Chapter 105
Lmao sorry for the abrupt absence I started school and had an adjustment period full of anxiety and self hatred but here I am ig
Lillian's pov
I think everyone reaches a point in their life where they can do nothing but stop and look back on everything they've seen and everything they've done, and ask themselves what the fuck their life has been up until that very point. I was standing there, by the road. I heard the twig snap behind me. But I was tired, and I messed up. I always do at some point, in some way. Even though I heard it before Awase could even process what was happening, I didn't have the reflexes to react and get out of the way. And it cost us both, I think.
It felt like it went in slow motion. Not the cool kind you see in movies, that's dramatic and digitally altered. This was slow and dragging, like walking through hot tar. It all flashed right before my very eyes, like a cliche cutscene before a character dies. It almost burned, in a way I can't really put into words. I used to be so anxious before. I still am, but before, I was so much worse. How did I get anything done? My fields? Not plowed. My crops? Not watered! And what was even worse, my eggroll.... it wasn't buttered.
That's besides the point. I felt myself think back to before I knew who my father was. I love my dad. He's my teacher, and beloved guardian, and has shaped me into the person I am today. All my friends have. But for a shameful moment, I wanted my mom and dad. The ones from before. The ones who used to cradle me in their arms when I cried, and tuck me into bed at night. What they did was wrong, but terror seized me. I wanted them to hold my hands and swing me between them while we went on a walk. I wanted me dad to take me down to the creek to fish! I know they stole me. That I am not theirs, and they are not mine. But they loved me. I know they did. They raised me because they wanted me to be their child, and for a while, I was. I miss them, and the rest of the family they offered me when I had nothing.
I met Katsuki's eyes. Is now a bad time to decide I like him? Probably, but you know me! My middle name is Inconvenience. The chances of me dying are pretty high. I know that. Awase knows that. They took me for a reason, and it really can't be a good one considering they're the League of Villains. Do they know the abbreviation is L.O.V.? Sort of ironic, but I won't comment. Or maybe I will. It's not like it'll make a difference. In the end, I know what's probably going to happen.
Awase and I are going to die... and somehow, looking back at all I've done, achieved, all the friends I've made, all the heights my puny, pathetic little self has managed to scale... I think I'd be at peace with it. I'd be pissed, because it's not like I want to go, but the life I've built is something I feel proud of. Even with the aching in my chest as my dad's voice filled my ears and I met the eyes of one of my closest friends. Even as Awase fused himself to me in a panic, trying desperately to stop whatever was about to happen. As my world went dark, I knew I didn't want it to stay that way, but didn't think I'd be horribly enraged if it did by some chance.
But as Katsuki might say, I've got shit to do. So I suppose I will be sticking around a little longer. After all fate has put me through, I suppose I deserve to survive this. My dad needs me, and so do my friends. I'm anxious, and not as assertive as most of my classmates, but until they decide they're done with me... I will fight tooth and nail to get out of whatever fresh shitshow I've just fallen into. Even if I die in the end, or lose more than I would've gained, at least I can say I tried.
Third person pov
Alright, so like, Mr. Compress isn't exactly sure what happened. It was one person per marble, and no more than that. There was a total capacity he couldn't go over, you know! So imagine his surprise when not just one teenager disappeared, but two! He wasn't sure who the second one was exactly. He didn't have much time to think about it either. The last thing he did before stepping backwards into one of Kurogiri's portals was tip his hat, feeling satisfied with his success despite the unusuality of the capture. It didn't matter much. Though he wished he could've gotten the explosive one, the girl with the ability to freeze the scene before her was what everyone seemed the most interested in. Himself, included.
Inside the marble, Lillian and Awase remained conscious. You'd think maybe they'd be frozen in time, but that was far from the case. They could blink and breathe just fine, and even move their bodies-- though, not by much. It was like being stuck in a tiny sphere, awkwardly jammed inside a space far too small for a person to reside, let alone two. There was no light source, which was terrifying. Lillian could still feel Awase fused to her. It was an odd sensation, but also grounding in a way. It was stiflingly hot in the marble. Lillian wasn't a claustrophobic person, but even she couldn't stop her breath from getting short. It was mostly attributed to the fact that they'd just been kidnapped, but the confined space certainly wasn't helping either.
