Chapter 6
Just another normal day, you could hear Beast Boy and Cyborg playing Stankball and asking Raven to referee in the distance, of course she refused. Robin was in the gym as usual and Starfire was in the kitchen preparing some sort of happiness pudding, she had just finished and called the Titans to try some.
"Friends! I wish to serve you some of my pudding as a sign of friendship!" Starfire said happily, caring a pot of pudding to the table where the Titans sat. Starfire saw the disgusted faces of her friends, "Oh, I understand. You do not like my Tamaranean food." She looked sad.
"Wait Star." Robin called out, "Um... we've only tried it once, second time's the charm." The Titans looked at Robin, "Right guy?" All of them quickly nodded. "Where's Sylvina?"
"I think I saw her in the obstacle course outside." Beast Boy spoke up, "After Rob left she decided to practice I guess." Beast Boy looked at the strange dish that was in front of him and took a bite, "" Beast Boy swallowed and a chill went up him spine.
"I am very glad that you like it." Starfire was indeed very happy, "Friend Raven, could you bring this to friend Sylvina? She must be hungry after the training." She handed Raven a bowl of her pudding. Raven nodded and left.
Moans and loud thuds could be heard as soon as Raven stepped outside the building, in the middle of it all was Sylvina.
"Come on Sylvina, work harder." Sylvina said to herself, unaware that Raven was watching her. Targets appeared in front of her and she easily hit each one. "Time to add my own training. elttaB tobor!" A white robin made of titanium appeared in an empty space, it had lasers built into it and it was really fast. A few minutes pasted and the robot was still in one piece, in fact, it was Sylvina who was getting hurt. Raven wanted to help her but she knew Sylvina needed to be able to defend herself. The robot knocked her off her feet and pointed a laser at her, "eid..." She whispered and covered her mouth, she couldn't believe she just said that. The robot exploded into a million bits, if that were a person then they would've... perished.
Raven decided it was a good time to help her up, "Sylvina!" She ran over to her, she was still carrying the pudding with her magic. "How did you..." Raven was also shocked that Sylvina was able to defeat a robot with one word, she was growing stronger.
"I'm n-not sure..." Sylvina was also afraid of herself, "I said die backwards and..." Sylvina stopped, "What if that was a person I could've... killed him... Raven, I'm afraid... afraid of myself, what if I hurt someone else or even worse...?"
"That won't happen, I won't let it." Raven saw that she still had the pudding on her and made it vanish, "Come with me, I'll help you control your emotions." Sylvina nodded and followed Raven inside. "Your powers are strong for someone your age."
"That's what I'm afraid of." Sylvina looked down, "I'm cursed..."
Raven stopped and knelt down until she was the same height as Sylvina, "Your power isn't a curse, it may seem dangerous but with the proper training you will be able to do anything. Your power is a gift, you were meant to do great things Sylvina." Raven stood up and continued to walk, they soon came to Raven's room.
As soon as they entered Raven said, "Meditating always calms me down, copy my actions." Raven didn't really know how to teach but Sylvina was able to keep up.
Meanwhile, Cyborg checked the security cameras and saw Sylvina battling a robot of her own creation, he wanted to ask her if she could make one for the combat obstacle course. A few moments later Raven and Sylvina went to the living room where the others were watching TV.
A sudden flash surrounded the screen and a news reporter with pink hair and brown eyes wearing a red top, white jeans and black shoes appeared sitting at a desk. "This just in." She said, "A strange man has come claiming he is looking for his younger sister." An image of a 16-year-old boy with black hair and red eyes appeared, he was wearing a torn up grey shirt with some black shorts and dark blue shoes, he also wore a locket in the shape of the sun around his neck. Another video clip started to play, it showed him destroying the city.
Robin turned off the TV and got up, "We need to find out who he is and who his little sister is." Robin said, "Titans Go!"
Houses on the far end of Jump City were partly destroyed and people were hiding, fire spread everywhere and it all looked red. The Titans arrived and without any hesitation, secured him to a metal pole.
"Who are you?!" Robin pointed his staff towards him. "Why are you attacking innocent people?"
"I am Corson." He said firmly, "They wouldn't tell me where my sister was, all they said was that she was with the Teen Titans. If I find the Teen Titans they will pay dearly if they did anything to her. Now let me go! Who are you anyway?" His voice was slightly demonic.
Cyborg saw that Robin was ready to hit him with everything he got, "Robin, chill." He said, Robin lowered his staff. "Who is your sister?"
"Her name was Sylvina." He confested, the Titans turned to look at Sylvina, she was as shocked as them. "Now, let me go and no one gets hurt."
"Sylvina is this dude really your brother?" Beast Boy whispered.
"I'm not sure..." Sylvina was very young when she was sent to Earth and didn't remember much about her parents let alone her brother.
"Cyborg, put him to sleep." Robin commanded, "Take him to the Tower, we need to analyse his powers and origin. Sylvina, Raven, I want you two to connect to his mind, maybe we can find out more about him. Starfire, Beast Boy, monitor him and make sure no harm comes to Sylvina and Raven while they connect to him." The Titans nodded and Corson was put to sleep.
