Chapter 7
Slade sent Ternion to test the Titans' limits and he was stronger than before, this time he had his old powers and he could also move things with him mind and reflect whatever was fired at him two times harder. The Titans arrived at the battle place, Starfire picked up Cyborg so he could fire his sonic cannon at him but instead of him getting hit, Cyborg and Starfire were flung to the other side of town.
"Each attack we fire gets fired back at him." Raven said while using her magic to use a pole and hit him.
"Raven, can't you use the trick you used last time to kick his butt?" Beast Boy asked, a rock headed straight for him but before it could hit him Sylvina used her powers to levitate it away from him. "Thanks."
Raven looked at him, "It isn't just Plasmus we are fighting, If I go in there I would be crushed by rocks and zapped with electricity." Raven made Beast Boy sound dumb.
"So, here's the plan-" Robin didn't finish but Corson just charged, holding a sword in his hand. "Corson, wait! Sylvina, stop your brother, he's going to get himself killed!"
Corson's sword instantly broke when he tried to hit the stone, Ternion trapped him inside his plasmas, no matter how hard he struggled he couldn't get free.
"Raven, separate him." Robin told her, Starfire and Cyborg soon came after Raven managed to separate Ternion into Plasmus, Overload, and Cinderblock. "Starfire, Cyborg, take on Cinderblock. Sylvina, get your brother out of Plasmus and Raven, get ready to blow him up. Beast Boy and I will short-circuit Overload. Titans Go!"
Ternion was much easier to defeat when he was separated, Starfire and Cyborg were able to break apart Cinderblock, Beast Boy and Robin were able to get rid of Overload's electricity until he was just a hard drive. Sylvina struggled a bit when she was getting her brother out and Raven was waiting for her.
"Let my brother go!" Sylvina shouted while shooting beams of energy at Plasmus, "I might hurt him. Corson, I could really use some help!" She shouted, hoping her brother could break free himself, Corson managed to get his hand out of Plasmus which was enough for Sylvina to pull him out.
Just as Raven was about to blow up Plasmus, Corson managed to take control of her mind, since he didn't know what she was going to do he decided to take over. Raven and Corson's eyes glowed yellow, "Separate him." Corson commanded and she did just that.
"Friend Sylvina, what is your brother doing?" Starfire asked Sylvina, "What is friend Raven doing?"
Sylvina took a moment to examine her brother, "I think he's controlling her." She remembered that Corson said he could control someone's mind.
Beast Boy turned into a bull and ran into him, he stopped controlling Raven because he was distracted and Raven fell to the ground and rubbed her head, "Dude, Raven, are you alright?" He asked once he turned back into his normal form.
Raven turned to look at Corson with an angry expression, "I'm fine." She really was angry that someone was messing with her mind, "What were you doing?!" She shouted at Corson then turned into her spiritual form and blew up Plasmus.
"I was trying to help but this green goblin got in the way." Corson faced Raven and the two began to argue.
"Will you two stop fighting?" Cyborg stood in between them, "We have to get these criminals back to prison."
Corson crossed his arms, "I could've handled it myself." The Titans stared at him, "What?"
The Titans decided to ignore him and continued to secure the prisoners. "Sylvina, can I talk to you later?" Raven asked, Sylvina nodded.
Corson went to talk to his sister, "I don't get why everyone is so mad, I always did that when someone was going to attack me."
"Listen, Corson." Sylvina sighed, "You use to do that, you were alone then. This is a team, everyone has a role to play, don't only think of yourself." She walked off with the Titans leaving Corson to walk to the Tower himself.
A few hours later the Titans returned to the tower, Robin decided that his team needed to train so he asked Cyborg to set up the combat area. Raven decided that she would talk to Sylvina while the others were training.
"What did you want to talk about?" Sylvina asked, keeping an eye out for the others, "This is about my brother, isn't it? Well, I'm sorry about what he did but he isn't used to working on a team. Give him another chance, please?"
Before Raven could respond, Corson appeared before her, "Look, I'm sorry." He apologized, the rest of the team went over to see what was going on, "I didn't mean to control your mind, I sort of have a hard time trusting people. I'm really sorry."
"Don't sweat it dude." Beast Boy spoke up, "Raven doesn't trust people either. You want to have a go on the combat course?"
"No thanks." He replied and teleported away.
Before the Titans could say anything more, Starfire ran up to them, holding pieces of paper in her hands. "Friends! I have some of the mail for us!" The Titans took the letters that had their names on it.
"Woah~ I won a video game!" Beast Boy shouted, the envelope that contained his letter was already torn up. "Cool! It's the latest version of Fight! One of my favorite games!"
"What exactly did you win at?" Cyborg asked while opening his letter.
"I didn't really do anything." Beast Boy tried to recall what he did to deserve the video game, "Oh, yeah, I volunteered to help at the zoo 3 months ago, guess they thought I did a good job."
"Yeah, says the person who can shapeshift." Cyborg mumbled and took out the letter. "Sweet! This new theme park needs help constructing some rides and they want ME to help. I'm going to make the rides unforgettable."
A worried and slightly afraid look appeared on Robin's face when he saw that it was his adoptive father, Batman aka Bruce Wayne, who sent him a letter, "Batman thinks that I'm a good leader? How did he know? Ugh, did he seriously spy on me? Well, at least it's not anything too bad. He wants me to return to Gotham?! That's strange, I wonder if anything is wrong."
"I wish to talk about my piece of paper from a relative or friend next!" Starfire spoke up, she gasped before continuing, "My people are hosting a dance for the king, and I am invited to attend! I am the most joyous!"
"Can we please not yell so much?" Raven asked, annoyed as she took out her letter, "My new spell book is arriving, and the new city library needs help setting up? I didn't know the town was building another library, well, I don't have anything better to do."