Awase was so close she could heard him gulp. He was shaking, and she was no better. Her fingers captured the fabric of his shirt in a death-grip, and her eyes were blown wide, staring into the inky blackness in front of her. Her breathing was coming out faster and faster. Awase was at least trying to regain some semblance of calm. His breaths trembled as he sucked them in, slow and with purpose. Lillian wanted to open her mouth and say something, but her voice was caught in her throat entirely. What did she even say in a situation like this? 'Oh no, we've been kidnapped!'? Or maybe something more like 'Well, shit.' was appropriate. Really, both worked. A combination of the two?
Turns out, she didn't need to make the first move. Awase spoke out first, his voice a whisper. It was still deafening, trapped in this orb with them. It was almost as though it bounced around them for a moment before managing to dissipate. Where it dissipated to, neither were sure.
"Well, shit." He breathed out, his voice breaking. Lillian knew it wasn't the right time, but she snorted anyway.
"I-I was just going t-to say that." She kept her voice as low as she could, but even then it still felt as though it were piercing right through her head. She didn't bother to hold back her wince. There was no one to see it, anyway. Awase gave a bit of a laugh back. She felt his head thump lightly against hers, and she took a deep breath. "I... I-I'm really sorry. I-I got y-you kidnapped."
"It's not like y...you asked to be taken." Awase's voice was jumpy, but so was Lillian's, so she couldn't very well blame him. They were stuck squished together in some sort of ball, which they may never get out of. "Oh, sorry. My name is Yosetsu Awase. My quirk is weld. It uh... it lets me fuse two objects together at an atomic level, but not unless I'm touching both. That's why you and I are..."
"Attached." Lillian finished, voice coming out small. She took another deep breath. Would they run out of air? She really hoped not. She did suppose that wouldn't be the most painful way to go, however. Lillian wasn't saying she wanted to die or anything, but if she was going to kick the bucket, she may as well do it with minimal discomfort. But then there was Awase, who'd gotten wrapped up in her mess. There was no way she was going to let him die just because of something she'd done. If there as a choice between saving herself and him, he'd be the one getting out of this alive.
"Right." Awase sighed, shifting his position. He didn't know Lillian well, but she seemed nice. She was famous, that's for sure. He would never have the guts to say it out loud to her, especially not now, but he was actually a huge fan. He quite liked memes and vines, and had always been a bit jealous of his classmate Neito's relationship with the girl. It was sort of laughable. To think the first real time he was talking to her was here, in some sort of sphere after they'd both been kidnapped. He supposed that was one way to meet someone you admire.
"I-I'm sure they're looking for us. Th-They saw us get taken." Lillian swallowed thickly, her dad's voice echoing in her ears. The rawness in his tone as he screamed her name sent a shiver down her spine. She hadn't seen him, but if the horror in Bakugo's eyes had been anything to go off of, her dad must've been mortified to see her snatched away like that. A part of her was almost glad she hadn't seen him before she was taken. She wasn't sure she'd have been able to bear see such a look on his face.
"Yeah, we'll be okay." Awase assured. trying to sound as soothing as possible despite his own fear. Lillian loosened her grip on the boy's shirt slightly, not realizing how tightly she'd been holding on. Her heartbeat was erratic. It sounded so loud in her ears; she wouldn't be surprised if Awase could hear it with how close they were. The space was small, leaving noise with little to no place to go. Lillian had a feeling she wouldn't be too fond of confined areas after this. Not that she was before, but this was panic-attack material. Actually, Lillian was surprised she hadn't snapped yet. Was it shock? Probably, but she wouldn't think about it too deeply.
