She had soft brown eyes, with long sandy blonde hair that was almost always tied up in some way. She was on the taller side for a female with almost no curves to her body. She had a thinner top lip and a more prominent bottom one, with perfect teeth hidden behind them. Her nose didn't stick out to much, but it wasn't overly small either, faint freckles dotting the ridge of her nose and her cheeks, while they covered her arms, shoulders, and legs as well. She almost always had her nails painted a fitting color for whatever the season might be.
However, one feature that always stayed the same - whether she wore her glasses or contact - or if it was raining or sunny out that always remained the same was her camera around her neck and a hair tie on her right wrist. Though the color differed.
She really was ordinary, and reserved unless you approached her. Even then however she was polite in conversation and while you might get the feeling that the conversation is pleasant, she was reserving something. Her real self maybe.
Or perhaps her real her real smile, or real laugh. No matter how long you talked to her she always seemed to be hiding sometimes.
Possibly it was her eyes that betrayed her, maybe even her body language. How she would cross her arms over herself or knit her hands together in front of herself, and when she would grab one of her forearms across her stomach.
She never stayed in one place for very long, settling down seemed almost scary to her. She kept her connections loose and her locations looser. She didn't know people for more than a few days before she moved again. Maybe because if she stayed somewhere for to long it would start to feel like home and she'd want to go back.
She couldn't afford a home, she couldn't let herself get to used to one place. If she did then she would have to leave it behind at some point, and always want to go back.
Thats what home was right? A place you always want to go back to, where your heart is its most content, where you feel safe. She didn't want a home.
Home was a place where you got to know people, got to see who they were beyond just a few minute or an hour conversation. And people didn't always have the best intentions at heart.
So she moved.
And she was happy with that.
Her name is Desiree, 23 year old Freelance photographer, and she never stays somewhere for very long.
More updates coming soon! Though I'm probably picking the WORST time to start a book with school starting next week for me, so apologies if this is a little slow.
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See you next chapter Loves!
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