper some questions to her. "Where were you? Why were you late? And is your necklace glowing?" He pointed to her necklace which was indeed glowing.
Sylvina put her hands over her necklace and held it tight. "Tell you after class."
"Quiet down class." The teacher said, the class was silent. "I am Mr. Chen, your Chinese teacher. You won't be needing your textbooks today, we will be introducing each other instead." Mr. Chen continued. "Mei-ling, will you be the first to introduce yourself?"
Mei-ling slowly walked to the front of the classroom and started talking. "My name is Mei-ling. I am from Taiwan. My English is not very good, so I will talk slower. I like to dance. Thank you." She finished.
"Thank you, Mei-ling, um, Ethan, you're up next." Mr. Chen told him.
Ethan was a bit nervous and kept looking at Sylvina. "My name is Ethan Angelwood, I am from, um, Jump City. I like sports and computers." Ethan kept going on but Sylvina noticed her necklace acting weird, it started to glow and levitate slightly.
Sylvina felt like she was trapped, like something inside of her was trying to get out but couldn't. She held her necklace tighter but felt even more uncomfortable and started to get dizzy and a headache came to her. She put one of her hands on her forehead slightly, but something happened when she let go of her locket, the chalk floated and the class started to freak out, except for Ethan and Sylvina of course. Sylvina quickly grabbed her necklace and the chalk fell to the floor, but before Mr. Chen could say anything more, it was break time.
"I would like you to preview pages 1, 2, and 3 in your textbook, you are dismissed." He announced.
"Sylvina, what's going on? I know that you did that and are you alright? You look uncomfortable." Sylvina looked as if she was about to fall unconscious.
"I'm fine, but I do feel dizzy and I do sort of have a headache." Sylvina put one of her hands on her head again, the other on her necklace. "Can I tell you what happened later? I really want to sit down."
"It's lunch time, we can sit in the cafeteria." Ethan looked down at her necklace. "Your necklace has a jewel on it, does that have anything to do with how you feel right now?"
"Maybe." She replied while walking down the stairs. "The light led me to... Zutari. It isn't dead, it's trapped in the shadow dimension, the moon locket and the sun locket can save it. The light did say that my powers would become stronger and harder to control once I put the jewel onto my locket, maybe that's why I feel like something is trying to get out of me."
The cafeteria was really noisy and crowded. "You going to get anything to eat?" Ethan asked.
"No thanks, I'm not very hungry." Sylvina continued. "Will you excuse me for a moment?" Ethan nodded and Sylvina walked out of the room, not knowing that Ethan was following her. She got out her communicator and called Raven. "Raven?"
"What's wrong Sylvina?" Raven asked.
"You know any magical jewels that are shaped like the moon?" Sylvina asked, trying not to sound suspicious.
"You put a moon shaped silver jewel in your necklace, didn't you? Well, it is a very powerful Zutarian relic, but you will have to use your powers often." Raven looked inside a book. "If you don't let some of your powers free then the next time you use your powers they will be even harder to control. You have to train, you have to control your powers not let them control you."
Sylvina sighed. "That is harder than you think, oh and, Ethan, I know you're there. Thanks for your help Raven." And she hung up. "What are you doing here?"
"I was worried about you, you didn't seem like yourself." Ethan was indeed very worried for her. "Your necklace is glowing again, is that a good thing or a bad thing?"
Sylvina quickly covered her necklace and a fire hydrant blew up. "Probably not a good thing." She whispered. Team of fixers immediately went to the fire hydrant and started to fix it. "I... have... to... go." Sylvina ran like the wind to her dorm before Ethan could stop her.
Ethan ran after her, the halls were almost empty since most of the students were eating lunch, but before he could catch up to her, Sylvina locked her door. She sat down, leaning against the door, when she looked up, her furniture was floating with light blue auras.
"I need to calm down." Sylvina said to herself taking deep breaths, some of the furniture fell to the floor. "Maybe I can try meditating like Raven, what did she say? Oh, right." She sat crossed legged in the middle of the room and closed her eyes. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos." She whispered, it did make her calm down slightly.
Continuous knocks could be heard. "Is everything alright in there?" Ethan was still outside.
Sylvina sighed, most of the furniture returned to their original places. She stood up and tried to remain calm. "Just fine." She replied while opening the door.
"If you say so." Ethan said while the bell rang. "I have two periods of physical education next, see you in music?"
"I'm going to the library, it's close to the gym, we could head in that direction together." Sylvina tried to not make it sound weird, but she sort of had a good feeling about Ethan.
"Ok." Ethan also had some feelings for Sylvina but hid them well. They walked down the halls without saying anything to each other until they got to the library. "I'd better get going, don't want to be late." Sylvina nodded and Ethan kept walking.