There was a cracking noise that cut Lillian off from saying anything else. It took her only a moment to realize that they were being released from their tiny prison. She hadn't realized how stale the air within their confine was until they were out. They exited with a shattering crack and breath of fresh, cold air that bit at their skin. Awase was still fused to her, meaning they both went down. Lillian would've thought it painful to have someone else conjoined to you, but it felt like nothing more than a tug. Like she was pulling at her own hand or something. They had truly fused together, and thought it was definitely weird, she was almost grateful.
"What the hell?" A hissing and raspy voice snapped out. It was one she hadn't heard since the USJ, and it made her chest seize up and her entire body go rigid with horror as memories of her father being slammed bloodily against the pavement filled her mind. She couldn't move. Awase was forced to pull the both of them up as she stared at Shigaraki with wide, terrified eyes. You would think her attention would remain on the villain entirely, but she found it wandering rather quickly despite herself. Shigaraki didn't seem to mind her confusion, glaring instead. "Why the fuck are there two of them?"
Lillian couldn't help but block it out, looking at the figure chained up behind him. She blinked once. Twice. She took in the muzzle, and giant metal box around his fists. The angry red eyes and explosive blonde hair. Her jaw dropped. Something in her plummeted, but loosened at the same time as she came face to face with someone she'd seen what felt like just moments before.
It really sunk in when the police showed up. Something inside of Bakugo snapped, and not in a good way. All the anger he'd been feeling, the rage, the grief-- it all just slunk away all of a sudden, leaving an empty hole in its wake. There was this gnawing desire to do something welling up inside him, getting stronger and stronger as ambulances skidded to a halt and whizzed past to get to the actual camp. As firefighters prepared to combat the boiling fires ravaging through the surrounding woods, and as police officers flooded the property, searching for any villains that may've been left behind. Sniffer dogs, those with specialized quirks, and black ops all began their hunt through the woodlands.
Bakugo's eyes went to Shoto Todoroki, who was staring with wide and unseeing eyes at where Lillian had just been. Tears gushed uncontrollably down his cheeks, and he wouldn't-- couldn't-- stop shaking. His mother was no better, in absolute horror over the loss of the freckled girl and the boy who'd been with her. Mihoko looked like she wasn't processing it, but Bakugo could see the way she trembled, and Inko was a ball of bottled up rage just waiting to lash out as she cried over the abrupt kidnapping. Tokoyami wasn't close with Lillian, but he too was mourning, and it was clear as day he was blaming himself. Hawks and Fuyumi had spite-filled eyes, walking to meet the police and offer their aid in any searching that was to be done. But everyone knew it. Lillian was gone, and so was Awase.
They weren't the worst, though. Not by a longshot. Katsuki could barely stand to look at his homeroom teacher. He sat there in the center of the road, not even flinching as emergency vehicles carefully weaved around him. His eyes were wide and unblinking, not at all aware of his surroundings as paramedics tried to softly snap his attention away from the spot Lillian was last seen standing. He wasn't shaking, or crying over the disappearance of his child. He simply... couldn't handle it. It brain had shut down, and it was clear all he could do was gawk in disbelief, hoping to god it wasn't true. But it was.
Bakugo thought back to the very moments before Lillian and Awase disappeared. A man in a tophat had managed to trap them in something-- a marble or small ball of some sort. But before that, he'd done something else. He'd brought his hand up to his ear and pressed something. A button; it had to be. It made sense that they'd have communication. How else would that Warp Gate fuck known to get the villain who thought it was a good idea to abduct Lillian? If that Top Hat freak had a microphone, it was safe to assume the rest of the villains did too.
"Bakugo?" Tsukauchi softly called out to the teenager, who'd gone oddly still. Bakugo straightened, head whipping in the direction he and Lillian had come from. The cannibal asshole they'd left tied up. If he ran, he could make it there in less than twenty minutes. He knew the general area he was in. He could get there before the authorities, he was sure of it. "Bakugo, are you alright?"
He didn't reply, instead taking off dead sprint. He heard Tsukauchi call his name again, but it was too late. He was bounding through the brush and towards where he'd come, scratching at his memory in an attempt to recall exactly where he'd come. Everything looked the same out here, but he was determined. They'd gone in what was an essentially straight line, meaning it wouldn't be too hard for him to find out where the hell they'd left this bitch. He was tired and felt a bit like he was going to hyperventilate, but he refused to stop or slow down. The thought of what could happen if he did terrified him.