Sylvina looked puzzled when she opened her letter and began to read it, "To: Sylvina Snowfall Mystic." She read and wondered why they knew her name, "We welcome you to Slyther Meadow Elementary, this elementary school is far different from the other schools, you may choose at least 5 subjects to study for here. The subjects you may choose will be given to you on the first day of your arrival, all students will be given a dorm room, whether or not you will use it is up to you. We do wish you will have a good time here. Best regards, Headmaster K. Wate." Sylvina finished. "How did they know who I am, what my name is, and basically everything else?" (A.N: I know what you're going to say: "You spelled 'Slither' with a 'y' instead of an 'i'." Yeah, I know, it's the name of the school, not a real word, it was only meant to sound like 'Slither'.")
"Oh, friend Sylvina." Starfire spoke up, "We thought that you may need some friends your age and you need to learn some of the basic materials. What age are you now?"
"Um... I'm not sure?" Sylvina said, hesitant even though when she came to Titan Tower she was 8, she felt like she had gotten older the past few months, like, a lot older.
"She was 8 when she arrived." Cyborg was analysing her with his machinery, "Something must be wrong with my computer cause it's saying that she's 9 now, how can that be? It's only been a few months."
The Titans thought for a second until a familiar voice was heard. "Zutarians age differently." It was Corson who was talking, the others looked at him, thinking how he knew what they were talking about. "What? I was listening to everything you were saying, you never told me not to. Anyway, Zutarians age up by one year each month, according to the time on Earth, since Sylvina is half Zutarian, it only affects her slightly, causing her to not know when she will get older."
There was a long silence, "Well, I'd love to stay and chat, I have to get going to the theme park, see you all in a few days." Cyborg was excited to help make some of the rides in the new theme park 'interesting' and rushed off to prepare the T-car.
"And I should be heading to Tamaran." Starfire added. "The best of luck on the first day of school friend Sylvina and I wish you all the best on your new activities fellow Titans!" And she flew up into the sky until she couldn't be seen with the naked eye.
"I should be heading to Gotham before Batman gets mad at me." Robin looked at Sylvina's letter before continuing. "The directions to the school don't seem far from Gotham, I can drop you off there if you want Sylvina. I know you'd rather teleport, but I don't think it's safe to expose your powers."
Sylvina nodded but Corson stood before her and started to yell at Robin, "Who said she's going?" He asked, "It might not be safe, I don't want her to get hurt."
Sylvina sighed and faced her 'overprotective' brother. "It's a school, Corson, not a battlefield, not particularly dangerous place, just a school, I'll be fine." It took some time for Corson to accept what his sister said but eventually he agreed to let her go.
"I'm going to go to the new library." Raven didn't want to get involved with Corson anymore because of what happened earlier. "I'll be back to pick up Sylvina once her school ends, give me a call on your communicator once you want me to pick you up, alright?" Raven asked Sylvina, Sylvina nodded and Raven opened up a portal and left.
"Great, so I'm stuck with this weirdo." Beast Boy crossed his arms but once he saw the look on Corson's face he backed away. "I-I mean great~ No problem." He quickly added before Corson decided to kill him.
"We're off then." Robin told Beast Boy and Corson, "Try not to blow up the Tower while we're gone guys." His voice sounded like he was begging. "Come on, Sylvina, we'd better get going, don't want to be late, right?"
Beast Boy and Corson walked towards the tower and Robin and Sylvina went the opposite direction. The boy wonder and Sylvina took the bus to get to Gotham city, it was a long ride but Sylvina was perfectly busy sending an email to the school telling the headmaster she was going on her communicator.
"Wow, those are a lot of subjects, how can I choose only 5?" Sylvina asked herself, an email that had all the subjects on it was delivered to her. On the email wrote these subjects: Math, Biology, Chemistry, Architecture, Coding, Geology, History, Chinese, Writing, Design and Technology, Art and design, Music, Physical Education, Engineering, and Physics. "I guess I like Music, Writing, Chemistry, Art and design, and um... Chinese? I've always wanted to learn a foreign language. The letter did say AT LEAST 5, so does that mean I can choose more than 5?"
The bus stopped, "Meadow Lane!" The bus driver yelled.
"I can walk from here, see you later Robin!" Sylvina waved as the bus was heading to its next location.
After a few hours of walking down crowded streets, she finally came to a big brick building. Cylinders made of white stone were holding up a triangular shaped sign that had the words 'Sylither Meadow Elementary School' on it, some small, white stairs led to a silver, meatal door. The school was about 3 buildings wide and 2 buildings tall, you could easily get lost in there, the inside looked a lot larger. Once inside, you could see a wide hallway with yellow lockers on both sides stuck to the white walls and white ground, look further and you could see staircases that led, well, upstairs. Sylvina took a picture of the school map which was shown pinned to a wall on the right-hand side, people from ages 6 to 12 walked around the halls, chatting could be heard in every direction, suddenly, the bell rang and in less than a minute, the halls were empty.
A tall and a bit overweight man walked over to Sylvina, "You should be in class." This man was bald, and had slightly darker skin than Sylvina, he also had black eyes. He was wearing a white top with a tie, black pants, and black shoes.
"I'm sorry, I'm new here and I don't know my classes or my way around here." Sylvina tried not to make eye contact because she thought she was going to be punished.
The man smiled, "Follow me, please." He said, Sylvina followed him down the white halls, past the teachers' lounge and infirmary. "In here." He opened the door and inside were a bunch of new students sitting at desks that were lined up all the way from Asia to Antarctica, "Choose an open seat."
Sylvina sat in the middle column, second row, waiting for what would happen next.
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