They took Corson to the infirmary and connected wires to his body, Raven started to try to connect to him but he was blocking her out.
"I can't connect to his mind, it's like his power of telepathy is stronger than mine." Raven looked over at Sylvina, "Corson might be your brother do you think you can connect to him?"
"I've never done that before." A voice called Sylvina from her mind, 'Sylvina~' It said, "Who's talking?"
The Titans were confused, "No one was talking, are you feeling ok Sylvina?" Robin asked.
'Fall asleep if you wish to talk to me~' The voice said again, "What do... you... want...?" Sylvina just randomly collapsed on the ground and lay still.
Cyborg picked her up and put her on one of the beds and hooked her up with one of the moderators. "Sylvina and Corson's brainwaves are very similar, I think they're communicating with each other."
"We can't interrupt them while they're doing that." Raven said, "We can monitor them from the security cameras." And they left the room meanwhile Sylvina was talking to Corson. (Words in italics mean they are visions, communications from the mind, dreams, etc.)
"What do you want?" Sylvina asked, it was dark.
"Are you Sylvina?" A voice asked, the light soon cleared and stood before her was Corson. Sylvina nodded and took a step backward. "Sylv, it's me, Corson." He stepped forward but Sylvina was still unsure of him.
"Who are you?" Sylvina took a second to analyse him, "You seem familiar but... I don't remember."
"Revilo." Corson wanted Sylvina to repeat but she just looked confused, "Say it."
"Revilo?" A sudden white light blinded Sylvina, it cleared slowly and she saw her and Corson playing with each other. Sylvina was only 1 year old and Corson was teaching her how to sing. The background soon returned to the blackness and Corson was still in front of her, "How come I didn't remember you?"
Corson paused, "I erased our parents and your memories. You see, Terron knew that I was going to be the next ruler of the underworld, they did their best to hide me from Trigon, they knew that he would take me and turn me into something evil. After you were born my powers began to grow and I accidentally hurt you many times." An image of Corson trying to wake Sylvina up after he lost control of his fire powers and ended up knocking Sylvina unconscious. "I used my powers to erase your memories and ran off, I did pay you some secret visits but after a few months our parents sent you to Earth."
"You wanted to find me? But why?" Sylvina stayed still instead of walking backwards.
"I wanted to see you again." Corson pulled Sylvina into a tight hug, "I have missed you, I never meant to hurt anyone, I just wanted to find you. When I get angry I lose control and my powers take over me, I think you should wake up now." Sylvina nodded and a bright light caused her to open her eyes.
She sat up and saw the Titans looking at the moderator, moans could be heard from Corson as he awoke. "Who are you all?" He asked, "Are you the Teen Titans?"
Sylvina stood up and walked over to her brother, "They're my friends." She turned to face the Titans, "So you guys know exactly what happened in my mind right?" They nodded.
"I'm Robin, this is Beast Boy, Starfire, Cyborg, and Raven." Robin introduced, it was clear to them all that Corson didn't really trust them. "Can you sleep in Sylvina's room until we get a room built?" Sylvina and Corson nodded.
It was 9:00 at night and the Titans weren't tired yet but Sylvina was, they stayed in the living room to watch some horror movies, Corson decided to join his sister. As soon as he entered the room he had a bunch of questions to ask.
"Why is there a dove in the room? What happened to you after mother and father sent you to Earth? How did you get here? Who took care of you?" Corson had a lot of question marks over his head.
"This is Snow, and well, she helped me through a lot. This is the short version: I came to Earth and two people took me in but they weren't very nice, I was bullied at school, I blew up the whole school because I couldn't control my powers, the Titans caught me and helped me, oh and, now I help them fight villains." Sylvina finished with one breath. "What are your powers anyway?"
"Well, I have fire powers, I can move things with my mind and teleport, I can also communicate with people using my mind. I have super speed and I'm learning how to use my mind control powers." Corson finished. "When you were born mother said that your powers were very strong for your age, what are your powers?"
"Um... let's just say they are very dangerous." Sylvina looked out the window, "I can make things happen by saying them backwards, I can think of something and it appears, I can move things with my mind, oh and I can levitate. I've been reading some spell books and I am also trying to figure out how to bring our mother back to the fire prisons and bring our father back from stone."
"Wow, who knew my little sister was that powerful." He laughed but Sylvina stayed silent. "Something wrong?"
"No... nothing is wrong." Sylvina was still thinking about what happened earlier, "Actually, I do have something on my mind." She continued, "Earlier today I killed a robot..." Sylvina mumbled the last part and said it quickly.
Before Corson could continue the alarm went off, Sylvina rushed to the main room, Corson followed close behind. "Ternion is attacking sector B." Cyborg checked the computer. (If you don't know who Ternion is, it's a fusion of Plasmus, Overload, and Cinderblock. It appears in "Aftershock Part 2".)
"Thought we dealt with him before." Beast Boy said, "Well, let's go, I really want to finish this movie."
"Titans Go!" Robin shouted as usual.
The Titans ran out of the room but Corson grabbed onto Sylvina's hand, "Is it ok to trust them? Where are you going?"
"They're my friends, I need to help them." She ran to the door, "Coming?" Corson nodded and followed her.
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