The woods were darker than they were before, making it hard to see where he was going as he continued forward with no hesitation. He almost tripped a few times, feeling almost delirious as his breaths came out shorter and shorter. He really wasn't trying to panic! That shit was just happening! What if the warp fucker had found that cannibal freak? What if Bakugo couldn't properly retrace his steps? What if Lillian-
A rustle and crack of a twig broke his concentration, almost sending him flying forward with his abrupt stop. He tried to quiet his heavy breathing as his entire body gasped for air, his red eyes wide and alert. Sweat dripped down his back and forehead, and his palms were even crackling just slightly from the increased build up of nitroglycerin. His hearing wasn't the best, but he still tried his hardest, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath before holding it. He knew he'd heard something. He hadn't imagined it, and he hadn't been the cause.
A beat passed, and then the sound of dry leaves being frantically shoved aside shuffled nearby. Something was thrashing around. Bakugo's eyes popped open, and he took off towards the sound, hopping over a few fallen tree branches and ducking under some others that hung low. He could barely see what was in front of him, but didn't let that stop him. He didn't know what good him getting kidnapped would do, but he couldn't just... just do nothing. He wanted to follow her there. To be there for her, and to protect her the best he could.
He almost tripped over the snarling man he'd tied up. He barely managed to skip to the side, eyes falling to the figure wriggling wildly in an attempt to get out of the vines they'd tied him in. Bakugo knew it wouldn't be that easy. They were the thick kind that weren't easily broken. The blonde dropped to his knees next to the cannibal, trying to catch his breath as he ripped at the fabric of his hood. He exposed one wild eye, and the man hissed angrily as his gaze snapped to the teenager looming over him. Bakugo growled fiercely right back, reaching down and ripping the ear piece out of his ear. He stood up abruptly and took a step back. He didn't fancy getting a chunk ripped out of him today.
Bakugo jammed it in his ear, pushing the button. He didn't know if it had a microphone on it or not, but he took his chances and started talking anyway. At the very least, they could get his location from it.
"Hey, Warp Fucker." Bakugo spat. "It's Katsuki-fucking-Bakugo. And you took someone I happen to fucking like. So either you bring her the fuck back, or you come pick my ass up."
Surprisingly, Kurogiri complied. The blonde could only grin madly as a portal opened up before him. Tossing the ear piece to the side, he took his chances and stepped inside.
There's something about watching your child get wheeled into your ER that numbs you. Because there's no way this can really be happening, and there's no way your baby could ever be hurt enough to need that kind of help. But then your wife is sobbing, and your son's friends who have become like children to you too are crying. There are teenagers crowding the emergency room, nurses rushing about, and everything is a blur as you desperately try to revive to son you raised. As you treat the stump their hand was once attached to. And your hands want to shake, and you want to scream, but you have to stay level headed.
Hajime is scared. Hitoshi had flatlined once, and Hajime swore his heart had stopped right along with his boy's. His wife is in the waiting room, rocking back and forth trying desperately to comfort herself. This is their son. His hand is missing, and Hajime knows exactly what to do, but he also doesn't. It feels hopeless. He knows he can't fix this. No matter how fast they pump blood into him, it's not taking. He's not taking, and they're losing him, and Hajime is scared. Everyone working is as they put oxygen masks on kids far too young to be in such states. Drugs are administered, kids are officially admitted, and stitches are done on those hurt. Shoto Todoroki, crying without halt and refusing to move on his own, is hauled past. Hajime feels nauseous.
They start carting Hitoshi to surgery, and they pass an open door to a small room right by the ER. Hajime catches a glimpse of Present Mic, who's crying with his arm around Shota Aizawa. The man is sobbing hysterically, his face buried in his hands as he wailed into them. It's the most heartbreaking sound Hajime has ever heard in his time as a surgeon, and it leaves a sour feeling in the back of his throat as they all run as fast as they can get their legs to take them. People clear the way as the gurney flies past, surrounded by nurses and other doctors.