Sylvina sat down on an open seat and started to read a book about a ghost that fell in love with a human. Meanwhile, Ethan changed into his PE uniform and joined his classmates on the field.
A man with barely some blond hair and hazel eyes wearing a coach's uniform stood in front of the students. "I am coach Williams, I will be coaching the boys that signed up for physical education. Nothing is ever easy in my class and I will train you until your clothes are wet with sweat. I have trained 5 students that have won gold medals in the Olympics. Now, drop and give me 20!" He shouted then blowed his whistle, the whole class did what he asked. "After this, run 5 laps around the gym." Before you knew it, the class was running around the gym. "Alright! Take 5."
A boy with black hair and blueish purple eyes saw that Ethan was exhausted and stopped to talk to him. "Hey, the name's James, James Wove." He held out his hand to give Ethan a handshake.
"Ethan Angelwood." Ethan introduced, trying to catch his breath.
"You're new here aren't you?" James asked, Ethan nodded. "Don't worry, the first year's always tough, it'll get better." James noticed that Ethan was looking through the library window and noticed that he was looking at Sylvina, she saw him and waved, Ethan waved back. "Who's she?"
"A friend, her name is Sylvina." Ethan replied.
James smiled. "You have a crush on her, don't you?"
Ethan's eyes widened and looked at James. "What?! N-No..." He stuttered.
"Dude, you're blushing slightly and talking weird." James grew suspicious. "She seems nice, and she's pretty beautiful."
"Yeah~. Wait, what?" Ethan looked at him, realizing what he just said.
"Break's over, less resting, more practicing! Practice makes perfect." The coach clapped his hands to signal everyone to get into a straight line, he then took a basketball and placed it in front of the first person in line. "Goal is to get the ball in the basket, miss and you run 2 laps around the gym. Begin!"
A girl sat down next to Sylvina, it was the same blond-haired girl from Chinese class. "Hey, Sylvina right? Mei-ling told me about you, I'm Chloe." She looked at Sylvina's book. "OMG, I love that book, it's so romantic." Chloe was a naturally beautiful girl, mainly because she got some of her traits from her older sister who was an actor and a model.
"Hi, Chloe." Sylvina said then continued reading.
"Come on, I'm taking you to meet my friends, they're upstairs." Chloe grabbed Sylvina's hand and took her upstairs, the library had 2 floors. Three people stood together, whispering. One was a person with darker skin, black eyes, and braided dark brown hair. The other one was a girl with red hair and light brown eyes. The final one was Mei-ling. "Meet Angie."
"Hi." The girl with braided dark brown hair greeted.
"Ella." Chloe continued.
"Greetings." The red-haired girl said.
"And of course, Mei-ling." Chloe liked to talk a lot. "Girls, meet Sylvina, Sylvina meet my best girlfriends. Mei-ling told me how nice you were to her, it's Mei-ling and Angie's first year here, me and Ella have been here last year. We don't usually allow anyone to join our little group, but you seem nice, so, what do you say? You in?"
"I don't see why not." Sylvina felt like she was finally fitting in.
"Welcome to the club sister." Ella said. The bell rang and the halls were filled with chattering before 1 minute. "Hey, Angie, isn't the next class art and design? You're going to be late."
"I'm going to that class, too." Sylvina spoke up.
"Great! We can go together." Angie put her arm over Sylvina's shoulder. "See you later girls." And they both walked out of the library.
Ethan saw Sylvina in the distance and James walked up to him. "You should tell her."
"Tell her what?" Ethan asked.
"That you like her." James responded.
"We're just friends, dude." Deep down, Ethan did feel anxious around Sylvina, maybe it was because he liked her. "Excuse me a moment." Ethan walked towards Sylvina. "Hey Sylvina."
"Hi Ethan. Oh, Angie this is Ethan, Ethan this is Angie." Sylvina introduced.
"Oh, your boyfriend?" Angie laughed.
"What? No. We're just friends Angie." Sylvina saw another boy running up to them.
"Sup." James said, leaning on Ethan's shoulder. "I'm James, just wondering if you girls were doing anything Saturday." James used a charming tone.
"Um... look at the time, we're going to be late. Nice meeting you but we got to go." Angie wanted to leave.
"See you in music class Ethan, bye." Sylvina followed Angie.
"Nice try dude, but you got to learn how to talk to ladies." James said, Ethan did a facepalm. But before he could say anything else, the coach called them.
"Where are you from anyway?" Angie asked, she hadn't seen her around before.
"Jump City." Sylvina replied. "You?"
"Gotham City." Angie continued, "I heard that Robin, one of Batman's sidekicks, is in Jump City, I think that he formed a team." She stopped to think of the name. "The Teen Titans was it? Heard of them?"
Sylvina smiled a bit, "You could say that."
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