They've stopped the bleeding, but he has broken bones too and he has veins that won't stop gushing blood, in desperate need of stitching. His face is paler and paler, seeming gaunt in nature almost. It's like he's already looking at a corpse. Other surgeons pop in and try to tell Hajime he can't operate on Hitoshi, but he snarls at them to either help him or shut their fucking mouths. Hajime is a good surgeon. He's got a good head on his shoulders, and he knows what he's doing. He would never allow someone else this responsibility. If Hitoshi dies, it will be because he couldn't be saved either way. Not because some other surgeon fucked up. Because Hajime knows they could. But he isn't like that. He's precise. He won't make a mistake. Especially not now.
They get to work, and are halfway done when Hitoshi flatlines again. They're running out of blood. They're running out of blood. Hajime starts palpitations while someone pulls up the crash cart, pulling away as they ready the device. His heart is in his throat as they step forward with a loud 'clear!' and press the two paddles to his son's chest. Hajime had to look away at this point. He couldn't handle watching his little boy's body convulse.
It didn't work, so they tried again. They got absolutely nothing. Hajime could see the nurses start to get discouraged. He knew those looks. They were backing off and looking away. They didn't think this was going to work in any way, shape, or form. A pit opened up in his stomach. Tears threatened to rise to his eyes as he watched on in horror as they tried again and again to revive Hitoshi, but to no avail. His breaths got shorter. They just needed more time. If they could just repair his body and get blood in it again, then-
It hit him all at once.
"I... I need Neito Monoma." Hajime breathed before the nurse could call time. Several gazes drew to him. They were perplexed and concerned. How could they not be? This was their coworkers son, lying dead on the table. Hajime rose his voice. "Someone get me Neito Monoma, NOW!"
Don't panic, the nurse said. Everything will be fine, she said! Hajime just needs you for a little something, she said. Yeah, this was most definitely not going to be fine, nor was it little! Like, at all! Neito thought he was just being discharged or some bullshit like that, but no! He was led to an operating room where the boy he was in love with was laid out on a table, dead as a fucking doornail, with Hajime standing over him growling at the other doctors like some sort of rabid dog! His jaw? Dropped. Hitoshi was fucking dead. Lucky for literally everyone, so was Neito, and he could make others that way just by touching them. Everyone say thank you, Jay's husband! Neito had never been so glad to have a heart that wasn't his.
"Everybody move! Your savior is here!" So what if he quoted Marvel movies in a crisis? Sue him! He was about to hyperventilate, so it was appropriate. Hitoshi was on the table, literally dead, literally like, not breathing and like literally with no pulse whatsoeve- HAND! "Where the fuck is his hand?!"
"We don't know! Just touch him, please!" Hajime wasn't asking, or thinking clearly, apparently. Because he grabbed Neito's hand and slapped it flat on his son's face of all places. Neito choked. He was touching Hitoshi's corpse. He was touching Hitoshi's corpse. Where was Lillian?! Hitoshi didn't have a hand. Did Lillian not have a foot? What about Shoto? What if Shoto's head was gone? Neito couldn't take this. Hitoshi was dead. It was sinking in right here, right now. Something had gone horribly wrong and Hitoshi was-- oh, he was breathing. Veto the panic, everything was sort of fine, but also not at all.
"What the fuck, Richard?" Once a memer, always a memer. Hitoshi came back in a daze at first, but it wasn't but a few seconds before he sat bolt upright, still with Neito's hand on his face. Neito's wide blue eyes met his friend's perplexed, bloodshot purple ones through the gaps between his fingers. Count on Hitoshi's first words since coming back from the dead to be something dumb. Neito was crying. Hajime was crying. They were all crying. And all Hitoshi could do was stare and ask, "What?"
"What?" Neito blurted out right back, making him no better in any way. Hitoshi tried to pull away from the hand, so Neito panicked and grabbed his upper arm instead. Speaking of which, Hitoshi was shirtless. As in, without a shirt. As in-- now wasn't the time for a gay panic, right? Right. He'd just died. Hajime was a sniffling mess, a few nurses were huddled in the corner out of fear, and was that doctor holding prayer beads? Cool. Totally cool! This was cool. Everything was fine. It's not like Hitoshi had like, you know, died or anything. Yeah. That's what Neito could keep telling himself.
Hitoshi took a few breaths, trying to figure out what was happening. He remembered his hand being cut off, and then feeling blinding pain. Vlad had carried him through the woods. Shoto had been crying, and then had ran off to go find Lillian. That was around the time everything got hazy. Just raw pain. Now, he felt... not better. Colder. He was shivering, and he wasn't sure it was because of his shirt. Something in him felt like it was... missing. And where was he? This wasn't the summer camp, or even the ER. This was-
"Dad? Where am I?" Hitoshi sputtered. That was it. His heartbeat. His heartbeat was missing, and Neito had his arm... oh. "Wait, am I dead?!"
"No! I mean, yes? I mean, he's going to fix you!" Neito panicked, turning to look at the tearful Hajime. "You are going to fix him, right?"
Hajime broke into a smile, full of relief and a newfound sense of determination. He cracked his knuckles, blinking away his tears.
"Damn right I am, kiddo."
Y'all I've got tumblr by the way and some shit's going down on there go check it out. Here's the link: straw-of-the-hat.tumblr.com
Tumblr name is, as you may have guessed ahhhh, straw-of-the-hat
I mention the tumblr becaussseeee we've got some Freeze Frame scenarios on there, and a possible AU I may write. So if you're interested, definitely sneak a peek and tell me what you think y'all.
Overdue A R T
If you are an instagram artist who sent art to my instagram, please drop your username here so I can remember to go get it. If you have art here on Wattpad I haven't shared, also comment.
Remember, discord artists! Ping me and leave your wattpad username in the #All-Art channel so I remember to get it! If you don't ping me or put your username, I don't put it in, and that's the tea y'all. Also, you need to put your username OUTSIDE just the art. Put it in your message. The quality often times can't transfer over, resulting in me being unable to read the username on the photo to begin with. Here's an example:
Super amazing sleepless Lillian. If the artists would please comment below, I'll add your username, but I just can't read it. It's super amazing and I love the shading, but y'all guys please just message your username with the piece of art so I can credit you for your amazing work!
Panrei (previously crackheadpan) has drawn the iconic meme three! And look, Hitoshi has a stump in both! Thank you so much for these. I love the clothes they're wearing, especially Lillian's jacket in the first and her overalls in the second. Especially with the little Aizawa on the front! They look so cute! Seriously, thank you so much for this. You're also really good at drawing the folds in clothing? Legit, they look amazing. Again, thank you! I love how they both came out!
Okay I'm adding to this one as well! She also drew Lillian by herself, and can I just say I love her boots? Lowkey I adore rain boots and anything rain-related. *Peeks at the pending story I have* heh
griffin_the_dor drew this absolutely amazing Lillian! I really like how she drew the hair. The blood leaking from her mouth is a really awesome touch. I don't think anyone's shown the side effects of her quirk much before, so kudos to you! Thanks loads for this amazing sketch! Also (I'm adding onto this because I found another piece of art by them don't @ me-) she drew a second one that looks hella cool. Her hair isn't quite floating, but it is starting to rise up and her pupil is glowing red. She's got blood, Bakugo's skull hoodie-- it's just really badass looking. Thank you for this one, as well! It looks epic!
Flower_me_mine drew and illustrated this adorable Lillian! I think she really got the character on point here. The hair looks awesome, the eyes are super good (and somehow both the same?? How do any of y'all do that???) and I also really like the text. The way she did the blue marker with the black just looks really cool to me for some reason. I dunno, ignore me hadhkansdlfs-- but anyway, thank you for this! It's really cute!
If I missed anyone, please re-send it and scream at me hadhsldhlf. I also launched patreon but I'm too scared to tell anyone about it so it's gonna sit for awhile until I decide to either delete it or use it.
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